I don't know what I am... What I can be... Or
What it's like hanging out wid me....
I only know that what I am now is something I
never wanted to be..
But I also know that there are things that can't be
explained and now, i guess, the changes in me are
one of those things....
<<The Tyms When...>>
Memories Of The Tym Whn V Were 2gether,
Whispers Of The Tym Whn V Were Alone,,
Laughters Of The Tyms Whn I Was Sad,
Fights Of The Tym Whn No1 Wantd To Win,,
Late Nyt Chats Of The Tym Whe U Guessed
Sumthing Was Wrong,
Arguments Of The Tym Whn The Sole Reason Was
To Prove Other Ryt,
Rides Of The Tym Whn There Was No Destination,,
Teases Of The Tym Whn I hated The Very Gu