About me im "RON"born to be love!&nOt to bE hurt,sO whO eveR fuCking gurl's hUrt me!they shUd bEware,coz im also BorN to pLay and continue the game.!!"
aLwAyZ BiN hUrT BY D1 I LoVe!,aLwAyZ Bn lOvE By THe pErSoN I dOnT LUv!,d sAd tHiNg hIr s tHo i tRyD 2 cHoOsE D1 Hu lUvZ mE,Still my heart belongs 2 d person who hurts mhe!!!!
I am ason, a brother, a Grad-brother, a Niece, a Cousin, and a Friend. I am a Partner, a Student, and a Young [ GRADUATING!!.. xD!! ] High School guy. I am shy and friendly, careful and careless. I pray to GOD. I wish on stars, i dream my DREAMS. Just because I'm quiet doesn't mean I don't have anything to say. I judge people easily from their impressions. I'd rather