際際滷shows by User: CyberFund-Official / http://www.slideshare.net/images/logo.gif 際際滷shows by User: CyberFund-Official / Mon, 11 Jun 2018 13:35:50 GMT 際際滷Share feed for 際際滷shows by User: CyberFund-Official 舒亰舒弍仂从舒 仆舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仂仍仂 | 仍舒仆 丿亳仆亟舒仍亠仂于 /slideshow/ss-101913508/101913508 nnewww-180611133550
舒仆仆舒 仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 弍仍舒 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆舒 仆舒 仂亟仆仂仄 亳亰 亠亢亠仆亠亟亠仍仆 仂弍舒亰仂于舒亠仍仆 仄亳舒仗仂于 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund. 仂仄仂亠 仗仂仍仆仂亠 于亳亟亠仂 仄亳舒仗舒 仄仂亢仆仂 亰亟亠: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkF59_XwraI 仂亳舒 亠从仂于 于亠亳 于仗仍亠仆亳: https://golos.io/@cyberevents 仂仗仂仍仆亳亠仍仆舒 亳仆仂仄舒亳 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund 亳仆于亠亳亠仄 亳 舒亰于亳于舒亠仄 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仂亠从, 仗仂仂弍仆亠 从舒亟亳仆舒仍仆仂 仄亠仆 仆舒 仄亳 于 仍 仂仂仆, 仂亰亟舒于舒 从仂仆仂仄亳从 仂弍仂仂于 亳 舒仄仂于舒亢亠仆亳 仍ミ莞黍. 仂仍亠 仂 仆舒亠亶 舒弍仂亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰仆舒 亳亰 仍亠亟ム亳 亠仂于: 舒亳 仗仂亠从: yberFund - 舒仆舒仍亳亳从舒 亳 舒亰舒弍仂从舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 亳亠仄 Golos.io - 仄亠亟亳亶仆舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仍舒仂仄舒 SatoshiFund - 仗亠于亶 仂仆亟 亳仆于亠亳ム亳亶 于 从亳仗仂舒从亳于 Cyberstudio.io - 仗仂仄仂 于 仗仂于亠亟亠仆亳亳 ICO 亢亟亠仄 于舒 于 仆舒亳 仂仂弍亠于舒: 仍仂亞: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter 弌仂亳舒仍仆亠 亠亳: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 yberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 cyberEvents (仍仂从亠亶仆 仄亳舒仗, 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳, 亟仂从仍舒亟) /CyberFund-Official 仍 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram 舒 亟仍 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于 https://github.com/cyberFund - 仆舒 亠仗仂亰亳仂亳亶 仆舒 Github open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - 弍亳弍仍亳仂亠从舒 亰仆舒仆亳亶 仗仂 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 ]]>

舒仆仆舒 仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 弍仍舒 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆舒 仆舒 仂亟仆仂仄 亳亰 亠亢亠仆亠亟亠仍仆 仂弍舒亰仂于舒亠仍仆 仄亳舒仗仂于 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund. 仂仄仂亠 仗仂仍仆仂亠 于亳亟亠仂 仄亳舒仗舒 仄仂亢仆仂 亰亟亠: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkF59_XwraI 仂亳舒 亠从仂于 于亠亳 于仗仍亠仆亳: https://golos.io/@cyberevents 仂仗仂仍仆亳亠仍仆舒 亳仆仂仄舒亳 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund 亳仆于亠亳亠仄 亳 舒亰于亳于舒亠仄 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仂亠从, 仗仂仂弍仆亠 从舒亟亳仆舒仍仆仂 仄亠仆 仆舒 仄亳 于 仍 仂仂仆, 仂亰亟舒于舒 从仂仆仂仄亳从 仂弍仂仂于 亳 舒仄仂于舒亢亠仆亳 仍ミ莞黍. 仂仍亠 仂 仆舒亠亶 舒弍仂亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰仆舒 亳亰 仍亠亟ム亳 亠仂于: 舒亳 仗仂亠从: yberFund - 舒仆舒仍亳亳从舒 亳 舒亰舒弍仂从舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 亳亠仄 Golos.io - 仄亠亟亳亶仆舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仍舒仂仄舒 SatoshiFund - 仗亠于亶 仂仆亟 亳仆于亠亳ム亳亶 于 从亳仗仂舒从亳于 Cyberstudio.io - 仗仂仄仂 于 仗仂于亠亟亠仆亳亳 ICO 亢亟亠仄 于舒 于 仆舒亳 仂仂弍亠于舒: 仍仂亞: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter 弌仂亳舒仍仆亠 亠亳: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 yberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 cyberEvents (仍仂从亠亶仆 仄亳舒仗, 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳, 亟仂从仍舒亟) /CyberFund-Official 仍 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram 舒 亟仍 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于 https://github.com/cyberFund - 仆舒 亠仗仂亰亳仂亳亶 仆舒 Github open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - 弍亳弍仍亳仂亠从舒 亰仆舒仆亳亶 仗仂 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 ]]>
Mon, 11 Jun 2018 13:35:50 GMT /slideshow/ss-101913508/101913508 CyberFund-Official@slideshare.net(CyberFund-Official) 舒亰舒弍仂从舒 仆舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仂仍仂 | 仍舒仆 丿亳仆亟舒仍亠仂于 CyberFund-Official 舒仆仆舒 仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 弍仍舒 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆舒 仆舒 仂亟仆仂仄 亳亰 亠亢亠仆亠亟亠仍仆 仂弍舒亰仂于舒亠仍仆 仄亳舒仗仂于 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund. 仂仄仂亠 仗仂仍仆仂亠 于亳亟亠仂 仄亳舒仗舒 仄仂亢仆仂 亰亟亠: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkF59_XwraI 仂亳舒 亠从仂于 于亠亳 于仗仍亠仆亳: https://golos.io/@cyberevents 仂仗仂仍仆亳亠仍仆舒 亳仆仂仄舒亳 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund 亳仆于亠亳亠仄 亳 舒亰于亳于舒亠仄 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仂亠从, 仗仂仂弍仆亠 从舒亟亳仆舒仍仆仂 仄亠仆 仆舒 仄亳 于 仍 仂仂仆, 仂亰亟舒于舒 从仂仆仂仄亳从 仂弍仂仂于 亳 舒仄仂于舒亢亠仆亳 仍ミ莞黍. 仂仍亠 仂 仆舒亠亶 舒弍仂亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰仆舒 亳亰 仍亠亟ム亳 亠仂于: 舒亳 仗仂亠从: yberFund - 舒仆舒仍亳亳从舒 亳 舒亰舒弍仂从舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 亳亠仄 Golos.io - 仄亠亟亳亶仆舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仍舒仂仄舒 SatoshiFund - 仗亠于亶 仂仆亟 亳仆于亠亳ム亳亶 于 从亳仗仂舒从亳于 Cyberstudio.io - 仗仂仄仂 于 仗仂于亠亟亠仆亳亳 ICO 亢亟亠仄 于舒 于 仆舒亳 仂仂弍亠于舒: 仍仂亞: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter 弌仂亳舒仍仆亠 亠亳: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 yberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 cyberEvents (仍仂从亠亶仆 仄亳舒仗, 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳, 亟仂从仍舒亟) /CyberFund-Official 仍 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram 舒 亟仍 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于 https://github.com/cyberFund - 仆舒 亠仗仂亰亳仂亳亶 仆舒 Github open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - 弍亳弍仍亳仂亠从舒 亰仆舒仆亳亶 仗仂 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/nnewww-180611133550-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> 舒仆仆舒 仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 弍仍舒 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆舒 仆舒 仂亟仆仂仄 亳亰 亠亢亠仆亠亟亠仍仆 仂弍舒亰仂于舒亠仍仆 仄亳舒仗仂于 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund. 仂仄仂亠 仗仂仍仆仂亠 于亳亟亠仂 仄亳舒仗舒 仄仂亢仆仂 亰亟亠: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkF59_XwraI 仂亳舒 亠从仂于 于亠亳 于仗仍亠仆亳: https://golos.io/@cyberevents 仂仗仂仍仆亳亠仍仆舒 亳仆仂仄舒亳 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund 亳仆于亠亳亠仄 亳 舒亰于亳于舒亠仄 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仂亠从, 仗仂仂弍仆亠 从舒亟亳仆舒仍仆仂 仄亠仆 仆舒 仄亳 于 仍 仂仂仆, 仂亰亟舒于舒 从仂仆仂仄亳从 仂弍仂仂于 亳 舒仄仂于舒亢亠仆亳 仍ミ莞黍. 仂仍亠 仂 仆舒亠亶 舒弍仂亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰仆舒 亳亰 仍亠亟ム亳 亠仂于: 舒亳 仗仂亠从: yberFund - 舒仆舒仍亳亳从舒 亳 舒亰舒弍仂从舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 亳亠仄 Golos.io - 仄亠亟亳亶仆舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仍舒仂仄舒 SatoshiFund - 仗亠于亶 仂仆亟 亳仆于亠亳ム亳亶 于 从亳仗仂舒从亳于 Cyberstudio.io - 仗仂仄仂 于 仗仂于亠亟亠仆亳亳 ICO 亢亟亠仄 于舒 于 仆舒亳 仂仂弍亠于舒: 仍仂亞: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter 弌仂亳舒仍仆亠 亠亳: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 yberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 cyberEvents (仍仂从亠亶仆 仄亳舒仗, 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳, 亟仂从仍舒亟) /CyberFund-Official 仍 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram 舒 亟仍 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于 https://github.com/cyberFund - 仆舒 亠仗仂亰亳仂亳亶 仆舒 Github open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - 弍亳弍仍亳仂亠从舒 亰仆舒仆亳亶 仗仂 弍仍仂从亠亶仆
舒亰舒弍仂从舒 仆舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仂仍仂 | 仍舒仆 丿亳仆亟舒仍亠仂于 from Cyber Fund
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Mesh-亠亳 - 亳仆亠仆亠, 从仂仂亶 仄 亰舒仍亢亳仍亳. 舒于亠亶 弌亳于仂舒从舒 /slideshow/mesh-98665710/98665710 m-180525110053
舒仆仆舒 仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 弍仍舒 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆舒 仆舒 仂亟仆仂仄 亳亰 亠亢亠仆亠亟亠仍仆 仂弍舒亰仂于舒亠仍仆 仄亳舒仗仂于 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund. 仂仄仂亠 仗仂仍仆仂亠 于亳亟亠仂 仄亳舒仗舒 仄仂亢仆仂 亰亟亠: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w77k7Eh7LeY 仂亳舒 亠从仂于 于亠亳 于仗仍亠仆亳: https://golos.io/ru--blokcheijn/@cyberevents/mesh-seti-internet-kotoryi-my-zasluzhili-spiker-matvei-sivoraksha 丐舒从亢亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰舒亟舒 亳仆亠亠ム亳亠 于仂仗仂 仆亠仗仂亠亟于亠仆仆仂 仗亳从亠 Telegram: @shitcoin_admin Email: matvey@acronym.systems 仂仗仂仍仆亳亠仍仆舒 亳仆仂仄舒亳 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund 亳仆于亠亳亠仄 亳 舒亰于亳于舒亠仄 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仂亠从, 仗仂仂弍仆亠 从舒亟亳仆舒仍仆仂 仄亠仆 仆舒 仄亳 于 仍 仂仂仆, 仂亰亟舒于舒 从仂仆仂仄亳从 仂弍仂仂于 亳 舒仄仂于舒亢亠仆亳 仍ミ莞黍. 仂仍亠 仂 仆舒亠亶 舒弍仂亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰仆舒 亳亰 仍亠亟ム亳 亠仂于: 舒亳 仗仂亠从: yberFund - 舒仆舒仍亳亳从舒 亳 舒亰舒弍仂从舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 亳亠仄 Golos.io - 仄亠亟亳亶仆舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仍舒仂仄舒 SatoshiFund - 仗亠于亶 仂仆亟 亳仆于亠亳ム亳亶 于 从亳仗仂舒从亳于 ]]>

舒仆仆舒 仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 弍仍舒 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆舒 仆舒 仂亟仆仂仄 亳亰 亠亢亠仆亠亟亠仍仆 仂弍舒亰仂于舒亠仍仆 仄亳舒仗仂于 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund. 仂仄仂亠 仗仂仍仆仂亠 于亳亟亠仂 仄亳舒仗舒 仄仂亢仆仂 亰亟亠: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w77k7Eh7LeY 仂亳舒 亠从仂于 于亠亳 于仗仍亠仆亳: https://golos.io/ru--blokcheijn/@cyberevents/mesh-seti-internet-kotoryi-my-zasluzhili-spiker-matvei-sivoraksha 丐舒从亢亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰舒亟舒 亳仆亠亠ム亳亠 于仂仗仂 仆亠仗仂亠亟于亠仆仆仂 仗亳从亠 Telegram: @shitcoin_admin Email: matvey@acronym.systems 仂仗仂仍仆亳亠仍仆舒 亳仆仂仄舒亳 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund 亳仆于亠亳亠仄 亳 舒亰于亳于舒亠仄 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仂亠从, 仗仂仂弍仆亠 从舒亟亳仆舒仍仆仂 仄亠仆 仆舒 仄亳 于 仍 仂仂仆, 仂亰亟舒于舒 从仂仆仂仄亳从 仂弍仂仂于 亳 舒仄仂于舒亢亠仆亳 仍ミ莞黍. 仂仍亠 仂 仆舒亠亶 舒弍仂亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰仆舒 亳亰 仍亠亟ム亳 亠仂于: 舒亳 仗仂亠从: yberFund - 舒仆舒仍亳亳从舒 亳 舒亰舒弍仂从舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 亳亠仄 Golos.io - 仄亠亟亳亶仆舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仍舒仂仄舒 SatoshiFund - 仗亠于亶 仂仆亟 亳仆于亠亳ム亳亶 于 从亳仗仂舒从亳于 ]]>
Fri, 25 May 2018 11:00:53 GMT /slideshow/mesh-98665710/98665710 CyberFund-Official@slideshare.net(CyberFund-Official) Mesh-亠亳 - 亳仆亠仆亠, 从仂仂亶 仄 亰舒仍亢亳仍亳. 舒于亠亶 弌亳于仂舒从舒 CyberFund-Official 舒仆仆舒 仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 弍仍舒 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆舒 仆舒 仂亟仆仂仄 亳亰 亠亢亠仆亠亟亠仍仆 仂弍舒亰仂于舒亠仍仆 仄亳舒仗仂于 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund. 仂仄仂亠 仗仂仍仆仂亠 于亳亟亠仂 仄亳舒仗舒 仄仂亢仆仂 亰亟亠: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w77k7Eh7LeY 仂亳舒 亠从仂于 于亠亳 于仗仍亠仆亳: https://golos.io/ru--blokcheijn/@cyberevents/mesh-seti-internet-kotoryi-my-zasluzhili-spiker-matvei-sivoraksha 丐舒从亢亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰舒亟舒 亳仆亠亠ム亳亠 于仂仗仂 仆亠仗仂亠亟于亠仆仆仂 仗亳从亠 Telegram: @shitcoin_admin Email: matvey@acronym.systems 仂仗仂仍仆亳亠仍仆舒 亳仆仂仄舒亳 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund 亳仆于亠亳亠仄 亳 舒亰于亳于舒亠仄 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仂亠从, 仗仂仂弍仆亠 从舒亟亳仆舒仍仆仂 仄亠仆 仆舒 仄亳 于 仍 仂仂仆, 仂亰亟舒于舒 从仂仆仂仄亳从 仂弍仂仂于 亳 舒仄仂于舒亢亠仆亳 仍ミ莞黍. 仂仍亠 仂 仆舒亠亶 舒弍仂亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰仆舒 亳亰 仍亠亟ム亳 亠仂于: 舒亳 仗仂亠从: yberFund - 舒仆舒仍亳亳从舒 亳 舒亰舒弍仂从舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 亳亠仄 Golos.io - 仄亠亟亳亶仆舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仍舒仂仄舒 SatoshiFund - 仗亠于亶 仂仆亟 亳仆于亠亳ム亳亶 于 从亳仗仂舒从亳于 <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/m-180525110053-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> 舒仆仆舒 仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 弍仍舒 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆舒 仆舒 仂亟仆仂仄 亳亰 亠亢亠仆亠亟亠仍仆 仂弍舒亰仂于舒亠仍仆 仄亳舒仗仂于 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund. 仂仄仂亠 仗仂仍仆仂亠 于亳亟亠仂 仄亳舒仗舒 仄仂亢仆仂 亰亟亠: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w77k7Eh7LeY 仂亳舒 亠从仂于 于亠亳 于仗仍亠仆亳: https://golos.io/ru--blokcheijn/@cyberevents/mesh-seti-internet-kotoryi-my-zasluzhili-spiker-matvei-sivoraksha 丐舒从亢亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰舒亟舒 亳仆亠亠ム亳亠 于仂仗仂 仆亠仗仂亠亟于亠仆仆仂 仗亳从亠 Telegram: @shitcoin_admin Email: matvey@acronym.systems 仂仗仂仍仆亳亠仍仆舒 亳仆仂仄舒亳 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund 亳仆于亠亳亠仄 亳 舒亰于亳于舒亠仄 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仂亠从, 仗仂仂弍仆亠 从舒亟亳仆舒仍仆仂 仄亠仆 仆舒 仄亳 于 仍 仂仂仆, 仂亰亟舒于舒 从仂仆仂仄亳从 仂弍仂仂于 亳 舒仄仂于舒亢亠仆亳 仍ミ莞黍. 仂仍亠 仂 仆舒亠亶 舒弍仂亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰仆舒 亳亰 仍亠亟ム亳 亠仂于: 舒亳 仗仂亠从: yberFund - 舒仆舒仍亳亳从舒 亳 舒亰舒弍仂从舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 亳亠仄 Golos.io - 仄亠亟亳亶仆舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仍舒仂仄舒 SatoshiFund - 仗亠于亶 仂仆亟 亳仆于亠亳ム亳亶 于 从亳仗仂舒从亳于
Mesh-亠亳 - 亳仆亠仆亠, 从仂仂亶 仄 亰舒仍亢亳仍亳. 舒于亠亶 弌亳于仂舒从舒 from Cyber Fund
141 1 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/m-180525110053-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
仂亟从 亳 亠于亳 仆舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆亠 弍亳从仂亳仆舒. 弌仗亳从亠: 仍亠从亠亶 舒仗仂于 /CyberFund-Official/ss-92619559 3502436592768458800-180402084146
舒仆仆舒 仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 弍仍舒 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆舒 仆舒 仂亟仆仂仄 亳亰 亠亢亠仆亠亟亠仍仆 仂弍舒亰仂于舒亠仍仆 仄亳舒仗仂于 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund. 仂仄仂亠 仗仂仍仆仂亠 于亳亟亠仂 仄亳舒仗舒 仄仂亢仆仂 亰亟亠: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Me1UBkIvoio 仂亳舒 亠从仂于 于亠亳 于仗仍亠仆亳: https://golos.io/ru--blokcheijn/@cyberevents/produkty-i-servisy-na-blokcheine-bitkoina-spiker-aleksei-karpov 仂仗仂仍仆亳亠仍仆舒 亳仆仂仄舒亳 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund 亳仆于亠亳亠仄 亳 舒亰于亳于舒亠仄 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仂亠从, 仗仂仂弍仆亠 从舒亟亳仆舒仍仆仂 仄亠仆 仆舒 仄亳 于 仍 仂仂仆, 仂亰亟舒于舒 从仂仆仂仄亳从 仂弍仂仂于 亳 舒仄仂于舒亢亠仆亳 仍ミ莞黍. 仂仍亠 仂 仆舒亠亶 舒弍仂亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰仆舒 亳亰 仍亠亟ム亳 亠仂于: 舒亳 仗仂亠从: yberFund - 舒仆舒仍亳亳从舒 亳 舒亰舒弍仂从舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 亳亠仄 Golos.io - 仄亠亟亳亶仆舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仍舒仂仄舒 SatoshiFund - 仗亠于亶 仂仆亟 亳仆于亠亳ム亳亶 于 从亳仗仂舒从亳于 Cyberstudio.io - 仗仂仄仂 于 仗仂于亠亟亠仆亳亳 ICO 亢亟亠仄 于舒 于 仆舒亳 仂仂弍亠于舒: 仍仂亞: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter 弌仂亳舒仍仆亠 亠亳: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 yberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 cyberEvents (仍仂从亠亶仆 仄亳舒仗, 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳, 亟仂从仍舒亟) /CyberFund-Official 仍 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram 舒 亟仍 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于 https://github.com/cyberFund - 仆舒 亠仗仂亰亳仂亳亶 仆舒 Github open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - 弍亳弍仍亳仂亠从舒 亰仆舒仆亳亶 仗仂 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 ]]>

舒仆仆舒 仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 弍仍舒 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆舒 仆舒 仂亟仆仂仄 亳亰 亠亢亠仆亠亟亠仍仆 仂弍舒亰仂于舒亠仍仆 仄亳舒仗仂于 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund. 仂仄仂亠 仗仂仍仆仂亠 于亳亟亠仂 仄亳舒仗舒 仄仂亢仆仂 亰亟亠: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Me1UBkIvoio 仂亳舒 亠从仂于 于亠亳 于仗仍亠仆亳: https://golos.io/ru--blokcheijn/@cyberevents/produkty-i-servisy-na-blokcheine-bitkoina-spiker-aleksei-karpov 仂仗仂仍仆亳亠仍仆舒 亳仆仂仄舒亳 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund 亳仆于亠亳亠仄 亳 舒亰于亳于舒亠仄 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仂亠从, 仗仂仂弍仆亠 从舒亟亳仆舒仍仆仂 仄亠仆 仆舒 仄亳 于 仍 仂仂仆, 仂亰亟舒于舒 从仂仆仂仄亳从 仂弍仂仂于 亳 舒仄仂于舒亢亠仆亳 仍ミ莞黍. 仂仍亠 仂 仆舒亠亶 舒弍仂亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰仆舒 亳亰 仍亠亟ム亳 亠仂于: 舒亳 仗仂亠从: yberFund - 舒仆舒仍亳亳从舒 亳 舒亰舒弍仂从舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 亳亠仄 Golos.io - 仄亠亟亳亶仆舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仍舒仂仄舒 SatoshiFund - 仗亠于亶 仂仆亟 亳仆于亠亳ム亳亶 于 从亳仗仂舒从亳于 Cyberstudio.io - 仗仂仄仂 于 仗仂于亠亟亠仆亳亳 ICO 亢亟亠仄 于舒 于 仆舒亳 仂仂弍亠于舒: 仍仂亞: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter 弌仂亳舒仍仆亠 亠亳: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 yberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 cyberEvents (仍仂从亠亶仆 仄亳舒仗, 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳, 亟仂从仍舒亟) /CyberFund-Official 仍 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram 舒 亟仍 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于 https://github.com/cyberFund - 仆舒 亠仗仂亰亳仂亳亶 仆舒 Github open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - 弍亳弍仍亳仂亠从舒 亰仆舒仆亳亶 仗仂 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 ]]>
Mon, 02 Apr 2018 08:41:46 GMT /CyberFund-Official/ss-92619559 CyberFund-Official@slideshare.net(CyberFund-Official) 仂亟从 亳 亠于亳 仆舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆亠 弍亳从仂亳仆舒. 弌仗亳从亠: 仍亠从亠亶 舒仗仂于 CyberFund-Official 舒仆仆舒 仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 弍仍舒 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆舒 仆舒 仂亟仆仂仄 亳亰 亠亢亠仆亠亟亠仍仆 仂弍舒亰仂于舒亠仍仆 仄亳舒仗仂于 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund. 仂仄仂亠 仗仂仍仆仂亠 于亳亟亠仂 仄亳舒仗舒 仄仂亢仆仂 亰亟亠: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Me1UBkIvoio 仂亳舒 亠从仂于 于亠亳 于仗仍亠仆亳: https://golos.io/ru--blokcheijn/@cyberevents/produkty-i-servisy-na-blokcheine-bitkoina-spiker-aleksei-karpov 仂仗仂仍仆亳亠仍仆舒 亳仆仂仄舒亳 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund 亳仆于亠亳亠仄 亳 舒亰于亳于舒亠仄 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仂亠从, 仗仂仂弍仆亠 从舒亟亳仆舒仍仆仂 仄亠仆 仆舒 仄亳 于 仍 仂仂仆, 仂亰亟舒于舒 从仂仆仂仄亳从 仂弍仂仂于 亳 舒仄仂于舒亢亠仆亳 仍ミ莞黍. 仂仍亠 仂 仆舒亠亶 舒弍仂亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰仆舒 亳亰 仍亠亟ム亳 亠仂于: 舒亳 仗仂亠从: yberFund - 舒仆舒仍亳亳从舒 亳 舒亰舒弍仂从舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 亳亠仄 Golos.io - 仄亠亟亳亶仆舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仍舒仂仄舒 SatoshiFund - 仗亠于亶 仂仆亟 亳仆于亠亳ム亳亶 于 从亳仗仂舒从亳于 Cyberstudio.io - 仗仂仄仂 于 仗仂于亠亟亠仆亳亳 ICO 亢亟亠仄 于舒 于 仆舒亳 仂仂弍亠于舒: 仍仂亞: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter 弌仂亳舒仍仆亠 亠亳: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 yberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 cyberEvents (仍仂从亠亶仆 仄亳舒仗, 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳, 亟仂从仍舒亟) /CyberFund-Official 仍 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram 舒 亟仍 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于 https://github.com/cyberFund - 仆舒 亠仗仂亰亳仂亳亶 仆舒 Github open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - 弍亳弍仍亳仂亠从舒 亰仆舒仆亳亶 仗仂 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/3502436592768458800-180402084146-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> 舒仆仆舒 仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 弍仍舒 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆舒 仆舒 仂亟仆仂仄 亳亰 亠亢亠仆亠亟亠仍仆 仂弍舒亰仂于舒亠仍仆 仄亳舒仗仂于 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund. 仂仄仂亠 仗仂仍仆仂亠 于亳亟亠仂 仄亳舒仗舒 仄仂亢仆仂 亰亟亠: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Me1UBkIvoio 仂亳舒 亠从仂于 于亠亳 于仗仍亠仆亳: https://golos.io/ru--blokcheijn/@cyberevents/produkty-i-servisy-na-blokcheine-bitkoina-spiker-aleksei-karpov 仂仗仂仍仆亳亠仍仆舒 亳仆仂仄舒亳 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund 亳仆于亠亳亠仄 亳 舒亰于亳于舒亠仄 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仂亠从, 仗仂仂弍仆亠 从舒亟亳仆舒仍仆仂 仄亠仆 仆舒 仄亳 于 仍 仂仂仆, 仂亰亟舒于舒 从仂仆仂仄亳从 仂弍仂仂于 亳 舒仄仂于舒亢亠仆亳 仍ミ莞黍. 仂仍亠 仂 仆舒亠亶 舒弍仂亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰仆舒 亳亰 仍亠亟ム亳 亠仂于: 舒亳 仗仂亠从: yberFund - 舒仆舒仍亳亳从舒 亳 舒亰舒弍仂从舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 亳亠仄 Golos.io - 仄亠亟亳亶仆舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仍舒仂仄舒 SatoshiFund - 仗亠于亶 仂仆亟 亳仆于亠亳ム亳亶 于 从亳仗仂舒从亳于 Cyberstudio.io - 仗仂仄仂 于 仗仂于亠亟亠仆亳亳 ICO 亢亟亠仄 于舒 于 仆舒亳 仂仂弍亠于舒: 仍仂亞: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter 弌仂亳舒仍仆亠 亠亳: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 yberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 cyberEvents (仍仂从亠亶仆 仄亳舒仗, 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳, 亟仂从仍舒亟) /CyberFund-Official 仍 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram 舒 亟仍 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于 https://github.com/cyberFund - 仆舒 亠仗仂亰亳仂亳亶 仆舒 Github open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - 弍亳弍仍亳仂亠从舒 亰仆舒仆亳亶 仗仂 弍仍仂从亠亶仆
仂亟从 亳 亠于亳 仆舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆亠 弍亳从仂亳仆舒. 弌仗亳从亠: 仍亠从亠亶 舒仗仂于 from Cyber Fund
153 1 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/3502436592768458800-180402084146-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
Blockchain wallet Multy /slideshow/multy-91445462/91445462 0uyo0cuasj6aue85zywu-signature-a501a8b2fa419dd67e1de3d5d215cbb4d4d1bb05861c148325cf7575bf797f35-poli-180321165113
This presentation is one of the series of publications which is introduced by cyberFund to provide an overview of the best speaker topics weve hosted at our meetups. Information about the company cyberFund We are investing and developing blockchain projects which can fundamentally change the world we live in for the better. We are creating an economy of robots and people's self-expression. More about our work you can learn from the following resources: Our projects: cyberFund - analytics and development of blockchain systems Golos.io - media blockchain platform SatoshiFund - the first fund investing in crypto assets Cyberstudio.io - assistance in conducting ICO We are waiting for you in our communities: Blog: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter Social networks: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - the official page of cyberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - the official page of cyberEvents (Blockchain meetups, conferences, reports) /CyberFund-Official For developers: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram chat for blockchain developers https://github.com/cyberFund - our repository on Github with open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - library of knowledge on the blockchain ]]>

This presentation is one of the series of publications which is introduced by cyberFund to provide an overview of the best speaker topics weve hosted at our meetups. Information about the company cyberFund We are investing and developing blockchain projects which can fundamentally change the world we live in for the better. We are creating an economy of robots and people's self-expression. More about our work you can learn from the following resources: Our projects: cyberFund - analytics and development of blockchain systems Golos.io - media blockchain platform SatoshiFund - the first fund investing in crypto assets Cyberstudio.io - assistance in conducting ICO We are waiting for you in our communities: Blog: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter Social networks: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - the official page of cyberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - the official page of cyberEvents (Blockchain meetups, conferences, reports) /CyberFund-Official For developers: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram chat for blockchain developers https://github.com/cyberFund - our repository on Github with open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - library of knowledge on the blockchain ]]>
Wed, 21 Mar 2018 16:51:13 GMT /slideshow/multy-91445462/91445462 CyberFund-Official@slideshare.net(CyberFund-Official) Blockchain wallet Multy CyberFund-Official This presentation is one of the series of publications which is introduced by cyberFund to provide an overview of the best speaker topics weve hosted at our meetups. Information about the company cyberFund We are investing and developing blockchain projects which can fundamentally change the world we live in for the better. We are creating an economy of robots and people's self-expression. More about our work you can learn from the following resources: Our projects: cyberFund - analytics and development of blockchain systems Golos.io - media blockchain platform SatoshiFund - the first fund investing in crypto assets Cyberstudio.io - assistance in conducting ICO We are waiting for you in our communities: Blog: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter Social networks: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - the official page of cyberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - the official page of cyberEvents (Blockchain meetups, conferences, reports) /CyberFund-Official For developers: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram chat for blockchain developers https://github.com/cyberFund - our repository on Github with open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - library of knowledge on the blockchain <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/0uyo0cuasj6aue85zywu-signature-a501a8b2fa419dd67e1de3d5d215cbb4d4d1bb05861c148325cf7575bf797f35-poli-180321165113-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> This presentation is one of the series of publications which is introduced by cyberFund to provide an overview of the best speaker topics weve hosted at our meetups. Information about the company cyberFund We are investing and developing blockchain projects which can fundamentally change the world we live in for the better. We are creating an economy of robots and people&#39;s self-expression. More about our work you can learn from the following resources: Our projects: cyberFund - analytics and development of blockchain systems Golos.io - media blockchain platform SatoshiFund - the first fund investing in crypto assets Cyberstudio.io - assistance in conducting ICO We are waiting for you in our communities: Blog: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter Social networks: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - the official page of cyberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - the official page of cyberEvents (Blockchain meetups, conferences, reports) /CyberFund-Official For developers: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram chat for blockchain developers https://github.com/cyberFund - our repository on Github with open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - library of knowledge on the blockchain
Blockchain wallet Multy from Cyber Fund
147 1 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/0uyo0cuasj6aue85zywu-signature-a501a8b2fa419dd67e1de3d5d215cbb4d4d1bb05861c148325cf7575bf797f35-poli-180321165113-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
舒从亳亠从亳亠 从亠亶 亳仗仂仍亰仂于舒仆亳 仗亳于舒仆 弍仍仂从亠亶仆仂于 仆舒 EXONUM. 弌仗亳从亠: 仍亠弍 舒仍亳亠仆从仂 /slideshow/exonum-91141352/91141352 j2xdxxefrfit9wb7lt5v-signature-d5afb20a057994d19f451eb69f59b73a916524a7e064a77c5012fc9e0ee690df-poli-180319101723
舒仆仆舒 仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 弍仍舒 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆舒 仆舒 仂亟仆仂仄 亳亰 亠亢亠仆亠亟亠仍仆 仂弍舒亰仂于舒亠仍仆 仄亳舒仗仂于 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund. 仂仄仂亠 仗仂仍仆仂亠 于亳亟亠仂 仄亳舒仗舒 仄仂亢仆仂 亰亟亠: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRgdU_HKlVQ 仂亳舒 亠从仂于 于亠亳 于仗仍亠仆亳: https://golos.io/ru--blokcheijn/@cyberevents/prakticheskie-keisy-ispolzovaniya-privatnykh-blokcheinov-na-exonum-spiker-gleb-palienko 仂仗仂仍仆亳亠仍仆舒 亳仆仂仄舒亳 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund 亳仆于亠亳亠仄 亳 舒亰于亳于舒亠仄 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仂亠从, 仗仂仂弍仆亠 从舒亟亳仆舒仍仆仂 仄亠仆 仆舒 仄亳 于 仍 仂仂仆, 仂亰亟舒于舒 从仂仆仂仄亳从 仂弍仂仂于 亳 舒仄仂于舒亢亠仆亳 仍ミ莞黍. 仂仍亠 仂 仆舒亠亶 舒弍仂亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰仆舒 亳亰 仍亠亟ム亳 亠仂于: 舒亳 仗仂亠从: yberFund - 舒仆舒仍亳亳从舒 亳 舒亰舒弍仂从舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 亳亠仄 Golos.io - 仄亠亟亳亶仆舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仍舒仂仄舒 SatoshiFund - 仗亠于亶 仂仆亟 亳仆于亠亳ム亳亶 于 从亳仗仂舒从亳于 Cyberstudio.io - 仗仂仄仂 于 仗仂于亠亟亠仆亳亳 ICO 亢亟亠仄 于舒 于 仆舒亳 仂仂弍亠于舒: 仍仂亞: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter 弌仂亳舒仍仆亠 亠亳: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 yberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 cyberEvents (仍仂从亠亶仆 仄亳舒仗, 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳, 亟仂从仍舒亟) /CyberFund-Official 仍 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram 舒 亟仍 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于 https://github.com/cyberFund - 仆舒 亠仗仂亰亳仂亳亶 仆舒 Github open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - 弍亳弍仍亳仂亠从舒 亰仆舒仆亳亶 仗仂 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 ]]>

舒仆仆舒 仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 弍仍舒 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆舒 仆舒 仂亟仆仂仄 亳亰 亠亢亠仆亠亟亠仍仆 仂弍舒亰仂于舒亠仍仆 仄亳舒仗仂于 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund. 仂仄仂亠 仗仂仍仆仂亠 于亳亟亠仂 仄亳舒仗舒 仄仂亢仆仂 亰亟亠: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRgdU_HKlVQ 仂亳舒 亠从仂于 于亠亳 于仗仍亠仆亳: https://golos.io/ru--blokcheijn/@cyberevents/prakticheskie-keisy-ispolzovaniya-privatnykh-blokcheinov-na-exonum-spiker-gleb-palienko 仂仗仂仍仆亳亠仍仆舒 亳仆仂仄舒亳 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund 亳仆于亠亳亠仄 亳 舒亰于亳于舒亠仄 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仂亠从, 仗仂仂弍仆亠 从舒亟亳仆舒仍仆仂 仄亠仆 仆舒 仄亳 于 仍 仂仂仆, 仂亰亟舒于舒 从仂仆仂仄亳从 仂弍仂仂于 亳 舒仄仂于舒亢亠仆亳 仍ミ莞黍. 仂仍亠 仂 仆舒亠亶 舒弍仂亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰仆舒 亳亰 仍亠亟ム亳 亠仂于: 舒亳 仗仂亠从: yberFund - 舒仆舒仍亳亳从舒 亳 舒亰舒弍仂从舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 亳亠仄 Golos.io - 仄亠亟亳亶仆舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仍舒仂仄舒 SatoshiFund - 仗亠于亶 仂仆亟 亳仆于亠亳ム亳亶 于 从亳仗仂舒从亳于 Cyberstudio.io - 仗仂仄仂 于 仗仂于亠亟亠仆亳亳 ICO 亢亟亠仄 于舒 于 仆舒亳 仂仂弍亠于舒: 仍仂亞: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter 弌仂亳舒仍仆亠 亠亳: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 yberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 cyberEvents (仍仂从亠亶仆 仄亳舒仗, 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳, 亟仂从仍舒亟) /CyberFund-Official 仍 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram 舒 亟仍 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于 https://github.com/cyberFund - 仆舒 亠仗仂亰亳仂亳亶 仆舒 Github open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - 弍亳弍仍亳仂亠从舒 亰仆舒仆亳亶 仗仂 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 ]]>
Mon, 19 Mar 2018 10:17:23 GMT /slideshow/exonum-91141352/91141352 CyberFund-Official@slideshare.net(CyberFund-Official) 舒从亳亠从亳亠 从亠亶 亳仗仂仍亰仂于舒仆亳 仗亳于舒仆 弍仍仂从亠亶仆仂于 仆舒 EXONUM. 弌仗亳从亠: 仍亠弍 舒仍亳亠仆从仂 CyberFund-Official 舒仆仆舒 仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 弍仍舒 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆舒 仆舒 仂亟仆仂仄 亳亰 亠亢亠仆亠亟亠仍仆 仂弍舒亰仂于舒亠仍仆 仄亳舒仗仂于 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund. 仂仄仂亠 仗仂仍仆仂亠 于亳亟亠仂 仄亳舒仗舒 仄仂亢仆仂 亰亟亠: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRgdU_HKlVQ 仂亳舒 亠从仂于 于亠亳 于仗仍亠仆亳: https://golos.io/ru--blokcheijn/@cyberevents/prakticheskie-keisy-ispolzovaniya-privatnykh-blokcheinov-na-exonum-spiker-gleb-palienko 仂仗仂仍仆亳亠仍仆舒 亳仆仂仄舒亳 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund 亳仆于亠亳亠仄 亳 舒亰于亳于舒亠仄 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仂亠从, 仗仂仂弍仆亠 从舒亟亳仆舒仍仆仂 仄亠仆 仆舒 仄亳 于 仍 仂仂仆, 仂亰亟舒于舒 从仂仆仂仄亳从 仂弍仂仂于 亳 舒仄仂于舒亢亠仆亳 仍ミ莞黍. 仂仍亠 仂 仆舒亠亶 舒弍仂亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰仆舒 亳亰 仍亠亟ム亳 亠仂于: 舒亳 仗仂亠从: yberFund - 舒仆舒仍亳亳从舒 亳 舒亰舒弍仂从舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 亳亠仄 Golos.io - 仄亠亟亳亶仆舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仍舒仂仄舒 SatoshiFund - 仗亠于亶 仂仆亟 亳仆于亠亳ム亳亶 于 从亳仗仂舒从亳于 Cyberstudio.io - 仗仂仄仂 于 仗仂于亠亟亠仆亳亳 ICO 亢亟亠仄 于舒 于 仆舒亳 仂仂弍亠于舒: 仍仂亞: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter 弌仂亳舒仍仆亠 亠亳: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 yberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 cyberEvents (仍仂从亠亶仆 仄亳舒仗, 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳, 亟仂从仍舒亟) /CyberFund-Official 仍 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram 舒 亟仍 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于 https://github.com/cyberFund - 仆舒 亠仗仂亰亳仂亳亶 仆舒 Github open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - 弍亳弍仍亳仂亠从舒 亰仆舒仆亳亶 仗仂 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/j2xdxxefrfit9wb7lt5v-signature-d5afb20a057994d19f451eb69f59b73a916524a7e064a77c5012fc9e0ee690df-poli-180319101723-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> 舒仆仆舒 仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 弍仍舒 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆舒 仆舒 仂亟仆仂仄 亳亰 亠亢亠仆亠亟亠仍仆 仂弍舒亰仂于舒亠仍仆 仄亳舒仗仂于 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund. 仂仄仂亠 仗仂仍仆仂亠 于亳亟亠仂 仄亳舒仗舒 仄仂亢仆仂 亰亟亠: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRgdU_HKlVQ 仂亳舒 亠从仂于 于亠亳 于仗仍亠仆亳: https://golos.io/ru--blokcheijn/@cyberevents/prakticheskie-keisy-ispolzovaniya-privatnykh-blokcheinov-na-exonum-spiker-gleb-palienko 仂仗仂仍仆亳亠仍仆舒 亳仆仂仄舒亳 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund 亳仆于亠亳亠仄 亳 舒亰于亳于舒亠仄 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仂亠从, 仗仂仂弍仆亠 从舒亟亳仆舒仍仆仂 仄亠仆 仆舒 仄亳 于 仍 仂仂仆, 仂亰亟舒于舒 从仂仆仂仄亳从 仂弍仂仂于 亳 舒仄仂于舒亢亠仆亳 仍ミ莞黍. 仂仍亠 仂 仆舒亠亶 舒弍仂亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰仆舒 亳亰 仍亠亟ム亳 亠仂于: 舒亳 仗仂亠从: yberFund - 舒仆舒仍亳亳从舒 亳 舒亰舒弍仂从舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 亳亠仄 Golos.io - 仄亠亟亳亶仆舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仍舒仂仄舒 SatoshiFund - 仗亠于亶 仂仆亟 亳仆于亠亳ム亳亶 于 从亳仗仂舒从亳于 Cyberstudio.io - 仗仂仄仂 于 仗仂于亠亟亠仆亳亳 ICO 亢亟亠仄 于舒 于 仆舒亳 仂仂弍亠于舒: 仍仂亞: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter 弌仂亳舒仍仆亠 亠亳: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 yberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 cyberEvents (仍仂从亠亶仆 仄亳舒仗, 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳, 亟仂从仍舒亟) /CyberFund-Official 仍 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram 舒 亟仍 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于 https://github.com/cyberFund - 仆舒 亠仗仂亰亳仂亳亶 仆舒 Github open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - 弍亳弍仍亳仂亠从舒 亰仆舒仆亳亶 仗仂 弍仍仂从亠亶仆
舒从亳亠从亳亠 从亠亶 亳仗仂仍亰仂于舒仆亳 仗亳于舒仆 弍仍仂从亠亶仆仂于 仆舒 EXONUM. 弌仗亳从亠: 仍亠弍 舒仍亳亠仆从仂 from Cyber Fund
205 1 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/j2xdxxefrfit9wb7lt5v-signature-d5afb20a057994d19f451eb69f59b73a916524a7e064a77c5012fc9e0ee690df-poli-180319101723-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
Onchain 仄舒舒弍亳仂于舒仆亳亠 弍仍仂从亠亶仆舒. 弌仗亳从亠: 仄亳亳亶 亠从仂于 /slideshow/onchain/90892956 x4g36uxtswkzyztrwnb9-signature-082062be7cc344a838c01e9afc9607102878c3334bb7fa2fdefb51cdc63f0b15-poli-180316091035
舒仆仆舒 仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 弍仍舒 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆舒 仆舒 仂亟仆仂仄 亳亰 亠亢亠仆亠亟亠仍仆 仂弍舒亰仂于舒亠仍仆 仄亳舒仗仂于 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund. 仂仄仂亠 仗仂仍仆仂亠 于亳亟亠仂 仄亳舒仗舒 仄仂亢仆仂 亰亟亠: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZyWVvuKF7E 仂亳舒 亠从仂于 于亠亳 于仗仍亠仆亳: https://golos.io/ru--blokcheijn/@cyberevents/onchain-masshtabirovanie-blokcheina-spiker-dmitrii-meshkov 丐舒从亢亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰舒亟舒 亳仆亠亠ム亳亠 于仂仗仂 仆亠仗仂亠亟于亠仆仆仂 仗亳从亠 dmitry.meshkov@protonmail.com 仂仗仂仍仆亳亠仍仆舒 亳仆仂仄舒亳 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund 亳仆于亠亳亠仄 亳 舒亰于亳于舒亠仄 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仂亠从, 仗仂仂弍仆亠 从舒亟亳仆舒仍仆仂 仄亠仆 仆舒 仄亳 于 仍 仂仂仆, 仂亰亟舒于舒 从仂仆仂仄亳从 仂弍仂仂于 亳 舒仄仂于舒亢亠仆亳 仍ミ莞黍. 仂仍亠 仂 仆舒亠亶 舒弍仂亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰仆舒 亳亰 仍亠亟ム亳 亠仂于: 舒亳 仗仂亠从: yberFund - 舒仆舒仍亳亳从舒 亳 舒亰舒弍仂从舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 亳亠仄 Golos.io - 仄亠亟亳亶仆舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仍舒仂仄舒 SatoshiFund - 仗亠于亶 仂仆亟 亳仆于亠亳ム亳亶 于 从亳仗仂舒从亳于 Cyberstudio.io - 仗仂仄仂 于 仗仂于亠亟亠仆亳亳 ICO 亢亟亠仄 于舒 于 仆舒亳 仂仂弍亠于舒: 仍仂亞: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter 弌仂亳舒仍仆亠 亠亳: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 yberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 cyberEvents (仍仂从亠亶仆 仄亳舒仗, 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳, 亟仂从仍舒亟) /CyberFund-Official 仍 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram 舒 亟仍 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于 https://github.com/cyberFund - 仆舒 亠仗仂亰亳仂亳亶 仆舒 Github open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - 弍亳弍仍亳仂亠从舒 亰仆舒仆亳亶 仗仂 弍仍仂从亠亶仆]]>

舒仆仆舒 仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 弍仍舒 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆舒 仆舒 仂亟仆仂仄 亳亰 亠亢亠仆亠亟亠仍仆 仂弍舒亰仂于舒亠仍仆 仄亳舒仗仂于 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund. 仂仄仂亠 仗仂仍仆仂亠 于亳亟亠仂 仄亳舒仗舒 仄仂亢仆仂 亰亟亠: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZyWVvuKF7E 仂亳舒 亠从仂于 于亠亳 于仗仍亠仆亳: https://golos.io/ru--blokcheijn/@cyberevents/onchain-masshtabirovanie-blokcheina-spiker-dmitrii-meshkov 丐舒从亢亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰舒亟舒 亳仆亠亠ム亳亠 于仂仗仂 仆亠仗仂亠亟于亠仆仆仂 仗亳从亠 dmitry.meshkov@protonmail.com 仂仗仂仍仆亳亠仍仆舒 亳仆仂仄舒亳 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund 亳仆于亠亳亠仄 亳 舒亰于亳于舒亠仄 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仂亠从, 仗仂仂弍仆亠 从舒亟亳仆舒仍仆仂 仄亠仆 仆舒 仄亳 于 仍 仂仂仆, 仂亰亟舒于舒 从仂仆仂仄亳从 仂弍仂仂于 亳 舒仄仂于舒亢亠仆亳 仍ミ莞黍. 仂仍亠 仂 仆舒亠亶 舒弍仂亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰仆舒 亳亰 仍亠亟ム亳 亠仂于: 舒亳 仗仂亠从: yberFund - 舒仆舒仍亳亳从舒 亳 舒亰舒弍仂从舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 亳亠仄 Golos.io - 仄亠亟亳亶仆舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仍舒仂仄舒 SatoshiFund - 仗亠于亶 仂仆亟 亳仆于亠亳ム亳亶 于 从亳仗仂舒从亳于 Cyberstudio.io - 仗仂仄仂 于 仗仂于亠亟亠仆亳亳 ICO 亢亟亠仄 于舒 于 仆舒亳 仂仂弍亠于舒: 仍仂亞: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter 弌仂亳舒仍仆亠 亠亳: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 yberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 cyberEvents (仍仂从亠亶仆 仄亳舒仗, 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳, 亟仂从仍舒亟) /CyberFund-Official 仍 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram 舒 亟仍 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于 https://github.com/cyberFund - 仆舒 亠仗仂亰亳仂亳亶 仆舒 Github open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - 弍亳弍仍亳仂亠从舒 亰仆舒仆亳亶 仗仂 弍仍仂从亠亶仆]]>
Fri, 16 Mar 2018 09:10:35 GMT /slideshow/onchain/90892956 CyberFund-Official@slideshare.net(CyberFund-Official) Onchain 仄舒舒弍亳仂于舒仆亳亠 弍仍仂从亠亶仆舒. 弌仗亳从亠: 仄亳亳亶 亠从仂于 CyberFund-Official 舒仆仆舒 仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 弍仍舒 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆舒 仆舒 仂亟仆仂仄 亳亰 亠亢亠仆亠亟亠仍仆 仂弍舒亰仂于舒亠仍仆 仄亳舒仗仂于 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund. 仂仄仂亠 仗仂仍仆仂亠 于亳亟亠仂 仄亳舒仗舒 仄仂亢仆仂 亰亟亠: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZyWVvuKF7E 仂亳舒 亠从仂于 于亠亳 于仗仍亠仆亳: https://golos.io/ru--blokcheijn/@cyberevents/onchain-masshtabirovanie-blokcheina-spiker-dmitrii-meshkov 丐舒从亢亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰舒亟舒 亳仆亠亠ム亳亠 于仂仗仂 仆亠仗仂亠亟于亠仆仆仂 仗亳从亠 dmitry.meshkov@protonmail.com 仂仗仂仍仆亳亠仍仆舒 亳仆仂仄舒亳 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund 亳仆于亠亳亠仄 亳 舒亰于亳于舒亠仄 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仂亠从, 仗仂仂弍仆亠 从舒亟亳仆舒仍仆仂 仄亠仆 仆舒 仄亳 于 仍 仂仂仆, 仂亰亟舒于舒 从仂仆仂仄亳从 仂弍仂仂于 亳 舒仄仂于舒亢亠仆亳 仍ミ莞黍. 仂仍亠 仂 仆舒亠亶 舒弍仂亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰仆舒 亳亰 仍亠亟ム亳 亠仂于: 舒亳 仗仂亠从: yberFund - 舒仆舒仍亳亳从舒 亳 舒亰舒弍仂从舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 亳亠仄 Golos.io - 仄亠亟亳亶仆舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仍舒仂仄舒 SatoshiFund - 仗亠于亶 仂仆亟 亳仆于亠亳ム亳亶 于 从亳仗仂舒从亳于 Cyberstudio.io - 仗仂仄仂 于 仗仂于亠亟亠仆亳亳 ICO 亢亟亠仄 于舒 于 仆舒亳 仂仂弍亠于舒: 仍仂亞: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter 弌仂亳舒仍仆亠 亠亳: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 yberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 cyberEvents (仍仂从亠亶仆 仄亳舒仗, 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳, 亟仂从仍舒亟) /CyberFund-Official 仍 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram 舒 亟仍 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于 https://github.com/cyberFund - 仆舒 亠仗仂亰亳仂亳亶 仆舒 Github open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - 弍亳弍仍亳仂亠从舒 亰仆舒仆亳亶 仗仂 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/x4g36uxtswkzyztrwnb9-signature-082062be7cc344a838c01e9afc9607102878c3334bb7fa2fdefb51cdc63f0b15-poli-180316091035-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> 舒仆仆舒 仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 弍仍舒 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆舒 仆舒 仂亟仆仂仄 亳亰 亠亢亠仆亠亟亠仍仆 仂弍舒亰仂于舒亠仍仆 仄亳舒仗仂于 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund. 仂仄仂亠 仗仂仍仆仂亠 于亳亟亠仂 仄亳舒仗舒 仄仂亢仆仂 亰亟亠: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZyWVvuKF7E 仂亳舒 亠从仂于 于亠亳 于仗仍亠仆亳: https://golos.io/ru--blokcheijn/@cyberevents/onchain-masshtabirovanie-blokcheina-spiker-dmitrii-meshkov 丐舒从亢亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰舒亟舒 亳仆亠亠ム亳亠 于仂仗仂 仆亠仗仂亠亟于亠仆仆仂 仗亳从亠 dmitry.meshkov@protonmail.com 仂仗仂仍仆亳亠仍仆舒 亳仆仂仄舒亳 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund 亳仆于亠亳亠仄 亳 舒亰于亳于舒亠仄 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仂亠从, 仗仂仂弍仆亠 从舒亟亳仆舒仍仆仂 仄亠仆 仆舒 仄亳 于 仍 仂仂仆, 仂亰亟舒于舒 从仂仆仂仄亳从 仂弍仂仂于 亳 舒仄仂于舒亢亠仆亳 仍ミ莞黍. 仂仍亠 仂 仆舒亠亶 舒弍仂亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰仆舒 亳亰 仍亠亟ム亳 亠仂于: 舒亳 仗仂亠从: yberFund - 舒仆舒仍亳亳从舒 亳 舒亰舒弍仂从舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 亳亠仄 Golos.io - 仄亠亟亳亶仆舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仍舒仂仄舒 SatoshiFund - 仗亠于亶 仂仆亟 亳仆于亠亳ム亳亶 于 从亳仗仂舒从亳于 Cyberstudio.io - 仗仂仄仂 于 仗仂于亠亟亠仆亳亳 ICO 亢亟亠仄 于舒 于 仆舒亳 仂仂弍亠于舒: 仍仂亞: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter 弌仂亳舒仍仆亠 亠亳: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 yberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 cyberEvents (仍仂从亠亶仆 仄亳舒仗, 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳, 亟仂从仍舒亟) /CyberFund-Official 仍 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram 舒 亟仍 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于 https://github.com/cyberFund - 仆舒 亠仗仂亰亳仂亳亶 仆舒 Github open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - 弍亳弍仍亳仂亠从舒 亰仆舒仆亳亶 仗仂 弍仍仂从亠亶仆
Onchain 仄舒舒弍亳仂于舒仆亳亠 弍仍仂从亠亶仆舒. 弌仗亳从亠: 仄亳亳亶 亠从仂于 from Cyber Fund
80 1 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/x4g36uxtswkzyztrwnb9-signature-082062be7cc344a838c01e9afc9607102878c3334bb7fa2fdefb51cdc63f0b15-poli-180316091035-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
仆仂仆亳仄亳亰舒亳 亳 亟亠舒仆仂仆亳仄亳亰舒亳 仗仂仍亰仂于舒亠仍亠亶 于 弍仍仂从亠亶仆-亠. 弌仗亳从亠: 亳亞仂亳亶 舒亳仍从仂于 /slideshow/ss-90329935/90329935 xtlkvkx2ruqjlt74avj0-signature-49f636d75f801a08639a788bcdc187600c8e813cda716d50034fded2a5bb949b-poli-180311215730
舒仆仆舒 仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 弍仍舒 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆舒 仆舒 仂亟仆仂仄 亳亰 亠亢亠仆亠亟亠仍仆 仂弍舒亰仂于舒亠仍仆 仄亳舒仗仂于 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund. 仂仄仂亠 仗仂仍仆仂亠 于亳亟亠仂 仄亳舒仗舒 仄仂亢仆仂 亰亟亠: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7S_mTCuMv8 仂亳舒 亠从仂于 于亠亳 于仗仍亠仆亳: https://golos.io/ru--blokcheijn/@cyberevents/anonimizaciya-i-deanonimizaciya-polzovatelei-v-blokchein-setyakh-spiker-grigorii-vasilkov 丐舒从亢亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰舒亟舒 亳仆亠亠ム亳亠 于仂仗仂 仆亠仗仂亠亟于亠仆仆仂 仗亳从亠 Telegram @grvasilkov 仂仗仂仍仆亳亠仍仆舒 亳仆仂仄舒亳 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund 亳仆于亠亳亠仄 亳 舒亰于亳于舒亠仄 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仂亠从, 仗仂仂弍仆亠 从舒亟亳仆舒仍仆仂 仄亠仆 仆舒 仄亳 于 仍 仂仂仆, 仂亰亟舒于舒 从仂仆仂仄亳从 仂弍仂仂于 亳 舒仄仂于舒亢亠仆亳 仍ミ莞黍. 仂仍亠 仂 仆舒亠亶 舒弍仂亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰仆舒 亳亰 仍亠亟ム亳 亠仂于: 舒亳 仗仂亠从: yberFund - 舒仆舒仍亳亳从舒 亳 舒亰舒弍仂从舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 亳亠仄 Golos.io - 仄亠亟亳亶仆舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仍舒仂仄舒 SatoshiFund - 仗亠于亶 仂仆亟 亳仆于亠亳ム亳亶 于 从亳仗仂舒从亳于 Cyberstudio.io - 仗仂仄仂 于 仗仂于亠亟亠仆亳亳 ICO 亢亟亠仄 于舒 于 仆舒亳 仂仂弍亠于舒: 仍仂亞: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter 弌仂亳舒仍仆亠 亠亳: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 yberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 cyberEvents (仍仂从亠亶仆 仄亳舒仗, 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳, 亟仂从仍舒亟) /CyberFund-Official 仍 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram 舒 亟仍 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于 https://github.com/cyberFund - 仆舒 亠仗仂亰亳仂亳亶 仆舒 Github open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - 弍亳弍仍亳仂亠从舒 亰仆舒仆亳亶 仗仂 弍仍仂从亠亶仆]]>

舒仆仆舒 仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 弍仍舒 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆舒 仆舒 仂亟仆仂仄 亳亰 亠亢亠仆亠亟亠仍仆 仂弍舒亰仂于舒亠仍仆 仄亳舒仗仂于 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund. 仂仄仂亠 仗仂仍仆仂亠 于亳亟亠仂 仄亳舒仗舒 仄仂亢仆仂 亰亟亠: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7S_mTCuMv8 仂亳舒 亠从仂于 于亠亳 于仗仍亠仆亳: https://golos.io/ru--blokcheijn/@cyberevents/anonimizaciya-i-deanonimizaciya-polzovatelei-v-blokchein-setyakh-spiker-grigorii-vasilkov 丐舒从亢亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰舒亟舒 亳仆亠亠ム亳亠 于仂仗仂 仆亠仗仂亠亟于亠仆仆仂 仗亳从亠 Telegram @grvasilkov 仂仗仂仍仆亳亠仍仆舒 亳仆仂仄舒亳 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund 亳仆于亠亳亠仄 亳 舒亰于亳于舒亠仄 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仂亠从, 仗仂仂弍仆亠 从舒亟亳仆舒仍仆仂 仄亠仆 仆舒 仄亳 于 仍 仂仂仆, 仂亰亟舒于舒 从仂仆仂仄亳从 仂弍仂仂于 亳 舒仄仂于舒亢亠仆亳 仍ミ莞黍. 仂仍亠 仂 仆舒亠亶 舒弍仂亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰仆舒 亳亰 仍亠亟ム亳 亠仂于: 舒亳 仗仂亠从: yberFund - 舒仆舒仍亳亳从舒 亳 舒亰舒弍仂从舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 亳亠仄 Golos.io - 仄亠亟亳亶仆舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仍舒仂仄舒 SatoshiFund - 仗亠于亶 仂仆亟 亳仆于亠亳ム亳亶 于 从亳仗仂舒从亳于 Cyberstudio.io - 仗仂仄仂 于 仗仂于亠亟亠仆亳亳 ICO 亢亟亠仄 于舒 于 仆舒亳 仂仂弍亠于舒: 仍仂亞: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter 弌仂亳舒仍仆亠 亠亳: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 yberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 cyberEvents (仍仂从亠亶仆 仄亳舒仗, 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳, 亟仂从仍舒亟) /CyberFund-Official 仍 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram 舒 亟仍 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于 https://github.com/cyberFund - 仆舒 亠仗仂亰亳仂亳亶 仆舒 Github open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - 弍亳弍仍亳仂亠从舒 亰仆舒仆亳亶 仗仂 弍仍仂从亠亶仆]]>
Sun, 11 Mar 2018 21:57:30 GMT /slideshow/ss-90329935/90329935 CyberFund-Official@slideshare.net(CyberFund-Official) 仆仂仆亳仄亳亰舒亳 亳 亟亠舒仆仂仆亳仄亳亰舒亳 仗仂仍亰仂于舒亠仍亠亶 于 弍仍仂从亠亶仆-亠. 弌仗亳从亠: 亳亞仂亳亶 舒亳仍从仂于 CyberFund-Official 舒仆仆舒 仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 弍仍舒 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆舒 仆舒 仂亟仆仂仄 亳亰 亠亢亠仆亠亟亠仍仆 仂弍舒亰仂于舒亠仍仆 仄亳舒仗仂于 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund. 仂仄仂亠 仗仂仍仆仂亠 于亳亟亠仂 仄亳舒仗舒 仄仂亢仆仂 亰亟亠: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7S_mTCuMv8 仂亳舒 亠从仂于 于亠亳 于仗仍亠仆亳: https://golos.io/ru--blokcheijn/@cyberevents/anonimizaciya-i-deanonimizaciya-polzovatelei-v-blokchein-setyakh-spiker-grigorii-vasilkov 丐舒从亢亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰舒亟舒 亳仆亠亠ム亳亠 于仂仗仂 仆亠仗仂亠亟于亠仆仆仂 仗亳从亠 Telegram @grvasilkov 仂仗仂仍仆亳亠仍仆舒 亳仆仂仄舒亳 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund 亳仆于亠亳亠仄 亳 舒亰于亳于舒亠仄 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仂亠从, 仗仂仂弍仆亠 从舒亟亳仆舒仍仆仂 仄亠仆 仆舒 仄亳 于 仍 仂仂仆, 仂亰亟舒于舒 从仂仆仂仄亳从 仂弍仂仂于 亳 舒仄仂于舒亢亠仆亳 仍ミ莞黍. 仂仍亠 仂 仆舒亠亶 舒弍仂亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰仆舒 亳亰 仍亠亟ム亳 亠仂于: 舒亳 仗仂亠从: yberFund - 舒仆舒仍亳亳从舒 亳 舒亰舒弍仂从舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 亳亠仄 Golos.io - 仄亠亟亳亶仆舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仍舒仂仄舒 SatoshiFund - 仗亠于亶 仂仆亟 亳仆于亠亳ム亳亶 于 从亳仗仂舒从亳于 Cyberstudio.io - 仗仂仄仂 于 仗仂于亠亟亠仆亳亳 ICO 亢亟亠仄 于舒 于 仆舒亳 仂仂弍亠于舒: 仍仂亞: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter 弌仂亳舒仍仆亠 亠亳: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 yberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 cyberEvents (仍仂从亠亶仆 仄亳舒仗, 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳, 亟仂从仍舒亟) /CyberFund-Official 仍 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram 舒 亟仍 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于 https://github.com/cyberFund - 仆舒 亠仗仂亰亳仂亳亶 仆舒 Github open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - 弍亳弍仍亳仂亠从舒 亰仆舒仆亳亶 仗仂 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/xtlkvkx2ruqjlt74avj0-signature-49f636d75f801a08639a788bcdc187600c8e813cda716d50034fded2a5bb949b-poli-180311215730-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> 舒仆仆舒 仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 弍仍舒 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆舒 仆舒 仂亟仆仂仄 亳亰 亠亢亠仆亠亟亠仍仆 仂弍舒亰仂于舒亠仍仆 仄亳舒仗仂于 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund. 仂仄仂亠 仗仂仍仆仂亠 于亳亟亠仂 仄亳舒仗舒 仄仂亢仆仂 亰亟亠: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7S_mTCuMv8 仂亳舒 亠从仂于 于亠亳 于仗仍亠仆亳: https://golos.io/ru--blokcheijn/@cyberevents/anonimizaciya-i-deanonimizaciya-polzovatelei-v-blokchein-setyakh-spiker-grigorii-vasilkov 丐舒从亢亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰舒亟舒 亳仆亠亠ム亳亠 于仂仗仂 仆亠仗仂亠亟于亠仆仆仂 仗亳从亠 Telegram @grvasilkov 仂仗仂仍仆亳亠仍仆舒 亳仆仂仄舒亳 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund 亳仆于亠亳亠仄 亳 舒亰于亳于舒亠仄 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仂亠从, 仗仂仂弍仆亠 从舒亟亳仆舒仍仆仂 仄亠仆 仆舒 仄亳 于 仍 仂仂仆, 仂亰亟舒于舒 从仂仆仂仄亳从 仂弍仂仂于 亳 舒仄仂于舒亢亠仆亳 仍ミ莞黍. 仂仍亠 仂 仆舒亠亶 舒弍仂亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰仆舒 亳亰 仍亠亟ム亳 亠仂于: 舒亳 仗仂亠从: yberFund - 舒仆舒仍亳亳从舒 亳 舒亰舒弍仂从舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 亳亠仄 Golos.io - 仄亠亟亳亶仆舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仍舒仂仄舒 SatoshiFund - 仗亠于亶 仂仆亟 亳仆于亠亳ム亳亶 于 从亳仗仂舒从亳于 Cyberstudio.io - 仗仂仄仂 于 仗仂于亠亟亠仆亳亳 ICO 亢亟亠仄 于舒 于 仆舒亳 仂仂弍亠于舒: 仍仂亞: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter 弌仂亳舒仍仆亠 亠亳: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 yberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 cyberEvents (仍仂从亠亶仆 仄亳舒仗, 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳, 亟仂从仍舒亟) /CyberFund-Official 仍 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram 舒 亟仍 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于 https://github.com/cyberFund - 仆舒 亠仗仂亰亳仂亳亶 仆舒 Github open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - 弍亳弍仍亳仂亠从舒 亰仆舒仆亳亶 仗仂 弍仍仂从亠亶仆
仆仂仆亳仄亳亰舒亳 亳 亟亠舒仆仂仆亳仄亳亰舒亳 仗仂仍亰仂于舒亠仍亠亶 于 弍仍仂从亠亶仆-亠. 弌仗亳从亠: 亳亞仂亳亶 舒亳仍从仂于 from Cyber Fund
1165 1 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/xtlkvkx2ruqjlt74avj0-signature-49f636d75f801a08639a788bcdc187600c8e813cda716d50034fded2a5bb949b-poli-180311215730-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
舒从仍 亟仍 弍仍仂从亠亶仆仂于. 弍亰仂 仗仍舒仂仄 Exonum. 弌仗亳从亠: 仍亠从亠亶 弌亳亟仂仂于 /slideshow/exonum-89305084/89305084 ic5lcaiutaujqpg5k3qc-signature-a333e13371c99e7eaf09962674baf4d1e8bd9396f109e233eefa53fdad976214-poli-180301215636
舒仆仆舒 仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 弍仍舒 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆舒 仆舒 仂亟仆仂仄 亳亰 亠亢亠仆亠亟亠仍仆 仂弍舒亰仂于舒亠仍仆 仄亳舒仗仂于 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund. 仂仄仂亠 仗仂仍仆仂亠 于亳亟亠仂 仄亳舒仗舒 仄仂亢仆仂 亰亟亠: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vauazQe_dQE 仂亳舒 亠从仂于 于亠亳 于仗仍亠仆亳: https://golos.io/ru--blokcheijn/@cyberevents/orakuly-dlya-blokcheinov-obzor-platformy-exonum-spiker-aleksei-sidorov 仂亟仂弍仆亠亠 仂 仗仂亠从亠 Exonum - exonum.com 仂仗仂仍仆亳亠仍仆舒 亳仆仂仄舒亳 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund 亳仆于亠亳亠仄 亳 舒亰于亳于舒亠仄 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仂亠从, 仗仂仂弍仆亠 从舒亟亳仆舒仍仆仂 仄亠仆 仆舒 仄亳 于 仍 仂仂仆, 仂亰亟舒于舒 从仂仆仂仄亳从 仂弍仂仂于 亳 舒仄仂于舒亢亠仆亳 仍ミ莞黍. 仂仍亠 仂 仆舒亠亶 舒弍仂亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰仆舒 亳亰 仍亠亟ム亳 亠仂于: 舒亳 仗仂亠从: yberFund - 舒仆舒仍亳亳从舒 亳 舒亰舒弍仂从舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 亳亠仄 Golos.io - 仄亠亟亳亶仆舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仍舒仂仄舒 SatoshiFund - 仗亠于亶 仂仆亟 亳仆于亠亳ム亳亶 于 从亳仗仂舒从亳于 Cyberstudio.io - 仗仂仄仂 于 仗仂于亠亟亠仆亳亳 ICO 亢亟亠仄 于舒 于 仆舒亳 仂仂弍亠于舒: 仍仂亞: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter 弌仂亳舒仍仆亠 亠亳: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 yberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 cyberEvents (仍仂从亠亶仆 仄亳舒仗, 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳, 亟仂从仍舒亟) /CyberFund-Official 仍 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram 舒 亟仍 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于 https://github.com/cyberFund - 仆舒 亠仗仂亰亳仂亳亶 仆舒 Github open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - 弍亳弍仍亳仂亠从舒 亰仆舒仆亳亶 仗仂 弍仍仂从亠亶仆]]>

舒仆仆舒 仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 弍仍舒 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆舒 仆舒 仂亟仆仂仄 亳亰 亠亢亠仆亠亟亠仍仆 仂弍舒亰仂于舒亠仍仆 仄亳舒仗仂于 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund. 仂仄仂亠 仗仂仍仆仂亠 于亳亟亠仂 仄亳舒仗舒 仄仂亢仆仂 亰亟亠: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vauazQe_dQE 仂亳舒 亠从仂于 于亠亳 于仗仍亠仆亳: https://golos.io/ru--blokcheijn/@cyberevents/orakuly-dlya-blokcheinov-obzor-platformy-exonum-spiker-aleksei-sidorov 仂亟仂弍仆亠亠 仂 仗仂亠从亠 Exonum - exonum.com 仂仗仂仍仆亳亠仍仆舒 亳仆仂仄舒亳 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund 亳仆于亠亳亠仄 亳 舒亰于亳于舒亠仄 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仂亠从, 仗仂仂弍仆亠 从舒亟亳仆舒仍仆仂 仄亠仆 仆舒 仄亳 于 仍 仂仂仆, 仂亰亟舒于舒 从仂仆仂仄亳从 仂弍仂仂于 亳 舒仄仂于舒亢亠仆亳 仍ミ莞黍. 仂仍亠 仂 仆舒亠亶 舒弍仂亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰仆舒 亳亰 仍亠亟ム亳 亠仂于: 舒亳 仗仂亠从: yberFund - 舒仆舒仍亳亳从舒 亳 舒亰舒弍仂从舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 亳亠仄 Golos.io - 仄亠亟亳亶仆舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仍舒仂仄舒 SatoshiFund - 仗亠于亶 仂仆亟 亳仆于亠亳ム亳亶 于 从亳仗仂舒从亳于 Cyberstudio.io - 仗仂仄仂 于 仗仂于亠亟亠仆亳亳 ICO 亢亟亠仄 于舒 于 仆舒亳 仂仂弍亠于舒: 仍仂亞: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter 弌仂亳舒仍仆亠 亠亳: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 yberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 cyberEvents (仍仂从亠亶仆 仄亳舒仗, 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳, 亟仂从仍舒亟) /CyberFund-Official 仍 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram 舒 亟仍 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于 https://github.com/cyberFund - 仆舒 亠仗仂亰亳仂亳亶 仆舒 Github open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - 弍亳弍仍亳仂亠从舒 亰仆舒仆亳亶 仗仂 弍仍仂从亠亶仆]]>
Thu, 01 Mar 2018 21:56:36 GMT /slideshow/exonum-89305084/89305084 CyberFund-Official@slideshare.net(CyberFund-Official) 舒从仍 亟仍 弍仍仂从亠亶仆仂于. 弍亰仂 仗仍舒仂仄 Exonum. 弌仗亳从亠: 仍亠从亠亶 弌亳亟仂仂于 CyberFund-Official 舒仆仆舒 仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 弍仍舒 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆舒 仆舒 仂亟仆仂仄 亳亰 亠亢亠仆亠亟亠仍仆 仂弍舒亰仂于舒亠仍仆 仄亳舒仗仂于 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund. 仂仄仂亠 仗仂仍仆仂亠 于亳亟亠仂 仄亳舒仗舒 仄仂亢仆仂 亰亟亠: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vauazQe_dQE 仂亳舒 亠从仂于 于亠亳 于仗仍亠仆亳: https://golos.io/ru--blokcheijn/@cyberevents/orakuly-dlya-blokcheinov-obzor-platformy-exonum-spiker-aleksei-sidorov 仂亟仂弍仆亠亠 仂 仗仂亠从亠 Exonum - exonum.com 仂仗仂仍仆亳亠仍仆舒 亳仆仂仄舒亳 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund 亳仆于亠亳亠仄 亳 舒亰于亳于舒亠仄 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仂亠从, 仗仂仂弍仆亠 从舒亟亳仆舒仍仆仂 仄亠仆 仆舒 仄亳 于 仍 仂仂仆, 仂亰亟舒于舒 从仂仆仂仄亳从 仂弍仂仂于 亳 舒仄仂于舒亢亠仆亳 仍ミ莞黍. 仂仍亠 仂 仆舒亠亶 舒弍仂亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰仆舒 亳亰 仍亠亟ム亳 亠仂于: 舒亳 仗仂亠从: yberFund - 舒仆舒仍亳亳从舒 亳 舒亰舒弍仂从舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 亳亠仄 Golos.io - 仄亠亟亳亶仆舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仍舒仂仄舒 SatoshiFund - 仗亠于亶 仂仆亟 亳仆于亠亳ム亳亶 于 从亳仗仂舒从亳于 Cyberstudio.io - 仗仂仄仂 于 仗仂于亠亟亠仆亳亳 ICO 亢亟亠仄 于舒 于 仆舒亳 仂仂弍亠于舒: 仍仂亞: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter 弌仂亳舒仍仆亠 亠亳: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 yberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 cyberEvents (仍仂从亠亶仆 仄亳舒仗, 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳, 亟仂从仍舒亟) /CyberFund-Official 仍 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram 舒 亟仍 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于 https://github.com/cyberFund - 仆舒 亠仗仂亰亳仂亳亶 仆舒 Github open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - 弍亳弍仍亳仂亠从舒 亰仆舒仆亳亶 仗仂 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/ic5lcaiutaujqpg5k3qc-signature-a333e13371c99e7eaf09962674baf4d1e8bd9396f109e233eefa53fdad976214-poli-180301215636-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> 舒仆仆舒 仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 弍仍舒 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆舒 仆舒 仂亟仆仂仄 亳亰 亠亢亠仆亠亟亠仍仆 仂弍舒亰仂于舒亠仍仆 仄亳舒仗仂于 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund. 仂仄仂亠 仗仂仍仆仂亠 于亳亟亠仂 仄亳舒仗舒 仄仂亢仆仂 亰亟亠: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vauazQe_dQE 仂亳舒 亠从仂于 于亠亳 于仗仍亠仆亳: https://golos.io/ru--blokcheijn/@cyberevents/orakuly-dlya-blokcheinov-obzor-platformy-exonum-spiker-aleksei-sidorov 仂亟仂弍仆亠亠 仂 仗仂亠从亠 Exonum - exonum.com 仂仗仂仍仆亳亠仍仆舒 亳仆仂仄舒亳 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund 亳仆于亠亳亠仄 亳 舒亰于亳于舒亠仄 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仂亠从, 仗仂仂弍仆亠 从舒亟亳仆舒仍仆仂 仄亠仆 仆舒 仄亳 于 仍 仂仂仆, 仂亰亟舒于舒 从仂仆仂仄亳从 仂弍仂仂于 亳 舒仄仂于舒亢亠仆亳 仍ミ莞黍. 仂仍亠 仂 仆舒亠亶 舒弍仂亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰仆舒 亳亰 仍亠亟ム亳 亠仂于: 舒亳 仗仂亠从: yberFund - 舒仆舒仍亳亳从舒 亳 舒亰舒弍仂从舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 亳亠仄 Golos.io - 仄亠亟亳亶仆舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仍舒仂仄舒 SatoshiFund - 仗亠于亶 仂仆亟 亳仆于亠亳ム亳亶 于 从亳仗仂舒从亳于 Cyberstudio.io - 仗仂仄仂 于 仗仂于亠亟亠仆亳亳 ICO 亢亟亠仄 于舒 于 仆舒亳 仂仂弍亠于舒: 仍仂亞: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter 弌仂亳舒仍仆亠 亠亳: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 yberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 cyberEvents (仍仂从亠亶仆 仄亳舒仗, 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳, 亟仂从仍舒亟) /CyberFund-Official 仍 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram 舒 亟仍 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于 https://github.com/cyberFund - 仆舒 亠仗仂亰亳仂亳亶 仆舒 Github open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - 弍亳弍仍亳仂亠从舒 亰仆舒仆亳亶 仗仂 弍仍仂从亠亶仆
舒从仍 亟仍 弍仍仂从亠亶仆仂于. 弍亰仂 仗仍舒仂仄 Exonum. 弌仗亳从亠: 仍亠从亠亶 弌亳亟仂仂于 from Cyber Fund
975 1 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/ic5lcaiutaujqpg5k3qc-signature-a333e13371c99e7eaf09962674baf4d1e8bd9396f109e233eefa53fdad976214-poli-180301215636-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
CyberSearch: The Blockchain Browser. Valery Litvin /slideshow/cybersearch-the-blockchain-browser-valery-litvin/89252430 cx9prmgsjedg59ncvt7d-signature-3e4b300be68fd14a322c470170e465859797dc712f4bfcff37d064dddea37751-poli-180301073135
This topic was presented on the Blockchain FairyTales Conference in Minsk, that was held by cyberFund You can learn more information about report from our English resource https://steemit.com/blockchain/@cyberfund/cybersearch-the-blockchain-browser Additional information about the company cyberFund We are investing and developing blockchain projects which can fundamentally change the world we live in for the better. We are creating an economy of robots and people's self-expression. More about our work you can learn from the following resources: Our projects: cyberFund - analytics and development of blockchain systems Golos.io - media blockchain platform SatoshiFund - the first fund investing in crypto assets Cyberstudio.io - assistance in conducting ICO We are waiting for you in our communities: Blog: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter Social networks: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - the official page of cyberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - the official page of cyberEvents (Blockchain meetups, conferences, reports) /CyberFund-Official For developers: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram chat for blockchain developers https://github.com/cyberFund - our repository on Github with open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - library of knowledge on the blockchain ]]>

This topic was presented on the Blockchain FairyTales Conference in Minsk, that was held by cyberFund You can learn more information about report from our English resource https://steemit.com/blockchain/@cyberfund/cybersearch-the-blockchain-browser Additional information about the company cyberFund We are investing and developing blockchain projects which can fundamentally change the world we live in for the better. We are creating an economy of robots and people's self-expression. More about our work you can learn from the following resources: Our projects: cyberFund - analytics and development of blockchain systems Golos.io - media blockchain platform SatoshiFund - the first fund investing in crypto assets Cyberstudio.io - assistance in conducting ICO We are waiting for you in our communities: Blog: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter Social networks: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - the official page of cyberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - the official page of cyberEvents (Blockchain meetups, conferences, reports) /CyberFund-Official For developers: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram chat for blockchain developers https://github.com/cyberFund - our repository on Github with open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - library of knowledge on the blockchain ]]>
Thu, 01 Mar 2018 07:31:35 GMT /slideshow/cybersearch-the-blockchain-browser-valery-litvin/89252430 CyberFund-Official@slideshare.net(CyberFund-Official) CyberSearch: The Blockchain Browser. Valery Litvin CyberFund-Official This topic was presented on the Blockchain FairyTales Conference in Minsk, that was held by cyberFund You can learn more information about report from our English resource https://steemit.com/blockchain/@cyberfund/cybersearch-the-blockchain-browser Additional information about the company cyberFund We are investing and developing blockchain projects which can fundamentally change the world we live in for the better. We are creating an economy of robots and people's self-expression. More about our work you can learn from the following resources: Our projects: cyberFund - analytics and development of blockchain systems Golos.io - media blockchain platform SatoshiFund - the first fund investing in crypto assets Cyberstudio.io - assistance in conducting ICO We are waiting for you in our communities: Blog: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter Social networks: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - the official page of cyberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - the official page of cyberEvents (Blockchain meetups, conferences, reports) /CyberFund-Official For developers: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram chat for blockchain developers https://github.com/cyberFund - our repository on Github with open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - library of knowledge on the blockchain <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/cx9prmgsjedg59ncvt7d-signature-3e4b300be68fd14a322c470170e465859797dc712f4bfcff37d064dddea37751-poli-180301073135-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> This topic was presented on the Blockchain FairyTales Conference in Minsk, that was held by cyberFund You can learn more information about report from our English resource https://steemit.com/blockchain/@cyberfund/cybersearch-the-blockchain-browser Additional information about the company cyberFund We are investing and developing blockchain projects which can fundamentally change the world we live in for the better. We are creating an economy of robots and people&#39;s self-expression. More about our work you can learn from the following resources: Our projects: cyberFund - analytics and development of blockchain systems Golos.io - media blockchain platform SatoshiFund - the first fund investing in crypto assets Cyberstudio.io - assistance in conducting ICO We are waiting for you in our communities: Blog: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter Social networks: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - the official page of cyberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - the official page of cyberEvents (Blockchain meetups, conferences, reports) /CyberFund-Official For developers: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram chat for blockchain developers https://github.com/cyberFund - our repository on Github with open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - library of knowledge on the blockchain
CyberSearch: The Blockchain Browser. Valery Litvin from Cyber Fund
119 1 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/cx9prmgsjedg59ncvt7d-signature-3e4b300be68fd14a322c470170e465859797dc712f4bfcff37d064dddea37751-poli-180301073135-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
Verifying offchain computations using TrueBit. Sami Makela /slideshow/verifying-offchain-computations-using-truebit-sami-makela/89230386 rw72oduut2g2dvmudbs1-signature-b7cde9a1a905d28e1a506e2d9400d59eefede46dd753d5a5a36b30512ee676b3-poli-180301005729
This topic was presented on the Blockchain FairyTales Conference in Minsk, that was held by cyberFund Additional information about the company cyberFund We are investing and developing blockchain projects which can fundamentally change the world we live in for the better. We are creating an economy of robots and people's self-expression. More about our work you can learn from the following resources: Our projects: cyberFund - analytics and development of blockchain systems Golos.io - media blockchain platform SatoshiFund - the first fund investing in crypto assets Cyberstudio.io - assistance in conducting ICO We are waiting for you in our communities: Blog: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter Social networks: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - the official page of cyberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - the official page of cyberEvents (Blockchain meetups, conferences, reports) /CyberFund-Official For developers: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram chat for blockchain developers https://github.com/cyberFund - our repository on Github with open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - library of knowledge on the blockchain ]]>

This topic was presented on the Blockchain FairyTales Conference in Minsk, that was held by cyberFund Additional information about the company cyberFund We are investing and developing blockchain projects which can fundamentally change the world we live in for the better. We are creating an economy of robots and people's self-expression. More about our work you can learn from the following resources: Our projects: cyberFund - analytics and development of blockchain systems Golos.io - media blockchain platform SatoshiFund - the first fund investing in crypto assets Cyberstudio.io - assistance in conducting ICO We are waiting for you in our communities: Blog: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter Social networks: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - the official page of cyberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - the official page of cyberEvents (Blockchain meetups, conferences, reports) /CyberFund-Official For developers: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram chat for blockchain developers https://github.com/cyberFund - our repository on Github with open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - library of knowledge on the blockchain ]]>
Thu, 01 Mar 2018 00:57:29 GMT /slideshow/verifying-offchain-computations-using-truebit-sami-makela/89230386 CyberFund-Official@slideshare.net(CyberFund-Official) Verifying offchain computations using TrueBit. Sami Makela CyberFund-Official This topic was presented on the Blockchain FairyTales Conference in Minsk, that was held by cyberFund Additional information about the company cyberFund We are investing and developing blockchain projects which can fundamentally change the world we live in for the better. We are creating an economy of robots and people's self-expression. More about our work you can learn from the following resources: Our projects: cyberFund - analytics and development of blockchain systems Golos.io - media blockchain platform SatoshiFund - the first fund investing in crypto assets Cyberstudio.io - assistance in conducting ICO We are waiting for you in our communities: Blog: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter Social networks: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - the official page of cyberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - the official page of cyberEvents (Blockchain meetups, conferences, reports) /CyberFund-Official For developers: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram chat for blockchain developers https://github.com/cyberFund - our repository on Github with open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - library of knowledge on the blockchain <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/rw72oduut2g2dvmudbs1-signature-b7cde9a1a905d28e1a506e2d9400d59eefede46dd753d5a5a36b30512ee676b3-poli-180301005729-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> This topic was presented on the Blockchain FairyTales Conference in Minsk, that was held by cyberFund Additional information about the company cyberFund We are investing and developing blockchain projects which can fundamentally change the world we live in for the better. We are creating an economy of robots and people&#39;s self-expression. More about our work you can learn from the following resources: Our projects: cyberFund - analytics and development of blockchain systems Golos.io - media blockchain platform SatoshiFund - the first fund investing in crypto assets Cyberstudio.io - assistance in conducting ICO We are waiting for you in our communities: Blog: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter Social networks: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - the official page of cyberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - the official page of cyberEvents (Blockchain meetups, conferences, reports) /CyberFund-Official For developers: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram chat for blockchain developers https://github.com/cyberFund - our repository on Github with open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - library of knowledge on the blockchain
Verifying offchain computations using TrueBit. Sami Makela from Cyber Fund
189 1 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/rw72oduut2g2dvmudbs1-signature-b7cde9a1a905d28e1a506e2d9400d59eefede46dd753d5a5a36b30512ee676b3-poli-180301005729-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
The Melon security approach. Reto Trinkler /slideshow/the-melon-security-approach-reto-trinkler/89230237 jufvt1g3qmuwa2yisvcu-signature-730bd54aae7862bd8ce1d7f36d863bdc05e73b2489fb748eb48f7174fbf3effc-poli-180301005331
This topic was presented on the Blockchain FairyTales Conference in Minsk, that was held by cyberFund Additional information about the company cyberFund We are investing and developing blockchain projects which can fundamentally change the world we live in for the better. We are creating an economy of robots and people's self-expression. More about our work you can learn from the following resources: Our projects: cyberFund - analytics and development of blockchain systems Golos.io - media blockchain platform SatoshiFund - the first fund investing in crypto assets Cyberstudio.io - assistance in conducting ICO We are waiting for you in our communities: Blog: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter Social networks: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - the official page of cyberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - the official page of cyberEvents (Blockchain meetups, conferences, reports) /CyberFund-Official For developers: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram chat for blockchain developers https://github.com/cyberFund - our repository on Github with open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - library of knowledge on the blockchain ]]>

This topic was presented on the Blockchain FairyTales Conference in Minsk, that was held by cyberFund Additional information about the company cyberFund We are investing and developing blockchain projects which can fundamentally change the world we live in for the better. We are creating an economy of robots and people's self-expression. More about our work you can learn from the following resources: Our projects: cyberFund - analytics and development of blockchain systems Golos.io - media blockchain platform SatoshiFund - the first fund investing in crypto assets Cyberstudio.io - assistance in conducting ICO We are waiting for you in our communities: Blog: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter Social networks: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - the official page of cyberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - the official page of cyberEvents (Blockchain meetups, conferences, reports) /CyberFund-Official For developers: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram chat for blockchain developers https://github.com/cyberFund - our repository on Github with open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - library of knowledge on the blockchain ]]>
Thu, 01 Mar 2018 00:53:31 GMT /slideshow/the-melon-security-approach-reto-trinkler/89230237 CyberFund-Official@slideshare.net(CyberFund-Official) The Melon security approach. Reto Trinkler CyberFund-Official This topic was presented on the Blockchain FairyTales Conference in Minsk, that was held by cyberFund Additional information about the company cyberFund We are investing and developing blockchain projects which can fundamentally change the world we live in for the better. We are creating an economy of robots and people's self-expression. More about our work you can learn from the following resources: Our projects: cyberFund - analytics and development of blockchain systems Golos.io - media blockchain platform SatoshiFund - the first fund investing in crypto assets Cyberstudio.io - assistance in conducting ICO We are waiting for you in our communities: Blog: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter Social networks: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - the official page of cyberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - the official page of cyberEvents (Blockchain meetups, conferences, reports) /CyberFund-Official For developers: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram chat for blockchain developers https://github.com/cyberFund - our repository on Github with open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - library of knowledge on the blockchain <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/jufvt1g3qmuwa2yisvcu-signature-730bd54aae7862bd8ce1d7f36d863bdc05e73b2489fb748eb48f7174fbf3effc-poli-180301005331-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> This topic was presented on the Blockchain FairyTales Conference in Minsk, that was held by cyberFund Additional information about the company cyberFund We are investing and developing blockchain projects which can fundamentally change the world we live in for the better. We are creating an economy of robots and people&#39;s self-expression. More about our work you can learn from the following resources: Our projects: cyberFund - analytics and development of blockchain systems Golos.io - media blockchain platform SatoshiFund - the first fund investing in crypto assets Cyberstudio.io - assistance in conducting ICO We are waiting for you in our communities: Blog: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter Social networks: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - the official page of cyberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - the official page of cyberEvents (Blockchain meetups, conferences, reports) /CyberFund-Official For developers: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram chat for blockchain developers https://github.com/cyberFund - our repository on Github with open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - library of knowledge on the blockchain
The Melon security approach. Reto Trinkler from Cyber Fund
73 1 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/jufvt1g3qmuwa2yisvcu-signature-730bd54aae7862bd8ce1d7f36d863bdc05e73b2489fb748eb48f7174fbf3effc-poli-180301005331-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
The censorship resistance. Andrey Sobol /slideshow/the-censorship-resistance-andrey-sobol/89230085 jvkeobassjmit5z2dwml-signature-38a032e8364b46e50bb1c4d3ea22c34a8fabb570d78ccd9752243a1bb932c0aa-poli-180301004903
This topic was presented on the Blockchain FairyTales Conference in Minsk, that was held by cyberFund Additional information about the company cyberFund We are investing and developing blockchain projects which can fundamentally change the world we live in for the better. We are creating an economy of robots and people's self-expression. More about our work you can learn from the following resources: Our projects: cyberFund - analytics and development of blockchain systems Golos.io - media blockchain platform SatoshiFund - the first fund investing in crypto assets Cyberstudio.io - assistance in conducting ICO We are waiting for you in our communities: Blog: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter Social networks: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - the official page of cyberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - the official page of cyberEvents (Blockchain meetups, conferences, reports) /CyberFund-Official For developers: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram chat for blockchain developers https://github.com/cyberFund - our repository on Github with open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - library of knowledge on the blockchain ]]>

This topic was presented on the Blockchain FairyTales Conference in Minsk, that was held by cyberFund Additional information about the company cyberFund We are investing and developing blockchain projects which can fundamentally change the world we live in for the better. We are creating an economy of robots and people's self-expression. More about our work you can learn from the following resources: Our projects: cyberFund - analytics and development of blockchain systems Golos.io - media blockchain platform SatoshiFund - the first fund investing in crypto assets Cyberstudio.io - assistance in conducting ICO We are waiting for you in our communities: Blog: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter Social networks: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - the official page of cyberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - the official page of cyberEvents (Blockchain meetups, conferences, reports) /CyberFund-Official For developers: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram chat for blockchain developers https://github.com/cyberFund - our repository on Github with open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - library of knowledge on the blockchain ]]>
Thu, 01 Mar 2018 00:49:03 GMT /slideshow/the-censorship-resistance-andrey-sobol/89230085 CyberFund-Official@slideshare.net(CyberFund-Official) The censorship resistance. Andrey Sobol CyberFund-Official This topic was presented on the Blockchain FairyTales Conference in Minsk, that was held by cyberFund Additional information about the company cyberFund We are investing and developing blockchain projects which can fundamentally change the world we live in for the better. We are creating an economy of robots and people's self-expression. More about our work you can learn from the following resources: Our projects: cyberFund - analytics and development of blockchain systems Golos.io - media blockchain platform SatoshiFund - the first fund investing in crypto assets Cyberstudio.io - assistance in conducting ICO We are waiting for you in our communities: Blog: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter Social networks: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - the official page of cyberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - the official page of cyberEvents (Blockchain meetups, conferences, reports) /CyberFund-Official For developers: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram chat for blockchain developers https://github.com/cyberFund - our repository on Github with open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - library of knowledge on the blockchain <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/jvkeobassjmit5z2dwml-signature-38a032e8364b46e50bb1c4d3ea22c34a8fabb570d78ccd9752243a1bb932c0aa-poli-180301004903-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> This topic was presented on the Blockchain FairyTales Conference in Minsk, that was held by cyberFund Additional information about the company cyberFund We are investing and developing blockchain projects which can fundamentally change the world we live in for the better. We are creating an economy of robots and people&#39;s self-expression. More about our work you can learn from the following resources: Our projects: cyberFund - analytics and development of blockchain systems Golos.io - media blockchain platform SatoshiFund - the first fund investing in crypto assets Cyberstudio.io - assistance in conducting ICO We are waiting for you in our communities: Blog: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter Social networks: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - the official page of cyberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - the official page of cyberEvents (Blockchain meetups, conferences, reports) /CyberFund-Official For developers: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram chat for blockchain developers https://github.com/cyberFund - our repository on Github with open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - library of knowledge on the blockchain
The censorship resistance. Andrey Sobol from Cyber Fund
58 1 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/jvkeobassjmit5z2dwml-signature-38a032e8364b46e50bb1c4d3ea22c34a8fabb570d78ccd9752243a1bb932c0aa-poli-180301004903-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
End-to-end encryption for Dapps with NuCypher KMS. Sergey Zotov, software developer, nucypher /slideshow/endtoend-encryption-for-dapps-with-nucypher-kms-sergey-zotov-software-developer-nucypher/89229905 o5rvynafqtgjvbmrkatd-signature-c42a9f761ec001a788ada302b891acbcdc501ba1a6ebf1a49eb86eb6fd9f8b68-poli-180301004426
This topic was presented on the Blockchain FairyTales Conference in Minsk, that was held by cyberFund Additional information about the company cyberFund We are investing and developing blockchain projects which can fundamentally change the world we live in for the better. We are creating an economy of robots and people's self-expression. More about our work you can learn from the following resources: Our projects: cyberFund - analytics and development of blockchain systems Golos.io - media blockchain platform SatoshiFund - the first fund investing in crypto assets Cyberstudio.io - assistance in conducting ICO We are waiting for you in our communities: Blog: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter Social networks: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - the official page of cyberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - the official page of cyberEvents (Blockchain meetups, conferences, reports) /CyberFund-Official For developers: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram chat for blockchain developers https://github.com/cyberFund - our repository on Github with open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - library of knowledge on the blockchain ]]>

This topic was presented on the Blockchain FairyTales Conference in Minsk, that was held by cyberFund Additional information about the company cyberFund We are investing and developing blockchain projects which can fundamentally change the world we live in for the better. We are creating an economy of robots and people's self-expression. More about our work you can learn from the following resources: Our projects: cyberFund - analytics and development of blockchain systems Golos.io - media blockchain platform SatoshiFund - the first fund investing in crypto assets Cyberstudio.io - assistance in conducting ICO We are waiting for you in our communities: Blog: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter Social networks: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - the official page of cyberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - the official page of cyberEvents (Blockchain meetups, conferences, reports) /CyberFund-Official For developers: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram chat for blockchain developers https://github.com/cyberFund - our repository on Github with open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - library of knowledge on the blockchain ]]>
Thu, 01 Mar 2018 00:44:26 GMT /slideshow/endtoend-encryption-for-dapps-with-nucypher-kms-sergey-zotov-software-developer-nucypher/89229905 CyberFund-Official@slideshare.net(CyberFund-Official) End-to-end encryption for Dapps with NuCypher KMS. Sergey Zotov, software developer, nucypher CyberFund-Official This topic was presented on the Blockchain FairyTales Conference in Minsk, that was held by cyberFund Additional information about the company cyberFund We are investing and developing blockchain projects which can fundamentally change the world we live in for the better. We are creating an economy of robots and people's self-expression. More about our work you can learn from the following resources: Our projects: cyberFund - analytics and development of blockchain systems Golos.io - media blockchain platform SatoshiFund - the first fund investing in crypto assets Cyberstudio.io - assistance in conducting ICO We are waiting for you in our communities: Blog: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter Social networks: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - the official page of cyberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - the official page of cyberEvents (Blockchain meetups, conferences, reports) /CyberFund-Official For developers: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram chat for blockchain developers https://github.com/cyberFund - our repository on Github with open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - library of knowledge on the blockchain <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/o5rvynafqtgjvbmrkatd-signature-c42a9f761ec001a788ada302b891acbcdc501ba1a6ebf1a49eb86eb6fd9f8b68-poli-180301004426-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> This topic was presented on the Blockchain FairyTales Conference in Minsk, that was held by cyberFund Additional information about the company cyberFund We are investing and developing blockchain projects which can fundamentally change the world we live in for the better. We are creating an economy of robots and people&#39;s self-expression. More about our work you can learn from the following resources: Our projects: cyberFund - analytics and development of blockchain systems Golos.io - media blockchain platform SatoshiFund - the first fund investing in crypto assets Cyberstudio.io - assistance in conducting ICO We are waiting for you in our communities: Blog: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter Social networks: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - the official page of cyberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - the official page of cyberEvents (Blockchain meetups, conferences, reports) /CyberFund-Official For developers: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram chat for blockchain developers https://github.com/cyberFund - our repository on Github with open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - library of knowledge on the blockchain
End-to-end encryption for Dapps with NuCypher KMS. Sergey Zotov, software developer, nucypher from Cyber Fund
181 1 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/o5rvynafqtgjvbmrkatd-signature-c42a9f761ec001a788ada302b891acbcdc501ba1a6ebf1a49eb86eb6fd9f8b68-poli-180301004426-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
Creating CI/ CD infrastructure for open source projects. Denis Soldatov, dev-ops, parity technologies /slideshow/creating-ci-cd-infrastructure-for-open-source-projects-denis-soldatov-devops-parity-technologies/89229678 6mx3zp8csu2xojilbnsb-signature-0f2c4d0484ca0f7d9e981e11ac22229f565e5ffdb7c64ab8d183b0f61df98248-poli-180301003820
This topic was presented on the Blockchain FairyTales Conference in Minsk, that was held by cyberFund Additional information about the company cyberFund We are investing and developing blockchain projects which can fundamentally change the world we live in for the better. We are creating an economy of robots and people's self-expression. More about our work you can learn from the following resources: Our projects: cyberFund - analytics and development of blockchain systems Golos.io - media blockchain platform SatoshiFund - the first fund investing in crypto assets Cyberstudio.io - assistance in conducting ICO We are waiting for you in our communities: Blog: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter Social networks: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - the official page of cyberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - the official page of cyberEvents (Blockchain meetups, conferences, reports) /CyberFund-Official For developers: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram chat for blockchain developers https://github.com/cyberFund - our repository on Github with open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - library of knowledge on the blockchain ]]>

This topic was presented on the Blockchain FairyTales Conference in Minsk, that was held by cyberFund Additional information about the company cyberFund We are investing and developing blockchain projects which can fundamentally change the world we live in for the better. We are creating an economy of robots and people's self-expression. More about our work you can learn from the following resources: Our projects: cyberFund - analytics and development of blockchain systems Golos.io - media blockchain platform SatoshiFund - the first fund investing in crypto assets Cyberstudio.io - assistance in conducting ICO We are waiting for you in our communities: Blog: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter Social networks: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - the official page of cyberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - the official page of cyberEvents (Blockchain meetups, conferences, reports) /CyberFund-Official For developers: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram chat for blockchain developers https://github.com/cyberFund - our repository on Github with open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - library of knowledge on the blockchain ]]>
Thu, 01 Mar 2018 00:38:20 GMT /slideshow/creating-ci-cd-infrastructure-for-open-source-projects-denis-soldatov-devops-parity-technologies/89229678 CyberFund-Official@slideshare.net(CyberFund-Official) Creating CI/ CD infrastructure for open source projects. Denis Soldatov, dev-ops, parity technologies CyberFund-Official This topic was presented on the Blockchain FairyTales Conference in Minsk, that was held by cyberFund Additional information about the company cyberFund We are investing and developing blockchain projects which can fundamentally change the world we live in for the better. We are creating an economy of robots and people's self-expression. More about our work you can learn from the following resources: Our projects: cyberFund - analytics and development of blockchain systems Golos.io - media blockchain platform SatoshiFund - the first fund investing in crypto assets Cyberstudio.io - assistance in conducting ICO We are waiting for you in our communities: Blog: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter Social networks: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - the official page of cyberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - the official page of cyberEvents (Blockchain meetups, conferences, reports) /CyberFund-Official For developers: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram chat for blockchain developers https://github.com/cyberFund - our repository on Github with open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - library of knowledge on the blockchain <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/6mx3zp8csu2xojilbnsb-signature-0f2c4d0484ca0f7d9e981e11ac22229f565e5ffdb7c64ab8d183b0f61df98248-poli-180301003820-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> This topic was presented on the Blockchain FairyTales Conference in Minsk, that was held by cyberFund Additional information about the company cyberFund We are investing and developing blockchain projects which can fundamentally change the world we live in for the better. We are creating an economy of robots and people&#39;s self-expression. More about our work you can learn from the following resources: Our projects: cyberFund - analytics and development of blockchain systems Golos.io - media blockchain platform SatoshiFund - the first fund investing in crypto assets Cyberstudio.io - assistance in conducting ICO We are waiting for you in our communities: Blog: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter Social networks: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - the official page of cyberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - the official page of cyberEvents (Blockchain meetups, conferences, reports) /CyberFund-Official For developers: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram chat for blockchain developers https://github.com/cyberFund - our repository on Github with open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - library of knowledge on the blockchain
Creating CI/ CD infrastructure for open source projects. Denis Soldatov, dev-ops, parity technologies from Cyber Fund
67 1 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/6mx3zp8csu2xojilbnsb-signature-0f2c4d0484ca0f7d9e981e11ac22229f565e5ffdb7c64ab8d183b0f61df98248-poli-180301003820-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
Rust & Web Assembly /CyberFund-Official/rust-web-assembly rhuzlhd9qkospcdsmihf-signature-e45e1cc1ae96ba04ecea4d419e28d6503ca54b66341dcedf31c7d73b1db44514-poli-180228231137
亠亟亳亶 舒亰舒弍仂亳从 Parity Technologies 亳从仂仍舒亶 仂仍 舒从舒亢亠 仂 仗亠亳仄亠于舒 亳仗仂仍亰仂于舒仆亳 WebAssembly 亳 Rust, 舒 舒从亢亠 仂 亳仆亠亞亳亳 亟舒仆仆 亠亠仆亳亶 于 仂亠舒仆亳亳 仍仂从亠亶仆. 舒仆仆舒 仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 弍仍舒 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆舒 仆舒 仂亟仆仂仄 亳亰 亠亢亠仆亠亟亠仍仆 仂弍舒亰仂于舒亠仍仆 仄亳舒仗仂于 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund. 仂仄仂亠 仗仂仍仆仂亠 于亳亟亠仂 仄亳舒仗舒 仄仂亢仆仂 亰亟亠: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUxSmIKtHkg 仂亳舒 亠从仂于 于亠亳 于仗仍亠仆亳: https://golos.io/ru--blokcheijn/@cyberevents/rust-contracts-and-webassembly-spiker-nikolai-volf 仂仗仂仍仆亳亠仍仆舒 亳仆仂仄舒亳 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund 亳仆于亠亳亠仄 亳 舒亰于亳于舒亠仄 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仂亠从, 仗仂仂弍仆亠 从舒亟亳仆舒仍仆仂 仄亠仆 仆舒 仄亳 于 仍 仂仂仆, 仂亰亟舒于舒 从仂仆仂仄亳从 仂弍仂仂于 亳 舒仄仂于舒亢亠仆亳 仍ミ莞黍. 仂仍亠 仂 仆舒亠亶 舒弍仂亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰仆舒 亳亰 仍亠亟ム亳 亠仂于: 舒亳 仗仂亠从: yberFund - 舒仆舒仍亳亳从舒 亳 舒亰舒弍仂从舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 亳亠仄 Golos.io - 仄亠亟亳亶仆舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仍舒仂仄舒 SatoshiFund - 仗亠于亶 仂仆亟 亳仆于亠亳ム亳亶 于 从亳仗仂舒从亳于 Cyberstudio.io - 仗仂仄仂 于 仗仂于亠亟亠仆亳亳 ICO 亢亟亠仄 于舒 于 仆舒亳 仂仂弍亠于舒: 仍仂亞: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter 弌仂亳舒仍仆亠 亠亳: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 yberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 cyberEvents (仍仂从亠亶仆 仄亳舒仗, 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳, 亟仂从仍舒亟) /CyberFund-Official 仍 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram 舒 亟仍 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于 https://github.com/cyberFund - 仆舒 亠仗仂亰亳仂亳亶 仆舒 Github open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - 弍亳弍仍亳仂亠从舒 亰仆舒仆亳亶 仗仂 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 ]]>

亠亟亳亶 舒亰舒弍仂亳从 Parity Technologies 亳从仂仍舒亶 仂仍 舒从舒亢亠 仂 仗亠亳仄亠于舒 亳仗仂仍亰仂于舒仆亳 WebAssembly 亳 Rust, 舒 舒从亢亠 仂 亳仆亠亞亳亳 亟舒仆仆 亠亠仆亳亶 于 仂亠舒仆亳亳 仍仂从亠亶仆. 舒仆仆舒 仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 弍仍舒 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆舒 仆舒 仂亟仆仂仄 亳亰 亠亢亠仆亠亟亠仍仆 仂弍舒亰仂于舒亠仍仆 仄亳舒仗仂于 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund. 仂仄仂亠 仗仂仍仆仂亠 于亳亟亠仂 仄亳舒仗舒 仄仂亢仆仂 亰亟亠: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUxSmIKtHkg 仂亳舒 亠从仂于 于亠亳 于仗仍亠仆亳: https://golos.io/ru--blokcheijn/@cyberevents/rust-contracts-and-webassembly-spiker-nikolai-volf 仂仗仂仍仆亳亠仍仆舒 亳仆仂仄舒亳 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund 亳仆于亠亳亠仄 亳 舒亰于亳于舒亠仄 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仂亠从, 仗仂仂弍仆亠 从舒亟亳仆舒仍仆仂 仄亠仆 仆舒 仄亳 于 仍 仂仂仆, 仂亰亟舒于舒 从仂仆仂仄亳从 仂弍仂仂于 亳 舒仄仂于舒亢亠仆亳 仍ミ莞黍. 仂仍亠 仂 仆舒亠亶 舒弍仂亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰仆舒 亳亰 仍亠亟ム亳 亠仂于: 舒亳 仗仂亠从: yberFund - 舒仆舒仍亳亳从舒 亳 舒亰舒弍仂从舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 亳亠仄 Golos.io - 仄亠亟亳亶仆舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仍舒仂仄舒 SatoshiFund - 仗亠于亶 仂仆亟 亳仆于亠亳ム亳亶 于 从亳仗仂舒从亳于 Cyberstudio.io - 仗仂仄仂 于 仗仂于亠亟亠仆亳亳 ICO 亢亟亠仄 于舒 于 仆舒亳 仂仂弍亠于舒: 仍仂亞: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter 弌仂亳舒仍仆亠 亠亳: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 yberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 cyberEvents (仍仂从亠亶仆 仄亳舒仗, 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳, 亟仂从仍舒亟) /CyberFund-Official 仍 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram 舒 亟仍 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于 https://github.com/cyberFund - 仆舒 亠仗仂亰亳仂亳亶 仆舒 Github open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - 弍亳弍仍亳仂亠从舒 亰仆舒仆亳亶 仗仂 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 ]]>
Wed, 28 Feb 2018 23:11:37 GMT /CyberFund-Official/rust-web-assembly CyberFund-Official@slideshare.net(CyberFund-Official) Rust & Web Assembly CyberFund-Official 亠亟亳亶 舒亰舒弍仂亳从 Parity Technologies 亳从仂仍舒亶 仂仍 舒从舒亢亠 仂 仗亠亳仄亠于舒 亳仗仂仍亰仂于舒仆亳 WebAssembly 亳 Rust, 舒 舒从亢亠 仂 亳仆亠亞亳亳 亟舒仆仆 亠亠仆亳亶 于 仂亠舒仆亳亳 仍仂从亠亶仆. 舒仆仆舒 仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 弍仍舒 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆舒 仆舒 仂亟仆仂仄 亳亰 亠亢亠仆亠亟亠仍仆 仂弍舒亰仂于舒亠仍仆 仄亳舒仗仂于 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund. 仂仄仂亠 仗仂仍仆仂亠 于亳亟亠仂 仄亳舒仗舒 仄仂亢仆仂 亰亟亠: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUxSmIKtHkg 仂亳舒 亠从仂于 于亠亳 于仗仍亠仆亳: https://golos.io/ru--blokcheijn/@cyberevents/rust-contracts-and-webassembly-spiker-nikolai-volf 仂仗仂仍仆亳亠仍仆舒 亳仆仂仄舒亳 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund 亳仆于亠亳亠仄 亳 舒亰于亳于舒亠仄 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仂亠从, 仗仂仂弍仆亠 从舒亟亳仆舒仍仆仂 仄亠仆 仆舒 仄亳 于 仍 仂仂仆, 仂亰亟舒于舒 从仂仆仂仄亳从 仂弍仂仂于 亳 舒仄仂于舒亢亠仆亳 仍ミ莞黍. 仂仍亠 仂 仆舒亠亶 舒弍仂亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰仆舒 亳亰 仍亠亟ム亳 亠仂于: 舒亳 仗仂亠从: yberFund - 舒仆舒仍亳亳从舒 亳 舒亰舒弍仂从舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 亳亠仄 Golos.io - 仄亠亟亳亶仆舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仍舒仂仄舒 SatoshiFund - 仗亠于亶 仂仆亟 亳仆于亠亳ム亳亶 于 从亳仗仂舒从亳于 Cyberstudio.io - 仗仂仄仂 于 仗仂于亠亟亠仆亳亳 ICO 亢亟亠仄 于舒 于 仆舒亳 仂仂弍亠于舒: 仍仂亞: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter 弌仂亳舒仍仆亠 亠亳: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 yberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 cyberEvents (仍仂从亠亶仆 仄亳舒仗, 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳, 亟仂从仍舒亟) /CyberFund-Official 仍 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram 舒 亟仍 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于 https://github.com/cyberFund - 仆舒 亠仗仂亰亳仂亳亶 仆舒 Github open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - 弍亳弍仍亳仂亠从舒 亰仆舒仆亳亶 仗仂 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/rhuzlhd9qkospcdsmihf-signature-e45e1cc1ae96ba04ecea4d419e28d6503ca54b66341dcedf31c7d73b1db44514-poli-180228231137-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> 亠亟亳亶 舒亰舒弍仂亳从 Parity Technologies 亳从仂仍舒亶 仂仍 舒从舒亢亠 仂 仗亠亳仄亠于舒 亳仗仂仍亰仂于舒仆亳 WebAssembly 亳 Rust, 舒 舒从亢亠 仂 亳仆亠亞亳亳 亟舒仆仆 亠亠仆亳亶 于 仂亠舒仆亳亳 仍仂从亠亶仆. 舒仆仆舒 仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 弍仍舒 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆舒 仆舒 仂亟仆仂仄 亳亰 亠亢亠仆亠亟亠仍仆 仂弍舒亰仂于舒亠仍仆 仄亳舒仗仂于 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund. 仂仄仂亠 仗仂仍仆仂亠 于亳亟亠仂 仄亳舒仗舒 仄仂亢仆仂 亰亟亠: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUxSmIKtHkg 仂亳舒 亠从仂于 于亠亳 于仗仍亠仆亳: https://golos.io/ru--blokcheijn/@cyberevents/rust-contracts-and-webassembly-spiker-nikolai-volf 仂仗仂仍仆亳亠仍仆舒 亳仆仂仄舒亳 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund 亳仆于亠亳亠仄 亳 舒亰于亳于舒亠仄 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仂亠从, 仗仂仂弍仆亠 从舒亟亳仆舒仍仆仂 仄亠仆 仆舒 仄亳 于 仍 仂仂仆, 仂亰亟舒于舒 从仂仆仂仄亳从 仂弍仂仂于 亳 舒仄仂于舒亢亠仆亳 仍ミ莞黍. 仂仍亠 仂 仆舒亠亶 舒弍仂亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰仆舒 亳亰 仍亠亟ム亳 亠仂于: 舒亳 仗仂亠从: yberFund - 舒仆舒仍亳亳从舒 亳 舒亰舒弍仂从舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 亳亠仄 Golos.io - 仄亠亟亳亶仆舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仍舒仂仄舒 SatoshiFund - 仗亠于亶 仂仆亟 亳仆于亠亳ム亳亶 于 从亳仗仂舒从亳于 Cyberstudio.io - 仗仂仄仂 于 仗仂于亠亟亠仆亳亳 ICO 亢亟亠仄 于舒 于 仆舒亳 仂仂弍亠于舒: 仍仂亞: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter 弌仂亳舒仍仆亠 亠亳: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 yberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 cyberEvents (仍仂从亠亶仆 仄亳舒仗, 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳, 亟仂从仍舒亟) /CyberFund-Official 仍 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram 舒 亟仍 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于 https://github.com/cyberFund - 仆舒 亠仗仂亰亳仂亳亶 仆舒 Github open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - 弍亳弍仍亳仂亠从舒 亰仆舒仆亳亶 仗仂 弍仍仂从亠亶仆
Rust & Web Assembly from Cyber Fund
53 1 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/rhuzlhd9qkospcdsmihf-signature-e45e1cc1ae96ba04ecea4d419e28d6503ca54b66341dcedf31c7d73b1db44514-poli-180228231137-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
亟亠亠 弍仍仂从亠亶仆. 弌仗亳从亠: 仍舒亟亳仄亳 仂仗仂于 /slideshow/ss-89222227/89222227 zlaj0krqtbojmktojleh-signature-ba57751767e750025a2365a9728f37e7361f9f0d62f56cf32a84f3cbc5be0e85-poli-180228220355
舒仆仆舒 仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 弍仍舒 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆舒 仆舒 仂亟仆仂仄 亳亰 亠亢亠仆亠亟亠仍仆 仂弍舒亰仂于舒亠仍仆 仄亳舒仗仂于 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund. 仂仄仂亠 仗仂仍仆仂亠 于亳亟亠仂 仄亳舒仗舒 仄仂亢仆仂 亰亟亠: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kp1BbqwZYWw&t=2910s 仂仗仂仍仆亳亠仍仆舒 亳仆仂仄舒亳 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund 亳仆于亠亳亠仄 亳 舒亰于亳于舒亠仄 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仂亠从, 仗仂仂弍仆亠 从舒亟亳仆舒仍仆仂 仄亠仆 仆舒 仄亳 于 仍 仂仂仆, 仂亰亟舒于舒 从仂仆仂仄亳从 仂弍仂仂于 亳 舒仄仂于舒亢亠仆亳 仍ミ莞黍. 仂仍亠 仂 仆舒亠亶 舒弍仂亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰仆舒 亳亰 仍亠亟ム亳 亠仂于: 舒亳 仗仂亠从: yberFund - 舒仆舒仍亳亳从舒 亳 舒亰舒弍仂从舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 亳亠仄 Golos.io - 仄亠亟亳亶仆舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仍舒仂仄舒 SatoshiFund - 仗亠于亶 仂仆亟 亳仆于亠亳ム亳亶 于 从亳仗仂舒从亳于 Cyberstudio.io - 仗仂仄仂 于 仗仂于亠亟亠仆亳亳 ICO 亢亟亠仄 于舒 于 仆舒亳 仂仂弍亠于舒: 仍仂亞: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter 弌仂亳舒仍仆亠 亠亳: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 yberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 cyberEvents (仍仂从亠亶仆 仄亳舒仗, 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳, 亟仂从仍舒亟) /CyberFund-Official 仍 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram 舒 亟仍 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于 https://github.com/cyberFund - 仆舒 亠仗仂亰亳仂亳亶 仆舒 Github open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - 弍亳弍仍亳仂亠从舒 亰仆舒仆亳亶 仗仂 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 ]]>

舒仆仆舒 仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 弍仍舒 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆舒 仆舒 仂亟仆仂仄 亳亰 亠亢亠仆亠亟亠仍仆 仂弍舒亰仂于舒亠仍仆 仄亳舒仗仂于 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund. 仂仄仂亠 仗仂仍仆仂亠 于亳亟亠仂 仄亳舒仗舒 仄仂亢仆仂 亰亟亠: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kp1BbqwZYWw&t=2910s 仂仗仂仍仆亳亠仍仆舒 亳仆仂仄舒亳 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund 亳仆于亠亳亠仄 亳 舒亰于亳于舒亠仄 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仂亠从, 仗仂仂弍仆亠 从舒亟亳仆舒仍仆仂 仄亠仆 仆舒 仄亳 于 仍 仂仂仆, 仂亰亟舒于舒 从仂仆仂仄亳从 仂弍仂仂于 亳 舒仄仂于舒亢亠仆亳 仍ミ莞黍. 仂仍亠 仂 仆舒亠亶 舒弍仂亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰仆舒 亳亰 仍亠亟ム亳 亠仂于: 舒亳 仗仂亠从: yberFund - 舒仆舒仍亳亳从舒 亳 舒亰舒弍仂从舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 亳亠仄 Golos.io - 仄亠亟亳亶仆舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仍舒仂仄舒 SatoshiFund - 仗亠于亶 仂仆亟 亳仆于亠亳ム亳亶 于 从亳仗仂舒从亳于 Cyberstudio.io - 仗仂仄仂 于 仗仂于亠亟亠仆亳亳 ICO 亢亟亠仄 于舒 于 仆舒亳 仂仂弍亠于舒: 仍仂亞: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter 弌仂亳舒仍仆亠 亠亳: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 yberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 cyberEvents (仍仂从亠亶仆 仄亳舒仗, 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳, 亟仂从仍舒亟) /CyberFund-Official 仍 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram 舒 亟仍 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于 https://github.com/cyberFund - 仆舒 亠仗仂亰亳仂亳亶 仆舒 Github open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - 弍亳弍仍亳仂亠从舒 亰仆舒仆亳亶 仗仂 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 ]]>
Wed, 28 Feb 2018 22:03:55 GMT /slideshow/ss-89222227/89222227 CyberFund-Official@slideshare.net(CyberFund-Official) 亟亠亠 弍仍仂从亠亶仆. 弌仗亳从亠: 仍舒亟亳仄亳 仂仗仂于 CyberFund-Official 舒仆仆舒 仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 弍仍舒 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆舒 仆舒 仂亟仆仂仄 亳亰 亠亢亠仆亠亟亠仍仆 仂弍舒亰仂于舒亠仍仆 仄亳舒仗仂于 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund. 仂仄仂亠 仗仂仍仆仂亠 于亳亟亠仂 仄亳舒仗舒 仄仂亢仆仂 亰亟亠: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kp1BbqwZYWw&t=2910s 仂仗仂仍仆亳亠仍仆舒 亳仆仂仄舒亳 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund 亳仆于亠亳亠仄 亳 舒亰于亳于舒亠仄 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仂亠从, 仗仂仂弍仆亠 从舒亟亳仆舒仍仆仂 仄亠仆 仆舒 仄亳 于 仍 仂仂仆, 仂亰亟舒于舒 从仂仆仂仄亳从 仂弍仂仂于 亳 舒仄仂于舒亢亠仆亳 仍ミ莞黍. 仂仍亠 仂 仆舒亠亶 舒弍仂亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰仆舒 亳亰 仍亠亟ム亳 亠仂于: 舒亳 仗仂亠从: yberFund - 舒仆舒仍亳亳从舒 亳 舒亰舒弍仂从舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 亳亠仄 Golos.io - 仄亠亟亳亶仆舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仍舒仂仄舒 SatoshiFund - 仗亠于亶 仂仆亟 亳仆于亠亳ム亳亶 于 从亳仗仂舒从亳于 Cyberstudio.io - 仗仂仄仂 于 仗仂于亠亟亠仆亳亳 ICO 亢亟亠仄 于舒 于 仆舒亳 仂仂弍亠于舒: 仍仂亞: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter 弌仂亳舒仍仆亠 亠亳: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 yberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 cyberEvents (仍仂从亠亶仆 仄亳舒仗, 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳, 亟仂从仍舒亟) /CyberFund-Official 仍 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram 舒 亟仍 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于 https://github.com/cyberFund - 仆舒 亠仗仂亰亳仂亳亶 仆舒 Github open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - 弍亳弍仍亳仂亠从舒 亰仆舒仆亳亶 仗仂 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/zlaj0krqtbojmktojleh-signature-ba57751767e750025a2365a9728f37e7361f9f0d62f56cf32a84f3cbc5be0e85-poli-180228220355-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> 舒仆仆舒 仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 弍仍舒 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆舒 仆舒 仂亟仆仂仄 亳亰 亠亢亠仆亠亟亠仍仆 仂弍舒亰仂于舒亠仍仆 仄亳舒仗仂于 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund. 仂仄仂亠 仗仂仍仆仂亠 于亳亟亠仂 仄亳舒仗舒 仄仂亢仆仂 亰亟亠: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kp1BbqwZYWw&amp;t=2910s 仂仗仂仍仆亳亠仍仆舒 亳仆仂仄舒亳 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund 亳仆于亠亳亠仄 亳 舒亰于亳于舒亠仄 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仂亠从, 仗仂仂弍仆亠 从舒亟亳仆舒仍仆仂 仄亠仆 仆舒 仄亳 于 仍 仂仂仆, 仂亰亟舒于舒 从仂仆仂仄亳从 仂弍仂仂于 亳 舒仄仂于舒亢亠仆亳 仍ミ莞黍. 仂仍亠 仂 仆舒亠亶 舒弍仂亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰仆舒 亳亰 仍亠亟ム亳 亠仂于: 舒亳 仗仂亠从: yberFund - 舒仆舒仍亳亳从舒 亳 舒亰舒弍仂从舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 亳亠仄 Golos.io - 仄亠亟亳亶仆舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仍舒仂仄舒 SatoshiFund - 仗亠于亶 仂仆亟 亳仆于亠亳ム亳亶 于 从亳仗仂舒从亳于 Cyberstudio.io - 仗仂仄仂 于 仗仂于亠亟亠仆亳亳 ICO 亢亟亠仄 于舒 于 仆舒亳 仂仂弍亠于舒: 仍仂亞: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter 弌仂亳舒仍仆亠 亠亳: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 yberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 cyberEvents (仍仂从亠亶仆 仄亳舒仗, 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳, 亟仂从仍舒亟) /CyberFund-Official 仍 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram 舒 亟仍 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于 https://github.com/cyberFund - 仆舒 亠仗仂亰亳仂亳亶 仆舒 Github open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - 弍亳弍仍亳仂亠从舒 亰仆舒仆亳亶 仗仂 弍仍仂从亠亶仆
亟亠亠 弍仍仂从亠亶仆. 弌仗亳从亠: 仍舒亟亳仄亳 仂仗仂于 from Cyber Fund
68 1 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/zlaj0krqtbojmktojleh-signature-ba57751767e750025a2365a9728f37e7361f9f0d62f56cf32a84f3cbc5be0e85-poli-180228220355-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
仂亠仄 亟亠亠仆舒仍亳亰仂于舒仆仆亠 弍亳亢亳 弍仍亳亢亠 亠仄 仆舒仄 从舒亢亠. 仆亟亠亶 弌仂弍仂仍 /slideshow/ss-89216663/89216663 4gafax4t1syj1oxpllhm-signature-925d089a0ace90180f978543ba58bd14e75ab33bd95a6faab201d304d3270788-poli-180228204554
DEX - Decentralised Exchange - 亟亠亠仆舒仍亳亰仂于舒仆仆亠 弍亳亢亳 亟仍 仂弍仄亠仆舒 亳仂于仄亳 舒从亳于舒仄亳 - 亠仄舒, 从仂仂 舒从仂亠 仗亳从亠 仍亠从亳亳. 舒仆仆舒 仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 弍仍舒 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆舒 仆舒 仂亟仆仂仄 亳亰 亠亢亠仆亠亟亠仍仆 仂弍舒亰仂于舒亠仍仆 仄亳舒仗仂于 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund. 仂仄仂亠 仗仂仍仆仂亠 于亳亟亠仂 仄亳舒仗舒 仄仂亢仆仂 亰亟亠: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYSRimrVRXY&t=1591s 仂亳舒 亠从仂于 于亠亳 于仗仍亠仆亳: https://golos.io/ru--blokcheijn/@cyberevents/pochemu-dex-blizhe-chem-nam-kazhetsya-spiker-andrei-sobol 仂仗仂仍仆亳亠仍仆舒 亳仆仂仄舒亳 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund 亳仆于亠亳亠仄 亳 舒亰于亳于舒亠仄 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仂亠从, 仗仂仂弍仆亠 从舒亟亳仆舒仍仆仂 仄亠仆 仆舒 仄亳 于 仍 仂仂仆, 仂亰亟舒于舒 从仂仆仂仄亳从 仂弍仂仂于 亳 舒仄仂于舒亢亠仆亳 仍ミ莞黍. 仂仍亠 仂 仆舒亠亶 舒弍仂亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰仆舒 亳亰 仍亠亟ム亳 亠仂于: 舒亳 仗仂亠从: yberFund - 舒仆舒仍亳亳从舒 亳 舒亰舒弍仂从舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 亳亠仄 Golos.io - 仄亠亟亳亶仆舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仍舒仂仄舒 SatoshiFund - 仗亠于亶 仂仆亟 亳仆于亠亳ム亳亶 于 从亳仗仂舒从亳于 Cyberstudio.io - 仗仂仄仂 于 仗仂于亠亟亠仆亳亳 ICO 亢亟亠仄 于舒 于 仆舒亳 仂仂弍亠于舒: 仍仂亞: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter 弌仂亳舒仍仆亠 亠亳: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 yberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 cyberEvents (仍仂从亠亶仆 仄亳舒仗, 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳, 亟仂从仍舒亟) /CyberFund-Official 仍 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram 舒 亟仍 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于 https://github.com/cyberFund - 仆舒 亠仗仂亰亳仂亳亶 仆舒 Github open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - 弍亳弍仍亳仂亠从舒 亰仆舒仆亳亶 仗仂 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 ]]>

DEX - Decentralised Exchange - 亟亠亠仆舒仍亳亰仂于舒仆仆亠 弍亳亢亳 亟仍 仂弍仄亠仆舒 亳仂于仄亳 舒从亳于舒仄亳 - 亠仄舒, 从仂仂 舒从仂亠 仗亳从亠 仍亠从亳亳. 舒仆仆舒 仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 弍仍舒 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆舒 仆舒 仂亟仆仂仄 亳亰 亠亢亠仆亠亟亠仍仆 仂弍舒亰仂于舒亠仍仆 仄亳舒仗仂于 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund. 仂仄仂亠 仗仂仍仆仂亠 于亳亟亠仂 仄亳舒仗舒 仄仂亢仆仂 亰亟亠: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYSRimrVRXY&t=1591s 仂亳舒 亠从仂于 于亠亳 于仗仍亠仆亳: https://golos.io/ru--blokcheijn/@cyberevents/pochemu-dex-blizhe-chem-nam-kazhetsya-spiker-andrei-sobol 仂仗仂仍仆亳亠仍仆舒 亳仆仂仄舒亳 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund 亳仆于亠亳亠仄 亳 舒亰于亳于舒亠仄 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仂亠从, 仗仂仂弍仆亠 从舒亟亳仆舒仍仆仂 仄亠仆 仆舒 仄亳 于 仍 仂仂仆, 仂亰亟舒于舒 从仂仆仂仄亳从 仂弍仂仂于 亳 舒仄仂于舒亢亠仆亳 仍ミ莞黍. 仂仍亠 仂 仆舒亠亶 舒弍仂亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰仆舒 亳亰 仍亠亟ム亳 亠仂于: 舒亳 仗仂亠从: yberFund - 舒仆舒仍亳亳从舒 亳 舒亰舒弍仂从舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 亳亠仄 Golos.io - 仄亠亟亳亶仆舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仍舒仂仄舒 SatoshiFund - 仗亠于亶 仂仆亟 亳仆于亠亳ム亳亶 于 从亳仗仂舒从亳于 Cyberstudio.io - 仗仂仄仂 于 仗仂于亠亟亠仆亳亳 ICO 亢亟亠仄 于舒 于 仆舒亳 仂仂弍亠于舒: 仍仂亞: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter 弌仂亳舒仍仆亠 亠亳: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 yberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 cyberEvents (仍仂从亠亶仆 仄亳舒仗, 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳, 亟仂从仍舒亟) /CyberFund-Official 仍 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram 舒 亟仍 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于 https://github.com/cyberFund - 仆舒 亠仗仂亰亳仂亳亶 仆舒 Github open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - 弍亳弍仍亳仂亠从舒 亰仆舒仆亳亶 仗仂 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 ]]>
Wed, 28 Feb 2018 20:45:54 GMT /slideshow/ss-89216663/89216663 CyberFund-Official@slideshare.net(CyberFund-Official) 仂亠仄 亟亠亠仆舒仍亳亰仂于舒仆仆亠 弍亳亢亳 弍仍亳亢亠 亠仄 仆舒仄 从舒亢亠. 仆亟亠亶 弌仂弍仂仍 CyberFund-Official DEX - Decentralised Exchange - 亟亠亠仆舒仍亳亰仂于舒仆仆亠 弍亳亢亳 亟仍 仂弍仄亠仆舒 亳仂于仄亳 舒从亳于舒仄亳 - 亠仄舒, 从仂仂 舒从仂亠 仗亳从亠 仍亠从亳亳. 舒仆仆舒 仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 弍仍舒 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆舒 仆舒 仂亟仆仂仄 亳亰 亠亢亠仆亠亟亠仍仆 仂弍舒亰仂于舒亠仍仆 仄亳舒仗仂于 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund. 仂仄仂亠 仗仂仍仆仂亠 于亳亟亠仂 仄亳舒仗舒 仄仂亢仆仂 亰亟亠: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYSRimrVRXY&t=1591s 仂亳舒 亠从仂于 于亠亳 于仗仍亠仆亳: https://golos.io/ru--blokcheijn/@cyberevents/pochemu-dex-blizhe-chem-nam-kazhetsya-spiker-andrei-sobol 仂仗仂仍仆亳亠仍仆舒 亳仆仂仄舒亳 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund 亳仆于亠亳亠仄 亳 舒亰于亳于舒亠仄 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仂亠从, 仗仂仂弍仆亠 从舒亟亳仆舒仍仆仂 仄亠仆 仆舒 仄亳 于 仍 仂仂仆, 仂亰亟舒于舒 从仂仆仂仄亳从 仂弍仂仂于 亳 舒仄仂于舒亢亠仆亳 仍ミ莞黍. 仂仍亠 仂 仆舒亠亶 舒弍仂亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰仆舒 亳亰 仍亠亟ム亳 亠仂于: 舒亳 仗仂亠从: yberFund - 舒仆舒仍亳亳从舒 亳 舒亰舒弍仂从舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 亳亠仄 Golos.io - 仄亠亟亳亶仆舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仍舒仂仄舒 SatoshiFund - 仗亠于亶 仂仆亟 亳仆于亠亳ム亳亶 于 从亳仗仂舒从亳于 Cyberstudio.io - 仗仂仄仂 于 仗仂于亠亟亠仆亳亳 ICO 亢亟亠仄 于舒 于 仆舒亳 仂仂弍亠于舒: 仍仂亞: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter 弌仂亳舒仍仆亠 亠亳: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 yberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 cyberEvents (仍仂从亠亶仆 仄亳舒仗, 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳, 亟仂从仍舒亟) /CyberFund-Official 仍 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram 舒 亟仍 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于 https://github.com/cyberFund - 仆舒 亠仗仂亰亳仂亳亶 仆舒 Github open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - 弍亳弍仍亳仂亠从舒 亰仆舒仆亳亶 仗仂 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/4gafax4t1syj1oxpllhm-signature-925d089a0ace90180f978543ba58bd14e75ab33bd95a6faab201d304d3270788-poli-180228204554-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> DEX - Decentralised Exchange - 亟亠亠仆舒仍亳亰仂于舒仆仆亠 弍亳亢亳 亟仍 仂弍仄亠仆舒 亳仂于仄亳 舒从亳于舒仄亳 - 亠仄舒, 从仂仂 舒从仂亠 仗亳从亠 仍亠从亳亳. 舒仆仆舒 仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 弍仍舒 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆舒 仆舒 仂亟仆仂仄 亳亰 亠亢亠仆亠亟亠仍仆 仂弍舒亰仂于舒亠仍仆 仄亳舒仗仂于 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund. 仂仄仂亠 仗仂仍仆仂亠 于亳亟亠仂 仄亳舒仗舒 仄仂亢仆仂 亰亟亠: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYSRimrVRXY&amp;t=1591s 仂亳舒 亠从仂于 于亠亳 于仗仍亠仆亳: https://golos.io/ru--blokcheijn/@cyberevents/pochemu-dex-blizhe-chem-nam-kazhetsya-spiker-andrei-sobol 仂仗仂仍仆亳亠仍仆舒 亳仆仂仄舒亳 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund 亳仆于亠亳亠仄 亳 舒亰于亳于舒亠仄 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仂亠从, 仗仂仂弍仆亠 从舒亟亳仆舒仍仆仂 仄亠仆 仆舒 仄亳 于 仍 仂仂仆, 仂亰亟舒于舒 从仂仆仂仄亳从 仂弍仂仂于 亳 舒仄仂于舒亢亠仆亳 仍ミ莞黍. 仂仍亠 仂 仆舒亠亶 舒弍仂亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰仆舒 亳亰 仍亠亟ム亳 亠仂于: 舒亳 仗仂亠从: yberFund - 舒仆舒仍亳亳从舒 亳 舒亰舒弍仂从舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 亳亠仄 Golos.io - 仄亠亟亳亶仆舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仍舒仂仄舒 SatoshiFund - 仗亠于亶 仂仆亟 亳仆于亠亳ム亳亶 于 从亳仗仂舒从亳于 Cyberstudio.io - 仗仂仄仂 于 仗仂于亠亟亠仆亳亳 ICO 亢亟亠仄 于舒 于 仆舒亳 仂仂弍亠于舒: 仍仂亞: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter 弌仂亳舒仍仆亠 亠亳: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 yberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 cyberEvents (仍仂从亠亶仆 仄亳舒仗, 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳, 亟仂从仍舒亟) /CyberFund-Official 仍 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram 舒 亟仍 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于 https://github.com/cyberFund - 仆舒 亠仗仂亰亳仂亳亶 仆舒 Github open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - 弍亳弍仍亳仂亠从舒 亰仆舒仆亳亶 仗仂 弍仍仂从亠亶仆
仂亠仄 亟亠亠仆舒仍亳亰仂于舒仆仆亠 弍亳亢亳 弍仍亳亢亠 亠仄 仆舒仄 从舒亢亠. 仆亟亠亶 弌仂弍仂仍 from Cyber Fund
44 1 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/4gafax4t1syj1oxpllhm-signature-925d089a0ace90180f978543ba58bd14e75ab33bd95a6faab201d304d3270788-poli-180228204554-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
仂于亠仍仍 于 亰舒从仂仆仂亟舒亠仍于亠. 弌仗亳从亠: 仍亠从亠亶 仂仂弍亠亶 /slideshow/ss-89183544/89183544 kvlyio9xscipww21u7i9-signature-2949a3b0749a1bc85f1dc3777e348ada68df21a0dbb62f86a1d9c57bc1a33926-poli-180228143532
舒仆仆舒 仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 弍仍舒 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆舒 仆舒 仂亟仆仂仄 亳亰 亠亢亠仆亠亟亠仍仆 仂弍舒亰仂于舒亠仍仆 仄亳舒仗仂于 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund. 仆仂仄舒亳 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund 亳仆于亠亳亠仄 亳 舒亰于亳于舒亠仄 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仂亠从, 仗仂仂弍仆亠 从舒亟亳仆舒仍仆仂 仄亠仆 仆舒 仄亳 于 仍 仂仂仆, 仂亰亟舒于舒 从仂仆仂仄亳从 仂弍仂仂于 亳 舒仄仂于舒亢亠仆亳 仍ミ莞黍. 仂仍亠 仂 仆舒亠亶 舒弍仂亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰仆舒 亳亰 仍亠亟ム亳 亠仂于: 舒亳 仗仂亠从: yberFund - 舒仆舒仍亳亳从舒 亳 舒亰舒弍仂从舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 亳亠仄 Golos.io - 仄亠亟亳亶仆舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仍舒仂仄舒 SatoshiFund - 仗亠于亶 仂仆亟 亳仆于亠亳ム亳亶 于 从亳仗仂舒从亳于 Cyberstudio.io - 仗仂仄仂 于 仗仂于亠亟亠仆亳亳 ICO 亢亟亠仄 于舒 于 仆舒亳 仂仂弍亠于舒: 仍仂亞: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter 弌仂亳舒仍仆亠 亠亳: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 yberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 cyberEvents (仍仂从亠亶仆 仄亳舒仗, 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳, 亟仂从仍舒亟) /CyberFund-Official 仍 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram 舒 亟仍 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于 https://github.com/cyberFund - 仆舒 亠仗仂亰亳仂亳亶 仆舒 Github open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - 弍亳弍仍亳仂亠从舒 亰仆舒仆亳亶 仗仂 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 ]]>

舒仆仆舒 仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 弍仍舒 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆舒 仆舒 仂亟仆仂仄 亳亰 亠亢亠仆亠亟亠仍仆 仂弍舒亰仂于舒亠仍仆 仄亳舒仗仂于 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund. 仆仂仄舒亳 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund 亳仆于亠亳亠仄 亳 舒亰于亳于舒亠仄 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仂亠从, 仗仂仂弍仆亠 从舒亟亳仆舒仍仆仂 仄亠仆 仆舒 仄亳 于 仍 仂仂仆, 仂亰亟舒于舒 从仂仆仂仄亳从 仂弍仂仂于 亳 舒仄仂于舒亢亠仆亳 仍ミ莞黍. 仂仍亠 仂 仆舒亠亶 舒弍仂亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰仆舒 亳亰 仍亠亟ム亳 亠仂于: 舒亳 仗仂亠从: yberFund - 舒仆舒仍亳亳从舒 亳 舒亰舒弍仂从舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 亳亠仄 Golos.io - 仄亠亟亳亶仆舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仍舒仂仄舒 SatoshiFund - 仗亠于亶 仂仆亟 亳仆于亠亳ム亳亶 于 从亳仗仂舒从亳于 Cyberstudio.io - 仗仂仄仂 于 仗仂于亠亟亠仆亳亳 ICO 亢亟亠仄 于舒 于 仆舒亳 仂仂弍亠于舒: 仍仂亞: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter 弌仂亳舒仍仆亠 亠亳: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 yberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 cyberEvents (仍仂从亠亶仆 仄亳舒仗, 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳, 亟仂从仍舒亟) /CyberFund-Official 仍 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram 舒 亟仍 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于 https://github.com/cyberFund - 仆舒 亠仗仂亰亳仂亳亶 仆舒 Github open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - 弍亳弍仍亳仂亠从舒 亰仆舒仆亳亶 仗仂 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 ]]>
Wed, 28 Feb 2018 14:35:32 GMT /slideshow/ss-89183544/89183544 CyberFund-Official@slideshare.net(CyberFund-Official) 仂于亠仍仍 于 亰舒从仂仆仂亟舒亠仍于亠. 弌仗亳从亠: 仍亠从亠亶 仂仂弍亠亶 CyberFund-Official 舒仆仆舒 仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 弍仍舒 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆舒 仆舒 仂亟仆仂仄 亳亰 亠亢亠仆亠亟亠仍仆 仂弍舒亰仂于舒亠仍仆 仄亳舒仗仂于 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund. 仆仂仄舒亳 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund 亳仆于亠亳亠仄 亳 舒亰于亳于舒亠仄 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仂亠从, 仗仂仂弍仆亠 从舒亟亳仆舒仍仆仂 仄亠仆 仆舒 仄亳 于 仍 仂仂仆, 仂亰亟舒于舒 从仂仆仂仄亳从 仂弍仂仂于 亳 舒仄仂于舒亢亠仆亳 仍ミ莞黍. 仂仍亠 仂 仆舒亠亶 舒弍仂亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰仆舒 亳亰 仍亠亟ム亳 亠仂于: 舒亳 仗仂亠从: yberFund - 舒仆舒仍亳亳从舒 亳 舒亰舒弍仂从舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 亳亠仄 Golos.io - 仄亠亟亳亶仆舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仍舒仂仄舒 SatoshiFund - 仗亠于亶 仂仆亟 亳仆于亠亳ム亳亶 于 从亳仗仂舒从亳于 Cyberstudio.io - 仗仂仄仂 于 仗仂于亠亟亠仆亳亳 ICO 亢亟亠仄 于舒 于 仆舒亳 仂仂弍亠于舒: 仍仂亞: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter 弌仂亳舒仍仆亠 亠亳: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 yberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 cyberEvents (仍仂从亠亶仆 仄亳舒仗, 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳, 亟仂从仍舒亟) /CyberFund-Official 仍 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram 舒 亟仍 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于 https://github.com/cyberFund - 仆舒 亠仗仂亰亳仂亳亶 仆舒 Github open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - 弍亳弍仍亳仂亠从舒 亰仆舒仆亳亶 仗仂 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/kvlyio9xscipww21u7i9-signature-2949a3b0749a1bc85f1dc3777e348ada68df21a0dbb62f86a1d9c57bc1a33926-poli-180228143532-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> 舒仆仆舒 仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 弍仍舒 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆舒 仆舒 仂亟仆仂仄 亳亰 亠亢亠仆亠亟亠仍仆 仂弍舒亰仂于舒亠仍仆 仄亳舒仗仂于 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund. 仆仂仄舒亳 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund 亳仆于亠亳亠仄 亳 舒亰于亳于舒亠仄 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仂亠从, 仗仂仂弍仆亠 从舒亟亳仆舒仍仆仂 仄亠仆 仆舒 仄亳 于 仍 仂仂仆, 仂亰亟舒于舒 从仂仆仂仄亳从 仂弍仂仂于 亳 舒仄仂于舒亢亠仆亳 仍ミ莞黍. 仂仍亠 仂 仆舒亠亶 舒弍仂亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰仆舒 亳亰 仍亠亟ム亳 亠仂于: 舒亳 仗仂亠从: yberFund - 舒仆舒仍亳亳从舒 亳 舒亰舒弍仂从舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 亳亠仄 Golos.io - 仄亠亟亳亶仆舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仍舒仂仄舒 SatoshiFund - 仗亠于亶 仂仆亟 亳仆于亠亳ム亳亶 于 从亳仗仂舒从亳于 Cyberstudio.io - 仗仂仄仂 于 仗仂于亠亟亠仆亳亳 ICO 亢亟亠仄 于舒 于 仆舒亳 仂仂弍亠于舒: 仍仂亞: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter 弌仂亳舒仍仆亠 亠亳: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 yberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 cyberEvents (仍仂从亠亶仆 仄亳舒仗, 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳, 亟仂从仍舒亟) /CyberFund-Official 仍 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram 舒 亟仍 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于 https://github.com/cyberFund - 仆舒 亠仗仂亰亳仂亳亶 仆舒 Github open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - 弍亳弍仍亳仂亠从舒 亰仆舒仆亳亶 仗仂 弍仍仂从亠亶仆
仂于亠仍仍 于 亰舒从仂仆仂亟舒亠仍于亠. 弌仗亳从亠: 仍亠从亠亶 仂仂弍亠亶 from Cyber Fund
136 1 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/kvlyio9xscipww21u7i9-signature-2949a3b0749a1bc85f1dc3777e348ada68df21a0dbb62f86a1d9c57bc1a33926-poli-180228143532-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
亠仗亠从亳于 亠仆仂仍仂亞亳亳 亳 亳仍仂仂亳亳. 弌仗亳从亠: 仍舒亟亳仄亳 仂仗仂于 /slideshow/ss-89175642/89175642 qfpjjauthod0o1bg8twy-signature-4f6313274b761035ba08b4fcf9a884ab34c79c545a46be92ecf6090029f3327b-poli-180228125106
仍舒亟亳仄亳 仂仗仂于 仗仂亟亠仍亳 亳仍仂仂从亳仄亳 舒亰仄仍亠仆亳礆亳 仆舒 亠仄 舒亰于亳亳 仍仂从亠亶仆 亠仆仂仍仂亞亳亳. 舒仆仆舒 仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 弍仍舒 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆舒 仆舒 仂亟仆仂仄 亳亰 亠亢亠仆亠亟亠仍仆 仂弍舒亰仂于舒亠仍仆 仄亳舒仗仂于 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund. 仂仄仂亠 仗仂仍仆仂亠 于亳亟亠仂 仄亳舒仗舒 仄仂亢仆仂 亰亟亠: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5yhqW6zAmZA&t=866s 仆仂仄舒亳 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund 亳仆于亠亳亠仄 亳 舒亰于亳于舒亠仄 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仂亠从, 仗仂仂弍仆亠 从舒亟亳仆舒仍仆仂 仄亠仆 仆舒 仄亳 于 仍 仂仂仆, 仂亰亟舒于舒 从仂仆仂仄亳从 仂弍仂仂于 亳 舒仄仂于舒亢亠仆亳 仍ミ莞黍. 仂仍亠 仂 仆舒亠亶 舒弍仂亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰仆舒 亳亰 仍亠亟ム亳 亠仂于: 舒亳 仗仂亠从: yberFund - 舒仆舒仍亳亳从舒 亳 舒亰舒弍仂从舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 亳亠仄 Golos.io - 仄亠亟亳亶仆舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仍舒仂仄舒 SatoshiFund - 仗亠于亶 仂仆亟 亳仆于亠亳ム亳亶 于 从亳仗仂舒从亳于 Cyberstudio.io - 仗仂仄仂 于 仗仂于亠亟亠仆亳亳 ICO 亢亟亠仄 于舒 于 仆舒亳 仂仂弍亠于舒: 仍仂亞: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter 弌仂亳舒仍仆亠 亠亳: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 yberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 cyberEvents (仍仂从亠亶仆 仄亳舒仗, 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳, 亟仂从仍舒亟) /CyberFund-Official 仍 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram 舒 亟仍 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于 https://github.com/cyberFund - 仆舒 亠仗仂亰亳仂亳亶 仆舒 Github open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - 弍亳弍仍亳仂亠从舒 亰仆舒仆亳亶 仗仂 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 ]]>

仍舒亟亳仄亳 仂仗仂于 仗仂亟亠仍亳 亳仍仂仂从亳仄亳 舒亰仄仍亠仆亳礆亳 仆舒 亠仄 舒亰于亳亳 仍仂从亠亶仆 亠仆仂仍仂亞亳亳. 舒仆仆舒 仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 弍仍舒 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆舒 仆舒 仂亟仆仂仄 亳亰 亠亢亠仆亠亟亠仍仆 仂弍舒亰仂于舒亠仍仆 仄亳舒仗仂于 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund. 仂仄仂亠 仗仂仍仆仂亠 于亳亟亠仂 仄亳舒仗舒 仄仂亢仆仂 亰亟亠: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5yhqW6zAmZA&t=866s 仆仂仄舒亳 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund 亳仆于亠亳亠仄 亳 舒亰于亳于舒亠仄 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仂亠从, 仗仂仂弍仆亠 从舒亟亳仆舒仍仆仂 仄亠仆 仆舒 仄亳 于 仍 仂仂仆, 仂亰亟舒于舒 从仂仆仂仄亳从 仂弍仂仂于 亳 舒仄仂于舒亢亠仆亳 仍ミ莞黍. 仂仍亠 仂 仆舒亠亶 舒弍仂亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰仆舒 亳亰 仍亠亟ム亳 亠仂于: 舒亳 仗仂亠从: yberFund - 舒仆舒仍亳亳从舒 亳 舒亰舒弍仂从舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 亳亠仄 Golos.io - 仄亠亟亳亶仆舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仍舒仂仄舒 SatoshiFund - 仗亠于亶 仂仆亟 亳仆于亠亳ム亳亶 于 从亳仗仂舒从亳于 Cyberstudio.io - 仗仂仄仂 于 仗仂于亠亟亠仆亳亳 ICO 亢亟亠仄 于舒 于 仆舒亳 仂仂弍亠于舒: 仍仂亞: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter 弌仂亳舒仍仆亠 亠亳: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 yberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 cyberEvents (仍仂从亠亶仆 仄亳舒仗, 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳, 亟仂从仍舒亟) /CyberFund-Official 仍 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram 舒 亟仍 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于 https://github.com/cyberFund - 仆舒 亠仗仂亰亳仂亳亶 仆舒 Github open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - 弍亳弍仍亳仂亠从舒 亰仆舒仆亳亶 仗仂 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 ]]>
Wed, 28 Feb 2018 12:51:06 GMT /slideshow/ss-89175642/89175642 CyberFund-Official@slideshare.net(CyberFund-Official) 亠仗亠从亳于 亠仆仂仍仂亞亳亳 亳 亳仍仂仂亳亳. 弌仗亳从亠: 仍舒亟亳仄亳 仂仗仂于 CyberFund-Official 仍舒亟亳仄亳 仂仗仂于 仗仂亟亠仍亳 亳仍仂仂从亳仄亳 舒亰仄仍亠仆亳礆亳 仆舒 亠仄 舒亰于亳亳 仍仂从亠亶仆 亠仆仂仍仂亞亳亳. 舒仆仆舒 仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 弍仍舒 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆舒 仆舒 仂亟仆仂仄 亳亰 亠亢亠仆亠亟亠仍仆 仂弍舒亰仂于舒亠仍仆 仄亳舒仗仂于 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund. 仂仄仂亠 仗仂仍仆仂亠 于亳亟亠仂 仄亳舒仗舒 仄仂亢仆仂 亰亟亠: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5yhqW6zAmZA&t=866s 仆仂仄舒亳 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund 亳仆于亠亳亠仄 亳 舒亰于亳于舒亠仄 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仂亠从, 仗仂仂弍仆亠 从舒亟亳仆舒仍仆仂 仄亠仆 仆舒 仄亳 于 仍 仂仂仆, 仂亰亟舒于舒 从仂仆仂仄亳从 仂弍仂仂于 亳 舒仄仂于舒亢亠仆亳 仍ミ莞黍. 仂仍亠 仂 仆舒亠亶 舒弍仂亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰仆舒 亳亰 仍亠亟ム亳 亠仂于: 舒亳 仗仂亠从: yberFund - 舒仆舒仍亳亳从舒 亳 舒亰舒弍仂从舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 亳亠仄 Golos.io - 仄亠亟亳亶仆舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仍舒仂仄舒 SatoshiFund - 仗亠于亶 仂仆亟 亳仆于亠亳ム亳亶 于 从亳仗仂舒从亳于 Cyberstudio.io - 仗仂仄仂 于 仗仂于亠亟亠仆亳亳 ICO 亢亟亠仄 于舒 于 仆舒亳 仂仂弍亠于舒: 仍仂亞: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter 弌仂亳舒仍仆亠 亠亳: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 yberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 cyberEvents (仍仂从亠亶仆 仄亳舒仗, 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳, 亟仂从仍舒亟) /CyberFund-Official 仍 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram 舒 亟仍 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于 https://github.com/cyberFund - 仆舒 亠仗仂亰亳仂亳亶 仆舒 Github open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - 弍亳弍仍亳仂亠从舒 亰仆舒仆亳亶 仗仂 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/qfpjjauthod0o1bg8twy-signature-4f6313274b761035ba08b4fcf9a884ab34c79c545a46be92ecf6090029f3327b-poli-180228125106-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> 仍舒亟亳仄亳 仂仗仂于 仗仂亟亠仍亳 亳仍仂仂从亳仄亳 舒亰仄仍亠仆亳礆亳 仆舒 亠仄 舒亰于亳亳 仍仂从亠亶仆 亠仆仂仍仂亞亳亳. 舒仆仆舒 仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 弍仍舒 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆舒 仆舒 仂亟仆仂仄 亳亰 亠亢亠仆亠亟亠仍仆 仂弍舒亰仂于舒亠仍仆 仄亳舒仗仂于 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund. 仂仄仂亠 仗仂仍仆仂亠 于亳亟亠仂 仄亳舒仗舒 仄仂亢仆仂 亰亟亠: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5yhqW6zAmZA&amp;t=866s 仆仂仄舒亳 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund 亳仆于亠亳亠仄 亳 舒亰于亳于舒亠仄 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仂亠从, 仗仂仂弍仆亠 从舒亟亳仆舒仍仆仂 仄亠仆 仆舒 仄亳 于 仍 仂仂仆, 仂亰亟舒于舒 从仂仆仂仄亳从 仂弍仂仂于 亳 舒仄仂于舒亢亠仆亳 仍ミ莞黍. 仂仍亠 仂 仆舒亠亶 舒弍仂亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰仆舒 亳亰 仍亠亟ム亳 亠仂于: 舒亳 仗仂亠从: yberFund - 舒仆舒仍亳亳从舒 亳 舒亰舒弍仂从舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 亳亠仄 Golos.io - 仄亠亟亳亶仆舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仍舒仂仄舒 SatoshiFund - 仗亠于亶 仂仆亟 亳仆于亠亳ム亳亶 于 从亳仗仂舒从亳于 Cyberstudio.io - 仗仂仄仂 于 仗仂于亠亟亠仆亳亳 ICO 亢亟亠仄 于舒 于 仆舒亳 仂仂弍亠于舒: 仍仂亞: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter 弌仂亳舒仍仆亠 亠亳: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 yberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 cyberEvents (仍仂从亠亶仆 仄亳舒仗, 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳, 亟仂从仍舒亟) /CyberFund-Official 仍 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram 舒 亟仍 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于 https://github.com/cyberFund - 仆舒 亠仗仂亰亳仂亳亶 仆舒 Github open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - 弍亳弍仍亳仂亠从舒 亰仆舒仆亳亶 仗仂 弍仍仂从亠亶仆
亠仗亠从亳于 亠仆仂仍仂亞亳亳 亳 亳仍仂仂亳亳. 弌仗亳从亠: 仍舒亟亳仄亳 仂仗仂于 from Cyber Fund
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Wed, 28 Feb 2018 12:39:00 GMT /slideshow/pptx-89174885/89174885 CyberFund-Official@slideshare.net(CyberFund-Official) 仗仂仍亰仂于舒仆亳亠 仂从 亟舒仆仆 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 . 弌仗亳从亠: 仍亠从舒仆亟 舒于亟仂于.pptx CyberFund-Official 舒亰舒弍仂亳从 DAO Casino 舒从舒亢亠 仂 仄舒-从仂仆舒从舒 从舒从 亳仆仄亠仆舒 仂从 亟舒仆仆 弍仍仂从亠亶仆-亳亠仄 舒仆仆舒 仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 弍仍舒 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆舒 仆舒 仂亟仆仂仄 亳亰 亠亢亠仆亠亟亠仍仆 仂弍舒亰仂于舒亠仍仆 仄亳舒仗仂于 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund. 仂仄仂亠 仗仂仍仆仂亠 于亳亟亠仂 仄亳舒仗舒 仄仂亢仆仂 亰亟亠: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=仗仂仍亰仂于舒仆亳亠+仂从+亟舒仆仆+弍仍仂从亠亶仆+%7C+仍亠从舒仆亟+舒于亟仂于.pptx 仂亳舒 亠从仂于 于亠亳 于仗仍亠仆亳: https://golos.io/ru--blokcheijn/@cyberevents/ispolzovanie-otkrytykh-dannykh-blokchein-sistem-spiker-aleksandr-davydov 仆仂仄舒亳 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund 亳仆于亠亳亠仄 亳 舒亰于亳于舒亠仄 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仂亠从, 仗仂仂弍仆亠 从舒亟亳仆舒仍仆仂 仄亠仆 仆舒 仄亳 于 仍 仂仂仆, 仂亰亟舒于舒 从仂仆仂仄亳从 仂弍仂仂于 亳 舒仄仂于舒亢亠仆亳 仍ミ莞黍. 仂仍亠 仂 仆舒亠亶 舒弍仂亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰仆舒 亳亰 仍亠亟ム亳 亠仂于: 舒亳 仗仂亠从: yberFund - 舒仆舒仍亳亳从舒 亳 舒亰舒弍仂从舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 亳亠仄 Golos.io - 仄亠亟亳亶仆舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仍舒仂仄舒 SatoshiFund - 仗亠于亶 仂仆亟 亳仆于亠亳ム亳亶 于 从亳仗仂舒从亳于 Cyberstudio.io - 仗仂仄仂 于 仗仂于亠亟亠仆亳亳 ICO 亢亟亠仄 于舒 于 仆舒亳 仂仂弍亠于舒: 仍仂亞: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter 弌仂亳舒仍仆亠 亠亳: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 yberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 cyberEvents (仍仂从亠亶仆 仄亳舒仗, 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳, 亟仂从仍舒亟) /CyberFund-Official 仍 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram 舒 亟仍 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于 https://github.com/cyberFund - 仆舒 亠仗仂亰亳仂亳亶 仆舒 Github open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - 弍亳弍仍亳仂亠从舒 亰仆舒仆亳亶 仗仂 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/slkv4el6rjalkakx4upx-signature-8ec53902abcffa78b6e4f12600f855f65dd58f2f798f89d90fd57d58136a495d-poli-180228123900-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> 舒亰舒弍仂亳从 DAO Casino 舒从舒亢亠 仂 仄舒-从仂仆舒从舒 从舒从 亳仆仄亠仆舒 仂从 亟舒仆仆 弍仍仂从亠亶仆-亳亠仄 舒仆仆舒 仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 弍仍舒 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆舒 仆舒 仂亟仆仂仄 亳亰 亠亢亠仆亠亟亠仍仆 仂弍舒亰仂于舒亠仍仆 仄亳舒仗仂于 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund. 仂仄仂亠 仗仂仍仆仂亠 于亳亟亠仂 仄亳舒仗舒 仄仂亢仆仂 亰亟亠: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=仗仂仍亰仂于舒仆亳亠+仂从+亟舒仆仆+弍仍仂从亠亶仆+%7C+仍亠从舒仆亟+舒于亟仂于.pptx 仂亳舒 亠从仂于 于亠亳 于仗仍亠仆亳: https://golos.io/ru--blokcheijn/@cyberevents/ispolzovanie-otkrytykh-dannykh-blokchein-sistem-spiker-aleksandr-davydov 仆仂仄舒亳 仂 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 cyberFund 亳仆于亠亳亠仄 亳 舒亰于亳于舒亠仄 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仂亠从, 仗仂仂弍仆亠 从舒亟亳仆舒仍仆仂 仄亠仆 仆舒 仄亳 于 仍 仂仂仆, 仂亰亟舒于舒 从仂仆仂仄亳从 仂弍仂仂于 亳 舒仄仂于舒亢亠仆亳 仍ミ莞黍. 仂仍亠 仂 仆舒亠亶 舒弍仂亠 于 仄仂亢亠亠 亰仆舒 亳亰 仍亠亟ム亳 亠仂于: 舒亳 仗仂亠从: yberFund - 舒仆舒仍亳亳从舒 亳 舒亰舒弍仂从舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 亳亠仄 Golos.io - 仄亠亟亳亶仆舒 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 仗仍舒仂仄舒 SatoshiFund - 仗亠于亶 仂仆亟 亳仆于亠亳ム亳亶 于 从亳仗仂舒从亳于 Cyberstudio.io - 仗仂仄仂 于 仗仂于亠亟亠仆亳亳 ICO 亢亟亠仄 于舒 于 仆舒亳 仂仂弍亠于舒: 仍仂亞: https://blog.cyber.fund/ Email Newsletter: http://company.cyber.fund/#newsletter 弌仂亳舒仍仆亠 亠亳: https://golos.io/@cyberfund https://steemit.com/@cyberfund https://twitter.com/cyberfundio https://www.reddit.com/r/cyber_Fund/ https://www.facebook.com/cyberfund - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 yberFund https://www.facebook.com/blockchainmeetups/ - 仂亳亳舒仍仆舒 舒仆亳舒 cyberEvents (仍仂从亠亶仆 仄亳舒仗, 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳, 亟仂从仍舒亟) /CyberFund-Official 仍 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于: https://t.me/CyberFundDev - telegram 舒 亟仍 弍仍仂从亠亶仆 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于 https://github.com/cyberFund - 仆舒 亠仗仂亰亳仂亳亶 仆舒 Github open source software https://github.com/cyberFund/Library - 弍亳弍仍亳仂亠从舒 亰仆舒仆亳亶 仗仂 弍仍仂从亠亶仆
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