사랑해 <3
I am always missing though at times I forget where it is.
I am the perfect height. Am I the perfect weight? Hahaha.
I am naturally loud yet naturally quiet, omgulay.
I like bubbles, starts, the moon, the sun, the sky, the clouds, the rain.
I like to smile; so I have to brush teeth forever and ever. LOL.
I want to sing! But I'm shy. =]
I'll bite you. I will. =]
I just want a friend.
Say hi to me. I'm shy. :3 I'll GM you! XD
To get you must give. HWATING!
♫ See the sun a-rising
Fire in the sky
Greatness thrust itself into our lives ♫
[Hyper Drive] Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds
♫ I'll Be Home For Christmas~
If Only In My Dreams