ºÝºÝߣshows by User: ballonia / http://www.slideshare.net/images/logo.gif ºÝºÝߣshows by User: ballonia / Sat, 16 May 2015 05:09:20 GMT ºÝºÝߣShare feed for ºÝºÝߣshows by User: ballonia Cap¨ªtulo I: A seguran?a de sistemas da informa??o & aspectos sociot¨¦cnicos https://pt.slideshare.net/slideshow/captulo-i-a-segurana-de-sistemas-da-informao-aspectos-sociotcnicos-48214244/48214244 captuloi-aseguranadesistemasdainformaoaspectossociotcnicos-150516050920-lva1-app6891
Este cap¨ªtulo trata da abordagem sociot¨¦cnica a ser considerada na implementa??o e na manuten??o da seguran?a de informa??es em uma organiza??o. Em geral, apenas os aspectos t¨¦cnicos s?o levados em conta pelos profissionais de tecnologia da informa??o. Esses aspectos t¨¦cnicos geram no dia-a-dia da organiza??o um processo de seguran?a que se asseme?lha a um conjunto de regras sem conex?o entre si. Por essa raz?o, o processo n?o ¨¦ internalizado pelos usu¨¢rios. Levar em conta os aspectos sociot¨¦cnicos significa tanto abordar de forma completa o assunto seguran?a como incrementar a possibilidade da exist¨ºncia de um processo cont¨ªnuo, que acompanhe e proteja os recursos de informa??o durante os est¨¢gios de crescimento e os momentos de dificuldade da organiza??o. Significa, enfim, criar uma estrutura para a seguran?a e o controle de sistemas de informa??o.]]>

Este cap¨ªtulo trata da abordagem sociot¨¦cnica a ser considerada na implementa??o e na manuten??o da seguran?a de informa??es em uma organiza??o. Em geral, apenas os aspectos t¨¦cnicos s?o levados em conta pelos profissionais de tecnologia da informa??o. Esses aspectos t¨¦cnicos geram no dia-a-dia da organiza??o um processo de seguran?a que se asseme?lha a um conjunto de regras sem conex?o entre si. Por essa raz?o, o processo n?o ¨¦ internalizado pelos usu¨¢rios. Levar em conta os aspectos sociot¨¦cnicos significa tanto abordar de forma completa o assunto seguran?a como incrementar a possibilidade da exist¨ºncia de um processo cont¨ªnuo, que acompanhe e proteja os recursos de informa??o durante os est¨¢gios de crescimento e os momentos de dificuldade da organiza??o. Significa, enfim, criar uma estrutura para a seguran?a e o controle de sistemas de informa??o.]]>
Sat, 16 May 2015 05:09:20 GMT https://pt.slideshare.net/slideshow/captulo-i-a-segurana-de-sistemas-da-informao-aspectos-sociotcnicos-48214244/48214244 ballonia@slideshare.net(ballonia) Cap¨ªtulo I: A seguran?a de sistemas da informa??o & aspectos sociot¨¦cnicos ballonia Este cap¨ªtulo trata da abordagem sociot¨¦cnica a ser considerada na implementa??o e na manuten??o da seguran?a de informa??es em uma organiza??o. Em geral, apenas os aspectos t¨¦cnicos s?o levados em conta pelos profissionais de tecnologia da informa??o. Esses aspectos t¨¦cnicos geram no dia-a-dia da organiza??o um processo de seguran?a que se asseme?lha a um conjunto de regras sem conex?o entre si. Por essa raz?o, o processo n?o ¨¦ internalizado pelos usu¨¢rios. Levar em conta os aspectos sociot¨¦cnicos significa tanto abordar de forma completa o assunto seguran?a como incrementar a possibilidade da exist¨ºncia de um processo cont¨ªnuo, que acompanhe e proteja os recursos de informa??o durante os est¨¢gios de crescimento e os momentos de dificuldade da organiza??o. Significa, enfim, criar uma estrutura para a seguran?a e o controle de sistemas de informa??o. <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/captuloi-aseguranadesistemasdainformaoaspectossociotcnicos-150516050920-lva1-app6891-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> Este cap¨ªtulo trata da abordagem sociot¨¦cnica a ser considerada na implementa??o e na manuten??o da seguran?a de informa??es em uma organiza??o. Em geral, apenas os aspectos t¨¦cnicos s?o levados em conta pelos profissionais de tecnologia da informa??o. Esses aspectos t¨¦cnicos geram no dia-a-dia da organiza??o um processo de seguran?a que se asseme?lha a um conjunto de regras sem conex?o entre si. Por essa raz?o, o processo n?o ¨¦ internalizado pelos usu¨¢rios. Levar em conta os aspectos sociot¨¦cnicos significa tanto abordar de forma completa o assunto seguran?a como incrementar a possibilidade da exist¨ºncia de um processo cont¨ªnuo, que acompanhe e proteja os recursos de informa??o durante os est¨¢gios de crescimento e os momentos de dificuldade da organiza??o. Significa, enfim, criar uma estrutura para a seguran?a e o controle de sistemas de informa??o.
from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
679 2 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/captuloi-aseguranadesistemasdainformaoaspectossociotcnicos-150516050920-lva1-app6891-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds document Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
Gesiti seguranca,inovacao-e-sociedade abipti https://pt.slideshare.net/slideshow/gesiti-segurancainovacaoesociedade-abipti/48081012 gesiti-segurancainovacao-e-sociedadeabipti2-150513041218-lva1-app6892
Agradecemos a Editora da "Associa??o Brasileira das Institui??es de Pesquisa Tecnol¨®gica e Inova??o" -ABIPTI- pela cess?o do livro abaixo para download: http://portal.abipti.org.br/biblioteca/ ou, downloading direto via esse link: https://goo.gl/uoQwtb]]>

Agradecemos a Editora da "Associa??o Brasileira das Institui??es de Pesquisa Tecnol¨®gica e Inova??o" -ABIPTI- pela cess?o do livro abaixo para download: http://portal.abipti.org.br/biblioteca/ ou, downloading direto via esse link: https://goo.gl/uoQwtb]]>
Wed, 13 May 2015 04:12:18 GMT https://pt.slideshare.net/slideshow/gesiti-segurancainovacaoesociedade-abipti/48081012 ballonia@slideshare.net(ballonia) Gesiti seguranca,inovacao-e-sociedade abipti ballonia Agradecemos a Editora da "Associa??o Brasileira das Institui??es de Pesquisa Tecnol¨®gica e Inova??o" -ABIPTI- pela cess?o do livro abaixo para download: http://portal.abipti.org.br/biblioteca/ ou, downloading direto via esse link: https://goo.gl/uoQwtb <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/gesiti-segurancainovacao-e-sociedadeabipti2-150513041218-lva1-app6892-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> Agradecemos a Editora da &quot;Associa??o Brasileira das Institui??es de Pesquisa Tecnol¨®gica e Inova??o&quot; -ABIPTI- pela cess?o do livro abaixo para download: http://portal.abipti.org.br/biblioteca/ ou, downloading direto via esse link: https://goo.gl/uoQwtb
from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
527 1 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/gesiti-segurancainovacao-e-sociedadeabipti2-150513041218-lva1-app6892-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds document Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
Extended abstract /slideshow/extended-abstract-47093506/47093506 extendedabstract-150416184630-conversion-gate02
This paper has been invited to be published by the Springer LNBIP series/2014 and so, it is an improved version from those version accepted for presentation at the Fifth Pre-ICIS workshop on ES Research, St Louis/USA 2010 (*). The paper considers some challenges and reflections concerned with Information and Knowledge/Wise Societies and Sociotechnical Systems. After a brief and innovative panorama on the information and knowledge/wise societies and sociotechnical system we present the core of this work: challenges and reflections related with our society and systems. For some of these challenges and reflections has been proposed answers such as: treatment of the organization as a living being ¡ú synergism & collaborative ecosystem research efforts; a unfair shared leadership, information partnership and a collaborative relationship in the age of knowledge and, a new way of development, which comprises the social, economical, cultural and environmental spheres leading us to a new model of perception and knowledge of the world & present financial crisis; ¡­Our world is fundamentally a sociotechnical world, which is characterized by Human and technological interactions; Human organizations are living systems and should be analyzed accordingly; Their interactions drastically affect people relationships in space and time. If we consider that the core knowledge is embodied in people¡¯s heads (tacit knowledge), and their abilities to utilize them generate new knowledge, we cannot speak about knowledge/wise society without taking into account these interactions. Since the Internet brings together the computer, media, and the distributed intelligence of the family and the community, constituting a new basis for the effectiveness of socio-technical organizations then, in this way, beyond the economic, organizational, cultural, and technological dimensions, the specific sociotechnical context characterizes every knowledge/wise society initiatives: synergism and ubiquitously driven by the Internet! However, management opposition persists, because sociotechnical system by nature enables collaborative decision-making and shared leadership. Management has been reluctant to give up the power and authority they have worked so hard to establish. Sociotechnical system challenges the traditional management taboos that of sharing information and knowledge with subordinates on a need to know basis only. The central corner stone of a technocratic bureaucracy is ...]]>

This paper has been invited to be published by the Springer LNBIP series/2014 and so, it is an improved version from those version accepted for presentation at the Fifth Pre-ICIS workshop on ES Research, St Louis/USA 2010 (*). The paper considers some challenges and reflections concerned with Information and Knowledge/Wise Societies and Sociotechnical Systems. After a brief and innovative panorama on the information and knowledge/wise societies and sociotechnical system we present the core of this work: challenges and reflections related with our society and systems. For some of these challenges and reflections has been proposed answers such as: treatment of the organization as a living being ¡ú synergism & collaborative ecosystem research efforts; a unfair shared leadership, information partnership and a collaborative relationship in the age of knowledge and, a new way of development, which comprises the social, economical, cultural and environmental spheres leading us to a new model of perception and knowledge of the world & present financial crisis; ¡­Our world is fundamentally a sociotechnical world, which is characterized by Human and technological interactions; Human organizations are living systems and should be analyzed accordingly; Their interactions drastically affect people relationships in space and time. If we consider that the core knowledge is embodied in people¡¯s heads (tacit knowledge), and their abilities to utilize them generate new knowledge, we cannot speak about knowledge/wise society without taking into account these interactions. Since the Internet brings together the computer, media, and the distributed intelligence of the family and the community, constituting a new basis for the effectiveness of socio-technical organizations then, in this way, beyond the economic, organizational, cultural, and technological dimensions, the specific sociotechnical context characterizes every knowledge/wise society initiatives: synergism and ubiquitously driven by the Internet! However, management opposition persists, because sociotechnical system by nature enables collaborative decision-making and shared leadership. Management has been reluctant to give up the power and authority they have worked so hard to establish. Sociotechnical system challenges the traditional management taboos that of sharing information and knowledge with subordinates on a need to know basis only. The central corner stone of a technocratic bureaucracy is ...]]>
Thu, 16 Apr 2015 18:46:30 GMT /slideshow/extended-abstract-47093506/47093506 ballonia@slideshare.net(ballonia) Extended abstract ballonia This paper has been invited to be published by the Springer LNBIP series/2014 and so, it is an improved version from those version accepted for presentation at the Fifth Pre-ICIS workshop on ES Research, St Louis/USA 2010 (*). The paper considers some challenges and reflections concerned with Information and Knowledge/Wise Societies and Sociotechnical Systems. After a brief and innovative panorama on the information and knowledge/wise societies and sociotechnical system we present the core of this work: challenges and reflections related with our society and systems. For some of these challenges and reflections has been proposed answers such as: treatment of the organization as a living being ¡ú synergism & collaborative ecosystem research efforts; a unfair shared leadership, information partnership and a collaborative relationship in the age of knowledge and, a new way of development, which comprises the social, economical, cultural and environmental spheres leading us to a new model of perception and knowledge of the world & present financial crisis; ¡­Our world is fundamentally a sociotechnical world, which is characterized by Human and technological interactions; Human organizations are living systems and should be analyzed accordingly; Their interactions drastically affect people relationships in space and time. If we consider that the core knowledge is embodied in people¡¯s heads (tacit knowledge), and their abilities to utilize them generate new knowledge, we cannot speak about knowledge/wise society without taking into account these interactions. Since the Internet brings together the computer, media, and the distributed intelligence of the family and the community, constituting a new basis for the effectiveness of socio-technical organizations then, in this way, beyond the economic, organizational, cultural, and technological dimensions, the specific sociotechnical context characterizes every knowledge/wise society initiatives: synergism and ubiquitously driven by the Internet! However, management opposition persists, because sociotechnical system by nature enables collaborative decision-making and shared leadership. Management has been reluctant to give up the power and authority they have worked so hard to establish. Sociotechnical system challenges the traditional management taboos that of sharing information and knowledge with subordinates on a need to know basis only. The central corner stone of a technocratic bureaucracy is ... <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/extendedabstract-150416184630-conversion-gate02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> This paper has been invited to be published by the Springer LNBIP series/2014 and so, it is an improved version from those version accepted for presentation at the Fifth Pre-ICIS workshop on ES Research, St Louis/USA 2010 (*). The paper considers some challenges and reflections concerned with Information and Knowledge/Wise Societies and Sociotechnical Systems. After a brief and innovative panorama on the information and knowledge/wise societies and sociotechnical system we present the core of this work: challenges and reflections related with our society and systems. For some of these challenges and reflections has been proposed answers such as: treatment of the organization as a living being ¡ú synergism &amp; collaborative ecosystem research efforts; a unfair shared leadership, information partnership and a collaborative relationship in the age of knowledge and, a new way of development, which comprises the social, economical, cultural and environmental spheres leading us to a new model of perception and knowledge of the world &amp; present financial crisis; ¡­Our world is fundamentally a sociotechnical world, which is characterized by Human and technological interactions; Human organizations are living systems and should be analyzed accordingly; Their interactions drastically affect people relationships in space and time. If we consider that the core knowledge is embodied in people¡¯s heads (tacit knowledge), and their abilities to utilize them generate new knowledge, we cannot speak about knowledge/wise society without taking into account these interactions. Since the Internet brings together the computer, media, and the distributed intelligence of the family and the community, constituting a new basis for the effectiveness of socio-technical organizations then, in this way, beyond the economic, organizational, cultural, and technological dimensions, the specific sociotechnical context characterizes every knowledge/wise society initiatives: synergism and ubiquitously driven by the Internet! However, management opposition persists, because sociotechnical system by nature enables collaborative decision-making and shared leadership. Management has been reluctant to give up the power and authority they have worked so hard to establish. Sociotechnical system challenges the traditional management taboos that of sharing information and knowledge with subordinates on a need to know basis only. The central corner stone of a technocratic bureaucracy is ...
Extended abstract from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
269 5 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/extendedabstract-150416184630-conversion-gate02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds document Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
Avalia??o de sistemas de informa??o em hospitais... -- ...uma abordagem sociot¨¦cnica https://pt.slideshare.net/slideshow/avaliao-de-sistemas-de-informao-em-hospitais-uma-abordagem-sociotcnica-36311765/36311765 avaliaodesistemasdeinformaoemhospitais-140625181159-phpapp02
Avalia??o de sistemas de informa??o hospitalares constitui a tem¨¢tica deste artigo que tem como objetivo mapear o parque tecnol¨®gico existente em organiza??es hospitalares p¨²blicas e filantr¨®picas do estado de Santa Catarina e identificar a forma com que seus dirigentes realizam a gest?o dos sistemas de informa??o. Esta pesquisa integra o projeto de pesquisa GESITI/Hospitalar Nacional (Avalia??o da Gest?o de Sistemas e Tecnologias da Informa??o em Hospitais) em desenvolvimento pelo Centro de Tecnologia da Informa??o Renato Archer (CTI), uma unidade do Minist¨¦rio da Ci¨ºncia, Tecnologia e Inova??o (MCTI). Metodologicamente, o estudo caracteriza-se como quali-quantitativo, explorat¨®rio, envolvendo estudo de casos m¨²ltiplos. Entrevistas estruturadas e an¨¢lise documental foram utilizadas como t¨¦cnicas de coleta de dados. A avalia??o realizada mostra que contexto-pessoas-tecnologia influenciam-se mutuamente e que vari¨¢veis contextuais s?o determinantes na configura??o da tecnologia da informa??o e da sua gest?o nos hospitais pesquisados. ]]>

Avalia??o de sistemas de informa??o hospitalares constitui a tem¨¢tica deste artigo que tem como objetivo mapear o parque tecnol¨®gico existente em organiza??es hospitalares p¨²blicas e filantr¨®picas do estado de Santa Catarina e identificar a forma com que seus dirigentes realizam a gest?o dos sistemas de informa??o. Esta pesquisa integra o projeto de pesquisa GESITI/Hospitalar Nacional (Avalia??o da Gest?o de Sistemas e Tecnologias da Informa??o em Hospitais) em desenvolvimento pelo Centro de Tecnologia da Informa??o Renato Archer (CTI), uma unidade do Minist¨¦rio da Ci¨ºncia, Tecnologia e Inova??o (MCTI). Metodologicamente, o estudo caracteriza-se como quali-quantitativo, explorat¨®rio, envolvendo estudo de casos m¨²ltiplos. Entrevistas estruturadas e an¨¢lise documental foram utilizadas como t¨¦cnicas de coleta de dados. A avalia??o realizada mostra que contexto-pessoas-tecnologia influenciam-se mutuamente e que vari¨¢veis contextuais s?o determinantes na configura??o da tecnologia da informa??o e da sua gest?o nos hospitais pesquisados. ]]>
Wed, 25 Jun 2014 18:11:58 GMT https://pt.slideshare.net/slideshow/avaliao-de-sistemas-de-informao-em-hospitais-uma-abordagem-sociotcnica-36311765/36311765 ballonia@slideshare.net(ballonia) Avalia??o de sistemas de informa??o em hospitais... -- ...uma abordagem sociot¨¦cnica ballonia Avalia??o de sistemas de informa??o hospitalares constitui a tem¨¢tica deste artigo que tem como objetivo mapear o parque tecnol¨®gico existente em organiza??es hospitalares p¨²blicas e filantr¨®picas do estado de Santa Catarina e identificar a forma com que seus dirigentes realizam a gest?o dos sistemas de informa??o. Esta pesquisa integra o projeto de pesquisa GESITI/Hospitalar Nacional (Avalia??o da Gest?o de Sistemas e Tecnologias da Informa??o em Hospitais) em desenvolvimento pelo Centro de Tecnologia da Informa??o Renato Archer (CTI), uma unidade do Minist¨¦rio da Ci¨ºncia, Tecnologia e Inova??o (MCTI). Metodologicamente, o estudo caracteriza-se como quali-quantitativo, explorat¨®rio, envolvendo estudo de casos m¨²ltiplos. Entrevistas estruturadas e an¨¢lise documental foram utilizadas como t¨¦cnicas de coleta de dados. A avalia??o realizada mostra que contexto-pessoas-tecnologia influenciam-se mutuamente e que vari¨¢veis contextuais s?o determinantes na configura??o da tecnologia da informa??o e da sua gest?o nos hospitais pesquisados. <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/avaliaodesistemasdeinformaoemhospitais-140625181159-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> Avalia??o de sistemas de informa??o hospitalares constitui a tem¨¢tica deste artigo que tem como objetivo mapear o parque tecnol¨®gico existente em organiza??es hospitalares p¨²blicas e filantr¨®picas do estado de Santa Catarina e identificar a forma com que seus dirigentes realizam a gest?o dos sistemas de informa??o. Esta pesquisa integra o projeto de pesquisa GESITI/Hospitalar Nacional (Avalia??o da Gest?o de Sistemas e Tecnologias da Informa??o em Hospitais) em desenvolvimento pelo Centro de Tecnologia da Informa??o Renato Archer (CTI), uma unidade do Minist¨¦rio da Ci¨ºncia, Tecnologia e Inova??o (MCTI). Metodologicamente, o estudo caracteriza-se como quali-quantitativo, explorat¨®rio, envolvendo estudo de casos m¨²ltiplos. Entrevistas estruturadas e an¨¢lise documental foram utilizadas como t¨¦cnicas de coleta de dados. A avalia??o realizada mostra que contexto-pessoas-tecnologia influenciam-se mutuamente e que vari¨¢veis contextuais s?o determinantes na configura??o da tecnologia da informa??o e da sua gest?o nos hospitais pesquisados.
from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
384 3 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/avaliaodesistemasdeinformaoemhospitais-140625181159-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds document White http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
Gest?o Hospitalar: Gest?o de Sistemas e Tecnologias da Informa??o em Hospitais : panorama, tend¨ºncias e perspectivas em sa¨²de https://pt.slideshare.net/slideshow/por-que-gesiti-gesto-de-sistemas-e-tecnologias-da-informao-em-hospitais-panorama-tendncias-e-perspectivas-em-sade-35727393/35727393 porquegesitigestaosistemas-140610232025-phpapp02
>>> Por que GESITI?: Gest?o de Sistemas e Tecnologias da Informa??o em Hospitais : panorama, tend¨ºncias e perspectivas em sa¨²de / Minist¨¦rio da Sa¨²de, Bras¨ªlia : Minist¨¦rio da Sa¨²de, 2014. 524 p. : il. Esse Livro GESITI/Hospitalar foi publicado com a produ??o de 3000 livros capa dura/Colorido (em distribui??o pelo MS...) que est?o sendo entregues para os que fizeram a solicita??o. Para que n?o fez a reserva do mesmo, tem a op??o de downloading via esse link http://bvsms.saude.gov.br/bvs/publicacoes/por_que_gesiti_gestao_sistemas.pdf Organiza??o: Projeto GESITI/Hospitalar ¨C Gest?o de Sistemas e Tecnologias da Informa??o em Hospitais, DGE/CTI/MCTI, em coopera??o com equipe DIFOC/DATASUS/SGEP/MS : Ant?nio Jos¨¦ Balloni, Sylvain Nahum Levy, Gleide Isaac Costa Tanios Nemer, J¨²lio M¨¢rcio Barreto Freire, Jos¨¦ C. Le?o J¨²nior, Delton Assis Pereira, Bruno Luis Freitas Monteiro. Para quem gosta e se interessa pelo tema, boa leitura!]]>

>>> Por que GESITI?: Gest?o de Sistemas e Tecnologias da Informa??o em Hospitais : panorama, tend¨ºncias e perspectivas em sa¨²de / Minist¨¦rio da Sa¨²de, Bras¨ªlia : Minist¨¦rio da Sa¨²de, 2014. 524 p. : il. Esse Livro GESITI/Hospitalar foi publicado com a produ??o de 3000 livros capa dura/Colorido (em distribui??o pelo MS...) que est?o sendo entregues para os que fizeram a solicita??o. Para que n?o fez a reserva do mesmo, tem a op??o de downloading via esse link http://bvsms.saude.gov.br/bvs/publicacoes/por_que_gesiti_gestao_sistemas.pdf Organiza??o: Projeto GESITI/Hospitalar ¨C Gest?o de Sistemas e Tecnologias da Informa??o em Hospitais, DGE/CTI/MCTI, em coopera??o com equipe DIFOC/DATASUS/SGEP/MS : Ant?nio Jos¨¦ Balloni, Sylvain Nahum Levy, Gleide Isaac Costa Tanios Nemer, J¨²lio M¨¢rcio Barreto Freire, Jos¨¦ C. Le?o J¨²nior, Delton Assis Pereira, Bruno Luis Freitas Monteiro. Para quem gosta e se interessa pelo tema, boa leitura!]]>
Tue, 10 Jun 2014 23:20:25 GMT https://pt.slideshare.net/slideshow/por-que-gesiti-gesto-de-sistemas-e-tecnologias-da-informao-em-hospitais-panorama-tendncias-e-perspectivas-em-sade-35727393/35727393 ballonia@slideshare.net(ballonia) Gest?o Hospitalar: Gest?o de Sistemas e Tecnologias da Informa??o em Hospitais : panorama, tend¨ºncias e perspectivas em sa¨²de ballonia >>> Por que GESITI?: Gest?o de Sistemas e Tecnologias da Informa??o em Hospitais : panorama, tend¨ºncias e perspectivas em sa¨²de / Minist¨¦rio da Sa¨²de, Bras¨ªlia : Minist¨¦rio da Sa¨²de, 2014. 524 p. : il. Esse Livro GESITI/Hospitalar foi publicado com a produ??o de 3000 livros capa dura/Colorido (em distribui??o pelo MS...) que est?o sendo entregues para os que fizeram a solicita??o. Para que n?o fez a reserva do mesmo, tem a op??o de downloading via esse link http://bvsms.saude.gov.br/bvs/publicacoes/por_que_gesiti_gestao_sistemas.pdf Organiza??o: Projeto GESITI/Hospitalar ¨C Gest?o de Sistemas e Tecnologias da Informa??o em Hospitais, DGE/CTI/MCTI, em coopera??o com equipe DIFOC/DATASUS/SGEP/MS : Ant?nio Jos¨¦ Balloni, Sylvain Nahum Levy, Gleide Isaac Costa Tanios Nemer, J¨²lio M¨¢rcio Barreto Freire, Jos¨¦ C. Le?o J¨²nior, Delton Assis Pereira, Bruno Luis Freitas Monteiro. Para quem gosta e se interessa pelo tema, boa leitura! <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/porquegesitigestaosistemas-140610232025-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> &gt;&gt;&gt; Por que GESITI?: Gest?o de Sistemas e Tecnologias da Informa??o em Hospitais : panorama, tend¨ºncias e perspectivas em sa¨²de / Minist¨¦rio da Sa¨²de, Bras¨ªlia : Minist¨¦rio da Sa¨²de, 2014. 524 p. : il. Esse Livro GESITI/Hospitalar foi publicado com a produ??o de 3000 livros capa dura/Colorido (em distribui??o pelo MS...) que est?o sendo entregues para os que fizeram a solicita??o. Para que n?o fez a reserva do mesmo, tem a op??o de downloading via esse link http://bvsms.saude.gov.br/bvs/publicacoes/por_que_gesiti_gestao_sistemas.pdf Organiza??o: Projeto GESITI/Hospitalar ¨C Gest?o de Sistemas e Tecnologias da Informa??o em Hospitais, DGE/CTI/MCTI, em coopera??o com equipe DIFOC/DATASUS/SGEP/MS : Ant?nio Jos¨¦ Balloni, Sylvain Nahum Levy, Gleide Isaac Costa Tanios Nemer, J¨²lio M¨¢rcio Barreto Freire, Jos¨¦ C. Le?o J¨²nior, Delton Assis Pereira, Bruno Luis Freitas Monteiro. Para quem gosta e se interessa pelo tema, boa leitura!
from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
1428 5 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/porquegesitigestaosistemas-140610232025-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds document White http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
Construction of a High Power Electron Beam Device. https://pt.slideshare.net/slideshow/canhaorevvac-23245072/23245072 canhaorevvac-130620091936-phpapp01
Construction of a High Power Electron Beam device. Foi projetado e cosntru¨ªdo um canh?o de eletrons com potencia de 30 kW e corrente de 1,2 A para utililiza??o em fus?o e purifica??o de metais. Para esse projeto h¨¢ necessidade do uso de mec?nica de precis?o e de soldas especiais, tal como metal-cer?mica. Na c?mara de fus?o a press?o pode chegar ate 10-4 Pa. A an¨¢lise das caracter¨ªsticas do feixe de el¨¦trons foi feita utilizando-se o modelo de Pierce, para o canh?o de el¨¦trons e o programa computacional SLAC para a ¨®ptica eletr?nica.]]>

Construction of a High Power Electron Beam device. Foi projetado e cosntru¨ªdo um canh?o de eletrons com potencia de 30 kW e corrente de 1,2 A para utililiza??o em fus?o e purifica??o de metais. Para esse projeto h¨¢ necessidade do uso de mec?nica de precis?o e de soldas especiais, tal como metal-cer?mica. Na c?mara de fus?o a press?o pode chegar ate 10-4 Pa. A an¨¢lise das caracter¨ªsticas do feixe de el¨¦trons foi feita utilizando-se o modelo de Pierce, para o canh?o de el¨¦trons e o programa computacional SLAC para a ¨®ptica eletr?nica.]]>
Thu, 20 Jun 2013 09:19:36 GMT https://pt.slideshare.net/slideshow/canhaorevvac-23245072/23245072 ballonia@slideshare.net(ballonia) Construction of a High Power Electron Beam Device. ballonia Construction of a High Power Electron Beam device. Foi projetado e cosntru¨ªdo um canh?o de eletrons com potencia de 30 kW e corrente de 1,2 A para utililiza??o em fus?o e purifica??o de metais. Para esse projeto h¨¢ necessidade do uso de mec?nica de precis?o e de soldas especiais, tal como metal-cer?mica. Na c?mara de fus?o a press?o pode chegar ate 10-4 Pa. A an¨¢lise das caracter¨ªsticas do feixe de el¨¦trons foi feita utilizando-se o modelo de Pierce, para o canh?o de el¨¦trons e o programa computacional SLAC para a ¨®ptica eletr?nica. <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/canhaorevvac-130620091936-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> Construction of a High Power Electron Beam device. Foi projetado e cosntru¨ªdo um canh?o de eletrons com potencia de 30 kW e corrente de 1,2 A para utililiza??o em fus?o e purifica??o de metais. Para esse projeto h¨¢ necessidade do uso de mec?nica de precis?o e de soldas especiais, tal como metal-cer?mica. Na c?mara de fus?o a press?o pode chegar ate 10-4 Pa. A an¨¢lise das caracter¨ªsticas do feixe de el¨¦trons foi feita utilizando-se o modelo de Pierce, para o canh?o de el¨¦trons e o programa computacional SLAC para a ¨®ptica eletr?nica.
from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
570 54 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/canhaorevvac-130620091936-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation White http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
Bees innovation: HOW TO INCREASE HONEY PRODUCTION /slideshow/bees-innovation/23212443 beesinnovation-130619181757-phpapp02
The main proposal of this work is to present an overview on how to construct an experimental device (Systems of multiples Bee Queens ¨C Apis mellifera) , with 2 or more bee queens and aiming to increase honey bee production up to 50% [01].. A new proposal for the Fabrega¡¯s law has been made. ]]>

The main proposal of this work is to present an overview on how to construct an experimental device (Systems of multiples Bee Queens ¨C Apis mellifera) , with 2 or more bee queens and aiming to increase honey bee production up to 50% [01].. A new proposal for the Fabrega¡¯s law has been made. ]]>
Wed, 19 Jun 2013 18:17:57 GMT /slideshow/bees-innovation/23212443 ballonia@slideshare.net(ballonia) Bees innovation: HOW TO INCREASE HONEY PRODUCTION ballonia The main proposal of this work is to present an overview on how to construct an experimental device (Systems of multiples Bee Queens ¨C Apis mellifera) , with 2 or more bee queens and aiming to increase honey bee production up to 50% [01].. A new proposal for the Fabrega¡¯s law has been made. <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/beesinnovation-130619181757-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> The main proposal of this work is to present an overview on how to construct an experimental device (Systems of multiples Bee Queens ¨C Apis mellifera) , with 2 or more bee queens and aiming to increase honey bee production up to 50% [01].. A new proposal for the Fabrega¡¯s law has been made.
Bees innovation: HOW TO INCREASE HONEY PRODUCTION from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
2150 9 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/beesinnovation-130619181757-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds document Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
Etf 2 m-1 https://pt.slideshare.net/slideshow/etf-2-m1/21834377 etf2m-1-130524083522-phpapp01
PROCESSO INTEGRADO ETF: EB/GA. PROTOTIPAGEM R?PIDA DE CIRCUITOS INTEGRADOS. ?NDICE pag.: Resumo. 01 I - Introdu??o. 03 Informa??es B¨¢sicas sobre Processos e Equipamentos. 05 II - Fluxograma de Processo ETF1-EB/GA. 06 I I I - ETF-EB/GA: Equipamentos & Receitas. 11 IV - ETF-EB/GA: 21 vi.a . Detalhamento T¨¦cnico do ETF1-EB/GA. vi.b . Introdu??o a Caracteriza??o Estrutural. vi.c . Estimativa dos Tempos da Etapas de Processo V - Acess¨®rios & Materiais de Consumo 34 VI - PERSPECTIVAS PARA O ANO DE 1999. 38 VIII - Refer¨ºncias 40 RESUMO. Visando a execu??o do projeto "Prototipagem R¨¢pida de Circuitos Integrados" fase ETF1-EB/G.A. (ETAPAS FINAIS COM UM N?VEL DE METAL, "GATE 2500 por Litografia Eletr?nica), elaboramos um fluxograma completo das etapas de processo para etapas finais a partir de um n¨ªvel de metal (ETF1), bem como especificamos a lista de equipamentos, acess¨®rios e materiais de consumo necess¨¢ria para a sua execu??o. Este processo ETF1 esta baseado na exist¨ºncia de uma l?mina de sil¨ªcio pr¨¦-processada, onde j¨¢ foram realizados todas as etapas iniciais de processo, bem como a deposi??o do primeiro n¨ªvel de metal (M1), do isolante diel¨¦trico e, do segundo n¨ªvel de metal (M2). Esse processo foi extensivamente discutido com v¨¢rios pesquisadores do ASP/MP ¨C B¨¦lgica ¨C como parte da atividade de P¨®s-Doutorado/1993 e foi, na ¨¦poca, considerado realiz¨¢vel. 0 processo ETF1-EB/GA compreende 2 etapas estruturais, a saber: 1. abertura das interconex?es do metal 2; 2. forma??o da camada passivadora com abertura dos contatos. Incluso a essas etapas estruturais, esse processo possui:]]>

PROCESSO INTEGRADO ETF: EB/GA. PROTOTIPAGEM R?PIDA DE CIRCUITOS INTEGRADOS. ?NDICE pag.: Resumo. 01 I - Introdu??o. 03 Informa??es B¨¢sicas sobre Processos e Equipamentos. 05 II - Fluxograma de Processo ETF1-EB/GA. 06 I I I - ETF-EB/GA: Equipamentos & Receitas. 11 IV - ETF-EB/GA: 21 vi.a . Detalhamento T¨¦cnico do ETF1-EB/GA. vi.b . Introdu??o a Caracteriza??o Estrutural. vi.c . Estimativa dos Tempos da Etapas de Processo V - Acess¨®rios & Materiais de Consumo 34 VI - PERSPECTIVAS PARA O ANO DE 1999. 38 VIII - Refer¨ºncias 40 RESUMO. Visando a execu??o do projeto "Prototipagem R¨¢pida de Circuitos Integrados" fase ETF1-EB/G.A. (ETAPAS FINAIS COM UM N?VEL DE METAL, "GATE 2500 por Litografia Eletr?nica), elaboramos um fluxograma completo das etapas de processo para etapas finais a partir de um n¨ªvel de metal (ETF1), bem como especificamos a lista de equipamentos, acess¨®rios e materiais de consumo necess¨¢ria para a sua execu??o. Este processo ETF1 esta baseado na exist¨ºncia de uma l?mina de sil¨ªcio pr¨¦-processada, onde j¨¢ foram realizados todas as etapas iniciais de processo, bem como a deposi??o do primeiro n¨ªvel de metal (M1), do isolante diel¨¦trico e, do segundo n¨ªvel de metal (M2). Esse processo foi extensivamente discutido com v¨¢rios pesquisadores do ASP/MP ¨C B¨¦lgica ¨C como parte da atividade de P¨®s-Doutorado/1993 e foi, na ¨¦poca, considerado realiz¨¢vel. 0 processo ETF1-EB/GA compreende 2 etapas estruturais, a saber: 1. abertura das interconex?es do metal 2; 2. forma??o da camada passivadora com abertura dos contatos. Incluso a essas etapas estruturais, esse processo possui:]]>
Fri, 24 May 2013 08:35:22 GMT https://pt.slideshare.net/slideshow/etf-2-m1/21834377 ballonia@slideshare.net(ballonia) Etf 2 m-1 ballonia PROCESSO INTEGRADO ETF: EB/GA. PROTOTIPAGEM R?PIDA DE CIRCUITOS INTEGRADOS. ?NDICE pag.: Resumo. 01 I - Introdu??o. 03 Informa??es B¨¢sicas sobre Processos e Equipamentos. 05 II - Fluxograma de Processo ETF1-EB/GA. 06 I I I - ETF-EB/GA: Equipamentos & Receitas. 11 IV - ETF-EB/GA: 21 vi.a . Detalhamento T¨¦cnico do ETF1-EB/GA. vi.b . Introdu??o a Caracteriza??o Estrutural. vi.c . Estimativa dos Tempos da Etapas de Processo V - Acess¨®rios & Materiais de Consumo 34 VI - PERSPECTIVAS PARA O ANO DE 1999. 38 VIII - Refer¨ºncias 40 RESUMO. Visando a execu??o do projeto "Prototipagem R¨¢pida de Circuitos Integrados" fase ETF1-EB/G.A. (ETAPAS FINAIS COM UM N?VEL DE METAL, "GATE 2500 por Litografia Eletr?nica), elaboramos um fluxograma completo das etapas de processo para etapas finais a partir de um n¨ªvel de metal (ETF1), bem como especificamos a lista de equipamentos, acess¨®rios e materiais de consumo necess¨¢ria para a sua execu??o. Este processo ETF1 esta baseado na exist¨ºncia de uma l?mina de sil¨ªcio pr¨¦-processada, onde j¨¢ foram realizados todas as etapas iniciais de processo, bem como a deposi??o do primeiro n¨ªvel de metal (M1), do isolante diel¨¦trico e, do segundo n¨ªvel de metal (M2). Esse processo foi extensivamente discutido com v¨¢rios pesquisadores do ASP/MP ¨C B¨¦lgica ¨C como parte da atividade de P¨®s-Doutorado/1993 e foi, na ¨¦poca, considerado realiz¨¢vel. 0 processo ETF1-EB/GA compreende 2 etapas estruturais, a saber: 1. abertura das interconex?es do metal 2; 2. forma??o da camada passivadora com abertura dos contatos. Incluso a essas etapas estruturais, esse processo possui: <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/etf2m-1-130524083522-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> PROCESSO INTEGRADO ETF: EB/GA. PROTOTIPAGEM R?PIDA DE CIRCUITOS INTEGRADOS. ?NDICE pag.: Resumo. 01 I - Introdu??o. 03 Informa??es B¨¢sicas sobre Processos e Equipamentos. 05 II - Fluxograma de Processo ETF1-EB/GA. 06 I I I - ETF-EB/GA: Equipamentos &amp; Receitas. 11 IV - ETF-EB/GA: 21 vi.a . Detalhamento T¨¦cnico do ETF1-EB/GA. vi.b . Introdu??o a Caracteriza??o Estrutural. vi.c . Estimativa dos Tempos da Etapas de Processo V - Acess¨®rios &amp; Materiais de Consumo 34 VI - PERSPECTIVAS PARA O ANO DE 1999. 38 VIII - Refer¨ºncias 40 RESUMO. Visando a execu??o do projeto &quot;Prototipagem R¨¢pida de Circuitos Integrados&quot; fase ETF1-EB/G.A. (ETAPAS FINAIS COM UM N?VEL DE METAL, &quot;GATE 2500 por Litografia Eletr?nica), elaboramos um fluxograma completo das etapas de processo para etapas finais a partir de um n¨ªvel de metal (ETF1), bem como especificamos a lista de equipamentos, acess¨®rios e materiais de consumo necess¨¢ria para a sua execu??o. Este processo ETF1 esta baseado na exist¨ºncia de uma l?mina de sil¨ªcio pr¨¦-processada, onde j¨¢ foram realizados todas as etapas iniciais de processo, bem como a deposi??o do primeiro n¨ªvel de metal (M1), do isolante diel¨¦trico e, do segundo n¨ªvel de metal (M2). Esse processo foi extensivamente discutido com v¨¢rios pesquisadores do ASP/MP ¨C B¨¦lgica ¨C como parte da atividade de P¨®s-Doutorado/1993 e foi, na ¨¦poca, considerado realiz¨¢vel. 0 processo ETF1-EB/GA compreende 2 etapas estruturais, a saber: 1. abertura das interconex?es do metal 2; 2. forma??o da camada passivadora com abertura dos contatos. Incluso a essas etapas estruturais, esse processo possui:
from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
773 6 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/etf2m-1-130524083522-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds document White http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
Brazil of the future... /slideshow/brazil-of-the-future-greece-atiner/18640577 brazilofthefuture-greeceatiner-130411185950-phpapp02
... Brazil has been consolidating as an emerging player at the complex world scenario. One of the common characteristics to the world¡¯s most important nations is being able to ¡°forge¡±, by means of its own perspective, the future. Decades ago, Brazil already provided evidence of possessing such characteristic, promoting investments for the development of sectors considered relevant to the country, such as: the oil exploration, aerospace research, iron and steel industry, investment in renewable fuels, etc. This tendency has been gradually weakened over the last decades, due to turbulences of economic order. ... Source: http://repositorio.cti.gov.br/repositorio/bitstream/10691/247/3/Balloni_COM2012-0002_final.pdf]]>

... Brazil has been consolidating as an emerging player at the complex world scenario. One of the common characteristics to the world¡¯s most important nations is being able to ¡°forge¡±, by means of its own perspective, the future. Decades ago, Brazil already provided evidence of possessing such characteristic, promoting investments for the development of sectors considered relevant to the country, such as: the oil exploration, aerospace research, iron and steel industry, investment in renewable fuels, etc. This tendency has been gradually weakened over the last decades, due to turbulences of economic order. ... Source: http://repositorio.cti.gov.br/repositorio/bitstream/10691/247/3/Balloni_COM2012-0002_final.pdf]]>
Thu, 11 Apr 2013 18:59:50 GMT /slideshow/brazil-of-the-future-greece-atiner/18640577 ballonia@slideshare.net(ballonia) Brazil of the future... ballonia ... Brazil has been consolidating as an emerging player at the complex world scenario. One of the common characteristics to the world¡¯s most important nations is being able to ¡°forge¡±, by means of its own perspective, the future. Decades ago, Brazil already provided evidence of possessing such characteristic, promoting investments for the development of sectors considered relevant to the country, such as: the oil exploration, aerospace research, iron and steel industry, investment in renewable fuels, etc. This tendency has been gradually weakened over the last decades, due to turbulences of economic order. ... Source: http://repositorio.cti.gov.br/repositorio/bitstream/10691/247/3/Balloni_COM2012-0002_final.pdf <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/brazilofthefuture-greeceatiner-130411185950-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> ... Brazil has been consolidating as an emerging player at the complex world scenario. One of the common characteristics to the world¡¯s most important nations is being able to ¡°forge¡±, by means of its own perspective, the future. Decades ago, Brazil already provided evidence of possessing such characteristic, promoting investments for the development of sectors considered relevant to the country, such as: the oil exploration, aerospace research, iron and steel industry, investment in renewable fuels, etc. This tendency has been gradually weakened over the last decades, due to turbulences of economic order. ... Source: http://repositorio.cti.gov.br/repositorio/bitstream/10691/247/3/Balloni_COM2012-0002_final.pdf
Brazil of the future... from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
332 3 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/brazilofthefuture-greeceatiner-130411185950-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation White http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
GESITI Hospitalar Presentation - Map Updated https://pt.slideshare.net/slideshow/palestra-gesiti-hospitalar/18640242 palestragesitihospitalar-130411184947-phpapp02
¡°AN EVALUATION OF THE MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM AND TECHNOLOGY IN HOSPITALS¡± (GESITI/HOSPITALS). MAP UPDATED: APRIL 02, 2013. Abstract. The Center for Information Technology Renato Archer (CTI), located at Campinas/SP/Br, is a unit of the Ministry of Science and Technology (MCT) and, is coordinating a research project involving several universities, from Brazil and abroad. The research project ¡°Management of System and Information Technology in Hospitals¡± (GESITI/Hospitals) has the purpose of mapping out the management of Information Systems (IS) and Information Technology (IT) in hospitals, in order to identify their needs and demands, prospecting for unfolding, perform publication and, mainly, generate a Integrated Research Report (IRR) with a focus on, also, a Report Research Roadmap (RRR). This IRR/RRR is for open for free access, and should be used as decision making support by public and/or private managers. Currently the research is being carried out by nineteen universities: sixteen Brazilian, one Mexican, one Argentina, one from Slovakia, one from Czech Republic, one from Bulgarian and one Portuguese. An important initial result of this research work, which makes use of the Interpretative (or Introspective) Methodology, has been the generation in Brazil of an unprecedented database regarding hospital management and, from which several important information is extracted. From each local information, obtained via Local Research Reports (LRR) where the research has been carried out (each local includes the average of results obtained in five (5) hospitals); it becomes possible to undertake local decision making. However, the main purpose of the project is the preparation, based on the integration of all LRR, of an IRR/RRR for national decision-making support. For a better decision-making on issues of interest to managers regarding the better efficiency and effectiveness of hospital management, public and/or private, the IRR/RRR will also present an integrated comparative analyzes based on all LRR (from Brazil & Abroad). Although it has not been directly mentioned, the final result, ultimate, from the research should be a significant improvement on the hospital management and on the decision-making process. These results must reflect on peoples more satisfied regarding a better health care. This is a win-win project, since it is good for Brazil and good for all countries involved. The goal is to reach about one hundred (100) universities (local coordinators) involved. gesiti@cti.gov.br]]>

¡°AN EVALUATION OF THE MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM AND TECHNOLOGY IN HOSPITALS¡± (GESITI/HOSPITALS). MAP UPDATED: APRIL 02, 2013. Abstract. The Center for Information Technology Renato Archer (CTI), located at Campinas/SP/Br, is a unit of the Ministry of Science and Technology (MCT) and, is coordinating a research project involving several universities, from Brazil and abroad. The research project ¡°Management of System and Information Technology in Hospitals¡± (GESITI/Hospitals) has the purpose of mapping out the management of Information Systems (IS) and Information Technology (IT) in hospitals, in order to identify their needs and demands, prospecting for unfolding, perform publication and, mainly, generate a Integrated Research Report (IRR) with a focus on, also, a Report Research Roadmap (RRR). This IRR/RRR is for open for free access, and should be used as decision making support by public and/or private managers. Currently the research is being carried out by nineteen universities: sixteen Brazilian, one Mexican, one Argentina, one from Slovakia, one from Czech Republic, one from Bulgarian and one Portuguese. An important initial result of this research work, which makes use of the Interpretative (or Introspective) Methodology, has been the generation in Brazil of an unprecedented database regarding hospital management and, from which several important information is extracted. From each local information, obtained via Local Research Reports (LRR) where the research has been carried out (each local includes the average of results obtained in five (5) hospitals); it becomes possible to undertake local decision making. However, the main purpose of the project is the preparation, based on the integration of all LRR, of an IRR/RRR for national decision-making support. For a better decision-making on issues of interest to managers regarding the better efficiency and effectiveness of hospital management, public and/or private, the IRR/RRR will also present an integrated comparative analyzes based on all LRR (from Brazil & Abroad). Although it has not been directly mentioned, the final result, ultimate, from the research should be a significant improvement on the hospital management and on the decision-making process. These results must reflect on peoples more satisfied regarding a better health care. This is a win-win project, since it is good for Brazil and good for all countries involved. The goal is to reach about one hundred (100) universities (local coordinators) involved. gesiti@cti.gov.br]]>
Thu, 11 Apr 2013 18:49:47 GMT https://pt.slideshare.net/slideshow/palestra-gesiti-hospitalar/18640242 ballonia@slideshare.net(ballonia) GESITI Hospitalar Presentation - Map Updated ballonia ¡°AN EVALUATION OF THE MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM AND TECHNOLOGY IN HOSPITALS¡± (GESITI/HOSPITALS). MAP UPDATED: APRIL 02, 2013. Abstract. The Center for Information Technology Renato Archer (CTI), located at Campinas/SP/Br, is a unit of the Ministry of Science and Technology (MCT) and, is coordinating a research project involving several universities, from Brazil and abroad. The research project ¡°Management of System and Information Technology in Hospitals¡± (GESITI/Hospitals) has the purpose of mapping out the management of Information Systems (IS) and Information Technology (IT) in hospitals, in order to identify their needs and demands, prospecting for unfolding, perform publication and, mainly, generate a Integrated Research Report (IRR) with a focus on, also, a Report Research Roadmap (RRR). This IRR/RRR is for open for free access, and should be used as decision making support by public and/or private managers. Currently the research is being carried out by nineteen universities: sixteen Brazilian, one Mexican, one Argentina, one from Slovakia, one from Czech Republic, one from Bulgarian and one Portuguese. An important initial result of this research work, which makes use of the Interpretative (or Introspective) Methodology, has been the generation in Brazil of an unprecedented database regarding hospital management and, from which several important information is extracted. From each local information, obtained via Local Research Reports (LRR) where the research has been carried out (each local includes the average of results obtained in five (5) hospitals); it becomes possible to undertake local decision making. However, the main purpose of the project is the preparation, based on the integration of all LRR, of an IRR/RRR for national decision-making support. For a better decision-making on issues of interest to managers regarding the better efficiency and effectiveness of hospital management, public and/or private, the IRR/RRR will also present an integrated comparative analyzes based on all LRR (from Brazil & Abroad). Although it has not been directly mentioned, the final result, ultimate, from the research should be a significant improvement on the hospital management and on the decision-making process. These results must reflect on peoples more satisfied regarding a better health care. This is a win-win project, since it is good for Brazil and good for all countries involved. The goal is to reach about one hundred (100) universities (local coordinators) involved. gesiti@cti.gov.br <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/palestragesitihospitalar-130411184947-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> ¡°AN EVALUATION OF THE MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM AND TECHNOLOGY IN HOSPITALS¡± (GESITI/HOSPITALS). MAP UPDATED: APRIL 02, 2013. Abstract. The Center for Information Technology Renato Archer (CTI), located at Campinas/SP/Br, is a unit of the Ministry of Science and Technology (MCT) and, is coordinating a research project involving several universities, from Brazil and abroad. The research project ¡°Management of System and Information Technology in Hospitals¡± (GESITI/Hospitals) has the purpose of mapping out the management of Information Systems (IS) and Information Technology (IT) in hospitals, in order to identify their needs and demands, prospecting for unfolding, perform publication and, mainly, generate a Integrated Research Report (IRR) with a focus on, also, a Report Research Roadmap (RRR). This IRR/RRR is for open for free access, and should be used as decision making support by public and/or private managers. Currently the research is being carried out by nineteen universities: sixteen Brazilian, one Mexican, one Argentina, one from Slovakia, one from Czech Republic, one from Bulgarian and one Portuguese. An important initial result of this research work, which makes use of the Interpretative (or Introspective) Methodology, has been the generation in Brazil of an unprecedented database regarding hospital management and, from which several important information is extracted. From each local information, obtained via Local Research Reports (LRR) where the research has been carried out (each local includes the average of results obtained in five (5) hospitals); it becomes possible to undertake local decision making. However, the main purpose of the project is the preparation, based on the integration of all LRR, of an IRR/RRR for national decision-making support. For a better decision-making on issues of interest to managers regarding the better efficiency and effectiveness of hospital management, public and/or private, the IRR/RRR will also present an integrated comparative analyzes based on all LRR (from Brazil &amp; Abroad). Although it has not been directly mentioned, the final result, ultimate, from the research should be a significant improvement on the hospital management and on the decision-making process. These results must reflect on peoples more satisfied regarding a better health care. This is a win-win project, since it is good for Brazil and good for all countries involved. The goal is to reach about one hundred (100) universities (local coordinators) involved. gesiti@cti.gov.br
from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
912 5 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/palestragesitihospitalar-130411184947-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation White http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
AN EVALUATION OF THE MANAGEMENT IS AND IT IN HOSPITALS (GESITI/HOSPITALS ) https://pt.slideshare.net/slideshow/projeto-gesiti-hospitalar-furb-sc/15444275 projetogesitihospitalarfurbsc-13543952634941-phpapp01-121201145942-phpapp02
The Center for Information Technology Renato Archer (CTI), located at Campinas/SP/Br, is a unit of the Ministry of Science and Technology (MCT) and, is coordinating a research project involving several universities, from Brazil and abroad. The research project ¡°Management of System and Information Technology in Hospitals¡± (GESITI/Hospitals) has the purpose of mapping out the management of Information Systems (IS) and Information Technology (IT) in hospitals, in order to identify their needs and demands, prospecting for unfolding, perform publication and, mainly, generate a Integrated Research Report (IRR) with a focus on, also, a Report Research Roadmap (RRR). This IRR/RRR is for open for free access, and should be used as decision making support by public and/or private managers. Currently the research is being carried out by nineteen universities: sixteen Brazilian, one Mexican, one Argentina and one Portuguese. An important initial result of this research work, which makes use of the Interpretative (or Introspective) Methodology, has been the generation in Brazil of an unprecedented database regarding hospital management and, from which several important information is extracted. From each local information, obtained via Local Research Reports (LRR) where the research has been carried out (each local includes the average of results obtained in five (5) hospitals); it becomes possible to undertake local decision making. However, the main purpose of the project is the preparation, based on the integration of all LRR, of an IRR/RRR for national decision-making support. For a better decision-making on issues of interest to managers regarding the better efficiency and effectiveness of hospital management, public and/or private, the IRR/RRR will also present an integrated comparative analyzes based on all LRR (from Brazil & Abroad). Although it has not been directly mentioned, the final result, ultimate, from the research should be a significant improvement on the hospital management and on the decision-making process. These results must reflect on peoples more satisfied regarding a better health care. This is a win-win project, since it is good for Brazil and good for all countries involved. The goal is to reach about one hundred (100) universities (local coordinators) involved. http://www.cti.gov.br/gesiti-dtsd http://www.cti.gov.br/projeto-gesiti-hospitalar.html]]>

The Center for Information Technology Renato Archer (CTI), located at Campinas/SP/Br, is a unit of the Ministry of Science and Technology (MCT) and, is coordinating a research project involving several universities, from Brazil and abroad. The research project ¡°Management of System and Information Technology in Hospitals¡± (GESITI/Hospitals) has the purpose of mapping out the management of Information Systems (IS) and Information Technology (IT) in hospitals, in order to identify their needs and demands, prospecting for unfolding, perform publication and, mainly, generate a Integrated Research Report (IRR) with a focus on, also, a Report Research Roadmap (RRR). This IRR/RRR is for open for free access, and should be used as decision making support by public and/or private managers. Currently the research is being carried out by nineteen universities: sixteen Brazilian, one Mexican, one Argentina and one Portuguese. An important initial result of this research work, which makes use of the Interpretative (or Introspective) Methodology, has been the generation in Brazil of an unprecedented database regarding hospital management and, from which several important information is extracted. From each local information, obtained via Local Research Reports (LRR) where the research has been carried out (each local includes the average of results obtained in five (5) hospitals); it becomes possible to undertake local decision making. However, the main purpose of the project is the preparation, based on the integration of all LRR, of an IRR/RRR for national decision-making support. For a better decision-making on issues of interest to managers regarding the better efficiency and effectiveness of hospital management, public and/or private, the IRR/RRR will also present an integrated comparative analyzes based on all LRR (from Brazil & Abroad). Although it has not been directly mentioned, the final result, ultimate, from the research should be a significant improvement on the hospital management and on the decision-making process. These results must reflect on peoples more satisfied regarding a better health care. This is a win-win project, since it is good for Brazil and good for all countries involved. The goal is to reach about one hundred (100) universities (local coordinators) involved. http://www.cti.gov.br/gesiti-dtsd http://www.cti.gov.br/projeto-gesiti-hospitalar.html]]>
Sat, 01 Dec 2012 14:59:40 GMT https://pt.slideshare.net/slideshow/projeto-gesiti-hospitalar-furb-sc/15444275 ballonia@slideshare.net(ballonia) AN EVALUATION OF THE MANAGEMENT IS AND IT IN HOSPITALS (GESITI/HOSPITALS ) ballonia The Center for Information Technology Renato Archer (CTI), located at Campinas/SP/Br, is a unit of the Ministry of Science and Technology (MCT) and, is coordinating a research project involving several universities, from Brazil and abroad. The research project ¡°Management of System and Information Technology in Hospitals¡± (GESITI/Hospitals) has the purpose of mapping out the management of Information Systems (IS) and Information Technology (IT) in hospitals, in order to identify their needs and demands, prospecting for unfolding, perform publication and, mainly, generate a Integrated Research Report (IRR) with a focus on, also, a Report Research Roadmap (RRR). This IRR/RRR is for open for free access, and should be used as decision making support by public and/or private managers. Currently the research is being carried out by nineteen universities: sixteen Brazilian, one Mexican, one Argentina and one Portuguese. An important initial result of this research work, which makes use of the Interpretative (or Introspective) Methodology, has been the generation in Brazil of an unprecedented database regarding hospital management and, from which several important information is extracted. From each local information, obtained via Local Research Reports (LRR) where the research has been carried out (each local includes the average of results obtained in five (5) hospitals); it becomes possible to undertake local decision making. However, the main purpose of the project is the preparation, based on the integration of all LRR, of an IRR/RRR for national decision-making support. For a better decision-making on issues of interest to managers regarding the better efficiency and effectiveness of hospital management, public and/or private, the IRR/RRR will also present an integrated comparative analyzes based on all LRR (from Brazil & Abroad). Although it has not been directly mentioned, the final result, ultimate, from the research should be a significant improvement on the hospital management and on the decision-making process. These results must reflect on peoples more satisfied regarding a better health care. This is a win-win project, since it is good for Brazil and good for all countries involved. The goal is to reach about one hundred (100) universities (local coordinators) involved. http://www.cti.gov.br/gesiti-dtsd http://www.cti.gov.br/projeto-gesiti-hospitalar.html <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/projetogesitihospitalarfurbsc-13543952634941-phpapp01-121201145942-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> The Center for Information Technology Renato Archer (CTI), located at Campinas/SP/Br, is a unit of the Ministry of Science and Technology (MCT) and, is coordinating a research project involving several universities, from Brazil and abroad. The research project ¡°Management of System and Information Technology in Hospitals¡± (GESITI/Hospitals) has the purpose of mapping out the management of Information Systems (IS) and Information Technology (IT) in hospitals, in order to identify their needs and demands, prospecting for unfolding, perform publication and, mainly, generate a Integrated Research Report (IRR) with a focus on, also, a Report Research Roadmap (RRR). This IRR/RRR is for open for free access, and should be used as decision making support by public and/or private managers. Currently the research is being carried out by nineteen universities: sixteen Brazilian, one Mexican, one Argentina and one Portuguese. An important initial result of this research work, which makes use of the Interpretative (or Introspective) Methodology, has been the generation in Brazil of an unprecedented database regarding hospital management and, from which several important information is extracted. From each local information, obtained via Local Research Reports (LRR) where the research has been carried out (each local includes the average of results obtained in five (5) hospitals); it becomes possible to undertake local decision making. However, the main purpose of the project is the preparation, based on the integration of all LRR, of an IRR/RRR for national decision-making support. For a better decision-making on issues of interest to managers regarding the better efficiency and effectiveness of hospital management, public and/or private, the IRR/RRR will also present an integrated comparative analyzes based on all LRR (from Brazil &amp; Abroad). Although it has not been directly mentioned, the final result, ultimate, from the research should be a significant improvement on the hospital management and on the decision-making process. These results must reflect on peoples more satisfied regarding a better health care. This is a win-win project, since it is good for Brazil and good for all countries involved. The goal is to reach about one hundred (100) universities (local coordinators) involved. http://www.cti.gov.br/gesiti-dtsd http://www.cti.gov.br/projeto-gesiti-hospitalar.html
from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
525 12 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/projetogesitihospitalarfurbsc-13543952634941-phpapp01-121201145942-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation White http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
BRAZIL OF THE FUTURE: STRATEGIZING WITH THE SOCIO - TECHNICAL MANAGEMENT APROACH. /slideshow/brazil-of-the-futuremodificado5-13090017/13090017 brazilofthefuturemodificado5-1338084175915-phpapp02-120526210518-phpapp02
Source: http://repositorio.cti.gov.br/repositorio/bitstream/10691/247/3/Balloni_COM2012-0002_final.pdf Abstract: In the course of five centuries, Brazil has emerged from a reality of primitive land and has become a multi-ethnic country, considered today one of the world\'s largest economies. Brazil, with an integrated territory, is aiming to be projected as a relevant player in the complex interplay of world powers. However, the country had its political thinking &quot;caught&quot; by an economic agenda based on increasingly smaller temporal cycles, losing its vision of the desired future. A model of participative management, based on a sociotechnical perspective, represents the opportunity for the emancipation of a political thinking capable of formulating a vision for the long-term future. Within this perspective and, in view of the sociotechnical approach, the present work has as objective of promoting innovation in the thought of the public/private manager, presently consolidated in a short/medium term vision. In this ¡°Participatory Model of Sociotechnical Management¡±, it is proposed as a tool of change, the sharing of information and the implementation of a common vision, of the future, through the incorporation, by all level of Brazilian educational system and its societal decision-making, the key principles-strategies of a sustainable Brazil, to the Brazilian citizens.]]>

Source: http://repositorio.cti.gov.br/repositorio/bitstream/10691/247/3/Balloni_COM2012-0002_final.pdf Abstract: In the course of five centuries, Brazil has emerged from a reality of primitive land and has become a multi-ethnic country, considered today one of the world\'s largest economies. Brazil, with an integrated territory, is aiming to be projected as a relevant player in the complex interplay of world powers. However, the country had its political thinking &quot;caught&quot; by an economic agenda based on increasingly smaller temporal cycles, losing its vision of the desired future. A model of participative management, based on a sociotechnical perspective, represents the opportunity for the emancipation of a political thinking capable of formulating a vision for the long-term future. Within this perspective and, in view of the sociotechnical approach, the present work has as objective of promoting innovation in the thought of the public/private manager, presently consolidated in a short/medium term vision. In this ¡°Participatory Model of Sociotechnical Management¡±, it is proposed as a tool of change, the sharing of information and the implementation of a common vision, of the future, through the incorporation, by all level of Brazilian educational system and its societal decision-making, the key principles-strategies of a sustainable Brazil, to the Brazilian citizens.]]>
Sat, 26 May 2012 21:04:09 GMT /slideshow/brazil-of-the-futuremodificado5-13090017/13090017 ballonia@slideshare.net(ballonia) BRAZIL OF THE FUTURE: STRATEGIZING WITH THE SOCIO - TECHNICAL MANAGEMENT APROACH. ballonia Source: http://repositorio.cti.gov.br/repositorio/bitstream/10691/247/3/Balloni_COM2012-0002_final.pdf Abstract: In the course of five centuries, Brazil has emerged from a reality of primitive land and has become a multi-ethnic country, considered today one of the world\'s largest economies. Brazil, with an integrated territory, is aiming to be projected as a relevant player in the complex interplay of world powers. However, the country had its political thinking &quot;caught&quot; by an economic agenda based on increasingly smaller temporal cycles, losing its vision of the desired future. A model of participative management, based on a sociotechnical perspective, represents the opportunity for the emancipation of a political thinking capable of formulating a vision for the long-term future. Within this perspective and, in view of the sociotechnical approach, the present work has as objective of promoting innovation in the thought of the public/private manager, presently consolidated in a short/medium term vision. In this ¡°Participatory Model of Sociotechnical Management¡±, it is proposed as a tool of change, the sharing of information and the implementation of a common vision, of the future, through the incorporation, by all level of Brazilian educational system and its societal decision-making, the key principles-strategies of a sustainable Brazil, to the Brazilian citizens. <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/brazilofthefuturemodificado5-1338084175915-phpapp02-120526210518-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> Source: http://repositorio.cti.gov.br/repositorio/bitstream/10691/247/3/Balloni_COM2012-0002_final.pdf Abstract: In the course of five centuries, Brazil has emerged from a reality of primitive land and has become a multi-ethnic country, considered today one of the world\&#39;s largest economies. Brazil, with an integrated territory, is aiming to be projected as a relevant player in the complex interplay of world powers. However, the country had its political thinking &amp;quot;caught&amp;quot; by an economic agenda based on increasingly smaller temporal cycles, losing its vision of the desired future. A model of participative management, based on a sociotechnical perspective, represents the opportunity for the emancipation of a political thinking capable of formulating a vision for the long-term future. Within this perspective and, in view of the sociotechnical approach, the present work has as objective of promoting innovation in the thought of the public/private manager, presently consolidated in a short/medium term vision. In this ¡°Participatory Model of Sociotechnical Management¡±, it is proposed as a tool of change, the sharing of information and the implementation of a common vision, of the future, through the incorporation, by all level of Brazilian educational system and its societal decision-making, the key principles-strategies of a sustainable Brazil, to the Brazilian citizens.
455 3 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/brazilofthefuturemodificado5-1338084175915-phpapp02-120526210518-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation White http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
Brazil Of The Future 2 - BRAZIL OF THE FUTURE: STRATEGIZING WITH THE SOCIO - TECHNICAL MANAGEMENT A¡­ /slideshow/brazil-of-the-futuremodificado5-13089988/13089988 brazilofthefuturemodificado5-13380836858146-phpapp01-120526205921-phpapp01
Source: http://repositorio.cti.gov.br/repositorio/bitstream/10691/247/3/Balloni_COM2012-0002_final.pdf Keywords: Sociotechnical Management, political thinking, innovation, sharing of information, and future. Abstract: In the course of five centuries, Brazil has emerged from a reality of primitive land and has become a multi-ethnic country, considered today one of the world\'s largest economies. Brazil, with an integrated territory, is aiming to be projected as a relevant player in the complex interplay of world powers. However, the country had its political thinking &quot;caught&quot; by an economic agenda based on increasingly smaller temporal cycles, losing its vision of the desired future. A model of participative management, based on a sociotechnical perspective, represents the opportunity for the emancipation of a political thinking capable of formulating a vision for the long-term future. Within this perspective and, in view of the sociotechnical approach, the present work has as objective of promoting innovation in the thought of the public/private manager, presently consolidated in a short/medium term vision. In this ¡°Participatory Model of Sociotechnical Management¡±, it is proposed as a tool of change, the sharing of information and the implementation of a common vision, of the future, through the incorporation, by all level of Brazilian educational system and its societal decision-making, the key principles-strategies of a sustainable Brazil, to the Brazilian citizens. Submission: October 06, 2011. Acceptance: December 12, 2011 * Sponsored by: CAPES/BR (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel - Brazil)]]>

Source: http://repositorio.cti.gov.br/repositorio/bitstream/10691/247/3/Balloni_COM2012-0002_final.pdf Keywords: Sociotechnical Management, political thinking, innovation, sharing of information, and future. Abstract: In the course of five centuries, Brazil has emerged from a reality of primitive land and has become a multi-ethnic country, considered today one of the world\'s largest economies. Brazil, with an integrated territory, is aiming to be projected as a relevant player in the complex interplay of world powers. However, the country had its political thinking &quot;caught&quot; by an economic agenda based on increasingly smaller temporal cycles, losing its vision of the desired future. A model of participative management, based on a sociotechnical perspective, represents the opportunity for the emancipation of a political thinking capable of formulating a vision for the long-term future. Within this perspective and, in view of the sociotechnical approach, the present work has as objective of promoting innovation in the thought of the public/private manager, presently consolidated in a short/medium term vision. In this ¡°Participatory Model of Sociotechnical Management¡±, it is proposed as a tool of change, the sharing of information and the implementation of a common vision, of the future, through the incorporation, by all level of Brazilian educational system and its societal decision-making, the key principles-strategies of a sustainable Brazil, to the Brazilian citizens. Submission: October 06, 2011. Acceptance: December 12, 2011 * Sponsored by: CAPES/BR (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel - Brazil)]]>
Sat, 26 May 2012 20:57:27 GMT /slideshow/brazil-of-the-futuremodificado5-13089988/13089988 ballonia@slideshare.net(ballonia) Brazil Of The Future 2 - BRAZIL OF THE FUTURE: STRATEGIZING WITH THE SOCIO - TECHNICAL MANAGEMENT A¡­ ballonia Source: http://repositorio.cti.gov.br/repositorio/bitstream/10691/247/3/Balloni_COM2012-0002_final.pdf Keywords: Sociotechnical Management, political thinking, innovation, sharing of information, and future. Abstract: In the course of five centuries, Brazil has emerged from a reality of primitive land and has become a multi-ethnic country, considered today one of the world\'s largest economies. Brazil, with an integrated territory, is aiming to be projected as a relevant player in the complex interplay of world powers. However, the country had its political thinking &quot;caught&quot; by an economic agenda based on increasingly smaller temporal cycles, losing its vision of the desired future. A model of participative management, based on a sociotechnical perspective, represents the opportunity for the emancipation of a political thinking capable of formulating a vision for the long-term future. Within this perspective and, in view of the sociotechnical approach, the present work has as objective of promoting innovation in the thought of the public/private manager, presently consolidated in a short/medium term vision. In this ¡°Participatory Model of Sociotechnical Management¡±, it is proposed as a tool of change, the sharing of information and the implementation of a common vision, of the future, through the incorporation, by all level of Brazilian educational system and its societal decision-making, the key principles-strategies of a sustainable Brazil, to the Brazilian citizens. Submission: October 06, 2011. Acceptance: December 12, 2011 * Sponsored by: CAPES/BR (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel - Brazil) <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/brazilofthefuturemodificado5-13380836858146-phpapp01-120526205921-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> Source: http://repositorio.cti.gov.br/repositorio/bitstream/10691/247/3/Balloni_COM2012-0002_final.pdf Keywords: Sociotechnical Management, political thinking, innovation, sharing of information, and future. Abstract: In the course of five centuries, Brazil has emerged from a reality of primitive land and has become a multi-ethnic country, considered today one of the world\&#39;s largest economies. Brazil, with an integrated territory, is aiming to be projected as a relevant player in the complex interplay of world powers. However, the country had its political thinking &amp;quot;caught&amp;quot; by an economic agenda based on increasingly smaller temporal cycles, losing its vision of the desired future. A model of participative management, based on a sociotechnical perspective, represents the opportunity for the emancipation of a political thinking capable of formulating a vision for the long-term future. Within this perspective and, in view of the sociotechnical approach, the present work has as objective of promoting innovation in the thought of the public/private manager, presently consolidated in a short/medium term vision. In this ¡°Participatory Model of Sociotechnical Management¡±, it is proposed as a tool of change, the sharing of information and the implementation of a common vision, of the future, through the incorporation, by all level of Brazilian educational system and its societal decision-making, the key principles-strategies of a sustainable Brazil, to the Brazilian citizens. Submission: October 06, 2011. Acceptance: December 12, 2011 * Sponsored by: CAPES/BR (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel - Brazil)
Brazil Of The Future 2 - BRAZIL OF THE FUTURE: STRATEGIZING WITH THE SOCIO - TECHNICAL MANAGEMENT A¡­ from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
232 2 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/brazilofthefuturemodificado5-13380836858146-phpapp01-120526205921-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation White http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
Medinfor Gesiti Hospitais /slideshow/medinfor-gesiti-hospitais-13088085/13088085 medinforgesitihospitais-13380621064667-phpapp01-120526150026-phpapp01
The Center for Information Technology Renato Archer a unit of the Ministry of Science and Technology, (CTI/MCT-Campinas-SP), is coordinating a research project involving several Brazilian universities and several international. The research project GESITI/Hospital has the purpose of mapping out the management of systems (IS) and information technology (IT) in hospitals, in order to identify their needs and demands, prospecting for unfolding, perform publications and, mainly, generate a Integrated Research Report (IRR) with a focus on, also, a Report Research Roadmap (RRR). This IRI/RRR should be used as decision making support by public and/or private managers Currently, the research is being carried out by eighteen universities: sixteen Brazilian, one Mexican and one Portuguese. An important initial result of this research work, which makes use of the Interpretative (or Introspective) Methodology, will be the generation in Brazil of an unprecedented database regarding hospital management and, from which several important information will be extracted. From the local information, obtained via reports where the research has been carried out (each local includes the average of results obtained in five (5) hospitals), it becomes possible to undertake local decision making. However, the main purpose of the project is the preparation of a RPI/RRR for national decision-making support. This RPI/RRR should have a integrated comparative analyzes based on all locals results (participants from Brazil &amp; International), for a better decision-making on issues of interest to managers regarding the better efficiency and effectiveness of hospital management, public and/or private. Although has not been directly mentioned, the final result, ultimate, from the research should be a significant improvement on the hospital management and on the decision-making. These results must reflect on peoples more satisfied regarding a better health care.]]>

The Center for Information Technology Renato Archer a unit of the Ministry of Science and Technology, (CTI/MCT-Campinas-SP), is coordinating a research project involving several Brazilian universities and several international. The research project GESITI/Hospital has the purpose of mapping out the management of systems (IS) and information technology (IT) in hospitals, in order to identify their needs and demands, prospecting for unfolding, perform publications and, mainly, generate a Integrated Research Report (IRR) with a focus on, also, a Report Research Roadmap (RRR). This IRI/RRR should be used as decision making support by public and/or private managers Currently, the research is being carried out by eighteen universities: sixteen Brazilian, one Mexican and one Portuguese. An important initial result of this research work, which makes use of the Interpretative (or Introspective) Methodology, will be the generation in Brazil of an unprecedented database regarding hospital management and, from which several important information will be extracted. From the local information, obtained via reports where the research has been carried out (each local includes the average of results obtained in five (5) hospitals), it becomes possible to undertake local decision making. However, the main purpose of the project is the preparation of a RPI/RRR for national decision-making support. This RPI/RRR should have a integrated comparative analyzes based on all locals results (participants from Brazil &amp; International), for a better decision-making on issues of interest to managers regarding the better efficiency and effectiveness of hospital management, public and/or private. Although has not been directly mentioned, the final result, ultimate, from the research should be a significant improvement on the hospital management and on the decision-making. These results must reflect on peoples more satisfied regarding a better health care.]]>
Sat, 26 May 2012 14:57:16 GMT /slideshow/medinfor-gesiti-hospitais-13088085/13088085 ballonia@slideshare.net(ballonia) Medinfor Gesiti Hospitais ballonia The Center for Information Technology Renato Archer a unit of the Ministry of Science and Technology, (CTI/MCT-Campinas-SP), is coordinating a research project involving several Brazilian universities and several international. The research project GESITI/Hospital has the purpose of mapping out the management of systems (IS) and information technology (IT) in hospitals, in order to identify their needs and demands, prospecting for unfolding, perform publications and, mainly, generate a Integrated Research Report (IRR) with a focus on, also, a Report Research Roadmap (RRR). This IRI/RRR should be used as decision making support by public and/or private managers Currently, the research is being carried out by eighteen universities: sixteen Brazilian, one Mexican and one Portuguese. An important initial result of this research work, which makes use of the Interpretative (or Introspective) Methodology, will be the generation in Brazil of an unprecedented database regarding hospital management and, from which several important information will be extracted. From the local information, obtained via reports where the research has been carried out (each local includes the average of results obtained in five (5) hospitals), it becomes possible to undertake local decision making. However, the main purpose of the project is the preparation of a RPI/RRR for national decision-making support. This RPI/RRR should have a integrated comparative analyzes based on all locals results (participants from Brazil &amp; International), for a better decision-making on issues of interest to managers regarding the better efficiency and effectiveness of hospital management, public and/or private. Although has not been directly mentioned, the final result, ultimate, from the research should be a significant improvement on the hospital management and on the decision-making. These results must reflect on peoples more satisfied regarding a better health care. <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/medinforgesitihospitais-13380621064667-phpapp01-120526150026-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> The Center for Information Technology Renato Archer a unit of the Ministry of Science and Technology, (CTI/MCT-Campinas-SP), is coordinating a research project involving several Brazilian universities and several international. The research project GESITI/Hospital has the purpose of mapping out the management of systems (IS) and information technology (IT) in hospitals, in order to identify their needs and demands, prospecting for unfolding, perform publications and, mainly, generate a Integrated Research Report (IRR) with a focus on, also, a Report Research Roadmap (RRR). This IRI/RRR should be used as decision making support by public and/or private managers Currently, the research is being carried out by eighteen universities: sixteen Brazilian, one Mexican and one Portuguese. An important initial result of this research work, which makes use of the Interpretative (or Introspective) Methodology, will be the generation in Brazil of an unprecedented database regarding hospital management and, from which several important information will be extracted. From the local information, obtained via reports where the research has been carried out (each local includes the average of results obtained in five (5) hospitals), it becomes possible to undertake local decision making. However, the main purpose of the project is the preparation of a RPI/RRR for national decision-making support. This RPI/RRR should have a integrated comparative analyzes based on all locals results (participants from Brazil &amp;amp; International), for a better decision-making on issues of interest to managers regarding the better efficiency and effectiveness of hospital management, public and/or private. Although has not been directly mentioned, the final result, ultimate, from the research should be a significant improvement on the hospital management and on the decision-making. These results must reflect on peoples more satisfied regarding a better health care.
Medinfor Gesiti Hospitais from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
668 5 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/medinforgesitihospitais-13380621064667-phpapp01-120526150026-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
Brazil Of The Future 1 BRAZIL OF THE FUTURE: STRATEGIZING WITH THE SOCIO - TECHNICAL MANAGEMENT A¡­ /slideshow/brazil-of-the-futuremodificado5/13088066 brazilofthefuturemodificado5-13380619944357-phpapp01-120526145625-phpapp01
In the course of five centuries, Brazil has emerged from a reality of primitive land and has become a multi-ethnic country, considered today one of the world\¡¯s largest economies. Brazil, with an integrated territory, is aiming to be projected as a relevant player in the complex interplay of world powers. However, the country had its political thinking &quot;caught&quot; by an economic agenda based on increasingly smaller temporal cycles, losing its vision of the desired future. A model of participative management, based on a sociotechnical perspective, represents the opportunity for the emancipation of a political thinking capable of formulating a vision for the long-term future. Within this perspective and, in view of the sociotechnical approach, the present work has as objective of promoting innovation in the thought of the public/private manager, presently consolidated in a short/medium term vision. In this ¡°Participatory Model of Sociotechnical Management¡±, it is proposed as a tool of change, the sharing of information and the implementation of a common vision, of the future, through the incorporation, by all level of Brazilian educational system and its societal decision-making, the key principles-strategies of a sustainable Brazil, to the Brazilian citizens. Source: http://repositorio.cti.gov.br/repositorio/bitstream/10691/247/3/Balloni_COM2012-0002_final.pdf]]>

In the course of five centuries, Brazil has emerged from a reality of primitive land and has become a multi-ethnic country, considered today one of the world\¡¯s largest economies. Brazil, with an integrated territory, is aiming to be projected as a relevant player in the complex interplay of world powers. However, the country had its political thinking &quot;caught&quot; by an economic agenda based on increasingly smaller temporal cycles, losing its vision of the desired future. A model of participative management, based on a sociotechnical perspective, represents the opportunity for the emancipation of a political thinking capable of formulating a vision for the long-term future. Within this perspective and, in view of the sociotechnical approach, the present work has as objective of promoting innovation in the thought of the public/private manager, presently consolidated in a short/medium term vision. In this ¡°Participatory Model of Sociotechnical Management¡±, it is proposed as a tool of change, the sharing of information and the implementation of a common vision, of the future, through the incorporation, by all level of Brazilian educational system and its societal decision-making, the key principles-strategies of a sustainable Brazil, to the Brazilian citizens. Source: http://repositorio.cti.gov.br/repositorio/bitstream/10691/247/3/Balloni_COM2012-0002_final.pdf]]>
Sat, 26 May 2012 14:54:34 GMT /slideshow/brazil-of-the-futuremodificado5/13088066 ballonia@slideshare.net(ballonia) Brazil Of The Future 1 BRAZIL OF THE FUTURE: STRATEGIZING WITH THE SOCIO - TECHNICAL MANAGEMENT A¡­ ballonia In the course of five centuries, Brazil has emerged from a reality of primitive land and has become a multi-ethnic country, considered today one of the world\¡¯s largest economies. Brazil, with an integrated territory, is aiming to be projected as a relevant player in the complex interplay of world powers. However, the country had its political thinking &quot;caught&quot; by an economic agenda based on increasingly smaller temporal cycles, losing its vision of the desired future. A model of participative management, based on a sociotechnical perspective, represents the opportunity for the emancipation of a political thinking capable of formulating a vision for the long-term future. Within this perspective and, in view of the sociotechnical approach, the present work has as objective of promoting innovation in the thought of the public/private manager, presently consolidated in a short/medium term vision. In this ¡°Participatory Model of Sociotechnical Management¡±, it is proposed as a tool of change, the sharing of information and the implementation of a common vision, of the future, through the incorporation, by all level of Brazilian educational system and its societal decision-making, the key principles-strategies of a sustainable Brazil, to the Brazilian citizens. Source: http://repositorio.cti.gov.br/repositorio/bitstream/10691/247/3/Balloni_COM2012-0002_final.pdf <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/brazilofthefuturemodificado5-13380619944357-phpapp01-120526145625-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> In the course of five centuries, Brazil has emerged from a reality of primitive land and has become a multi-ethnic country, considered today one of the world\¡¯s largest economies. Brazil, with an integrated territory, is aiming to be projected as a relevant player in the complex interplay of world powers. However, the country had its political thinking &amp;quot;caught&amp;quot; by an economic agenda based on increasingly smaller temporal cycles, losing its vision of the desired future. A model of participative management, based on a sociotechnical perspective, represents the opportunity for the emancipation of a political thinking capable of formulating a vision for the long-term future. Within this perspective and, in view of the sociotechnical approach, the present work has as objective of promoting innovation in the thought of the public/private manager, presently consolidated in a short/medium term vision. In this ¡°Participatory Model of Sociotechnical Management¡±, it is proposed as a tool of change, the sharing of information and the implementation of a common vision, of the future, through the incorporation, by all level of Brazilian educational system and its societal decision-making, the key principles-strategies of a sustainable Brazil, to the Brazilian citizens. Source: http://repositorio.cti.gov.br/repositorio/bitstream/10691/247/3/Balloni_COM2012-0002_final.pdf
Brazil Of The Future 1 BRAZIL OF THE FUTURE: STRATEGIZING WITH THE SOCIO - TECHNICAL MANAGEMENT A¡­ from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
294 2 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/brazilofthefuturemodificado5-13380619944357-phpapp01-120526145625-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation White http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
Medinfor Gesiti Hospitais /slideshow/medinfor-gesiti-hospitais/11490133 medinforgesitihospitais-13287488887391-phpapp01-120208185652-phpapp01
¡°AN EVALUATION OF THE MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM AND TECHNOLOGY IN HOSPITALS¡± (GESITI/HOSPITALS). UPDATED: NOVEMBER 18, 2011. Abstract. The Center for Information Technology Renato Archer (CTI), located at Campinas/SP/Br, is a unit of the Ministry of Science and Technology (MCT) and, is coordinating a research project involving several universities, from Brazil and abroad. The research project ¡°Management of System and Information Technology in Hospitals¡± (GESITI/Hospitals) has the purpose of mapping out the management of Information Systems (IS) and Information Technology (IT) in hospitals, in order to identify their needs and demands, prospecting for unfolding, perform publication and, mainly, generate a Integrated Research Report (IRR) with a focus on, also, a Report Research Roadmap (RRR). This IRR/RRR is for open for free access, and should be used as decision making support by public and/or private managers. Currently the research is being carried out by nineteen universities: sixteen Brazilian, one Mexican, one Argentina and one Portuguese. An important initial result of this research work, which makes use of the Interpretative (or Introspective) Methodology, has been the generation in Brazil of an unprecedented database regarding hospital management and, from which several important information is extracted. From each local information, obtained via Local Research Reports (LRR) where the research has been carried out (each local includes the average of results obtained in five (5) hospitals); it becomes possible to undertake local decision making. However, the main purpose of the project is the preparation, based on the integration of all LRR, of an IRR/RRR for national decision-making support. For a better decision-making on issues of interest to managers regarding the better efficiency and effectiveness of hospital management, public and/or private, the IRR/RRR will also present an integrated comparative analyzes based on all LRR (from Brazil &amp; Abroad). Although it has not been directly mentioned, the final result, ultimate, from the research should be a significant improvement on the hospital management and on the decision-making process. These results must reflect on peoples more satisfied regarding a better health care. This is a win-win project, since it is good for Brazil and good for all countries involved. The goal is to reach about one hundred (100) universities (local coordinators) involved.]]>

¡°AN EVALUATION OF THE MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM AND TECHNOLOGY IN HOSPITALS¡± (GESITI/HOSPITALS). UPDATED: NOVEMBER 18, 2011. Abstract. The Center for Information Technology Renato Archer (CTI), located at Campinas/SP/Br, is a unit of the Ministry of Science and Technology (MCT) and, is coordinating a research project involving several universities, from Brazil and abroad. The research project ¡°Management of System and Information Technology in Hospitals¡± (GESITI/Hospitals) has the purpose of mapping out the management of Information Systems (IS) and Information Technology (IT) in hospitals, in order to identify their needs and demands, prospecting for unfolding, perform publication and, mainly, generate a Integrated Research Report (IRR) with a focus on, also, a Report Research Roadmap (RRR). This IRR/RRR is for open for free access, and should be used as decision making support by public and/or private managers. Currently the research is being carried out by nineteen universities: sixteen Brazilian, one Mexican, one Argentina and one Portuguese. An important initial result of this research work, which makes use of the Interpretative (or Introspective) Methodology, has been the generation in Brazil of an unprecedented database regarding hospital management and, from which several important information is extracted. From each local information, obtained via Local Research Reports (LRR) where the research has been carried out (each local includes the average of results obtained in five (5) hospitals); it becomes possible to undertake local decision making. However, the main purpose of the project is the preparation, based on the integration of all LRR, of an IRR/RRR for national decision-making support. For a better decision-making on issues of interest to managers regarding the better efficiency and effectiveness of hospital management, public and/or private, the IRR/RRR will also present an integrated comparative analyzes based on all LRR (from Brazil &amp; Abroad). Although it has not been directly mentioned, the final result, ultimate, from the research should be a significant improvement on the hospital management and on the decision-making process. These results must reflect on peoples more satisfied regarding a better health care. This is a win-win project, since it is good for Brazil and good for all countries involved. The goal is to reach about one hundred (100) universities (local coordinators) involved.]]>
Wed, 08 Feb 2012 18:56:39 GMT /slideshow/medinfor-gesiti-hospitais/11490133 ballonia@slideshare.net(ballonia) Medinfor Gesiti Hospitais ballonia ¡°AN EVALUATION OF THE MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM AND TECHNOLOGY IN HOSPITALS¡± (GESITI/HOSPITALS). UPDATED: NOVEMBER 18, 2011. Abstract. The Center for Information Technology Renato Archer (CTI), located at Campinas/SP/Br, is a unit of the Ministry of Science and Technology (MCT) and, is coordinating a research project involving several universities, from Brazil and abroad. The research project ¡°Management of System and Information Technology in Hospitals¡± (GESITI/Hospitals) has the purpose of mapping out the management of Information Systems (IS) and Information Technology (IT) in hospitals, in order to identify their needs and demands, prospecting for unfolding, perform publication and, mainly, generate a Integrated Research Report (IRR) with a focus on, also, a Report Research Roadmap (RRR). This IRR/RRR is for open for free access, and should be used as decision making support by public and/or private managers. Currently the research is being carried out by nineteen universities: sixteen Brazilian, one Mexican, one Argentina and one Portuguese. An important initial result of this research work, which makes use of the Interpretative (or Introspective) Methodology, has been the generation in Brazil of an unprecedented database regarding hospital management and, from which several important information is extracted. From each local information, obtained via Local Research Reports (LRR) where the research has been carried out (each local includes the average of results obtained in five (5) hospitals); it becomes possible to undertake local decision making. However, the main purpose of the project is the preparation, based on the integration of all LRR, of an IRR/RRR for national decision-making support. For a better decision-making on issues of interest to managers regarding the better efficiency and effectiveness of hospital management, public and/or private, the IRR/RRR will also present an integrated comparative analyzes based on all LRR (from Brazil &amp; Abroad). Although it has not been directly mentioned, the final result, ultimate, from the research should be a significant improvement on the hospital management and on the decision-making process. These results must reflect on peoples more satisfied regarding a better health care. This is a win-win project, since it is good for Brazil and good for all countries involved. The goal is to reach about one hundred (100) universities (local coordinators) involved. <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/medinforgesitihospitais-13287488887391-phpapp01-120208185652-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> ¡°AN EVALUATION OF THE MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM AND TECHNOLOGY IN HOSPITALS¡± (GESITI/HOSPITALS). UPDATED: NOVEMBER 18, 2011. Abstract. The Center for Information Technology Renato Archer (CTI), located at Campinas/SP/Br, is a unit of the Ministry of Science and Technology (MCT) and, is coordinating a research project involving several universities, from Brazil and abroad. The research project ¡°Management of System and Information Technology in Hospitals¡± (GESITI/Hospitals) has the purpose of mapping out the management of Information Systems (IS) and Information Technology (IT) in hospitals, in order to identify their needs and demands, prospecting for unfolding, perform publication and, mainly, generate a Integrated Research Report (IRR) with a focus on, also, a Report Research Roadmap (RRR). This IRR/RRR is for open for free access, and should be used as decision making support by public and/or private managers. Currently the research is being carried out by nineteen universities: sixteen Brazilian, one Mexican, one Argentina and one Portuguese. An important initial result of this research work, which makes use of the Interpretative (or Introspective) Methodology, has been the generation in Brazil of an unprecedented database regarding hospital management and, from which several important information is extracted. From each local information, obtained via Local Research Reports (LRR) where the research has been carried out (each local includes the average of results obtained in five (5) hospitals); it becomes possible to undertake local decision making. However, the main purpose of the project is the preparation, based on the integration of all LRR, of an IRR/RRR for national decision-making support. For a better decision-making on issues of interest to managers regarding the better efficiency and effectiveness of hospital management, public and/or private, the IRR/RRR will also present an integrated comparative analyzes based on all LRR (from Brazil &amp;amp; Abroad). Although it has not been directly mentioned, the final result, ultimate, from the research should be a significant improvement on the hospital management and on the decision-making process. These results must reflect on peoples more satisfied regarding a better health care. This is a win-win project, since it is good for Brazil and good for all countries involved. The goal is to reach about one hundred (100) universities (local coordinators) involved.
Medinfor Gesiti Hospitais from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
635 5 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/medinforgesitihospitais-13287488887391-phpapp01-120208185652-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
Apresenta??o Centeris Resumo /slideshow/apresentao-centeris-resumo-cti-5531364/5531364 apresentaocenterisresumocti-12877629188517-phpapp01
The paper presents and discuss some challenges and reflections about Governance, Knowledge Society and Sociotechnical Systems. Points like the synergism and collaborative ecosystem research efforts, organizations knowledgeable and organization as a living being, the involvement of people and others IT resources are discussed considering actual questions, challenges and future perspectives. Governance is pointed to offer normative goals of sustainability upon existing sociotechnical systems.]]>

The paper presents and discuss some challenges and reflections about Governance, Knowledge Society and Sociotechnical Systems. Points like the synergism and collaborative ecosystem research efforts, organizations knowledgeable and organization as a living being, the involvement of people and others IT resources are discussed considering actual questions, challenges and future perspectives. Governance is pointed to offer normative goals of sustainability upon existing sociotechnical systems.]]>
Fri, 22 Oct 2010 10:55:49 GMT /slideshow/apresentao-centeris-resumo-cti-5531364/5531364 ballonia@slideshare.net(ballonia) Apresenta??o Centeris Resumo ballonia The paper presents and discuss some challenges and reflections about Governance, Knowledge Society and Sociotechnical Systems. Points like the synergism and collaborative ecosystem research efforts, organizations knowledgeable and organization as a living being, the involvement of people and others IT resources are discussed considering actual questions, challenges and future perspectives. Governance is pointed to offer normative goals of sustainability upon existing sociotechnical systems. <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/apresentaocenterisresumocti-12877629188517-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> The paper presents and discuss some challenges and reflections about Governance, Knowledge Society and Sociotechnical Systems. Points like the synergism and collaborative ecosystem research efforts, organizations knowledgeable and organization as a living being, the involvement of people and others IT resources are discussed considering actual questions, challenges and future perspectives. Governance is pointed to offer normative goals of sustainability upon existing sociotechnical systems.
ApresentaÙãß_o Centeris Resumo from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
334 2 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/apresentaocenterisresumocti-12877629188517-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/profile-photo-ballonia-48x48.jpg?cb=1578487356 Postdoctoral in the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - Dept. Public Policy. Permanent address: Researcher at CTI Renato Archer, Br. Chapel Hill, North Carolina Public Policy www.cti.gov.br/dtsd/projetos https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/captuloi-aseguranadesistemasdainformaoaspectossociotcnicos-150516050920-lva1-app6891-thumbnail.jpg?width=320&height=320&fit=bounds slideshow/captulo-i-a-segurana-de-sistemas-da-informao-aspectos-sociotcnicos-48214244/48214244 Cap¨ªtulo I: A seguran?... https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/gesiti-segurancainovacao-e-sociedadeabipti2-150513041218-lva1-app6892-thumbnail.jpg?width=320&height=320&fit=bounds slideshow/gesiti-segurancainovacaoesociedade-abipti/48081012 Gesiti seguranca,inova... https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/extendedabstract-150416184630-conversion-gate02-thumbnail.jpg?width=320&height=320&fit=bounds slideshow/extended-abstract-47093506/47093506 Extended abstract