際際滷shows by User: kanevcouk / http://www.slideshare.net/images/logo.gif 際際滷shows by User: kanevcouk / Sun, 14 Jan 2018 17:11:38 GMT 際際滷Share feed for 際際滷shows by User: kanevcouk 亳仂 亠仄舒 "舒亶从亳 从" /slideshow/ss-86136670/86136670 presentation-bulgarian-180114171138
亳仂 亠仄舒 舒亶从亳 从 亠 亰舒仆亳仄舒于舒 仂仆仂于仆仂 仂亞仍亠亢亟舒仆亠 仆舒 舒仍亳仂仆亳亶从亳 亠于亠亳 亳 仗仂亳亰于仂亟于仂 仆舒 弍亳仂仂, 仆舒仄亳舒 亠 于 . . 亠仍亠亰仆亳舒, 仂弍. 弌亳仄亳仍亳. 舒亰仗仂仍仂亢亠仆舒 亠 仆舒 仗仍仂 仂 2 亟从舒, 从舒仂 从于舒亟舒舒舒 仆舒 仍亠亳亠 从仄 仄仂仄亠仆舒 亠 1000 从于.仄.]]>

亳仂 亠仄舒 舒亶从亳 从 亠 亰舒仆亳仄舒于舒 仂仆仂于仆仂 仂亞仍亠亢亟舒仆亠 仆舒 舒仍亳仂仆亳亶从亳 亠于亠亳 亳 仗仂亳亰于仂亟于仂 仆舒 弍亳仂仂, 仆舒仄亳舒 亠 于 . . 亠仍亠亰仆亳舒, 仂弍. 弌亳仄亳仍亳. 舒亰仗仂仍仂亢亠仆舒 亠 仆舒 仗仍仂 仂 2 亟从舒, 从舒仂 从于舒亟舒舒舒 仆舒 仍亠亳亠 从仄 仄仂仄亠仆舒 亠 1000 从于.仄.]]>
Sun, 14 Jan 2018 17:11:38 GMT /slideshow/ss-86136670/86136670 kanevcouk@slideshare.net(kanevcouk) 亳仂 亠仄舒 "舒亶从亳 从" kanevcouk 亳仂 亠仄舒 舒亶从亳 从 亠 亰舒仆亳仄舒于舒 仂仆仂于仆仂 仂亞仍亠亢亟舒仆亠 仆舒 舒仍亳仂仆亳亶从亳 亠于亠亳 亳 仗仂亳亰于仂亟于仂 仆舒 弍亳仂仂, 仆舒仄亳舒 亠 于 . . 亠仍亠亰仆亳舒, 仂弍. 弌亳仄亳仍亳. 舒亰仗仂仍仂亢亠仆舒 亠 仆舒 仗仍仂 仂 2 亟从舒, 从舒仂 从于舒亟舒舒舒 仆舒 仍亠亳亠 从仄 仄仂仄亠仆舒 亠 1000 从于.仄. <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/presentation-bulgarian-180114171138-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> 亳仂 亠仄舒 舒亶从亳 从 亠 亰舒仆亳仄舒于舒 仂仆仂于仆仂 仂亞仍亠亢亟舒仆亠 仆舒 舒仍亳仂仆亳亶从亳 亠于亠亳 亳 仗仂亳亰于仂亟于仂 仆舒 弍亳仂仂, 仆舒仄亳舒 亠 于 . . 亠仍亠亰仆亳舒, 仂弍. 弌亳仄亳仍亳. 舒亰仗仂仍仂亢亠仆舒 亠 仆舒 仗仍仂 仂 2 亟从舒, 从舒仂 从于舒亟舒舒舒 仆舒 仍亠亳亠 从仄 仄仂仄亠仆舒 亠 1000 从于.仄.
亳仂 亠仄舒 "舒亶从亳 从" from Marian Kanev
127 1 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/presentation-bulgarian-180114171138-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
Organic farm Paradise area, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria /slideshow/organic-farm-paradise-area-blagoevgrad-bulgaria/86135865 presentation-english-180114163624
Organic farm " Paradise area" deals with growing Californian worms and production of fertilizer, located in village Upper Zheleznitsa, municipality Simitli. The farm is located on an area of 2 acres, as the size of the beds is currently 1000 square meters.The]]>

Organic farm " Paradise area" deals with growing Californian worms and production of fertilizer, located in village Upper Zheleznitsa, municipality Simitli. The farm is located on an area of 2 acres, as the size of the beds is currently 1000 square meters.The]]>
Sun, 14 Jan 2018 16:36:24 GMT /slideshow/organic-farm-paradise-area-blagoevgrad-bulgaria/86135865 kanevcouk@slideshare.net(kanevcouk) Organic farm Paradise area, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria kanevcouk Organic farm " Paradise area" deals with growing Californian worms and production of fertilizer, located in village Upper Zheleznitsa, municipality Simitli. The farm is located on an area of 2 acres, as the size of the beds is currently 1000 square meters.The <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/presentation-english-180114163624-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> Organic farm &quot; Paradise area&quot; deals with growing Californian worms and production of fertilizer, located in village Upper Zheleznitsa, municipality Simitli. The farm is located on an area of 2 acres, as the size of the beds is currently 1000 square meters.The
Organic farm Paradise area, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria from Marian Kanev
172 5 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/presentation-english-180114163624-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
The Booking Form - long set up wizard /slideshow/the-booking-form/50003816 a-3-3ea85158291b63f123032821832d73ff211b6abb-150630124555-lva1-app6891
Get The Booking Form for your transfer/taxi company: http://booking.drivenot.com]]>

Get The Booking Form for your transfer/taxi company: http://booking.drivenot.com]]>
Tue, 30 Jun 2015 12:45:55 GMT /slideshow/the-booking-form/50003816 kanevcouk@slideshare.net(kanevcouk) The Booking Form - long set up wizard kanevcouk Get The Booking Form for your transfer/taxi company: http://booking.drivenot.com <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/a-3-3ea85158291b63f123032821832d73ff211b6abb-150630124555-lva1-app6891-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> Get The Booking Form for your transfer/taxi company: http://booking.drivenot.com
The Booking Form - long set up wizard from Marian Kanev
5009 5 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/a-3-3ea85158291b63f123032821832d73ff211b6abb-150630124555-lva1-app6891-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation White http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
Taxi Booking and Google calendar integration /slideshow/tax-booking-and-google-calendar-integration/42968122 google-calendar-integration-141223101305-conversion-gate01
Taxi booking and Google calendar integration. Full tutorial at: http://kanev.com/docs/taxi-booking/google-calendar This tutorial explains how to integrate Taxi Booking for Joomla with Google calendar. Integration is in 4 steps. 1. Create a Project in Google Developers Console 2. Upload the Google library and key file in the Taxi Booking directory 3. Set up your Google calendars 4. Set up Taxi Booking to communicate with your Google calendars]]>

Taxi booking and Google calendar integration. Full tutorial at: http://kanev.com/docs/taxi-booking/google-calendar This tutorial explains how to integrate Taxi Booking for Joomla with Google calendar. Integration is in 4 steps. 1. Create a Project in Google Developers Console 2. Upload the Google library and key file in the Taxi Booking directory 3. Set up your Google calendars 4. Set up Taxi Booking to communicate with your Google calendars]]>
Tue, 23 Dec 2014 10:13:05 GMT /slideshow/tax-booking-and-google-calendar-integration/42968122 kanevcouk@slideshare.net(kanevcouk) Taxi Booking and Google calendar integration kanevcouk Taxi booking and Google calendar integration. Full tutorial at: http://kanev.com/docs/taxi-booking/google-calendar This tutorial explains how to integrate Taxi Booking for Joomla with Google calendar. Integration is in 4 steps. 1. Create a Project in Google Developers Console 2. Upload the Google library and key file in the Taxi Booking directory 3. Set up your Google calendars 4. Set up Taxi Booking to communicate with your Google calendars <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/google-calendar-integration-141223101305-conversion-gate01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> Taxi booking and Google calendar integration. Full tutorial at: http://kanev.com/docs/taxi-booking/google-calendar This tutorial explains how to integrate Taxi Booking for Joomla with Google calendar. Integration is in 4 steps. 1. Create a Project in Google Developers Console 2. Upload the Google library and key file in the Taxi Booking directory 3. Set up your Google calendars 4. Set up Taxi Booking to communicate with your Google calendars
Taxi Booking and Google calendar integration from Marian Kanev
426 4 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/google-calendar-integration-141223101305-conversion-gate01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation White http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/profile-photo-kanevcouk-48x48.jpg?cb=1523541787 Business development. http://kanev.com https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/presentation-bulgarian-180114171138-thumbnail.jpg?width=320&height=320&fit=bounds slideshow/ss-86136670/86136670 亳仂 亠仄舒 &quot;舒亶从亳 从&quot; https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/presentation-english-180114163624-thumbnail.jpg?width=320&height=320&fit=bounds slideshow/organic-farm-paradise-area-blagoevgrad-bulgaria/86135865 Organic farm Paradise ... https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/a-3-3ea85158291b63f123032821832d73ff211b6abb-150630124555-lva1-app6891-thumbnail.jpg?width=320&height=320&fit=bounds slideshow/the-booking-form/50003816 The Booking Form - lon...