WhOo I
FiNd sOmeOnE whO c@n ch@ngE yOuR l!fE, aNd nOt ju$t yoUr rEla%iOnShIp s%atuSss.:::::):::sO heRe'S a p!ecE Of aDvicE: leT gO wHeN yOurE hUrtInG tOoo mUcH. GiVe uP wHeN l()VE isn't eNougH. AnD mOvE oN wHeN things arent like before. And trust me it's certain there's someone out there who will love you even more::Spend your life with who makes you happy. Not who you have to impress...;(i bir çizgi step duyuyorum
I Trust You♥ Everlastingly♥
I See You♥ Daily♥
I Feel You♥ Timelessly♥
I Miss You♥ Badly♥
I Devote You♥ Madly♥
I Want You♥ Completely♥
I Like You♥ Totally♥
I Love You♥ Uncondition ally