Yes I've made Mistakes .. cOx Life didn't cOme wid InstructiOns !! =)
PrOve to me dat U r nOt lyk Rest =P
Forgive me fOr my mistakes, em still a kid learning da respOnsibility of being adult!!!
I chOOse ....
to live by chOice, nOt by chance!
to make changes, nOt excuses!
to be mOtivated, nOt manipulated!
to be useful, nOt used!
to excel, nOt cOmplete!
I chOOse self-esteem, nOt self pity!
I chOOse to listen to my inner vOice, nOt da randOm opiniOns of others!
I've always been afraid of lOsing ppl I luv.. Sumtymx I wOnder, is there anyOne out there afraid to lOse me ???
I think I need glasses, cOz I keep seeing alOt of ppl wid two faces..
I'll nOt die an unlived life ..
I'll nOt live