*M d gurl,who hidez behind a smile everyday..
M d gurl,who has a tough exterior..
Bt tatz nt who I relly m!
M d gurl,who has a lot of probz,
Bt dsnt share 1 thng..
M d gurl,who keepz everythng bottled up..
Sumtymz I kuz need sum1 2 tok 2!
Sum1 2 care bout me!
Sum1 2 lstrn 2 ma probz!
Sum1 to luv me!
Dis is wot I relly m..!♥
*I M just a girl.i love being call pretty,but i'll
never believe it.
i m nt always right,but hate admitting i'am
i'm almost always smiling,but its not
always real.
i can be read like an open book,but hide so
i work hard at things,but don't always get
what i deserve.
i mess up things,but i don't do them
i hurt some peopl