ºÝºÝߣshows by User: MihaiSANDRU / http://www.slideshare.net/images/logo.gif ºÝºÝߣshows by User: MihaiSANDRU / Wed, 31 Aug 2016 06:37:29 GMT ºÝºÝߣShare feed for ºÝºÝߣshows by User: MihaiSANDRU Executarea hotararilor arbitrale pronunÅ£ate sub egida Centrului InternaÅ£ional pentru Reglementarea Diferendelor cu privire la Investitii (ICSID/ CIRDI) impotriva României in contextul dreptului european /MihaiSANDRU/executarea-hotararilor-arbitrale-pronunate-sub-egida-centrului-internaional-pentru-reglementarea-diferendelor-cu-privire-la-investitii-icsid-cirdi-impotriva-romniei-in-contextul-dreptului-european sandruploesteanuexecutareicsidtgmures2016-160831063730
Abstract: Romanian Abstract: Articolul îşi propune să discute situaţia respectării unui tratat internaţional, în concret, respectarea unui tratat bilateral privind investiţiile încheiat între două state membre ale Uniunii Europene în temeiul căruia un tribunal arbitral constituit sub egida Centrului internaţional pentru reglementarea diferendelor cu privire la investiţii (ICSID) a pronunţat o sentinţă împotriva României. Recunoaşterea şi executarea sentinţei ICSID a făcut obiectul unei decizii a Comisiei Europene referitoare la ajutorul de stat. Atât acţiunile iniţiate de către reclamant pentru executarea hotărârii, cât şi acţiunile în anularea deciziei Comisiei (T-624/15, European Food şi alţii / Comisia; T-694/15, Micula / Comisia; T-704/15, Micula şi alţii/Comisia) sunt pendinte. English Abstract: The article will analyze the situation of compliance with an international treaty, respectively, compliance with a bilateral treaty on investments concluded between two member states of the European Union, based on which an arbitral tribunal constituted under the aegis of the International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) has given an award against Romania. The recognition and enforcement of ICSID awards has made the object of a decision of the European Commission regarding state aid. Both actions, initiated by the plaintiff for enforcement of the award as well as the action for annulment of the Commissions’decision (T-624/15, European Food and others / Commission; T-694/15, Micula / Commission; T-704/15, Micula and others/Commission) are undergoing. Note: Downloadable document is in Romanian.]]>

Abstract: Romanian Abstract: Articolul îşi propune să discute situaţia respectării unui tratat internaţional, în concret, respectarea unui tratat bilateral privind investiţiile încheiat între două state membre ale Uniunii Europene în temeiul căruia un tribunal arbitral constituit sub egida Centrului internaţional pentru reglementarea diferendelor cu privire la investiţii (ICSID) a pronunţat o sentinţă împotriva României. Recunoaşterea şi executarea sentinţei ICSID a făcut obiectul unei decizii a Comisiei Europene referitoare la ajutorul de stat. Atât acţiunile iniţiate de către reclamant pentru executarea hotărârii, cât şi acţiunile în anularea deciziei Comisiei (T-624/15, European Food şi alţii / Comisia; T-694/15, Micula / Comisia; T-704/15, Micula şi alţii/Comisia) sunt pendinte. English Abstract: The article will analyze the situation of compliance with an international treaty, respectively, compliance with a bilateral treaty on investments concluded between two member states of the European Union, based on which an arbitral tribunal constituted under the aegis of the International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) has given an award against Romania. The recognition and enforcement of ICSID awards has made the object of a decision of the European Commission regarding state aid. Both actions, initiated by the plaintiff for enforcement of the award as well as the action for annulment of the Commissions’decision (T-624/15, European Food and others / Commission; T-694/15, Micula / Commission; T-704/15, Micula and others/Commission) are undergoing. Note: Downloadable document is in Romanian.]]>
Wed, 31 Aug 2016 06:37:29 GMT /MihaiSANDRU/executarea-hotararilor-arbitrale-pronunate-sub-egida-centrului-internaional-pentru-reglementarea-diferendelor-cu-privire-la-investitii-icsid-cirdi-impotriva-romniei-in-contextul-dreptului-european MihaiSANDRU@slideshare.net(MihaiSANDRU) Executarea hotararilor arbitrale pronunţate sub egida Centrului Internaţional pentru Reglementarea Diferendelor cu privire la Investitii (ICSID/ CIRDI) impotriva României in contextul dreptului european MihaiSANDRU Abstract: Romanian Abstract: Articolul îşi propune să discute situaţia respectării unui tratat internaţional, în concret, respectarea unui tratat bilateral privind investiţiile încheiat între două state membre ale Uniunii Europene în temeiul căruia un tribunal arbitral constituit sub egida Centrului internaţional pentru reglementarea diferendelor cu privire la investiţii (ICSID) a pronunţat o sentinţă împotriva României. Recunoaşterea şi executarea sentinţei ICSID a făcut obiectul unei decizii a Comisiei Europene referitoare la ajutorul de stat. Atât acţiunile iniţiate de către reclamant pentru executarea hotărârii, cât şi acţiunile în anularea deciziei Comisiei (T-624/15, European Food şi alţii / Comisia; T-694/15, Micula / Comisia; T-704/15, Micula şi alţii/Comisia) sunt pendinte. English Abstract: The article will analyze the situation of compliance with an international treaty, respectively, compliance with a bilateral treaty on investments concluded between two member states of the European Union, based on which an arbitral tribunal constituted under the aegis of the International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) has given an award against Romania. The recognition and enforcement of ICSID awards has made the object of a decision of the European Commission regarding state aid. Both actions, initiated by the plaintiff for enforcement of the award as well as the action for annulment of the Commissions’decision (T-624/15, European Food and others / Commission; T-694/15, Micula / Commission; T-704/15, Micula and others/Commission) are undergoing. Note: Downloadable document is in Romanian. <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/sandruploesteanuexecutareicsidtgmures2016-160831063730-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> Abstract: Romanian Abstract: Articolul îşi propune să discute situaţia respectării unui tratat internaţional, în concret, respectarea unui tratat bilateral privind investiţiile încheiat între două state membre ale Uniunii Europene în temeiul căruia un tribunal arbitral constituit sub egida Centrului internaţional pentru reglementarea diferendelor cu privire la investiţii (ICSID) a pronunţat o sentinţă împotriva României. Recunoaşterea şi executarea sentinţei ICSID a făcut obiectul unei decizii a Comisiei Europene referitoare la ajutorul de stat. Atât acţiunile iniţiate de către reclamant pentru executarea hotărârii, cât şi acţiunile în anularea deciziei Comisiei (T-624/15, European Food şi alţii / Comisia; T-694/15, Micula / Comisia; T-704/15, Micula şi alţii/Comisia) sunt pendinte. English Abstract: The article will analyze the situation of compliance with an international treaty, respectively, compliance with a bilateral treaty on investments concluded between two member states of the European Union, based on which an arbitral tribunal constituted under the aegis of the International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) has given an award against Romania. The recognition and enforcement of ICSID awards has made the object of a decision of the European Commission regarding state aid. Both actions, initiated by the plaintiff for enforcement of the award as well as the action for annulment of the Commissions’decision (T-624/15, European Food and others / Commission; T-694/15, Micula / Commission; T-704/15, Micula and others/Commission) are undergoing. Note: Downloadable document is in Romanian.
Executarea hotararilor arbitrale pronun釘ate sub egida Centrului Interna釘ional pentru Reglementarea Diferendelor cu privire la Investitii (ICSID/ CIRDI) impotriva Rom但niei in contextul dreptului european from Mihai SANDRU
377 2 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/sandruploesteanuexecutareicsidtgmures2016-160831063730-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/profile-photo-MihaiSANDRU-48x48.jpg?cb=1528119257 ReNEUAL addresses the potential and the substantial need for simplification of EU administrative law, as the body of rules and principles governing the implementation of EU policies by EU institutions and Member States. EU administrative law has evolved on a policy-by-policy basis in an unsystematic and non-transparent manner. Simplification can be achieved by the rationalisation and improvement of structures and methodology used throughout EU policy fields. The overall objective of ReNEUAL is to develop an understanding of EU public which ensures that the constitutional values of the Union are present and complied with in all instances of exercise of public authority. http://www.mihaisandru.ro