際際滷shows by User: SemyonGrigorev / http://www.slideshare.net/images/logo.gif 際際滷shows by User: SemyonGrigorev / Mon, 08 Feb 2016 21:29:41 GMT 際際滷Share feed for 際際滷shows by User: SemyonGrigorev Research projects spring 2016 /slideshow/research-projects-spring-2016/58024845 grigorevpresentation-160208212941
Research projects for students of Academic University and Computer Science Center . Saint-Petersburg, 2016.]]>

Research projects for students of Academic University and Computer Science Center . Saint-Petersburg, 2016.]]>
Mon, 08 Feb 2016 21:29:41 GMT /slideshow/research-projects-spring-2016/58024845 SemyonGrigorev@slideshare.net(SemyonGrigorev) Research projects spring 2016 SemyonGrigorev Research projects for students of Academic University and Computer Science Center . Saint-Petersburg, 2016. <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/grigorevpresentation-160208212941-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> Research projects for students of Academic University and Computer Science Center . Saint-Petersburg, 2016.
Research projects spring 2016 from Semyon Grigorev
443 4 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/grigorevpresentation-160208212941-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
Relaxed Parsing of Regular Approximations of String-Embedded Languages /slideshow/relaxed-parsing-of-regular-approximations-of-stringembedded-languages/52088733 relaxedparsingofstring-embeddedlanguages-150826121029-lva1-app6892
We present a technique for syntax analysis of a regular set of input strings. This problem is relevant for analysis of string-embedded languages when a host program generates clauses of embedded language at run time. Our technique is based on a generalization of RNGLR algorithm, which, inherently, allows us to construct a finite representation of parse forest for regularly approximated set of input strings. This representation can be further utilized for semantic analysis and transformations in the context of reengineering, code maintenance, program understanding etc. The approach in question implements relaxed parsing: non-recognized strings in approximation set are ignored with no error detection.]]>

We present a technique for syntax analysis of a regular set of input strings. This problem is relevant for analysis of string-embedded languages when a host program generates clauses of embedded language at run time. Our technique is based on a generalization of RNGLR algorithm, which, inherently, allows us to construct a finite representation of parse forest for regularly approximated set of input strings. This representation can be further utilized for semantic analysis and transformations in the context of reengineering, code maintenance, program understanding etc. The approach in question implements relaxed parsing: non-recognized strings in approximation set are ignored with no error detection.]]>
Wed, 26 Aug 2015 12:10:29 GMT /slideshow/relaxed-parsing-of-regular-approximations-of-stringembedded-languages/52088733 SemyonGrigorev@slideshare.net(SemyonGrigorev) Relaxed Parsing of Regular Approximations of String-Embedded Languages SemyonGrigorev We present a technique for syntax analysis of a regular set of input strings. This problem is relevant for analysis of string-embedded languages when a host program generates clauses of embedded language at run time. Our technique is based on a generalization of RNGLR algorithm, which, inherently, allows us to construct a finite representation of parse forest for regularly approximated set of input strings. This representation can be further utilized for semantic analysis and transformations in the context of reengineering, code maintenance, program understanding etc. The approach in question implements relaxed parsing: non-recognized strings in approximation set are ignored with no error detection. <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/relaxedparsingofstring-embeddedlanguages-150826121029-lva1-app6892-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> We present a technique for syntax analysis of a regular set of input strings. This problem is relevant for analysis of string-embedded languages when a host program generates clauses of embedded language at run time. Our technique is based on a generalization of RNGLR algorithm, which, inherently, allows us to construct a finite representation of parse forest for regularly approximated set of input strings. This representation can be further utilized for semantic analysis and transformations in the context of reengineering, code maintenance, program understanding etc. The approach in question implements relaxed parsing: non-recognized strings in approximation set are ignored with no error detection.
Relaxed Parsing of Regular Approximations of String-Embedded Languages from Semyon Grigorev
716 7 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/relaxedparsingofstring-embeddedlanguages-150826121029-lva1-app6892-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
Tmpa-2014. table-based GLL parsing. /slideshow/tmpa-2014-tablebasedgll/41589892 tmpa-2014tablebasedgll-141115054119-conversion-gate01
Generalized LL parsing algorithm and it's modification for migration from full code generation to GLL table generation are described. Also we explain correspondence between GLL, GLR and static analysis of string embedded languages.]]>

Generalized LL parsing algorithm and it's modification for migration from full code generation to GLL table generation are described. Also we explain correspondence between GLL, GLR and static analysis of string embedded languages.]]>
Sat, 15 Nov 2014 05:41:19 GMT /slideshow/tmpa-2014-tablebasedgll/41589892 SemyonGrigorev@slideshare.net(SemyonGrigorev) Tmpa-2014. table-based GLL parsing. SemyonGrigorev Generalized LL parsing algorithm and it's modification for migration from full code generation to GLL table generation are described. Also we explain correspondence between GLL, GLR and static analysis of string embedded languages. <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/tmpa-2014tablebasedgll-141115054119-conversion-gate01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> Generalized LL parsing algorithm and it&#39;s modification for migration from full code generation to GLL table generation are described. Also we explain correspondence between GLL, GLR and static analysis of string embedded languages.
Tmpa-2014. table-based GLL parsing. from Semyon Grigorev
448 2 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/tmpa-2014tablebasedgll-141115054119-conversion-gate01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation 000000 http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
仆仄亠仆舒仍仆舒 仗仂亟亟亠亢从舒 于仂亠仆仆 磶从仂于 于 IDE. /slideshow/psi-sias-2014/36493385 r3bvnhvdr2qf6wq2y4sj-140701002827-phpapp02
亠亰亠仆舒亳 亠亰仍舒仂于 亳仍亠亟仂于舒亠仍从仂亞仂 仗仂亠从舒 仍舒弍仂舒仂亳亳 JetBrains 仆舒 舒亠仄舒亳从仂-亠舒仆亳亠从仂仄 舒从仍亠亠 弌弍丕. 舒弍仂舒 仗仂于亠仆舒 舒亳亠从仂仄 舒仆舒仍亳亰 于舒亢亠仆亳亶 仆舒 于仂亠仆仆 磶从舒 -- 于舒亢亠仆亳, 从仂仂亠 仂弍亳舒ム 亳亰 仂从仂于 仍亳亠舒仍仂于 于仂 于亠仄 于仗仂仍仆亠仆亳 仂仆仂于仆仂亶 仗仂亞舒仄仄. 亳仄亠 舒从亳 磶从仂于 -- 于仂亠仆仆亶 SQL (于 C++, C#, Java 亳 .亟.), 亟亳仆舒仄亳亠从亳亶 SQL, 亞亠仆亠舒亳 HTML. 亠亟舒于仍亠仆舒 仗仍舒仂仄舒, 仗亠亟仆舒亰仆舒亠仆仆舒 亟仍 舒亰舒弍仂从亳 舒亰仍亳仆 亳仆仄亠仆仂于 亟仍 舒弍仂 仂 于仂亠仆仆仄亳 磶从舒仄亳. 仗亳舒仆 仂仆仂于仆亠 亠 从仂仄仗仂仆亠仆 亳 亳 仂仂弍亠仆仆仂亳: 亞亠仆亠舒仂 仍亠从亳亠从亳 舒仆舒仍亳亰舒仂仂于 亟仍 于仂亠仆仆 磶从仂于, 亞亠仆亠舒仂 亳仆舒从亳亠从亳 舒仆舒仍亳亰舒仂仂于, 仂仂弍亠仆仆仂亳 亟亳舒亞仆仂亳从亳 仂亳弍仂从, 仂仂弍亠仆仆仂亳 于亳仍亠仆亳 亠仄舒仆亳从亳. 丐舒从亢亠 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆 仗仍舒亞亳仆 亟仍 Microsoft Visual Studio IDE 仆舒 仂仆仂于亠 ReSharper, 从仂仂亶 亟亠仄仂仆亳亠 于仂亰仄仂亢仆仂亳 仗仍舒仂仄 亳 仗亠亟仂舒于仍磳 仍亠亟ム亳亠 于仂亰仄仂亢仆仂亳: 舒亳亠从亳亶 仗仂亳从 仂亳弍仂从, 仗仂亟于亠从舒 亳仆舒从亳舒 (于 仂仄 亳仍亠 亟亳仆舒仄亳亠从舒: 仗仂亟于亠从舒 仗舒仆 从仂弍仂从). 仍亠亟仂于舒仆亳 于亠亟 仆舒 仂仆仂于亠 仗仂亠从舒 仂从仄 亳仂亟仆仄 从仂亟仂仄 YaccConstructor: https://code.google.com/p/recursive-ascent/ 仆仂于仆仂亶 磶从 舒亰舒弍仂从亳: F#.]]>

亠亰亠仆舒亳 亠亰仍舒仂于 亳仍亠亟仂于舒亠仍从仂亞仂 仗仂亠从舒 仍舒弍仂舒仂亳亳 JetBrains 仆舒 舒亠仄舒亳从仂-亠舒仆亳亠从仂仄 舒从仍亠亠 弌弍丕. 舒弍仂舒 仗仂于亠仆舒 舒亳亠从仂仄 舒仆舒仍亳亰 于舒亢亠仆亳亶 仆舒 于仂亠仆仆 磶从舒 -- 于舒亢亠仆亳, 从仂仂亠 仂弍亳舒ム 亳亰 仂从仂于 仍亳亠舒仍仂于 于仂 于亠仄 于仗仂仍仆亠仆亳 仂仆仂于仆仂亶 仗仂亞舒仄仄. 亳仄亠 舒从亳 磶从仂于 -- 于仂亠仆仆亶 SQL (于 C++, C#, Java 亳 .亟.), 亟亳仆舒仄亳亠从亳亶 SQL, 亞亠仆亠舒亳 HTML. 亠亟舒于仍亠仆舒 仗仍舒仂仄舒, 仗亠亟仆舒亰仆舒亠仆仆舒 亟仍 舒亰舒弍仂从亳 舒亰仍亳仆 亳仆仄亠仆仂于 亟仍 舒弍仂 仂 于仂亠仆仆仄亳 磶从舒仄亳. 仗亳舒仆 仂仆仂于仆亠 亠 从仂仄仗仂仆亠仆 亳 亳 仂仂弍亠仆仆仂亳: 亞亠仆亠舒仂 仍亠从亳亠从亳 舒仆舒仍亳亰舒仂仂于 亟仍 于仂亠仆仆 磶从仂于, 亞亠仆亠舒仂 亳仆舒从亳亠从亳 舒仆舒仍亳亰舒仂仂于, 仂仂弍亠仆仆仂亳 亟亳舒亞仆仂亳从亳 仂亳弍仂从, 仂仂弍亠仆仆仂亳 于亳仍亠仆亳 亠仄舒仆亳从亳. 丐舒从亢亠 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆 仗仍舒亞亳仆 亟仍 Microsoft Visual Studio IDE 仆舒 仂仆仂于亠 ReSharper, 从仂仂亶 亟亠仄仂仆亳亠 于仂亰仄仂亢仆仂亳 仗仍舒仂仄 亳 仗亠亟仂舒于仍磳 仍亠亟ム亳亠 于仂亰仄仂亢仆仂亳: 舒亳亠从亳亶 仗仂亳从 仂亳弍仂从, 仗仂亟于亠从舒 亳仆舒从亳舒 (于 仂仄 亳仍亠 亟亳仆舒仄亳亠从舒: 仗仂亟于亠从舒 仗舒仆 从仂弍仂从). 仍亠亟仂于舒仆亳 于亠亟 仆舒 仂仆仂于亠 仗仂亠从舒 仂从仄 亳仂亟仆仄 从仂亟仂仄 YaccConstructor: https://code.google.com/p/recursive-ascent/ 仆仂于仆仂亶 磶从 舒亰舒弍仂从亳: F#.]]>
Tue, 01 Jul 2014 00:28:27 GMT /slideshow/psi-sias-2014/36493385 SemyonGrigorev@slideshare.net(SemyonGrigorev) 仆仄亠仆舒仍仆舒 仗仂亟亟亠亢从舒 于仂亠仆仆 磶从仂于 于 IDE. SemyonGrigorev 亠亰亠仆舒亳 亠亰仍舒仂于 亳仍亠亟仂于舒亠仍从仂亞仂 仗仂亠从舒 仍舒弍仂舒仂亳亳 JetBrains 仆舒 舒亠仄舒亳从仂-亠舒仆亳亠从仂仄 舒从仍亠亠 弌弍丕. 舒弍仂舒 仗仂于亠仆舒 舒亳亠从仂仄 舒仆舒仍亳亰 于舒亢亠仆亳亶 仆舒 于仂亠仆仆 磶从舒 -- 于舒亢亠仆亳, 从仂仂亠 仂弍亳舒ム 亳亰 仂从仂于 仍亳亠舒仍仂于 于仂 于亠仄 于仗仂仍仆亠仆亳 仂仆仂于仆仂亶 仗仂亞舒仄仄. 亳仄亠 舒从亳 磶从仂于 -- 于仂亠仆仆亶 SQL (于 C++, C#, Java 亳 .亟.), 亟亳仆舒仄亳亠从亳亶 SQL, 亞亠仆亠舒亳 HTML. 亠亟舒于仍亠仆舒 仗仍舒仂仄舒, 仗亠亟仆舒亰仆舒亠仆仆舒 亟仍 舒亰舒弍仂从亳 舒亰仍亳仆 亳仆仄亠仆仂于 亟仍 舒弍仂 仂 于仂亠仆仆仄亳 磶从舒仄亳. 仗亳舒仆 仂仆仂于仆亠 亠 从仂仄仗仂仆亠仆 亳 亳 仂仂弍亠仆仆仂亳: 亞亠仆亠舒仂 仍亠从亳亠从亳 舒仆舒仍亳亰舒仂仂于 亟仍 于仂亠仆仆 磶从仂于, 亞亠仆亠舒仂 亳仆舒从亳亠从亳 舒仆舒仍亳亰舒仂仂于, 仂仂弍亠仆仆仂亳 亟亳舒亞仆仂亳从亳 仂亳弍仂从, 仂仂弍亠仆仆仂亳 于亳仍亠仆亳 亠仄舒仆亳从亳. 丐舒从亢亠 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆 仗仍舒亞亳仆 亟仍 Microsoft Visual Studio IDE 仆舒 仂仆仂于亠 ReSharper, 从仂仂亶 亟亠仄仂仆亳亠 于仂亰仄仂亢仆仂亳 仗仍舒仂仄 亳 仗亠亟仂舒于仍磳 仍亠亟ム亳亠 于仂亰仄仂亢仆仂亳: 舒亳亠从亳亶 仗仂亳从 仂亳弍仂从, 仗仂亟于亠从舒 亳仆舒从亳舒 (于 仂仄 亳仍亠 亟亳仆舒仄亳亠从舒: 仗仂亟于亠从舒 仗舒仆 从仂弍仂从). 仍亠亟仂于舒仆亳 于亠亟 仆舒 仂仆仂于亠 仗仂亠从舒 仂从仄 亳仂亟仆仄 从仂亟仂仄 YaccConstructor: https://code.google.com/p/recursive-ascent/ 仆仂于仆仂亶 磶从 舒亰舒弍仂从亳: F#. <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/r3bvnhvdr2qf6wq2y4sj-140701002827-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> 亠亰亠仆舒亳 亠亰仍舒仂于 亳仍亠亟仂于舒亠仍从仂亞仂 仗仂亠从舒 仍舒弍仂舒仂亳亳 JetBrains 仆舒 舒亠仄舒亳从仂-亠舒仆亳亠从仂仄 舒从仍亠亠 弌弍丕. 舒弍仂舒 仗仂于亠仆舒 舒亳亠从仂仄 舒仆舒仍亳亰 于舒亢亠仆亳亶 仆舒 于仂亠仆仆 磶从舒 -- 于舒亢亠仆亳, 从仂仂亠 仂弍亳舒ム 亳亰 仂从仂于 仍亳亠舒仍仂于 于仂 于亠仄 于仗仂仍仆亠仆亳 仂仆仂于仆仂亶 仗仂亞舒仄仄. 亳仄亠 舒从亳 磶从仂于 -- 于仂亠仆仆亶 SQL (于 C++, C#, Java 亳 .亟.), 亟亳仆舒仄亳亠从亳亶 SQL, 亞亠仆亠舒亳 HTML. 亠亟舒于仍亠仆舒 仗仍舒仂仄舒, 仗亠亟仆舒亰仆舒亠仆仆舒 亟仍 舒亰舒弍仂从亳 舒亰仍亳仆 亳仆仄亠仆仂于 亟仍 舒弍仂 仂 于仂亠仆仆仄亳 磶从舒仄亳. 仗亳舒仆 仂仆仂于仆亠 亠 从仂仄仗仂仆亠仆 亳 亳 仂仂弍亠仆仆仂亳: 亞亠仆亠舒仂 仍亠从亳亠从亳 舒仆舒仍亳亰舒仂仂于 亟仍 于仂亠仆仆 磶从仂于, 亞亠仆亠舒仂 亳仆舒从亳亠从亳 舒仆舒仍亳亰舒仂仂于, 仂仂弍亠仆仆仂亳 亟亳舒亞仆仂亳从亳 仂亳弍仂从, 仂仂弍亠仆仆仂亳 于亳仍亠仆亳 亠仄舒仆亳从亳. 丐舒从亢亠 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆 仗仍舒亞亳仆 亟仍 Microsoft Visual Studio IDE 仆舒 仂仆仂于亠 ReSharper, 从仂仂亶 亟亠仄仂仆亳亠 于仂亰仄仂亢仆仂亳 仗仍舒仂仄 亳 仗亠亟仂舒于仍磳 仍亠亟ム亳亠 于仂亰仄仂亢仆仂亳: 舒亳亠从亳亶 仗仂亳从 仂亳弍仂从, 仗仂亟于亠从舒 亳仆舒从亳舒 (于 仂仄 亳仍亠 亟亳仆舒仄亳亠从舒: 仗仂亟于亠从舒 仗舒仆 从仂弍仂从). 仍亠亟仂于舒仆亳 于亠亟 仆舒 仂仆仂于亠 仗仂亠从舒 仂从仄 亳仂亟仆仄 从仂亟仂仄 YaccConstructor: https://code.google.com/p/recursive-ascent/ 仆仂于仆仂亶 磶从 舒亰舒弍仂从亳: F#.
仆仄亠仆舒仍仆舒 仗仂亟亟亠亢从舒 于仂亠仆仆 磶从仂于 于 IDE. from Semyon Grigorev
581 2 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/r3bvnhvdr2qf6wq2y4sj-140701002827-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation 000000 http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/profile-photo-SemyonGrigorev-48x48.jpg?cb=1525860131 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/grigorevpresentation-160208212941-thumbnail.jpg?width=320&height=320&fit=bounds slideshow/research-projects-spring-2016/58024845 Research projects spri... https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/relaxedparsingofstring-embeddedlanguages-150826121029-lva1-app6892-thumbnail.jpg?width=320&height=320&fit=bounds slideshow/relaxed-parsing-of-regular-approximations-of-stringembedded-languages/52088733 Relaxed Parsing of Reg... https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/tmpa-2014tablebasedgll-141115054119-conversion-gate01-thumbnail.jpg?width=320&height=320&fit=bounds slideshow/tmpa-2014-tablebasedgll/41589892 Tmpa-2014. table-based...