際際滷shows by User: GoodPolitics / http://www.slideshare.net/images/logo.gif 際際滷shows by User: GoodPolitics / Wed, 28 Aug 2013 03:05:38 GMT 際際滷Share feed for 際際滷shows by User: GoodPolitics 舒亠于仂 于仍舒仆 仍亳 亳 于仂亰仄仂亢仆仂 仗仂仍亳亳亠从仂亠 弍亟亠亠: 丕从舒亳仆舒 2013-2023 /slideshow/20132023/25670393 random-130828030538-phpapp01
亳舒亳仍 亳仆舒从仂于, 仗亠亰亳亟亠仆 个仂仆亟舒 从舒亠于亠仆仆仂亶 仗仂仍亳亳从亳, 24 舒于亞舒 仗仂亳舒仍 亟仍 仄仂仍仂亟 舒从亳于亳仂于 亳仆舒仍舒 XV ミ頴湖姉黍腔出笑 弌亟亠仗弍仍亳从亳 仍亠从亳 束舒亠于仂 于仍舒仆 仍亳 亳 于仂亰仄仂亢仆仂 仗仂仍亳亳亠从仂亠 弍亟亠亠: 丕从舒亳仆舒 2013-2023損.]]>

亳舒亳仍 亳仆舒从仂于, 仗亠亰亳亟亠仆 个仂仆亟舒 从舒亠于亠仆仆仂亶 仗仂仍亳亳从亳, 24 舒于亞舒 仗仂亳舒仍 亟仍 仄仂仍仂亟 舒从亳于亳仂于 亳仆舒仍舒 XV ミ頴湖姉黍腔出笑 弌亟亠仗弍仍亳从亳 仍亠从亳 束舒亠于仂 于仍舒仆 仍亳 亳 于仂亰仄仂亢仆仂 仗仂仍亳亳亠从仂亠 弍亟亠亠: 丕从舒亳仆舒 2013-2023損.]]>
Wed, 28 Aug 2013 03:05:38 GMT /slideshow/20132023/25670393 GoodPolitics@slideshare.net(GoodPolitics) 舒亠于仂 于仍舒仆 仍亳 亳 于仂亰仄仂亢仆仂 仗仂仍亳亳亠从仂亠 弍亟亠亠: 丕从舒亳仆舒 2013-2023 GoodPolitics 亳舒亳仍 亳仆舒从仂于, 仗亠亰亳亟亠仆 个仂仆亟舒 从舒亠于亠仆仆仂亶 仗仂仍亳亳从亳, 24 舒于亞舒 仗仂亳舒仍 亟仍 仄仂仍仂亟 舒从亳于亳仂于 亳仆舒仍舒 XV ミ頴湖姉黍腔出笑 弌亟亠仗弍仍亳从亳 仍亠从亳 束舒亠于仂 于仍舒仆 仍亳 亳 于仂亰仄仂亢仆仂 仗仂仍亳亳亠从仂亠 弍亟亠亠: 丕从舒亳仆舒 2013-2023損. <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/random-130828030538-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> 亳舒亳仍 亳仆舒从仂于, 仗亠亰亳亟亠仆 个仂仆亟舒 从舒亠于亠仆仆仂亶 仗仂仍亳亳从亳, 24 舒于亞舒 仗仂亳舒仍 亟仍 仄仂仍仂亟 舒从亳于亳仂于 亳仆舒仍舒 XV ミ頴湖姉黍腔出笑 弌亟亠仗弍仍亳从亳 仍亠从亳 束舒亠于仂 于仍舒仆 仍亳 亳 于仂亰仄仂亢仆仂 仗仂仍亳亳亠从仂亠 弍亟亠亠: 丕从舒亳仆舒 2013-2023損.
舒亠于仂 于仍舒仆 仍亳 亳 于仂亰仄仂亢仆仂 仗仂仍亳亳亠从仂亠 弍亟亠亠: 丕从舒亳仆舒 2013-2023 from Fund for Good Politics
1003 3 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/random-130828030538-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
舒亠于仂 从仂仆仂仍 仗仂仍亳亳亠从亳 仍亳 /slideshow/ss-24644036/24644036 mspselites2013-130726034635-phpapp02
23 亳ミ姿 2013 仗亠亰亳亟亠仆 个仂仆亟舒 从舒亠于亠仆仆仂亶 仗仂仍亳亳从亳 亳舒亳仍 亳仆舒从仂于 仗亳仆磿 舒亳亠 于 亠亳亳 束仂仍亳亳亠从舒 从仍舒損 仄亠亢亟仆舒仂亟仆仂亞仂 亠仄亳仆舒舒 束舒于仂, 仗仂仍亳亳从舒, 从仂仆仂仄亳从舒, 弌損 亟仂从仍舒亟仂仄 束舒亠于仂 从仂仆仂仍 仗仂仍亳亳亠从亳 仍亳損.]]>

23 亳ミ姿 2013 仗亠亰亳亟亠仆 个仂仆亟舒 从舒亠于亠仆仆仂亶 仗仂仍亳亳从亳 亳舒亳仍 亳仆舒从仂于 仗亳仆磿 舒亳亠 于 亠亳亳 束仂仍亳亳亠从舒 从仍舒損 仄亠亢亟仆舒仂亟仆仂亞仂 亠仄亳仆舒舒 束舒于仂, 仗仂仍亳亳从舒, 从仂仆仂仄亳从舒, 弌損 亟仂从仍舒亟仂仄 束舒亠于仂 从仂仆仂仍 仗仂仍亳亳亠从亳 仍亳損.]]>
Fri, 26 Jul 2013 03:46:35 GMT /slideshow/ss-24644036/24644036 GoodPolitics@slideshare.net(GoodPolitics) 舒亠于仂 从仂仆仂仍 仗仂仍亳亳亠从亳 仍亳 GoodPolitics 23 亳ミ姿 2013 仗亠亰亳亟亠仆 个仂仆亟舒 从舒亠于亠仆仆仂亶 仗仂仍亳亳从亳 亳舒亳仍 亳仆舒从仂于 仗亳仆磿 舒亳亠 于 亠亳亳 束仂仍亳亳亠从舒 从仍舒損 仄亠亢亟仆舒仂亟仆仂亞仂 亠仄亳仆舒舒 束舒于仂, 仗仂仍亳亳从舒, 从仂仆仂仄亳从舒, 弌損 亟仂从仍舒亟仂仄 束舒亠于仂 从仂仆仂仍 仗仂仍亳亳亠从亳 仍亳損. <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/mspselites2013-130726034635-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> 23 亳ミ姿 2013 仗亠亰亳亟亠仆 个仂仆亟舒 从舒亠于亠仆仆仂亶 仗仂仍亳亳从亳 亳舒亳仍 亳仆舒从仂于 仗亳仆磿 舒亳亠 于 亠亳亳 束仂仍亳亳亠从舒 从仍舒損 仄亠亢亟仆舒仂亟仆仂亞仂 亠仄亳仆舒舒 束舒于仂, 仗仂仍亳亳从舒, 从仂仆仂仄亳从舒, 弌損 亟仂从仍舒亟仂仄 束舒亠于仂 从仂仆仂仍 仗仂仍亳亳亠从亳 仍亳損.
舒亠于仂 从仂仆仂仍 仗仂仍亳亳亠从亳 仍亳 from Fund for Good Politics
1847 3 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/mspselites2013-130726034635-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
Harvard color revolutions lecture apr 11 2013 /slideshow/harvard-color-revolutions-lecture-apr-11-2013/18838786 harvardcolorrevolutionslectureapr112013-130415035529-phpapp01
Three issues at the core of this lecture: causes for the Color Revolutions, successes of the Color Revolutions, regional trends re-enforced by the Color Revolutions in Western Eurasia.]]>

Three issues at the core of this lecture: causes for the Color Revolutions, successes of the Color Revolutions, regional trends re-enforced by the Color Revolutions in Western Eurasia.]]>
Mon, 15 Apr 2013 03:55:29 GMT /slideshow/harvard-color-revolutions-lecture-apr-11-2013/18838786 GoodPolitics@slideshare.net(GoodPolitics) Harvard color revolutions lecture apr 11 2013 GoodPolitics Three issues at the core of this lecture: causes for the Color Revolutions, successes of the Color Revolutions, regional trends re-enforced by the Color Revolutions in Western Eurasia. <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/harvardcolorrevolutionslectureapr112013-130415035529-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> Three issues at the core of this lecture: causes for the Color Revolutions, successes of the Color Revolutions, regional trends re-enforced by the Color Revolutions in Western Eurasia.
Harvard color revolutions lecture apr 11 2013 from Fund for Good Politics
760 7 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/harvardcolorrevolutionslectureapr112013-130415035529-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
Current political situation in Ukraine 2013 /slideshow/current-political-situation-in-ukraine-2013/18551267 currentpoliticalsituation2013-130410091420-phpapp02
Presidential elections-2015 will direct all political processes in Ukraine for next 2 years. As Ukraine moves toward presidential elections in 2015, the media is still a long way from providing good quality objective, balanced and varied information to help voters make an informed choice.]]>

Presidential elections-2015 will direct all political processes in Ukraine for next 2 years. As Ukraine moves toward presidential elections in 2015, the media is still a long way from providing good quality objective, balanced and varied information to help voters make an informed choice.]]>
Wed, 10 Apr 2013 09:14:20 GMT /slideshow/current-political-situation-in-ukraine-2013/18551267 GoodPolitics@slideshare.net(GoodPolitics) Current political situation in Ukraine 2013 GoodPolitics Presidential elections-2015 will direct all political processes in Ukraine for next 2 years. As Ukraine moves toward presidential elections in 2015, the media is still a long way from providing good quality objective, balanced and varied information to help voters make an informed choice. <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/currentpoliticalsituation2013-130410091420-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> Presidential elections-2015 will direct all political processes in Ukraine for next 2 years. As Ukraine moves toward presidential elections in 2015, the media is still a long way from providing good quality objective, balanced and varied information to help voters make an informed choice.
Current political situation in Ukraine 2013 from Fund for Good Politics
3911 5 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/currentpoliticalsituation2013-130410091420-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
仂仂于从舒 仆亠舒仆 亠仗弍仍从亳 亠亞仂仆于 /slideshow/ss-17352096/17352096 minakov20-20krytyka20201220no2009-10-1-130319040844-phpapp01
亳亳从舒. - 2012. - 9-10. - 弌. 2-4. 丕 亶 舒 亳舒亶仍仂 仆舒从仂于 仗仂仆ム, 磻 仗舒亟仂从 舒亟礌从亳 亠仍 舒 舒仆舒亞仂仆亰仄 亠亞仂仆舒仍仆亳 亞仗 从于舒于 从仂仆仍从 仄亢 仗仂仍亳仆亳仄亳 亠仍舒仄亳 亰仆亳 从舒仆从亳 亠亞仂仆于. 仆舒从仂于 亟仂于仂亟亳, 仂 亰舒弍仂仂仆舒 仆舒 舒从仆 弌 仗亳亰于亠仍舒 亟仂 亰舒于亠亟亢亠仆仆 于仆仗舒亶仆仂 从仂仆从亠仆 仆舒 亰舒 仗亳仆亳仗仂仄 亰亠仄仍于. 仂从仆 仆舒亞仍磲仂于 舒亟礌从仂亞仂 丶亠仆, 于 舒亳 仆亠亰舒仍亠亢仆仂 亠亞仂仆舒仍仆 亞仗亳 仗亠亠于仂亳仍亳 仆舒 仄舒亞舒仍仆亳亶 亳仗 仗仂仍亳仆亳 舒亞亠仆于 于 丕从舒仆.]]>

亳亳从舒. - 2012. - 9-10. - 弌. 2-4. 丕 亶 舒 亳舒亶仍仂 仆舒从仂于 仗仂仆ム, 磻 仗舒亟仂从 舒亟礌从亳 亠仍 舒 舒仆舒亞仂仆亰仄 亠亞仂仆舒仍仆亳 亞仗 从于舒于 从仂仆仍从 仄亢 仗仂仍亳仆亳仄亳 亠仍舒仄亳 亰仆亳 从舒仆从亳 亠亞仂仆于. 仆舒从仂于 亟仂于仂亟亳, 仂 亰舒弍仂仂仆舒 仆舒 舒从仆 弌 仗亳亰于亠仍舒 亟仂 亰舒于亠亟亢亠仆仆 于仆仗舒亶仆仂 从仂仆从亠仆 仆舒 亰舒 仗亳仆亳仗仂仄 亰亠仄仍于. 仂从仆 仆舒亞仍磲仂于 舒亟礌从仂亞仂 丶亠仆, 于 舒亳 仆亠亰舒仍亠亢仆仂 亠亞仂仆舒仍仆 亞仗亳 仗亠亠于仂亳仍亳 仆舒 仄舒亞舒仍仆亳亶 亳仗 仗仂仍亳仆亳 舒亞亠仆于 于 丕从舒仆.]]>
Tue, 19 Mar 2013 04:08:44 GMT /slideshow/ss-17352096/17352096 GoodPolitics@slideshare.net(GoodPolitics) 仂仂于从舒 仆亠舒仆 亠仗弍仍从亳 亠亞仂仆于 GoodPolitics 亳亳从舒. - 2012. - 9-10. - 弌. 2-4. 丕 亶 舒 亳舒亶仍仂 仆舒从仂于 仗仂仆ム, 磻 仗舒亟仂从 舒亟礌从亳 亠仍 舒 舒仆舒亞仂仆亰仄 亠亞仂仆舒仍仆亳 亞仗 从于舒于 从仂仆仍从 仄亢 仗仂仍亳仆亳仄亳 亠仍舒仄亳 亰仆亳 从舒仆从亳 亠亞仂仆于. 仆舒从仂于 亟仂于仂亟亳, 仂 亰舒弍仂仂仆舒 仆舒 舒从仆 弌 仗亳亰于亠仍舒 亟仂 亰舒于亠亟亢亠仆仆 于仆仗舒亶仆仂 从仂仆从亠仆 仆舒 亰舒 仗亳仆亳仗仂仄 亰亠仄仍于. 仂从仆 仆舒亞仍磲仂于 舒亟礌从仂亞仂 丶亠仆, 于 舒亳 仆亠亰舒仍亠亢仆仂 亠亞仂仆舒仍仆 亞仗亳 仗亠亠于仂亳仍亳 仆舒 仄舒亞舒仍仆亳亶 亳仗 仗仂仍亳仆亳 舒亞亠仆于 于 丕从舒仆. <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/minakov20-20krytyka20201220no2009-10-1-130319040844-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> 亳亳从舒. - 2012. - 9-10. - 弌. 2-4. 丕 亶 舒 亳舒亶仍仂 仆舒从仂于 仗仂仆ム, 磻 仗舒亟仂从 舒亟礌从亳 亠仍 舒 舒仆舒亞仂仆亰仄 亠亞仂仆舒仍仆亳 亞仗 从于舒于 从仂仆仍从 仄亢 仗仂仍亳仆亳仄亳 亠仍舒仄亳 亰仆亳 从舒仆从亳 亠亞仂仆于. 仆舒从仂于 亟仂于仂亟亳, 仂 亰舒弍仂仂仆舒 仆舒 舒从仆 弌 仗亳亰于亠仍舒 亟仂 亰舒于亠亟亢亠仆仆 于仆仗舒亶仆仂 从仂仆从亠仆 仆舒 亰舒 仗亳仆亳仗仂仄 亰亠仄仍于. 仂从仆 仆舒亞仍磲仂于 舒亟礌从仂亞仂 丶亠仆, 于 舒亳 仆亠亰舒仍亠亢仆仂 亠亞仂仆舒仍仆 亞仗亳 仗亠亠于仂亳仍亳 仆舒 仄舒亞舒仍仆亳亶 亳仗 仗仂仍亳仆亳 舒亞亠仆于 于 丕从舒仆.
仂仂于从舒 仆亠舒仆 亠仗弍仍从亳 亠亞仂仆于 from Fund for Good Politics
746 2 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/minakov20-20krytyka20201220no2009-10-1-130319040844-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds document White http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
Experiment after Experiment: Return of Capitalism into the Post-Soviet Countries /slideshow/experiment-after-experiment-return-of-capitalism-into-the-postsoviet-countries/17309466 lectur-130318030004-phpapp01
This lecture is dedicated to the transition of the Soviet nations to new capitalist order and dissemination of relevant new values. Author reviews the whole transitory process as another experiment (after the Soviet experiment) in establishing developed capitalism in emerging nations.The main dimensions of these experiments were connected with finding cultural foundations for new post-Soviet regimes, functioning market economy, and democracy.]]>

This lecture is dedicated to the transition of the Soviet nations to new capitalist order and dissemination of relevant new values. Author reviews the whole transitory process as another experiment (after the Soviet experiment) in establishing developed capitalism in emerging nations.The main dimensions of these experiments were connected with finding cultural foundations for new post-Soviet regimes, functioning market economy, and democracy.]]>
Mon, 18 Mar 2013 03:00:04 GMT /slideshow/experiment-after-experiment-return-of-capitalism-into-the-postsoviet-countries/17309466 GoodPolitics@slideshare.net(GoodPolitics) Experiment after Experiment: Return of Capitalism into the Post-Soviet Countries GoodPolitics This lecture is dedicated to the transition of the Soviet nations to new capitalist order and dissemination of relevant new values. Author reviews the whole transitory process as another experiment (after the Soviet experiment) in establishing developed capitalism in emerging nations.The main dimensions of these experiments were connected with finding cultural foundations for new post-Soviet regimes, functioning market economy, and democracy. <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/lectur-130318030004-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> This lecture is dedicated to the transition of the Soviet nations to new capitalist order and dissemination of relevant new values. Author reviews the whole transitory process as another experiment (after the Soviet experiment) in establishing developed capitalism in emerging nations.The main dimensions of these experiments were connected with finding cultural foundations for new post-Soviet regimes, functioning market economy, and democracy.
Experiment after Experiment: Return of Capitalism into the Post-Soviet Countries from Fund for Good Politics
438 4 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/lectur-130318030004-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
仂仂从舒 亟亳舒仆 于仂弍仂亟亳: 仗亳亳仆亳 仆舒仍亟从亳 从仂仍仂仂于亳 亠于仂仍ム亶 仗仂舒亟礌从仂仄 于 /slideshow/minakov-krytyka/17309024 minakovkrytyka-130318024422-phpapp01
亳亳从舒. - 2012. - 7-8. - 弌. 2-7. 丕 亶 舒 舒于仂 仂亰亞仍磲舒 仗亳亳仆亳 舒 仆舒仍亟从亳 "从仂仍仂仂于亳 亠于仂仍ム亶" 亰, 丕从舒仆 舒 亳亞亳亰舒仆, 舒 舒从仂亢 亠舒从 仆舒 仗仂亟 于 亟仆 从舒仆舒. 丐舒从仂亢 舒于仂 仗仂于仆ム 仗亳亳仆亳 亰 亠亠亟仆仂-亠仄仆仂于亳仄亳 仆舒仍亟从舒仄亳 "亠于仂仍ム亶" 磻 仂从亠仄亳 从舒仆舒? 舒从 亟仍 亠亞仂仆 于 仍仂仄. 亳仆仂于仂从 舒于仂舒 仗仂仍磪舒 于 仂仄, 仂 "从仂仍仂仂于 亠于仂仍ム" 仆亠 仗亳亰于亠仍亳 亟仂 于亳从仂仆舒仆仆 "亠于仂仍ム亶仆亳" 仂弍礌仂从, 亰仗亳仆亳于亳 仍亳亠 仆舒 从仂仂从亳亶 舒 仗仂于亰舒仆仆 仗仂舒亟礌从亳 仆舒亶 亟仂 舒于仂亳舒亳亰仄. 亠: 仍亠从仂仆仆亳亶 舒于 舒仂仆舒仍仆仂亞仂 仆于亠亳亠 "亳于仂-仂亞亳仍礌从舒 舒从舒亟亠仄" (www.ekmair.ukma.kiev.ua/handle/123456789/2180)]]>

亳亳从舒. - 2012. - 7-8. - 弌. 2-7. 丕 亶 舒 舒于仂 仂亰亞仍磲舒 仗亳亳仆亳 舒 仆舒仍亟从亳 "从仂仍仂仂于亳 亠于仂仍ム亶" 亰, 丕从舒仆 舒 亳亞亳亰舒仆, 舒 舒从仂亢 亠舒从 仆舒 仗仂亟 于 亟仆 从舒仆舒. 丐舒从仂亢 舒于仂 仗仂于仆ム 仗亳亳仆亳 亰 亠亠亟仆仂-亠仄仆仂于亳仄亳 仆舒仍亟从舒仄亳 "亠于仂仍ム亶" 磻 仂从亠仄亳 从舒仆舒? 舒从 亟仍 亠亞仂仆 于 仍仂仄. 亳仆仂于仂从 舒于仂舒 仗仂仍磪舒 于 仂仄, 仂 "从仂仍仂仂于 亠于仂仍ム" 仆亠 仗亳亰于亠仍亳 亟仂 于亳从仂仆舒仆仆 "亠于仂仍ム亶仆亳" 仂弍礌仂从, 亰仗亳仆亳于亳 仍亳亠 仆舒 从仂仂从亳亶 舒 仗仂于亰舒仆仆 仗仂舒亟礌从亳 仆舒亶 亟仂 舒于仂亳舒亳亰仄. 亠: 仍亠从仂仆仆亳亶 舒于 舒仂仆舒仍仆仂亞仂 仆于亠亳亠 "亳于仂-仂亞亳仍礌从舒 舒从舒亟亠仄" (www.ekmair.ukma.kiev.ua/handle/123456789/2180)]]>
Mon, 18 Mar 2013 02:44:22 GMT /slideshow/minakov-krytyka/17309024 GoodPolitics@slideshare.net(GoodPolitics) 仂仂从舒 亟亳舒仆 于仂弍仂亟亳: 仗亳亳仆亳 仆舒仍亟从亳 从仂仍仂仂于亳 亠于仂仍ム亶 仗仂舒亟礌从仂仄 于 GoodPolitics 亳亳从舒. - 2012. - 7-8. - 弌. 2-7. 丕 亶 舒 舒于仂 仂亰亞仍磲舒 仗亳亳仆亳 舒 仆舒仍亟从亳 "从仂仍仂仂于亳 亠于仂仍ム亶" 亰, 丕从舒仆 舒 亳亞亳亰舒仆, 舒 舒从仂亢 亠舒从 仆舒 仗仂亟 于 亟仆 从舒仆舒. 丐舒从仂亢 舒于仂 仗仂于仆ム 仗亳亳仆亳 亰 亠亠亟仆仂-亠仄仆仂于亳仄亳 仆舒仍亟从舒仄亳 "亠于仂仍ム亶" 磻 仂从亠仄亳 从舒仆舒? 舒从 亟仍 亠亞仂仆 于 仍仂仄. 亳仆仂于仂从 舒于仂舒 仗仂仍磪舒 于 仂仄, 仂 "从仂仍仂仂于 亠于仂仍ム" 仆亠 仗亳亰于亠仍亳 亟仂 于亳从仂仆舒仆仆 "亠于仂仍ム亶仆亳" 仂弍礌仂从, 亰仗亳仆亳于亳 仍亳亠 仆舒 从仂仂从亳亶 舒 仗仂于亰舒仆仆 仗仂舒亟礌从亳 仆舒亶 亟仂 舒于仂亳舒亳亰仄. 亠: 仍亠从仂仆仆亳亶 舒于 舒仂仆舒仍仆仂亞仂 仆于亠亳亠 "亳于仂-仂亞亳仍礌从舒 舒从舒亟亠仄" (www.ekmair.ukma.kiev.ua/handle/123456789/2180) <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/minakovkrytyka-130318024422-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> 亳亳从舒. - 2012. - 7-8. - 弌. 2-7. 丕 亶 舒 舒于仂 仂亰亞仍磲舒 仗亳亳仆亳 舒 仆舒仍亟从亳 &quot;从仂仍仂仂于亳 亠于仂仍ム亶&quot; 亰, 丕从舒仆 舒 亳亞亳亰舒仆, 舒 舒从仂亢 亠舒从 仆舒 仗仂亟 于 亟仆 从舒仆舒. 丐舒从仂亢 舒于仂 仗仂于仆ム 仗亳亳仆亳 亰 亠亠亟仆仂-亠仄仆仂于亳仄亳 仆舒仍亟从舒仄亳 &quot;亠于仂仍ム亶&quot; 磻 仂从亠仄亳 从舒仆舒? 舒从 亟仍 亠亞仂仆 于 仍仂仄. 亳仆仂于仂从 舒于仂舒 仗仂仍磪舒 于 仂仄, 仂 &quot;从仂仍仂仂于 亠于仂仍ム&quot; 仆亠 仗亳亰于亠仍亳 亟仂 于亳从仂仆舒仆仆 &quot;亠于仂仍ム亶仆亳&quot; 仂弍礌仂从, 亰仗亳仆亳于亳 仍亳亠 仆舒 从仂仂从亳亶 舒 仗仂于亰舒仆仆 仗仂舒亟礌从亳 仆舒亶 亟仂 舒于仂亳舒亳亰仄. 亠: 仍亠从仂仆仆亳亶 舒于 舒仂仆舒仍仆仂亞仂 仆于亠亳亠 &quot;亳于仂-仂亞亳仍礌从舒 舒从舒亟亠仄&quot; (www.ekmair.ukma.kiev.ua/handle/123456789/2180)
仂仂从舒 亟亳舒仆 于仂弍仂亟亳: 仗亳亳仆亳 仆舒仍亟从亳 从仂仍仂仂于亳 亠于仂仍ム亶 仗仂舒亟礌从仂仄 于 from Fund for Good Politics
1511 3 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/minakovkrytyka-130318024422-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds document White http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
丼仂 仆亢仆仂 亰仆舒, 亳亟 于 仗仂仍亳亳从 /GoodPolitics/good-politics-powerful-women goodpoliticspowerfulwomen-130311032255-phpapp02
仍亠仆舒 弌亳弍亳磻仂于舒 7 仄舒舒 2013 仗仂亠亳仍舒 仗亠-从仂仆亠亠仆亳 亠仆从仂亞仂 从仂仆仂亳仄舒 丕从舒亳仆, 亞亟亠 弍亟亠 仂弍亢亟舒仍舒 亠仄舒 "仂弍亠仆仆仂亳 仗仂亟于亳亢亠仆亳 亢亠仆亳仆 于 仗仂仍亳亳从 于 丕从舒亳仆亠". 从舒仆仆 亠亢亟仆舒仂亟仆仂亞仂 亢亠仆从仂亞仂 亟仆 亰舒亳 仗舒于 亢亠仆亳仆, 仗亠亳舒仍亳 仗仂 仗仂仍亳亳亠从仂仄 从仂仆舒仍亳仆亞 仗亠亟舒于亳仍舒 亟仂从仍舒亟: 束丼仂 仍亠亟亠 亰仆舒, 仆舒亳仆仆 仗 于 仗仂仍亳亳从?"]]>

仍亠仆舒 弌亳弍亳磻仂于舒 7 仄舒舒 2013 仗仂亠亳仍舒 仗亠-从仂仆亠亠仆亳 亠仆从仂亞仂 从仂仆仂亳仄舒 丕从舒亳仆, 亞亟亠 弍亟亠 仂弍亢亟舒仍舒 亠仄舒 "仂弍亠仆仆仂亳 仗仂亟于亳亢亠仆亳 亢亠仆亳仆 于 仗仂仍亳亳从 于 丕从舒亳仆亠". 从舒仆仆 亠亢亟仆舒仂亟仆仂亞仂 亢亠仆从仂亞仂 亟仆 亰舒亳 仗舒于 亢亠仆亳仆, 仗亠亳舒仍亳 仗仂 仗仂仍亳亳亠从仂仄 从仂仆舒仍亳仆亞 仗亠亟舒于亳仍舒 亟仂从仍舒亟: 束丼仂 仍亠亟亠 亰仆舒, 仆舒亳仆仆 仗 于 仗仂仍亳亳从?"]]>
Mon, 11 Mar 2013 03:22:55 GMT /GoodPolitics/good-politics-powerful-women GoodPolitics@slideshare.net(GoodPolitics) 丼仂 仆亢仆仂 亰仆舒, 亳亟 于 仗仂仍亳亳从 GoodPolitics 仍亠仆舒 弌亳弍亳磻仂于舒 7 仄舒舒 2013 仗仂亠亳仍舒 仗亠-从仂仆亠亠仆亳 亠仆从仂亞仂 从仂仆仂亳仄舒 丕从舒亳仆, 亞亟亠 弍亟亠 仂弍亢亟舒仍舒 亠仄舒 "仂弍亠仆仆仂亳 仗仂亟于亳亢亠仆亳 亢亠仆亳仆 于 仗仂仍亳亳从 于 丕从舒亳仆亠". 从舒仆仆 亠亢亟仆舒仂亟仆仂亞仂 亢亠仆从仂亞仂 亟仆 亰舒亳 仗舒于 亢亠仆亳仆, 仗亠亳舒仍亳 仗仂 仗仂仍亳亳亠从仂仄 从仂仆舒仍亳仆亞 仗亠亟舒于亳仍舒 亟仂从仍舒亟: 束丼仂 仍亠亟亠 亰仆舒, 仆舒亳仆仆 仗 于 仗仂仍亳亳从?" <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/goodpoliticspowerfulwomen-130311032255-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> 仍亠仆舒 弌亳弍亳磻仂于舒 7 仄舒舒 2013 仗仂亠亳仍舒 仗亠-从仂仆亠亠仆亳 亠仆从仂亞仂 从仂仆仂亳仄舒 丕从舒亳仆, 亞亟亠 弍亟亠 仂弍亢亟舒仍舒 亠仄舒 &quot;仂弍亠仆仆仂亳 仗仂亟于亳亢亠仆亳 亢亠仆亳仆 于 仗仂仍亳亳从 于 丕从舒亳仆亠&quot;. 从舒仆仆 亠亢亟仆舒仂亟仆仂亞仂 亢亠仆从仂亞仂 亟仆 亰舒亳 仗舒于 亢亠仆亳仆, 仗亠亳舒仍亳 仗仂 仗仂仍亳亳亠从仂仄 从仂仆舒仍亳仆亞 仗亠亟舒于亳仍舒 亟仂从仍舒亟: 束丼仂 仍亠亟亠 亰仆舒, 仆舒亳仆仆 仗 于 仗仂仍亳亳从?&quot;
丼仂 仆亢仆仂 亰仆舒, 亳亟 于 仗仂仍亳亳从 from Fund for Good Politics
911 2 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/goodpoliticspowerfulwomen-130311032255-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation White http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
Global Ten /slideshow/global-ten/16772882 globalten-130226015729-phpapp02
Three major forces, I believe, will be looming behind the headlines, driving events in 2013: the crisis of the Western order, rising sectarian strife in the Middle East, and worries about American withdrawal from the world. ]]>

Three major forces, I believe, will be looming behind the headlines, driving events in 2013: the crisis of the Western order, rising sectarian strife in the Middle East, and worries about American withdrawal from the world. ]]>
Tue, 26 Feb 2013 01:57:29 GMT /slideshow/global-ten/16772882 GoodPolitics@slideshare.net(GoodPolitics) Global Ten GoodPolitics Three major forces, I believe, will be looming behind the headlines, driving events in 2013: the crisis of the Western order, rising sectarian strife in the Middle East, and worries about American withdrawal from the world. <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/globalten-130226015729-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> Three major forces, I believe, will be looming behind the headlines, driving events in 2013: the crisis of the Western order, rising sectarian strife in the Middle East, and worries about American withdrawal from the world.
Global Ten from Fund for Good Politics
945 6 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/globalten-130226015729-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
PHILOSOPHY, POLITICS 鐃and SOCIAL MODERNIZATION /slideshow/philosophy-politics-and-social-modernization/16216316 kennanreportjan242013edit-130128061858-phpapp02
PHILOSOPHY, POLITICS and SOCIAL MODERNIZATION IN RUSSIAN EMPIRE, SOVIET UNION, and POST-SOVIET REGIMES. Motivation: why study Modernity at all? Purpose: whats the aim of my research project? Definitions: what is Modernity and modernization? Methodology: how to study Modernity? Findings so far]]>

PHILOSOPHY, POLITICS and SOCIAL MODERNIZATION IN RUSSIAN EMPIRE, SOVIET UNION, and POST-SOVIET REGIMES. Motivation: why study Modernity at all? Purpose: whats the aim of my research project? Definitions: what is Modernity and modernization? Methodology: how to study Modernity? Findings so far]]>
Mon, 28 Jan 2013 06:18:58 GMT /slideshow/philosophy-politics-and-social-modernization/16216316 GoodPolitics@slideshare.net(GoodPolitics) PHILOSOPHY, POLITICS 鐃and SOCIAL MODERNIZATION GoodPolitics PHILOSOPHY, POLITICS and SOCIAL MODERNIZATION IN RUSSIAN EMPIRE, SOVIET UNION, and POST-SOVIET REGIMES. Motivation: why study Modernity at all? Purpose: whats the aim of my research project? Definitions: what is Modernity and modernization? Methodology: how to study Modernity? Findings so far <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/kennanreportjan242013edit-130128061858-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> PHILOSOPHY, POLITICS and SOCIAL MODERNIZATION IN RUSSIAN EMPIRE, SOVIET UNION, and POST-SOVIET REGIMES. Motivation: why study Modernity at all? Purpose: whats the aim of my research project? Definitions: what is Modernity and modernization? Methodology: how to study Modernity? Findings so far
919 14 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/kennanreportjan242013edit-130128061858-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
Crowdsourcing press club results /GoodPolitics/ss-15782189 crowdsourcingpressclubresultsdec2012-121228025217-phpapp01
仂磪仂仄 仂 仄于 弍仍亠 20 亳. 从舒仆于 于亟仗仂于亟舒仍亳 仆舒 仗亳舒仆仆 束乂仂 仗仂弍仆仂 亰仄仆亳亳 亟仍 仗仂从舒亠仆仆 磻仂 亢亳 于 丕从舒仆 舒 于舒仂仄 弍亠亰仗仂亠亠亟仆仂仄 仂仂亠仆仆損. ]]>

仂磪仂仄 仂 仄于 弍仍亠 20 亳. 从舒仆于 于亟仗仂于亟舒仍亳 仆舒 仗亳舒仆仆 束乂仂 仗仂弍仆仂 亰仄仆亳亳 亟仍 仗仂从舒亠仆仆 磻仂 亢亳 于 丕从舒仆 舒 于舒仂仄 弍亠亰仗仂亠亠亟仆仂仄 仂仂亠仆仆損. ]]>
Fri, 28 Dec 2012 02:52:17 GMT /GoodPolitics/ss-15782189 GoodPolitics@slideshare.net(GoodPolitics) Crowdsourcing press club results GoodPolitics 仂磪仂仄 仂 仄于 弍仍亠 20 亳. 从舒仆于 于亟仗仂于亟舒仍亳 仆舒 仗亳舒仆仆 束乂仂 仗仂弍仆仂 亰仄仆亳亳 亟仍 仗仂从舒亠仆仆 磻仂 亢亳 于 丕从舒仆 舒 于舒仂仄 弍亠亰仗仂亠亠亟仆仂仄 仂仂亠仆仆損. <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/crowdsourcingpressclubresultsdec2012-121228025217-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> 仂磪仂仄 仂 仄于 弍仍亠 20 亳. 从舒仆于 于亟仗仂于亟舒仍亳 仆舒 仗亳舒仆仆 束乂仂 仗仂弍仆仂 亰仄仆亳亳 亟仍 仗仂从舒亠仆仆 磻仂 亢亳 于 丕从舒仆 舒 于舒仂仄 弍亠亰仗仂亠亠亟仆仂仄 仂仂亠仆仆損.
Crowdsourcing press club results from Fund for Good Politics
350 3 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/crowdsourcingpressclubresultsdec2012-121228025217-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation White http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
Parliamentary elections 2012 /slideshow/parliamentary-elections-2012/15045140 parliamentaryelections2012-121106030842-phpapp01
- definition of the electoral rules, - pre-election campaign, - the vote, - translation of votes into seats.]]>

- definition of the electoral rules, - pre-election campaign, - the vote, - translation of votes into seats.]]>
Tue, 06 Nov 2012 03:08:41 GMT /slideshow/parliamentary-elections-2012/15045140 GoodPolitics@slideshare.net(GoodPolitics) Parliamentary elections 2012 GoodPolitics - definition of the electoral rules, - pre-election campaign, - the vote, - translation of votes into seats. <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/parliamentaryelections2012-121106030842-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> - definition of the electoral rules, - pre-election campaign, - the vote, - translation of votes into seats.
Parliamentary elections 2012 from Fund for Good Politics
401 2 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/parliamentaryelections2012-121106030842-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
仂从仂仍亠仆亳 于仍舒亳: 仗仂仍亳亳从仂-亳仂亳亠从亳亠 舒仆仂仄舒亳亳 仆舒 仗亳仄亠亠 仆亠亰舒于亳亳仄仂亶 丕从舒亳仆 /slideshow/poltorakov/14728821 poltorakov-121015015343-phpapp02

Mon, 15 Oct 2012 01:53:42 GMT /slideshow/poltorakov/14728821 GoodPolitics@slideshare.net(GoodPolitics) 仂从仂仍亠仆亳 于仍舒亳: 仗仂仍亳亳从仂-亳仂亳亠从亳亠 舒仆仂仄舒亳亳 仆舒 仗亳仄亠亠 仆亠亰舒于亳亳仄仂亶 丕从舒亳仆 GoodPolitics <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/poltorakov-121015015343-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br>
仂从仂仍亠仆亳 于仍舒亳: 仗仂仍亳亳从仂-亳仂亳亠从亳亠 舒仆仂仄舒亳亳 仆舒 仗亳仄亠亠 仆亠亰舒于亳亳仄仂亶 丕从舒亳仆 from Fund for Good Politics
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仂仍 仗仍仆亳 仄仂于仆亳从于 仄亠亟舒-亠亠亟仂于亳, 仂 仗仂亶仆仂 亰仄仆ム /slideshow/the-role-ofpublicbroadcastersinachangingmediaenvironmentspeechbywilliamhorsley/13932707 theroleofpublicbroadcastersinachangingmediaenvironmentspeechbywilliamhorsley-120810022306-phpapp02
仂仄仂于舒 仍礆舒 丱仂仍 (William Horsley), 仗亠亟舒于仆亳从舒 仂舒 于仂仗亠亶从亳 亢仆舒仍于 (AEJ) 亞舒仍亰 仄亠亟舒-于仂弍仂亟亳. 仂仗仂于亟 仆舒 从仂仆亠亠仆 束弌于仂弍仂亟舒 仍仂于舒 舒 于 亠亞仂仆 舒亟仆亳 舒仍从舒仆 丐亠亳仆亳損, ム亠仍, 6 舒于仆 2011 仂从]]>

仂仄仂于舒 仍礆舒 丱仂仍 (William Horsley), 仗亠亟舒于仆亳从舒 仂舒 于仂仗亠亶从亳 亢仆舒仍于 (AEJ) 亞舒仍亰 仄亠亟舒-于仂弍仂亟亳. 仂仗仂于亟 仆舒 从仂仆亠亠仆 束弌于仂弍仂亟舒 仍仂于舒 舒 于 亠亞仂仆 舒亟仆亳 舒仍从舒仆 丐亠亳仆亳損, ム亠仍, 6 舒于仆 2011 仂从]]>
Fri, 10 Aug 2012 02:23:05 GMT /slideshow/the-role-ofpublicbroadcastersinachangingmediaenvironmentspeechbywilliamhorsley/13932707 GoodPolitics@slideshare.net(GoodPolitics) 仂仍 仗仍仆亳 仄仂于仆亳从于 仄亠亟舒-亠亠亟仂于亳, 仂 仗仂亶仆仂 亰仄仆ム GoodPolitics 仂仄仂于舒 仍礆舒 丱仂仍 (William Horsley), 仗亠亟舒于仆亳从舒 仂舒 于仂仗亠亶从亳 亢仆舒仍于 (AEJ) 亞舒仍亰 仄亠亟舒-于仂弍仂亟亳. 仂仗仂于亟 仆舒 从仂仆亠亠仆 束弌于仂弍仂亟舒 仍仂于舒 舒 于 亠亞仂仆 舒亟仆亳 舒仍从舒仆 丐亠亳仆亳損, ム亠仍, 6 舒于仆 2011 仂从 <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/theroleofpublicbroadcastersinachangingmediaenvironmentspeechbywilliamhorsley-120810022306-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> 仂仄仂于舒 仍礆舒 丱仂仍 (William Horsley), 仗亠亟舒于仆亳从舒 仂舒 于仂仗亠亶从亳 亢仆舒仍于 (AEJ) 亞舒仍亰 仄亠亟舒-于仂弍仂亟亳. 仂仗仂于亟 仆舒 从仂仆亠亠仆 束弌于仂弍仂亟舒 仍仂于舒 舒 于 亠亞仂仆 舒亟仆亳 舒仍从舒仆 丐亠亳仆亳損, ム亠仍, 6 舒于仆 2011 仂从
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July 2012 election monitor no. 1 /slideshow/july-2012-election-monitor-no-1-13925456/13925456 july2012electionmonitorno-1-120809113250-phpapp01

Thu, 09 Aug 2012 11:32:48 GMT /slideshow/july-2012-election-monitor-no-1-13925456/13925456 GoodPolitics@slideshare.net(GoodPolitics) July 2012 election monitor no. 1 GoodPolitics <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/july2012electionmonitorno-1-120809113250-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br>
July 2012 election monitor no. 1 from Fund for Good Politics
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July 2012 election monitor no. 1 /slideshow/july-2012-election-monitor-no-1-13925404/13925404 july2012electionmonitorno-1-120809112834-phpapp02

Thu, 09 Aug 2012 11:28:32 GMT /slideshow/july-2012-election-monitor-no-1-13925404/13925404 GoodPolitics@slideshare.net(GoodPolitics) July 2012 election monitor no. 1 GoodPolitics <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/july2012electionmonitorno-1-120809112834-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br>
July 2012 election monitor no. 1 from Fund for Good Politics
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July 2012 election monitor no. 1 /slideshow/july-2012-election-monitor-no-1-13925346/13925346 july2012electionmonitorno-1-120809112259-phpapp01

Thu, 09 Aug 2012 11:22:57 GMT /slideshow/july-2012-election-monitor-no-1-13925346/13925346 GoodPolitics@slideshare.net(GoodPolitics) July 2012 election monitor no. 1 GoodPolitics <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/july2012electionmonitorno-1-120809112259-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br>
July 2012 election monitor no. 1 from Fund for Good Politics
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July 2012 election monitor no. 1 /slideshow/july-2012-election-monitor-no-1-13925234/13925234 july2012electionmonitorno-1-120809111218-phpapp02

Thu, 09 Aug 2012 11:12:16 GMT /slideshow/july-2012-election-monitor-no-1-13925234/13925234 GoodPolitics@slideshare.net(GoodPolitics) July 2012 election monitor no. 1 GoodPolitics <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/july2012electionmonitorno-1-120809111218-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br>
July 2012 election monitor no. 1 from Fund for Good Politics
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Thu, 12 Jul 2012 10:57:36 GMT /slideshow/ss-13618417/13618417 GoodPolitics@slideshare.net(GoodPolitics) 仄仂于仆舒 舒亳亳从舒 GoodPolitics 舒仆 亰仂弍舒亢亠仆仆 亟仂 仍亠从 仂亳从舒 舒仍 舒仄舒仆仂于亳舒, 磻亳亶 亰舒亶仄舒 亠仆仂仗仂仍亳从仂. 丐亠仄舒 仍亠从 束丕从舒仆亰舒 vs 亳从舒. 仂亰从仂仍 亳 仄仂于仆亠 仗亳舒仆仆 于 丕从舒仆?損 <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/random-120712105738-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> 舒仆 亰仂弍舒亢亠仆仆 亟仂 仍亠从 仂亳从舒 舒仍 舒仄舒仆仂于亳舒, 磻亳亶 亰舒亶仄舒 亠仆仂仗仂仍亳从仂. 丐亠仄舒 仍亠从 束丕从舒仆亰舒 vs 亳从舒. 仂亰从仂仍 亳 仄仂于仆亠 仗亳舒仆仆 于 丕从舒仆?損
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2012 从]]>

2012 从]]>
Wed, 11 Jul 2012 07:32:04 GMT /slideshow/ss-13605007/13605007 GoodPolitics@slideshare.net(GoodPolitics) 仂仍舒仆仆 亠亰亳亟亠仆舒 丕从舒仆亳 亟仂 亠仂于仆仂 舒亟亳 仗仂 于仆仆 亰仂于仆仆 舒仆仂于亳亠 丕从舒仆亳 GoodPolitics 2012 从 <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/poslannja-120711073206-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> 2012 从
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