ºÝºÝߣshows by User: dotdust / http://www.slideshare.net/images/logo.gif ºÝºÝߣshows by User: dotdust / Wed, 01 Oct 2014 02:54:47 GMT ºÝºÝߣShare feed for ºÝºÝߣshows by User: dotdust Creativity will save the world! /slideshow/alessandro-galetto-creativity-will-save-the-world/39738986 alessandrogaletto-creativitywillsavetheworld-141001025447-phpapp01
Creativity, and design, is a major force that can shape the experiences we live in our world. We need to understand why creativity is not supported, and nurtured, by the business environment. At the very same time we need to define what creativity is.]]>

Creativity, and design, is a major force that can shape the experiences we live in our world. We need to understand why creativity is not supported, and nurtured, by the business environment. At the very same time we need to define what creativity is.]]>
Wed, 01 Oct 2014 02:54:47 GMT /slideshow/alessandro-galetto-creativity-will-save-the-world/39738986 dotdust@slideshare.net(dotdust) Creativity will save the world! dotdust Creativity, and design, is a major force that can shape the experiences we live in our world. We need to understand why creativity is not supported, and nurtured, by the business environment. At the very same time we need to define what creativity is. <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/alessandrogaletto-creativitywillsavetheworld-141001025447-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> Creativity, and design, is a major force that can shape the experiences we live in our world. We need to understand why creativity is not supported, and nurtured, by the business environment. At the very same time we need to define what creativity is.
Creativity will save the world! from Alessandro Galetto
2418 1 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/alessandrogaletto-creativitywillsavetheworld-141001025447-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 1
Failure is not an option, or, why you need to ask 'Why?" more often. /slideshow/failure-is-not-an-option-or-why-you-need-to-ask-why-more-often/28193237 failureisnotanoption-131113042544-phpapp02
We should answer a simple question: "Why companies are built and managed in the way we know?". In this presentation I will give my answer from an historic, scientific and economic perspective, and, at the same, I will try to show why other models are possible. Different organisational models are not only possible, but needed when the current models are causing so much pain in modern companies. We need to reinvent the way company works as well as we must reinvent the definition of career in the 21st century. We have so many tools and the higher amount of technology that we can use to shape the future of our companies. Which is the reason why we are not doing anything about it? Even if the presentation is definitely focused on the Italian market it contains elements and ideas that have a broader ranged of applicability. And, as always, it's not too serious. I used this presentation for my talk at the Better Software 2013 conference in Florence. ]]>

We should answer a simple question: "Why companies are built and managed in the way we know?". In this presentation I will give my answer from an historic, scientific and economic perspective, and, at the same, I will try to show why other models are possible. Different organisational models are not only possible, but needed when the current models are causing so much pain in modern companies. We need to reinvent the way company works as well as we must reinvent the definition of career in the 21st century. We have so many tools and the higher amount of technology that we can use to shape the future of our companies. Which is the reason why we are not doing anything about it? Even if the presentation is definitely focused on the Italian market it contains elements and ideas that have a broader ranged of applicability. And, as always, it's not too serious. I used this presentation for my talk at the Better Software 2013 conference in Florence. ]]>
Wed, 13 Nov 2013 04:25:44 GMT /slideshow/failure-is-not-an-option-or-why-you-need-to-ask-why-more-often/28193237 dotdust@slideshare.net(dotdust) Failure is not an option, or, why you need to ask 'Why?" more often. dotdust We should answer a simple question: "Why companies are built and managed in the way we know?". In this presentation I will give my answer from an historic, scientific and economic perspective, and, at the same, I will try to show why other models are possible. Different organisational models are not only possible, but needed when the current models are causing so much pain in modern companies. We need to reinvent the way company works as well as we must reinvent the definition of career in the 21st century. We have so many tools and the higher amount of technology that we can use to shape the future of our companies. Which is the reason why we are not doing anything about it? Even if the presentation is definitely focused on the Italian market it contains elements and ideas that have a broader ranged of applicability. And, as always, it's not too serious. I used this presentation for my talk at the Better Software 2013 conference in Florence. <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/failureisnotanoption-131113042544-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> We should answer a simple question: &quot;Why companies are built and managed in the way we know?&quot;. In this presentation I will give my answer from an historic, scientific and economic perspective, and, at the same, I will try to show why other models are possible. Different organisational models are not only possible, but needed when the current models are causing so much pain in modern companies. We need to reinvent the way company works as well as we must reinvent the definition of career in the 21st century. We have so many tools and the higher amount of technology that we can use to shape the future of our companies. Which is the reason why we are not doing anything about it? Even if the presentation is definitely focused on the Italian market it contains elements and ideas that have a broader ranged of applicability. And, as always, it&#39;s not too serious. I used this presentation for my talk at the Better Software 2013 conference in Florence.
Failure is not an option, or, why you need to ask 'Why?" more often. from Alessandro Galetto
2116 4 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/failureisnotanoption-131113042544-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 1
Embed a Revolution! /slideshow/embed-a-revolution/24722302 alessandrogaletto-embedarevolution-betterembedded2013-130729051635-phpapp01
This was my keynote delivered to the Better Embedded 2013 conference in Florence. A new renaissance is what we need to be successful as companies and the startup and maker movement is the perfect fit for this kind of revolution. New business models and a new approach to companies organisation is the only way to success in these new economic landscape.]]>

This was my keynote delivered to the Better Embedded 2013 conference in Florence. A new renaissance is what we need to be successful as companies and the startup and maker movement is the perfect fit for this kind of revolution. New business models and a new approach to companies organisation is the only way to success in these new economic landscape.]]>
Mon, 29 Jul 2013 05:16:35 GMT /slideshow/embed-a-revolution/24722302 dotdust@slideshare.net(dotdust) Embed a Revolution! dotdust This was my keynote delivered to the Better Embedded 2013 conference in Florence. A new renaissance is what we need to be successful as companies and the startup and maker movement is the perfect fit for this kind of revolution. New business models and a new approach to companies organisation is the only way to success in these new economic landscape. <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/alessandrogaletto-embedarevolution-betterembedded2013-130729051635-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> This was my keynote delivered to the Better Embedded 2013 conference in Florence. A new renaissance is what we need to be successful as companies and the startup and maker movement is the perfect fit for this kind of revolution. New business models and a new approach to companies organisation is the only way to success in these new economic landscape.
Embed a Revolution! from Alessandro Galetto
1038 4 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/alessandrogaletto-embedarevolution-betterembedded2013-130729051635-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation White http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 1
My name is Experience, User Experience /slideshow/my-name-is-experience-user-experience/14470340 betterembedded-ag-mynameisexperienceuserexperience-originalsize-120926103051-phpapp01
What is creativity? Let's try to give a definition and see how and why user experience is important also in non conventional fields like Embedded Systems and OSs. This is the presen]]>

What is creativity? Let's try to give a definition and see how and why user experience is important also in non conventional fields like Embedded Systems and OSs. This is the presen]]>
Wed, 26 Sep 2012 10:30:50 GMT /slideshow/my-name-is-experience-user-experience/14470340 dotdust@slideshare.net(dotdust) My name is Experience, User Experience dotdust What is creativity? Let's try to give a definition and see how and why user experience is important also in non conventional fields like Embedded Systems and OSs. This is the presen <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/betterembedded-ag-mynameisexperienceuserexperience-originalsize-120926103051-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> What is creativity? Let&#39;s try to give a definition and see how and why user experience is important also in non conventional fields like Embedded Systems and OSs. This is the presen
My name is Experience, User Experience from Alessandro Galetto
10740 9 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/betterembedded-ag-mynameisexperienceuserexperience-originalsize-120926103051-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 1
Corporate User Experience /slideshow/corporate-user-experience-9989302/9989302 alessandrogaletto-userexperienceconference2011-111102045210-phpapp02
If you have a great User Experience team and you deliver great stuff to your internal or internal clients that's not enough to guarantee the success of your product or service. There are so many things in a big organization that can dilute the value of your job. Success can easily turn in failure if you don't have knowledge of the hurdles. In this presentation I am talking about this. Again, this is a real visual presentation. Most of the value was in the speech. I will try to record something to deliver the full value. ]]>

If you have a great User Experience team and you deliver great stuff to your internal or internal clients that's not enough to guarantee the success of your product or service. There are so many things in a big organization that can dilute the value of your job. Success can easily turn in failure if you don't have knowledge of the hurdles. In this presentation I am talking about this. Again, this is a real visual presentation. Most of the value was in the speech. I will try to record something to deliver the full value. ]]>
Wed, 02 Nov 2011 04:52:07 GMT /slideshow/corporate-user-experience-9989302/9989302 dotdust@slideshare.net(dotdust) Corporate User Experience dotdust If you have a great User Experience team and you deliver great stuff to your internal or internal clients that's not enough to guarantee the success of your product or service. There are so many things in a big organization that can dilute the value of your job. Success can easily turn in failure if you don't have knowledge of the hurdles. In this presentation I am talking about this. Again, this is a real visual presentation. Most of the value was in the speech. I will try to record something to deliver the full value. <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/alessandrogaletto-userexperienceconference2011-111102045210-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> If you have a great User Experience team and you deliver great stuff to your internal or internal clients that&#39;s not enough to guarantee the success of your product or service. There are so many things in a big organization that can dilute the value of your job. Success can easily turn in failure if you don&#39;t have knowledge of the hurdles. In this presentation I am talking about this. Again, this is a real visual presentation. Most of the value was in the speech. I will try to record something to deliver the full value.
Corporate User Experience from Alessandro Galetto
1035 1 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/alessandrogaletto-userexperienceconference2011-111102045210-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 1
My bonsai is texting me! /slideshow/my-bonsai-is-texting-me/4505166 alessandrogaletto-mybonsaiistextingme-100615065256-phpapp01
Messaging looks like a saturated market for Mobile Network Operators. Actually we should try to look at new messaging opportunities out there. The internet of things is becoming a reality and the number of objects and applications that can send messages is definitely huge. In this presentation I will show some of the thing that have attracted my attention recently.]]>

Messaging looks like a saturated market for Mobile Network Operators. Actually we should try to look at new messaging opportunities out there. The internet of things is becoming a reality and the number of objects and applications that can send messages is definitely huge. In this presentation I will show some of the thing that have attracted my attention recently.]]>
Tue, 15 Jun 2010 06:52:48 GMT /slideshow/my-bonsai-is-texting-me/4505166 dotdust@slideshare.net(dotdust) My bonsai is texting me! dotdust Messaging looks like a saturated market for Mobile Network Operators. Actually we should try to look at new messaging opportunities out there. The internet of things is becoming a reality and the number of objects and applications that can send messages is definitely huge. In this presentation I will show some of the thing that have attracted my attention recently. <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/alessandrogaletto-mybonsaiistextingme-100615065256-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> Messaging looks like a saturated market for Mobile Network Operators. Actually we should try to look at new messaging opportunities out there. The internet of things is becoming a reality and the number of objects and applications that can send messages is definitely huge. In this presentation I will show some of the thing that have attracted my attention recently.
My bonsai is texting me! from Alessandro Galetto
747 3 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/alessandrogaletto-mybonsaiistextingme-100615065256-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 1
Stimulating a new generation of mobile internet applications /slideshow/stimulating-a-new-generation-of-mobile-internet-applications-3855465/3855465 alessandrogaletto-stimulatinganewgenerationofmobileinternetapplications-100426024444-phpapp02
Where should we look when looking at innovation in the mobile space? In this presentation I am trying to show some trends that can influence the development on the next generation of mobile applications.]]>

Where should we look when looking at innovation in the mobile space? In this presentation I am trying to show some trends that can influence the development on the next generation of mobile applications.]]>
Mon, 26 Apr 2010 02:44:32 GMT /slideshow/stimulating-a-new-generation-of-mobile-internet-applications-3855465/3855465 dotdust@slideshare.net(dotdust) Stimulating a new generation of mobile internet applications dotdust Where should we look when looking at innovation in the mobile space? In this presentation I am trying to show some trends that can influence the development on the next generation of mobile applications. <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/alessandrogaletto-stimulatinganewgenerationofmobileinternetapplications-100426024444-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> Where should we look when looking at innovation in the mobile space? In this presentation I am trying to show some trends that can influence the development on the next generation of mobile applications.
Stimulating a new generation of mobile internet applications from Alessandro Galetto
1101 4 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/alessandrogaletto-stimulatinganewgenerationofmobileinternetapplications-100426024444-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 1
User Experience and Social Networks /slideshow/user-experience-and-social-networks/2728485 userexperienceesocialnetworks-091216025623-phpapp02
I think that we need to rethink how Social Networks are consumed in mobility. There are several approach to this and this presentation is my personal view on the subject.]]>

I think that we need to rethink how Social Networks are consumed in mobility. There are several approach to this and this presentation is my personal view on the subject.]]>
Wed, 16 Dec 2009 02:56:18 GMT /slideshow/user-experience-and-social-networks/2728485 dotdust@slideshare.net(dotdust) User Experience and Social Networks dotdust I think that we need to rethink how Social Networks are consumed in mobility. There are several approach to this and this presentation is my personal view on the subject. <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/userexperienceesocialnetworks-091216025623-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> I think that we need to rethink how Social Networks are consumed in mobility. There are several approach to this and this presentation is my personal view on the subject.
User Experience and Social Networks from Alessandro Galetto
700 3 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/userexperienceesocialnetworks-091216025623-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 1
Nfc And Mobility /dotdust/nfc-and-mobility nfcandmobility-091105110648-phpapp01

Thu, 05 Nov 2009 11:06:38 GMT /dotdust/nfc-and-mobility dotdust@slideshare.net(dotdust) Nfc And Mobility dotdust <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/nfcandmobility-091105110648-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br>
Nfc And Mobility from Alessandro Galetto
728 4 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/nfcandmobility-091105110648-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 1
Mobile User Experience Dealing With Big Numbers /slideshow/mobile-user-experience-dealing-with-big-numbers/1473722 userexperienceegrandinumeri-experiencecamp09-090522040910-phpapp01
This is the presentation I have at the ExperienceCamp09 in Milan. Tha main objective of the presentations is to explain which are the difficulties we need to deal with when thinking about mobile user experience at the operator level. Huge number of mobiles, market speed, and flexibility of the vendors are some of the elements we need to cope with on a day by day basis.]]>

This is the presentation I have at the ExperienceCamp09 in Milan. Tha main objective of the presentations is to explain which are the difficulties we need to deal with when thinking about mobile user experience at the operator level. Huge number of mobiles, market speed, and flexibility of the vendors are some of the elements we need to cope with on a day by day basis.]]>
Fri, 22 May 2009 04:09:04 GMT /slideshow/mobile-user-experience-dealing-with-big-numbers/1473722 dotdust@slideshare.net(dotdust) Mobile User Experience Dealing With Big Numbers dotdust This is the presentation I have at the ExperienceCamp09 in Milan. Tha main objective of the presentations is to explain which are the difficulties we need to deal with when thinking about mobile user experience at the operator level. Huge number of mobiles, market speed, and flexibility of the vendors are some of the elements we need to cope with on a day by day basis. <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/userexperienceegrandinumeri-experiencecamp09-090522040910-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> This is the presentation I have at the ExperienceCamp09 in Milan. Tha main objective of the presentations is to explain which are the difficulties we need to deal with when thinking about mobile user experience at the operator level. Huge number of mobiles, market speed, and flexibility of the vendors are some of the elements we need to cope with on a day by day basis.
Mobile User Experience Dealing With Big Numbers from Alessandro Galetto
1192 4 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/userexperienceegrandinumeri-experiencecamp09-090522040910-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 1
Il Telefonino Nell Era Del Web 2.0 /slideshow/il-telefonino-nell-era-del-web-20/188453 il-telefonino-nell-era-del-web-20-1196541149858834-4
Il mio intervento alla riunione di Netwo sul tema dell'internet mobile.]]>

Il mio intervento alla riunione di Netwo sul tema dell'internet mobile.]]>
Sat, 01 Dec 2007 12:32:32 GMT /slideshow/il-telefonino-nell-era-del-web-20/188453 dotdust@slideshare.net(dotdust) Il Telefonino Nell Era Del Web 2.0 dotdust Il mio intervento alla riunione di Netwo sul tema dell'internet mobile. <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/il-telefonino-nell-era-del-web-20-1196541149858834-4-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> Il mio intervento alla riunione di Netwo sul tema dell&#39;internet mobile.
Il Telefonino Nell Era Del Web 2.0 from Alessandro Galetto
472 6 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/il-telefonino-nell-era-del-web-20-1196541149858834-4-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 1
https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/profile-photo-dotdust-48x48.jpg?cb=1594196417 I have always been fascinated by technology, innovation and people. Helping our clients to understand how they are connected and driving them through design, engineering and marketing of their products and services is what I have been doing in the last few years. Never as today everything is connected. Devices, products and services, and people can really define the shape and future of our world. It's not just about technology or innovation. It's a revolution that has impact on all the aspects of our life. A few things more: • I led the realization of the first European mobile music application integrating a player and a shop winning the Best Made-for-Mobile Music Service at the... www.dotdust.com https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/alessandrogaletto-creativitywillsavetheworld-141001025447-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=320&height=320&fit=bounds slideshow/alessandro-galetto-creativity-will-save-the-world/39738986 Creativity will save t... https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/failureisnotanoption-131113042544-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=320&height=320&fit=bounds slideshow/failure-is-not-an-option-or-why-you-need-to-ask-why-more-often/28193237 Failure is not an opti... https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/alessandrogaletto-embedarevolution-betterembedded2013-130729051635-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=320&height=320&fit=bounds slideshow/embed-a-revolution/24722302 Embed a Revolution!