際際滷shows by User: SamuaelJack / http://www.slideshare.net/images/logo.gif 際際滷shows by User: SamuaelJack / 際際滷Share feed for 際際滷shows by User: SamuaelJack https://public.slidesharecdn.com/v2/images/profile-picture.png "HoWs De LiFe,DuDe!..LiFe is ToO ShOrT tO bE s@d OvEr W@tEvEr ThInGs T@t @fFeCtS uS,So Le@rN To FoRgEt 'n' b H@pPy @lW@Ys,CoZ LiFe SeEmS To Be mOrE lOnGeR wHeN U sMiLe 'n' bE H@pPy @lW@yS,h@v @ Gr8 D@y @hE@d..LeT's eNjOy!...."its ma PhiLoSoPhY..ha.ha