際際滷shows by User: tanvi24 / http://www.slideshare.net/images/logo.gif 際際滷shows by User: tanvi24 / 際際滷Share feed for 際際滷shows by User: tanvi24 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/profile-photo-tanvi24-48x48.jpg?cb=1522814468 AccEpT mE aS I'M WitHouT AnY DeMaNd oR ChaNgE iN mE. I'm WhaT i LooK LiKe.AnD i WanT U tO aCCepT mE As I'm aM With aLL FoLLieS. dO YoU ThiNk I HaVe AttiTuDe ProBLeM? No YoU ArE wRoNg.... iTs JuSt iF You WanT tO KnoW mE,If You WanT To Be WitH mE,iF You WanT tO bE mY fRiEnD,TheN You HavE tO BeaR mE LiKe ThiS. As FrienDs Don'T DeMaNd AnY ThInG oR anY ChaNgEs.ThEy AcCepT You aS You aRe.