dnT judGe by THe nAmE pLS !
its the ".YO" Legacy...HAHA! ...muSt Live On!! :P
HaRdCorE gAmeR....lUv mUziC...FrIEnDs....FaMilY n GuItAr(EvEn ThOuGh I sUcK aT It (:P)...AcTuAllY I WaNNa PlAy ThE dRumS!! :P ..a SimPlE GuY wHo HaTes SHOw oFfS !!
HaRdCorE gAmeR....lUv mUziC...FrIEnDs....FaMilY n GuItAr(EvEn ThOuGh I sUcK aT It (:P)...AcTuAllY I WaNNa PlAy ThE dRumS!! :P ..a SimPlE GuY wHo HaTes SHOw oFfS !!
love the company of friends ...jus makes me hppy bein arnd friends and stuff ...even though i my ntr show it :P...nt relli talkative wid new people though....but oncee u get 2 kno me b8r.... mAsThI !!!?!??! :P
lOve the drums....even though i strtd off wid da guitar!!.....dnt relli g