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Organization / Workplace
Ukraine Ukraine
Chairman of the Board
NGO / Public Service
Experienced executive with solid track record in general management, government and public relations. Results oriented, focused on strategic innovations through talented people "who can get things done". Active member of professional and social communities.
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亠舒从仂亳仄仂 丕从舒仆亠舒从仂亳仄仂 丕从舒仆
亠舒从仂亳仄仂 丕从舒仆
Refactor Ukraine - Concept
Refactor Ukraine - ConceptRefactor Ukraine - Concept
Refactor Ukraine - Concept
仂仍亠亞 仆亠于舒 仆舒从亳 - 亠于亠仆
仂仍亠亞 仆亠于舒 仆舒从亳 - 亠于亠仆仂仍亠亞 仆亠于舒 仆舒从亳 - 亠于亠仆
仂仍亠亞 仆亠于舒 仆舒从亳 - 亠于亠仆


仂仆仂仍 磻仂 亟仂仂亢仆 仂弍
仂仆仂仍 磻仂 亟仂仂亢仆 仂弍仂仆仂仍 磻仂 亟仂仂亢仆 仂弍
仂仆仂仍 磻仂 亟仂仂亢仆 仂弍
仂仆亠仗 亰舒从仂仆仂仗仂亠从 仗仂 仍弍亠舒仍亰舒 舒 亟亠亠亞仍 亳仆从 仗舒舒亢亳从亳 仗亠亠于亠亰亠仆
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舒从仂仆仂仗仂亠从 仗仂 舒从
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