際際滷shows by User: ssuser6b96a9 / http://www.slideshare.net/images/logo.gif 際際滷shows by User: ssuser6b96a9 / Sat, 13 Jan 2018 08:42:30 GMT 際際滷Share feed for 際際滷shows by User: ssuser6b96a9 Lesson plan presentation /slideshow/lesson-plan-presentation-86102601/86102601 lessonplanpresentationasaad-180113084230
Classroom lesson plan sample with photos and video.]]>

Classroom lesson plan sample with photos and video.]]>
Sat, 13 Jan 2018 08:42:30 GMT /slideshow/lesson-plan-presentation-86102601/86102601 ssuser6b96a9@slideshare.net(ssuser6b96a9) Lesson plan presentation ssuser6b96a9 Classroom lesson plan sample with photos and video. <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/lessonplanpresentationasaad-180113084230-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> Classroom lesson plan sample with photos and video.
Lesson plan presentation from Asaad Adeeb
204 1 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/lessonplanpresentationasaad-180113084230-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
悋愕惆悋惠 悖悋 /slideshow/ss-86102495/86102495 random-180113083647
惶悸 悋愕惆悋惠 悖悋 悵 悋惺惡悋惘悸 悋 惶悸 惺悴惡悸 忰惆惓惠 悒愀悋悋 悋惘 悋惓悋 惺愆惘 悋悋惆 悋惆悋 悋 悋 悋 愆悋惡 悒忰惆 悋悖愕惘 悋愃悸 悒忰惆 悋愀惺悋惠 悒愀悋悋惺 忰惡 惠悋 悖愕惘悸 悖 悋愕惠 悋惺愆 悋愀惡悋惠 悋惠 惠 悒悋 悋惠 悋悋惓悋 惺 悋慍悋悴 悋愆悋惡 惺悋惘惷悸 惡 悖愕惘惠 悋惠 悋惷愀惘惠 惠惆惆 惡惺惆 惡悋惘悸 悵悋 悋慍悋悴 リ惘惠 悋惷愃愀 惺 悋愆悋惡 惺 悋惠悋悸 ... 惘惘悋 悖 悋 惘悋 悒悋 悋惠 惡悋惺 惡惺惆 悖 惓惘惠 悋惷愃愀 悽悋悋 悖 惠惘悋 惠悴悋 悒 惶悽惘悸 惺悋悸 悴惆悋 愀悸 惺 悋惡忰惘 惺惆悋 惘惘惠 悋惠悋 悋慍 悖悋 悋愆悋惡 惺悋 悋慍 惡忰悴悸 悖 悋 愕惠愀惺 悖 惘悋悋 惠惠 悖悋 悋惠悋 惺 悖 慍 悋愆悋惡 悖悋 .... 惡悋惺 慍 悋愆悋惡 愕愀 悋惠.. ....... 惺惆悋 惘悖惠 悋惠悋 悵悋 悋惴惘 愃惘惠 惘悖悋 愃惆惘惠 惡悋愆悋惡 惺惆惠 惺 惘悋惠 悋惠 惘悴惺惠 悒 悋惡惆悸 惠慍悴惠 愆悽惶悋 悛悽惘 愀惡惠悋 悽悋惠 忰惡惡悋 悋悵 惷忰 惡愕 悖悴悋... 惺惆悋 惺 悖 悋惘悸 惡悵 惘惘悋 悖 惠 悋愕悋悄 悖 ル 惡悋悖惺悋... 惴惘惠 悸 " 悋愕悋悄 悋悋 " Ladies first ]]>

惶悸 悋愕惆悋惠 悖悋 悵 悋惺惡悋惘悸 悋 惶悸 惺悴惡悸 忰惆惓惠 悒愀悋悋 悋惘 悋惓悋 惺愆惘 悋悋惆 悋惆悋 悋 悋 悋 愆悋惡 悒忰惆 悋悖愕惘 悋愃悸 悒忰惆 悋愀惺悋惠 悒愀悋悋惺 忰惡 惠悋 悖愕惘悸 悖 悋愕惠 悋惺愆 悋愀惡悋惠 悋惠 惠 悒悋 悋惠 悋悋惓悋 惺 悋慍悋悴 悋愆悋惡 惺悋惘惷悸 惡 悖愕惘惠 悋惠 悋惷愀惘惠 惠惆惆 惡惺惆 惡悋惘悸 悵悋 悋慍悋悴 リ惘惠 悋惷愃愀 惺 悋愆悋惡 惺 悋惠悋悸 ... 惘惘悋 悖 悋 惘悋 悒悋 悋惠 惡悋惺 惡惺惆 悖 惓惘惠 悋惷愃愀 悽悋悋 悖 惠惘悋 惠悴悋 悒 惶悽惘悸 惺悋悸 悴惆悋 愀悸 惺 悋惡忰惘 惺惆悋 惘惘惠 悋惠悋 悋慍 悖悋 悋愆悋惡 惺悋 悋慍 惡忰悴悸 悖 悋 愕惠愀惺 悖 惘悋悋 惠惠 悖悋 悋惠悋 惺 悖 慍 悋愆悋惡 悖悋 .... 惡悋惺 慍 悋愆悋惡 愕愀 悋惠.. ....... 惺惆悋 惘悖惠 悋惠悋 悵悋 悋惴惘 愃惘惠 惘悖悋 愃惆惘惠 惡悋愆悋惡 惺惆惠 惺 惘悋惠 悋惠 惘悴惺惠 悒 悋惡惆悸 惠慍悴惠 愆悽惶悋 悛悽惘 愀惡惠悋 悽悋惠 忰惡惡悋 悋悵 惷忰 惡愕 悖悴悋... 惺惆悋 惺 悖 悋惘悸 惡悵 惘惘悋 悖 惠 悋愕悋悄 悖 ル 惡悋悖惺悋... 惴惘惠 悸 " 悋愕悋悄 悋悋 " Ladies first ]]>
Sat, 13 Jan 2018 08:36:47 GMT /slideshow/ss-86102495/86102495 ssuser6b96a9@slideshare.net(ssuser6b96a9) 悋愕惆悋惠 悖悋 ssuser6b96a9 惶悸 悋愕惆悋惠 悖悋 悵 悋惺惡悋惘悸 悋 惶悸 惺悴惡悸 忰惆惓惠 悒愀悋悋 悋惘 悋惓悋 惺愆惘 悋悋惆 悋惆悋 悋 悋 悋 愆悋惡 悒忰惆 悋悖愕惘 悋愃悸 悒忰惆 悋愀惺悋惠 悒愀悋悋鐃駿惺 忰惡 惠悋 悖愕惘悸 悖 悋愕惠 悋惺愆 悋愀惡悋惠 悋惠 惠 悒悋鐃 悋惠 悋悋惓悋 惺 悋慍悋悴 悋愆悋惡 惺悋惘惷悸 惡 悖愕惘惠 悋惠 悋惷愀惘惠 惠惆惆 惡惺惆 惡悋惘悸 悵悋 悋慍悋悴 リ惘惠 悋惷愃愀 鐃舜郊 悋愆悋惡 惺 悋惠悋悸 ... 惘惘悋 悖 悋 惘悋 悒悋 悋惠 惡悋惺 惡惺惆 悖 惓惘惠 悋惷愃愀 悽悋悋 悖 惠惘悋 惠悴悋 悒 惶悽惘悸 惺悋悸 悴惆悋 愀悸 惺 悋惡忰惘 惺惆悋 惘惘惠 悋惠悋 悋慍 悖悋 悋愆悋惡 惺悋 悋慍 惡忰悴悸 悖 悋 愕惠愀惺 悖 惘悋悋 惠惠 悖悋 悋惠悋 惺 悖 慍 悋愆悋惡 悖悋 .... 惡悋惺 慍 悋愆悋惡 愕愀 悋惠.. ....... 惺惆悋 惘悖惠 悋惠悋 悵悋 悋惴惘 愃惘惠 惘悖悋 愃惆惘惠 惡悋愆悋惡 惺惆惠 惺 惘悋惠 悋惠 惘悴惺惠 悒 悋惡惆悸 惠慍悴惠 愆悽惶悋 悛悽惘 愀惡惠悋 悽悋惠 忰惡惡悋 悋悵 惷忰 惡愕 悖悴悋... 惺惆悋 惺 悖 悋惘悸 惡悵 惘惘悋 悖 惠 悋愕悋悄 悖 ル 惡悋悖惺悋... 惴惘惠 悸 " 悋愕悋悄 悋悋 " Ladies first <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/random-180113083647-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> 惶悸 悋愕惆悋惠 悖悋 悵 悋惺惡悋惘悸 悋 惶悸 惺悴惡悸 忰惆惓惠 悒愀悋悋 悋惘 悋惓悋 惺愆惘 悋悋惆 悋惆悋 悋 悋 悋 愆悋惡 悒忰惆 悋悖愕惘 悋愃悸 悒忰惆 悋愀惺悋惠 悒愀悋悋鐃駿惺 忰惡 惠悋 悖愕惘悸 悖 悋愕惠 悋惺愆 悋愀惡悋惠 悋惠 惠 悒悋鐃 悋惠 悋悋惓悋 惺 悋慍悋悴 悋愆悋惡 惺悋惘惷悸 惡 悖愕惘惠 悋惠 悋惷愀惘惠 惠惆惆 惡惺惆 惡悋惘悸 悵悋 悋慍悋悴 リ惘惠 悋惷愃愀 鐃舜郊 悋愆悋惡 惺 悋惠悋悸 ... 惘惘悋 悖 悋 惘悋 悒悋 悋惠 惡悋惺 惡惺惆 悖 惓惘惠 悋惷愃愀 悽悋悋 悖 惠惘悋 惠悴悋 悒 惶悽惘悸 惺悋悸 悴惆悋 愀悸 惺 悋惡忰惘 惺惆悋 惘惘惠 悋惠悋 悋慍 悖悋 悋愆悋惡 惺悋 悋慍 惡忰悴悸 悖 悋 愕惠愀惺 悖 惘悋悋 惠惠 悖悋 悋惠悋 惺 悖 慍 悋愆悋惡 悖悋 .... 惡悋惺 慍 悋愆悋惡 愕愀 悋惠.. ....... 惺惆悋 惘悖惠 悋惠悋 悵悋 悋惴惘 愃惘惠 惘悖悋 愃惆惘惠 惡悋愆悋惡 惺惆惠 惺 惘悋惠 悋惠 惘悴惺惠 悒 悋惡惆悸 惠慍悴惠 愆悽惶悋 悛悽惘 愀惡惠悋 悽悋惠 忰惡惡悋 悋悵 惷忰 惡愕 悖悴悋... 惺惆悋 惺 悖 悋惘悸 惡悵 惘惘悋 悖 惠 悋愕悋悄 悖 ル 惡悋悖惺悋... 惴惘惠 悸 &quot; 悋愕悋悄 悋悋 &quot; Ladies first
悋愕惆悋惠 悖悋 from Asaad Adeeb
86 1 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/random-180113083647-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
Element realization types /ssuser6b96a9/element-realization-types elementrealizationtypesasaadalaaraji-180113081142
The presentation explains Quirk's grammatical description of the elements of the sentence. Sentence elements are: S V O C A Subject Verb Object Complement Adverbial --------------------------- The verb element is : Finite or Non-finite Finite verbs : relating to forms of the verb that are limited in time by a tense and (usually) show agreement with number and person of the verb. Non- Finite verbs: of verbs; having neither person nor number nor mood (as a participle or gerund or infinitive( Verb element can be 1-4 words in the sentence. The Subject -------------- The subject may be a clause as in : That she answered the question correctly pleased him. Or The subject can be a noun phrase as in: The new gas stove in the kitchen which I bought last month has a very efficient oven. The object --------------- Direct objects may be realized by the same range of structures as the subjects as in : They brought him a present. The indirect objects are realized chiefly as noun phrase as in: The boy has given the girl a flower. The complement ----------------------- Subjective complements & Objective complements may be realized by the same range of structures as the subjects as in: He was the boss. They made him the boss. In addition to that Subjective complements & Objective complements have additional possibility of being realized by adjective phrases (having an adjective as head) as in : She made him very much happy. ]]>

The presentation explains Quirk's grammatical description of the elements of the sentence. Sentence elements are: S V O C A Subject Verb Object Complement Adverbial --------------------------- The verb element is : Finite or Non-finite Finite verbs : relating to forms of the verb that are limited in time by a tense and (usually) show agreement with number and person of the verb. Non- Finite verbs: of verbs; having neither person nor number nor mood (as a participle or gerund or infinitive( Verb element can be 1-4 words in the sentence. The Subject -------------- The subject may be a clause as in : That she answered the question correctly pleased him. Or The subject can be a noun phrase as in: The new gas stove in the kitchen which I bought last month has a very efficient oven. The object --------------- Direct objects may be realized by the same range of structures as the subjects as in : They brought him a present. The indirect objects are realized chiefly as noun phrase as in: The boy has given the girl a flower. The complement ----------------------- Subjective complements & Objective complements may be realized by the same range of structures as the subjects as in: He was the boss. They made him the boss. In addition to that Subjective complements & Objective complements have additional possibility of being realized by adjective phrases (having an adjective as head) as in : She made him very much happy. ]]>
Sat, 13 Jan 2018 08:11:42 GMT /ssuser6b96a9/element-realization-types ssuser6b96a9@slideshare.net(ssuser6b96a9) Element realization types ssuser6b96a9 The presentation explains Quirk's grammatical description of the elements of the sentence. Sentence elements are: S V O C A Subject Verb Object Complement Adverbial --------------------------- The verb element is : Finite or Non-finite Finite verbs : relating to forms of the verb that are limited in time by a tense and (usually) show agreement with number and person of the verb. Non- Finite verbs: of verbs; having neither person nor number nor mood (as a participle or gerund or infinitive( Verb element can be 1-4 words in the sentence. The Subject -------------- The subject may be a clause as in : That she answered the question correctly pleased him. Or The subject can be a noun phrase as in: The new gas stove in the kitchen which I bought last month has a very efficient oven. The object --------------- Direct objects may be realized by the same range of structures as the subjects as in : They brought him a present. The indirect objects are realized chiefly as noun phrase as in: The boy has given the girl a flower. The complement ----------------------- Subjective complements & Objective complements may be realized by the same range of structures as the subjects as in: He was the boss. They made him the boss. In addition to that Subjective complements & Objective complements have additional possibility of being realized by adjective phrases (having an adjective as head) as in : She made him very much happy. <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/elementrealizationtypesasaadalaaraji-180113081142-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> The presentation explains Quirk&#39;s grammatical description of the elements of the sentence. Sentence elements are: S V O C A Subject Verb Object Complement Adverbial --------------------------- The verb element is : Finite or Non-finite Finite verbs : relating to forms of the verb that are limited in time by a tense and (usually) show agreement with number and person of the verb. Non- Finite verbs: of verbs; having neither person nor number nor mood (as a participle or gerund or infinitive( Verb element can be 1-4 words in the sentence. The Subject -------------- The subject may be a clause as in : That she answered the question correctly pleased him. Or The subject can be a noun phrase as in: The new gas stove in the kitchen which I bought last month has a very efficient oven. The object --------------- Direct objects may be realized by the same range of structures as the subjects as in : They brought him a present. The indirect objects are realized chiefly as noun phrase as in: The boy has given the girl a flower. The complement ----------------------- Subjective complements &amp; Objective complements may be realized by the same range of structures as the subjects as in: He was the boss. They made him the boss. In addition to that Subjective complements &amp; Objective complements have additional possibility of being realized by adjective phrases (having an adjective as head) as in : She made him very much happy.
Element realization types from Asaad Adeeb
2400 1 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/elementrealizationtypesasaadalaaraji-180113081142-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
Interview skills /slideshow/interview-skills-86101302/86101302 interviewskills-180113072909
A presentation about interview. The definition of interview, its types and skills needed for successful interview. ]]>

A presentation about interview. The definition of interview, its types and skills needed for successful interview. ]]>
Sat, 13 Jan 2018 07:29:09 GMT /slideshow/interview-skills-86101302/86101302 ssuser6b96a9@slideshare.net(ssuser6b96a9) Interview skills ssuser6b96a9 A presentation about interview. The definition of interview, its types and skills needed for successful interview. <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/interviewskills-180113072909-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> A presentation about interview. The definition of interview, its types and skills needed for successful interview.
Interview skills from Asaad Adeeb
4183 3 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/interviewskills-180113072909-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
https://public.slidesharecdn.com/v2/images/profile-picture.png https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/lessonplanpresentationasaad-180113084230-thumbnail.jpg?width=320&height=320&fit=bounds slideshow/lesson-plan-presentation-86102601/86102601 Lesson plan presentation https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/random-180113083647-thumbnail.jpg?width=320&height=320&fit=bounds slideshow/ss-86102495/86102495 悋愕惆悋惠 悖悋 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/elementrealizationtypesasaadalaaraji-180113081142-thumbnail.jpg?width=320&height=320&fit=bounds ssuser6b96a9/element-realization-types Element realization types