ºÝºÝߣshows by User: rogergomez09 / http://www.slideshare.net/images/logo.gif ºÝºÝߣshows by User: rogergomez09 / Sun, 19 Jul 2015 22:17:13 GMT ºÝºÝߣShare feed for ºÝºÝߣshows by User: rogergomez09 Evolution of the species enhanced /slideshow/evolution-of-the-species-enhanced/50693410 evolutionofthespeciesenhanced-150719221713-lva1-app6891
Up to where reaches the mind power? It might be incredible but I think it can reach up to the evolution of the species, it means it can modify the genetic structure o any living form and maintain its evolution.]]>

Up to where reaches the mind power? It might be incredible but I think it can reach up to the evolution of the species, it means it can modify the genetic structure o any living form and maintain its evolution.]]>
Sun, 19 Jul 2015 22:17:13 GMT /slideshow/evolution-of-the-species-enhanced/50693410 rogergomez09@slideshare.net(rogergomez09) Evolution of the species enhanced rogergomez09 Up to where reaches the mind power? It might be incredible but I think it can reach up to the evolution of the species, it means it can modify the genetic structure o any living form and maintain its evolution. <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/evolutionofthespeciesenhanced-150719221713-lva1-app6891-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> Up to where reaches the mind power? It might be incredible but I think it can reach up to the evolution of the species, it means it can modify the genetic structure o any living form and maintain its evolution.
Evolution of the species enhanced from Rogelio Gomez
370 7 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/evolutionofthespeciesenhanced-150719221713-lva1-app6891-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds document 000000 http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
Teoría de la evolución mejorada 2 https://es.slideshare.net/slideshow/teoria-de-la-evolucion-mejorada-2/48952833 teoriadelaevolucionmejorada2-150603165955-lva1-app6892
El poder de la mente hasta donde llega? Es increíble pero llega hasta la evolución de las especies, o sea que el poder llega hasta la modificación genética de los seres vivos y su constante evolución.]]>

El poder de la mente hasta donde llega? Es increíble pero llega hasta la evolución de las especies, o sea que el poder llega hasta la modificación genética de los seres vivos y su constante evolución.]]>
Wed, 03 Jun 2015 16:59:55 GMT https://es.slideshare.net/slideshow/teoria-de-la-evolucion-mejorada-2/48952833 rogergomez09@slideshare.net(rogergomez09) Teoría de la evolución mejorada 2 rogergomez09 El poder de la mente hasta donde llega? Es increíble pero llega hasta la evolución de las especies, o sea que el poder llega hasta la modificación genética de los seres vivos y su constante evolución. <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/teoriadelaevolucionmejorada2-150603165955-lva1-app6892-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> El poder de la mente hasta donde llega? Es increíble pero llega hasta la evolución de las especies, o sea que el poder llega hasta la modificación genética de los seres vivos y su constante evolución.
from Rogelio Gomez
1122 1 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/teoriadelaevolucionmejorada2-150603165955-lva1-app6892-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds document 000000 http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
Wi Fi Technology - What you don't see you don't care... /slideshow/wi-fi-technology-what-you-dont-see-you-dont-care/27738963 wi-fitechtalk-en-131030094459-phpapp02
This document explains the main information about the Wi Fi technology, it's standards, features and main providers for Cable Modem Wi Fi]]>

This document explains the main information about the Wi Fi technology, it's standards, features and main providers for Cable Modem Wi Fi]]>
Wed, 30 Oct 2013 09:44:58 GMT /slideshow/wi-fi-technology-what-you-dont-see-you-dont-care/27738963 rogergomez09@slideshare.net(rogergomez09) Wi Fi Technology - What you don't see you don't care... rogergomez09 This document explains the main information about the Wi Fi technology, it's standards, features and main providers for Cable Modem Wi Fi <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/wi-fitechtalk-en-131030094459-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> This document explains the main information about the Wi Fi technology, it&#39;s standards, features and main providers for Cable Modem Wi Fi
Wi Fi Technology - What you don't see you don't care... from Rogelio Gomez
780 3 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/wi-fitechtalk-en-131030094459-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
White paper La video Revolucion https://es.slideshare.net/slideshow/white-paper-la-video-revolucion/23808918 whitepaper-lavideorevolucion-130702151827-phpapp02
Puntos a tener en cuenta acerca de los una solución de Video Colaboración o Video Conferencia]]>

Puntos a tener en cuenta acerca de los una solución de Video Colaboración o Video Conferencia]]>
Tue, 02 Jul 2013 15:18:27 GMT https://es.slideshare.net/slideshow/white-paper-la-video-revolucion/23808918 rogergomez09@slideshare.net(rogergomez09) White paper La video Revolucion rogergomez09 Puntos a tener en cuenta acerca de los una solución de Video Colaboración o Video Conferencia <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/whitepaper-lavideorevolucion-130702151827-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> Puntos a tener en cuenta acerca de los una solución de Video Colaboración o Video Conferencia
from Rogelio Gomez
515 3 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/whitepaper-lavideorevolucion-130702151827-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds document White http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
White paper La era de servicios en la nube https://es.slideshare.net/slideshow/white-paper-la-era-de-servicios-en-la-nube/20043845 whitepaper-laeradeserviciosenlanube-130426140449-phpapp02
Detalle de los aspectos mas importantes a tener en cuenta al momento de elegir un proveedor de servicios en la nube]]>

Detalle de los aspectos mas importantes a tener en cuenta al momento de elegir un proveedor de servicios en la nube]]>
Fri, 26 Apr 2013 14:04:49 GMT https://es.slideshare.net/slideshow/white-paper-la-era-de-servicios-en-la-nube/20043845 rogergomez09@slideshare.net(rogergomez09) White paper La era de servicios en la nube rogergomez09 Detalle de los aspectos mas importantes a tener en cuenta al momento de elegir un proveedor de servicios en la nube <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/whitepaper-laeradeserviciosenlanube-130426140449-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> Detalle de los aspectos mas importantes a tener en cuenta al momento de elegir un proveedor de servicios en la nube
from Rogelio Gomez
469 2 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/whitepaper-laeradeserviciosenlanube-130426140449-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds document White http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
Cloud Storage De La Mejor Manera https://es.slideshare.net/slideshow/cloud-storage-de-la-mejor-manera/12324408 cloudstoragedelamejormanera-13339830547655-phpapp02-120409095318-phpapp02
Beneficios de un servicio de un Storage en la Nube]]>

Beneficios de un servicio de un Storage en la Nube]]>
Mon, 09 Apr 2012 09:51:59 GMT https://es.slideshare.net/slideshow/cloud-storage-de-la-mejor-manera/12324408 rogergomez09@slideshare.net(rogergomez09) Cloud Storage De La Mejor Manera rogergomez09 Beneficios de un servicio de un Storage en la Nube <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/cloudstoragedelamejormanera-13339830547655-phpapp02-120409095318-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> Beneficios de un servicio de un Storage en la Nube
from Rogelio Gomez
517 11 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/cloudstoragedelamejormanera-13339830547655-phpapp02-120409095318-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds document Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
Las mejores practicas para diseñar comunicaciones en IP en un Contact Center https://es.slideshare.net/slideshow/las-mejores-practicas-para-disear-comunicaciones-en-ip-en-un-contact-center/10717505 wpcc10-13251744016142-phpapp02-111229100529-phpapp02
Este documento le permite al lector tener una rapida y breve nocion de los puntos mas importantes a la hora de diseñar un contact center en IP]]>

Este documento le permite al lector tener una rapida y breve nocion de los puntos mas importantes a la hora de diseñar un contact center en IP]]>
Thu, 29 Dec 2011 10:03:50 GMT https://es.slideshare.net/slideshow/las-mejores-practicas-para-disear-comunicaciones-en-ip-en-un-contact-center/10717505 rogergomez09@slideshare.net(rogergomez09) Las mejores practicas para diseñar comunicaciones en IP en un Contact Center rogergomez09 Este documento le permite al lector tener una rapida y breve nocion de los puntos mas importantes a la hora de diseñar un contact center en IP <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/wpcc10-13251744016142-phpapp02-111229100529-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> Este documento le permite al lector tener una rapida y breve nocion de los puntos mas importantes a la hora de diseñar un contact center en IP
from Rogelio Gomez
846 4 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/wpcc10-13251744016142-phpapp02-111229100529-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds document Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
EPC Introduction &amp; Market /slideshow/epc-introduction-amp-market/8117963 epcintroduction-13064512406328-phpapp02-110526182856-phpapp02
This documents describes briefly the EPC and the Market Share of the Packet Core]]>

This documents describes briefly the EPC and the Market Share of the Packet Core]]>
Thu, 26 May 2011 18:09:21 GMT /slideshow/epc-introduction-amp-market/8117963 rogergomez09@slideshare.net(rogergomez09) EPC Introduction &amp; Market rogergomez09 This documents describes briefly the EPC and the Market Share of the Packet Core <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/epcintroduction-13064512406328-phpapp02-110526182856-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> This documents describes briefly the EPC and the Market Share of the Packet Core
EPC Introduction &amp; Market from Rogelio Gomez
1078 2 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/epcintroduction-13064512406328-phpapp02-110526182856-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
GPON Introduction /slideshow/gpon-introduction/7893535 gponintroduction-13049423324287-phpapp02-110509070219-phpapp02
One basic introduction to the GPON technology and market]]>

One basic introduction to the GPON technology and market]]>
Mon, 09 May 2011 07:00:27 GMT /slideshow/gpon-introduction/7893535 rogergomez09@slideshare.net(rogergomez09) GPON Introduction rogergomez09 One basic introduction to the GPON technology and market <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/gponintroduction-13049423324287-phpapp02-110509070219-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> One basic introduction to the GPON technology and market
GPON Introduction from Rogelio Gomez
23523 13 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/gponintroduction-13049423324287-phpapp02-110509070219-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
IMS Presentation /slideshow/ims-presentation-7879634/7879634 imspresentation-13048146995954-phpapp02-110507195250-phpapp02
IMS in a clear and simple description]]>

IMS in a clear and simple description]]>
Sat, 07 May 2011 19:34:51 GMT /slideshow/ims-presentation-7879634/7879634 rogergomez09@slideshare.net(rogergomez09) IMS Presentation rogergomez09 IMS in a clear and simple description <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/imspresentation-13048146995954-phpapp02-110507195250-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> IMS in a clear and simple description
IMS Presentation from Rogelio Gomez
5952 3 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/imspresentation-13048146995954-phpapp02-110507195250-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/profile-photo-rogergomez09-48x48.jpg?cb=1670205703 Professional with high experience in the whole IT industry first started in Telecommunications manufactures later evolved to Telecommunications Software companies. Currently in the software development sector Some of the products currenly handled are Atuomatic SIM Activation, Service Delivery Platform, Equipment Idendity Register and Mobile Wallet. Understanding customer requirements and transforming them into reality that is my job and what I most enjoy. Software develiopment skills in Agile and Scrum methologies. I have the need to create new products constantly and satisfy market demands that´s why I have also a small startup in early stages. www.oracle.com https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/evolutionofthespeciesenhanced-150719221713-lva1-app6891-thumbnail.jpg?width=320&height=320&fit=bounds slideshow/evolution-of-the-species-enhanced/50693410 Evolution of the speci... https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/teoriadelaevolucionmejorada2-150603165955-lva1-app6892-thumbnail.jpg?width=320&height=320&fit=bounds slideshow/teoria-de-la-evolucion-mejorada-2/48952833 Teoría de la evolución... https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/wi-fitechtalk-en-131030094459-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=320&height=320&fit=bounds slideshow/wi-fi-technology-what-you-dont-see-you-dont-care/27738963 Wi Fi Technology - Wha...