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Organization / Workplace
El-Gîza, Al Jizah, Egypt
So This Is Life, So This Is Hurt !! NADA MEJOR QUE REIR CON LOS AMIGOS PARA OLVIDAR LOS PROBLEMAS (: ♥ ThE Will OnlY Be AblE To CrEaTe MiRaClEs AnD ChAnGe WhAt Is WrIttEn By ThE HiStOrY. It MuSt HaVe SuCh A Will...... " We ArE ThE OnLy OnEs Who MaKe The ChAnGe" :) ;) El tiempo no te hara olvidar, te hara madurar y entender las cosas :) trust your self & listen to u'r heart..... 'n follow u'r dream GO AHEAD.....!!!! YoU Are The Only One Who Can MaKe Yourself Proud of Your self ;) Never run after a boy or a train; there's always another one comming ;] I am Single Because I Don't Play With L o v e . . . :-) لا أحب العواطف المتنقلة .. حين يتعر