yOU´re the One whO´s by my side
wheN nO one else is theRe
yOU´re the One i Can always Count On,
yOu always seem tO caRe..
yOu heLp me thRough
the tOugh times,
and wheN i´ve lOst all hOpe,
yOu Cry with me at Sad times,
aNd laugh at all my jOkes..
yOu neveR seem tO judGe me
Or eveR put me dOwn,
yOu put a smiLe On mi faCe,
wheN eveR yOu see a frOwn..
yOu´re better thaN a brOther,
yOu´re mOre thaN juSt my friend,
yOu have a speCiiaL plaCe in my heart,
that´s why yOu are my best friend :)