狠狠撸shows by User: ukaszChruciel1 / http://www.slideshare.net/images/logo.gif 狠狠撸shows by User: ukaszChruciel1 / Mon, 28 Oct 2024 08:59:16 GMT 狠狠撸Share feed for 狠狠撸shows by User: ukaszChruciel1 2024 PHPCon - Symfony background processing /slideshow/2024-phpcon-symfony-background-processing/272806391 2024phpcon-symfonybackgroundprocessing-241028085916-55fb992b
Efektywne przetwarzanie w tle jest kluczowe dla tworzenia szybkich i skalowalnych aplikacji Symfony. W tej prezentacji om贸wimy trzy r贸偶ne techniki zarz膮dzania zadaniami w tle, od podstawowych do zaawansowanych, zapewniaj膮c, 偶e Twoje aplikacje b臋d膮 dzia艂a艂y p艂ynnie i efektywnie. Do艂膮cz do mnie, gdy zag艂臋bimy si臋 w nast臋puj膮ce metody: Podstawowe Podej艣cie z cronem: Zaczniemy od najprostszego sposobu obs艂ugi zada艅 w tle za pomoc膮 komend konsoli Symfony. Zaawansowane Podej艣cie z Symfony Messenger: Nast臋pnie odkryjemy, jak wykorzysta膰 komponent Messenger Symfony do bardziej zaawansowanego przetwarzania w tle. Jeszcze Bardziej Zaawansowane Podej艣cie: Na koniec usprawnimy nasz膮 implementacj臋, dodaj膮c dodatkowe kwestie architektoniczne. To podej艣cie uwzgl臋dnia wysok膮 dost臋pno艣膰, odporno艣膰 na b艂臋dy i obserwowalno艣膰, zapewniaj膮c, 偶e Tw贸j system poradzi sobie ze z艂o偶onymi procesami i operacjami na du偶膮 skal臋 efektywnie. Podczas prezentacji por贸wnamy wspomniane metody, dostarczymy praktycznych przyk艂ad贸w, podzielimy si臋 najlepszymi praktykami i podkre艣limy zalety i wady ka偶dej metody. Niezale偶nie od tego, czy jeste艣 nowicjuszem w Symfony, czy do艣wiadczonym deweloperem, ta sesja wyposa偶y Ci臋 w wiedz臋 i narz臋dzia potrzebne do ulepszenia zdolno艣ci przetwarzania w tle Twojej aplikacji.]]>

Efektywne przetwarzanie w tle jest kluczowe dla tworzenia szybkich i skalowalnych aplikacji Symfony. W tej prezentacji om贸wimy trzy r贸偶ne techniki zarz膮dzania zadaniami w tle, od podstawowych do zaawansowanych, zapewniaj膮c, 偶e Twoje aplikacje b臋d膮 dzia艂a艂y p艂ynnie i efektywnie. Do艂膮cz do mnie, gdy zag艂臋bimy si臋 w nast臋puj膮ce metody: Podstawowe Podej艣cie z cronem: Zaczniemy od najprostszego sposobu obs艂ugi zada艅 w tle za pomoc膮 komend konsoli Symfony. Zaawansowane Podej艣cie z Symfony Messenger: Nast臋pnie odkryjemy, jak wykorzysta膰 komponent Messenger Symfony do bardziej zaawansowanego przetwarzania w tle. Jeszcze Bardziej Zaawansowane Podej艣cie: Na koniec usprawnimy nasz膮 implementacj臋, dodaj膮c dodatkowe kwestie architektoniczne. To podej艣cie uwzgl臋dnia wysok膮 dost臋pno艣膰, odporno艣膰 na b艂臋dy i obserwowalno艣膰, zapewniaj膮c, 偶e Tw贸j system poradzi sobie ze z艂o偶onymi procesami i operacjami na du偶膮 skal臋 efektywnie. Podczas prezentacji por贸wnamy wspomniane metody, dostarczymy praktycznych przyk艂ad贸w, podzielimy si臋 najlepszymi praktykami i podkre艣limy zalety i wady ka偶dej metody. Niezale偶nie od tego, czy jeste艣 nowicjuszem w Symfony, czy do艣wiadczonym deweloperem, ta sesja wyposa偶y Ci臋 w wiedz臋 i narz臋dzia potrzebne do ulepszenia zdolno艣ci przetwarzania w tle Twojej aplikacji.]]>
Mon, 28 Oct 2024 08:59:16 GMT /slideshow/2024-phpcon-symfony-background-processing/272806391 ukaszChruciel1@slideshare.net(ukaszChruciel1) 2024 PHPCon - Symfony background processing ukaszChruciel1 Efektywne przetwarzanie w tle jest kluczowe dla tworzenia szybkich i skalowalnych aplikacji Symfony. W tej prezentacji om贸wimy trzy r贸偶ne techniki zarz膮dzania zadaniami w tle, od podstawowych do zaawansowanych, zapewniaj膮c, 偶e Twoje aplikacje b臋d膮 dzia艂a艂y p艂ynnie i efektywnie. Do艂膮cz do mnie, gdy zag艂臋bimy si臋 w nast臋puj膮ce metody: Podstawowe Podej艣cie z cronem: Zaczniemy od najprostszego sposobu obs艂ugi zada艅 w tle za pomoc膮 komend konsoli Symfony. Zaawansowane Podej艣cie z Symfony Messenger: Nast臋pnie odkryjemy, jak wykorzysta膰 komponent Messenger Symfony do bardziej zaawansowanego przetwarzania w tle. Jeszcze Bardziej Zaawansowane Podej艣cie: Na koniec usprawnimy nasz膮 implementacj臋, dodaj膮c dodatkowe kwestie architektoniczne. To podej艣cie uwzgl臋dnia wysok膮 dost臋pno艣膰, odporno艣膰 na b艂臋dy i obserwowalno艣膰, zapewniaj膮c, 偶e Tw贸j system poradzi sobie ze z艂o偶onymi procesami i operacjami na du偶膮 skal臋 efektywnie. Podczas prezentacji por贸wnamy wspomniane metody, dostarczymy praktycznych przyk艂ad贸w, podzielimy si臋 najlepszymi praktykami i podkre艣limy zalety i wady ka偶dej metody. Niezale偶nie od tego, czy jeste艣 nowicjuszem w Symfony, czy do艣wiadczonym deweloperem, ta sesja wyposa偶y Ci臋 w wiedz臋 i narz臋dzia potrzebne do ulepszenia zdolno艣ci przetwarzania w tle Twojej aplikacji. <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/2024phpcon-symfonybackgroundprocessing-241028085916-55fb992b-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> Efektywne przetwarzanie w tle jest kluczowe dla tworzenia szybkich i skalowalnych aplikacji Symfony. W tej prezentacji om贸wimy trzy r贸偶ne techniki zarz膮dzania zadaniami w tle, od podstawowych do zaawansowanych, zapewniaj膮c, 偶e Twoje aplikacje b臋d膮 dzia艂a艂y p艂ynnie i efektywnie. Do艂膮cz do mnie, gdy zag艂臋bimy si臋 w nast臋puj膮ce metody: Podstawowe Podej艣cie z cronem: Zaczniemy od najprostszego sposobu obs艂ugi zada艅 w tle za pomoc膮 komend konsoli Symfony. Zaawansowane Podej艣cie z Symfony Messenger: Nast臋pnie odkryjemy, jak wykorzysta膰 komponent Messenger Symfony do bardziej zaawansowanego przetwarzania w tle. Jeszcze Bardziej Zaawansowane Podej艣cie: Na koniec usprawnimy nasz膮 implementacj臋, dodaj膮c dodatkowe kwestie architektoniczne. To podej艣cie uwzgl臋dnia wysok膮 dost臋pno艣膰, odporno艣膰 na b艂臋dy i obserwowalno艣膰, zapewniaj膮c, 偶e Tw贸j system poradzi sobie ze z艂o偶onymi procesami i operacjami na du偶膮 skal臋 efektywnie. Podczas prezentacji por贸wnamy wspomniane metody, dostarczymy praktycznych przyk艂ad贸w, podzielimy si臋 najlepszymi praktykami i podkre艣limy zalety i wady ka偶dej metody. Niezale偶nie od tego, czy jeste艣 nowicjuszem w Symfony, czy do艣wiadczonym deweloperem, ta sesja wyposa偶y Ci臋 w wiedz臋 i narz臋dzia potrzebne do ulepszenia zdolno艣ci przetwarzania w tle Twojej aplikacji.
2024 PHPCon - Symfony background processing from 銉娿宬asz Chru銉婂iel
100 0 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/2024phpcon-symfonybackgroundprocessing-241028085916-55fb992b-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
Wprowadzenie do fundament贸w Sylius 2.0 /slideshow/wprowadzenie-do-fundamentow-sylius-2-0/272774318 phpcon2024sylius2-241027111242-cb485acb
Najnowsze wydanie Syliusa, wersja 2.0 to doskona艂a okazja, aby sprawdzi膰 co nowego s艂ycha膰 w jednym z wiod膮cych rozwi膮za艅 open-source dla e-commerce. Nie ma znaczenia, czy dopiero co zaczynasz, czy chcesz uporz膮dkowa膰 wiedz臋, kt贸r膮 zdoby艂e艣 samodzielnie na jednym z projekt贸w. Ten warsztat jest dla Ciebie! Szkolenie podzielone jest na trzy sekcje, ka偶da trwaj膮ca oko艂o dw贸ch godzin. Wraz z przerwami na lunch, kaw臋 oraz sesjami Q&A, ca艂y program trwa 8 godzin. Ka偶dy modu艂 rozpoczyna si臋 od teoretycznych podstaw, po czym nast臋puje prezentacja mo偶liwo艣ci Syliusa w okre艣lonej domenie, a ko艅czy si臋 wsp贸lnym zastosowaniem wybranych funkcjonalno艣ci w praktyce. Program jest zaprojektowany tak, aby ka偶dy uczestnik zako艅czy艂 dzie艅 z podstawowymi umiej臋tno艣ciami dostosowywania Sylius do indywidualnych potrzeb biznesowych. Od tworzenia nowych encji, przez modyfikacji istniej膮cych modeli, po konfiguracj臋 proces贸w sprzeda偶y (np. wysy艂ka w specjalnym opakowaniu) i przetwarzanie zam贸wie艅 (np. zmian臋 maszyny stan贸w). Dodatkowo, om贸wimy najnowsze funkcje dost臋pne w Sylius 2.0. Dzi臋ki name b臋dziesz na bie偶膮co z najnowszymi funkcjonalno艣ciami. Zak艂adam, 偶e znasz PHP i Symfony na 艣rednim poziomie 鈥 to Ci si臋 bardzo przyda podczas warsztatu. W ramach przygotowa膰 zaopatrz sw贸j laptop w PHP 8.3 i baz臋 danych. Preferowalnie natywnie, ale zapewni臋 te偶 艣rodowisko Dockerowe ale dostarcz臋 je w tygodniu poprzedzaj膮cym konferencj臋.]]>

Najnowsze wydanie Syliusa, wersja 2.0 to doskona艂a okazja, aby sprawdzi膰 co nowego s艂ycha膰 w jednym z wiod膮cych rozwi膮za艅 open-source dla e-commerce. Nie ma znaczenia, czy dopiero co zaczynasz, czy chcesz uporz膮dkowa膰 wiedz臋, kt贸r膮 zdoby艂e艣 samodzielnie na jednym z projekt贸w. Ten warsztat jest dla Ciebie! Szkolenie podzielone jest na trzy sekcje, ka偶da trwaj膮ca oko艂o dw贸ch godzin. Wraz z przerwami na lunch, kaw臋 oraz sesjami Q&A, ca艂y program trwa 8 godzin. Ka偶dy modu艂 rozpoczyna si臋 od teoretycznych podstaw, po czym nast臋puje prezentacja mo偶liwo艣ci Syliusa w okre艣lonej domenie, a ko艅czy si臋 wsp贸lnym zastosowaniem wybranych funkcjonalno艣ci w praktyce. Program jest zaprojektowany tak, aby ka偶dy uczestnik zako艅czy艂 dzie艅 z podstawowymi umiej臋tno艣ciami dostosowywania Sylius do indywidualnych potrzeb biznesowych. Od tworzenia nowych encji, przez modyfikacji istniej膮cych modeli, po konfiguracj臋 proces贸w sprzeda偶y (np. wysy艂ka w specjalnym opakowaniu) i przetwarzanie zam贸wie艅 (np. zmian臋 maszyny stan贸w). Dodatkowo, om贸wimy najnowsze funkcje dost臋pne w Sylius 2.0. Dzi臋ki name b臋dziesz na bie偶膮co z najnowszymi funkcjonalno艣ciami. Zak艂adam, 偶e znasz PHP i Symfony na 艣rednim poziomie 鈥 to Ci si臋 bardzo przyda podczas warsztatu. W ramach przygotowa膰 zaopatrz sw贸j laptop w PHP 8.3 i baz臋 danych. Preferowalnie natywnie, ale zapewni臋 te偶 艣rodowisko Dockerowe ale dostarcz臋 je w tygodniu poprzedzaj膮cym konferencj臋.]]>
Sun, 27 Oct 2024 11:12:42 GMT /slideshow/wprowadzenie-do-fundamentow-sylius-2-0/272774318 ukaszChruciel1@slideshare.net(ukaszChruciel1) Wprowadzenie do fundament贸w Sylius 2.0 ukaszChruciel1 Najnowsze wydanie Syliusa, wersja 2.0 to doskona艂a okazja, aby sprawdzi膰 co nowego s艂ycha膰 w jednym z wiod膮cych rozwi膮za艅 open-source dla e-commerce. Nie ma znaczenia, czy dopiero co zaczynasz, czy chcesz uporz膮dkowa膰 wiedz臋, kt贸r膮 zdoby艂e艣 samodzielnie na jednym z projekt贸w. Ten warsztat jest dla Ciebie! Szkolenie podzielone jest na trzy sekcje, ka偶da trwaj膮ca oko艂o dw贸ch godzin. Wraz z przerwami na lunch, kaw臋 oraz sesjami Q&A, ca艂y program trwa 8 godzin. Ka偶dy modu艂 rozpoczyna si臋 od teoretycznych podstaw, po czym nast臋puje prezentacja mo偶liwo艣ci Syliusa w okre艣lonej domenie, a ko艅czy si臋 wsp贸lnym zastosowaniem wybranych funkcjonalno艣ci w praktyce. Program jest zaprojektowany tak, aby ka偶dy uczestnik zako艅czy艂 dzie艅 z podstawowymi umiej臋tno艣ciami dostosowywania Sylius do indywidualnych potrzeb biznesowych. Od tworzenia nowych encji, przez modyfikacji istniej膮cych modeli, po konfiguracj臋 proces贸w sprzeda偶y (np. wysy艂ka w specjalnym opakowaniu) i przetwarzanie zam贸wie艅 (np. zmian臋 maszyny stan贸w). Dodatkowo, om贸wimy najnowsze funkcje dost臋pne w Sylius 2.0. Dzi臋ki name b臋dziesz na bie偶膮co z najnowszymi funkcjonalno艣ciami. Zak艂adam, 偶e znasz PHP i Symfony na 艣rednim poziomie 鈥 to Ci si臋 bardzo przyda podczas warsztatu. W ramach przygotowa膰 zaopatrz sw贸j laptop w PHP 8.3 i baz臋 danych. Preferowalnie natywnie, ale zapewni臋 te偶 艣rodowisko Dockerowe ale dostarcz臋 je w tygodniu poprzedzaj膮cym konferencj臋. <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/phpcon2024sylius2-241027111242-cb485acb-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> Najnowsze wydanie Syliusa, wersja 2.0 to doskona艂a okazja, aby sprawdzi膰 co nowego s艂ycha膰 w jednym z wiod膮cych rozwi膮za艅 open-source dla e-commerce. Nie ma znaczenia, czy dopiero co zaczynasz, czy chcesz uporz膮dkowa膰 wiedz臋, kt贸r膮 zdoby艂e艣 samodzielnie na jednym z projekt贸w. Ten warsztat jest dla Ciebie! Szkolenie podzielone jest na trzy sekcje, ka偶da trwaj膮ca oko艂o dw贸ch godzin. Wraz z przerwami na lunch, kaw臋 oraz sesjami Q&amp;A, ca艂y program trwa 8 godzin. Ka偶dy modu艂 rozpoczyna si臋 od teoretycznych podstaw, po czym nast臋puje prezentacja mo偶liwo艣ci Syliusa w okre艣lonej domenie, a ko艅czy si臋 wsp贸lnym zastosowaniem wybranych funkcjonalno艣ci w praktyce. Program jest zaprojektowany tak, aby ka偶dy uczestnik zako艅czy艂 dzie艅 z podstawowymi umiej臋tno艣ciami dostosowywania Sylius do indywidualnych potrzeb biznesowych. Od tworzenia nowych encji, przez modyfikacji istniej膮cych modeli, po konfiguracj臋 proces贸w sprzeda偶y (np. wysy艂ka w specjalnym opakowaniu) i przetwarzanie zam贸wie艅 (np. zmian臋 maszyny stan贸w). Dodatkowo, om贸wimy najnowsze funkcje dost臋pne w Sylius 2.0. Dzi臋ki name b臋dziesz na bie偶膮co z najnowszymi funkcjonalno艣ciami. Zak艂adam, 偶e znasz PHP i Symfony na 艣rednim poziomie 鈥 to Ci si臋 bardzo przyda podczas warsztatu. W ramach przygotowa膰 zaopatrz sw贸j laptop w PHP 8.3 i baz臋 danych. Preferowalnie natywnie, ale zapewni臋 te偶 艣rodowisko Dockerowe ale dostarcz臋 je w tygodniu poprzedzaj膮cym konferencj臋.
Wprowadzenie do fundament銉嗐偊w Sylius 2.0 from 銉娿宬asz Chru銉婂iel
18 0 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/phpcon2024sylius2-241027111242-cb485acb-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
APIP 2024 - All the Challenges of Sylius Migration to API Platform 3.pdf [REUPLOAD] /slideshow/apip-2024-all-the-challenges-of-sylius-migration-to-api-platform-3-pdf-reupload/272171187 apip2024-allthechallengesofsyliusmigrationtoapiplatform3-241003152750-dea49407
Migrating Sylius to API Platform 3 is no small feat. In this presentation, we will discuss the many challenges we faced during this complex transition and the innovative solutions we used to overcome them. This journey began with a clear goal: to leverage the robust capabilities of API Platform 3 to improve the performance and scalability of Sylius. In this talk, I will share the critical steps we took, the obstacles we encountered, and the strategies we used to overcome these challenges. We will address the following questions: What were the key technical hurdles in migrating Sylius to API Platform 3? How did we ensure compatibility and maintain data integrity throughout the migration? What were our key takeaways and best practices from this experience? Join us to gain insights from our experience, learn about common pitfalls in such migrations, and discover how to navigate them effectively. Whether you are planning a similar migration or looking to optimize your current setup, this session will provide valuable lessons and practical tips to help you succeed. This version does not contain not needed slides from the end]]>

Migrating Sylius to API Platform 3 is no small feat. In this presentation, we will discuss the many challenges we faced during this complex transition and the innovative solutions we used to overcome them. This journey began with a clear goal: to leverage the robust capabilities of API Platform 3 to improve the performance and scalability of Sylius. In this talk, I will share the critical steps we took, the obstacles we encountered, and the strategies we used to overcome these challenges. We will address the following questions: What were the key technical hurdles in migrating Sylius to API Platform 3? How did we ensure compatibility and maintain data integrity throughout the migration? What were our key takeaways and best practices from this experience? Join us to gain insights from our experience, learn about common pitfalls in such migrations, and discover how to navigate them effectively. Whether you are planning a similar migration or looking to optimize your current setup, this session will provide valuable lessons and practical tips to help you succeed. This version does not contain not needed slides from the end]]>
Thu, 03 Oct 2024 15:27:50 GMT /slideshow/apip-2024-all-the-challenges-of-sylius-migration-to-api-platform-3-pdf-reupload/272171187 ukaszChruciel1@slideshare.net(ukaszChruciel1) APIP 2024 - All the Challenges of Sylius Migration to API Platform 3.pdf [REUPLOAD] ukaszChruciel1 Migrating Sylius to API Platform 3 is no small feat. In this presentation, we will discuss the many challenges we faced during this complex transition and the innovative solutions we used to overcome them. This journey began with a clear goal: to leverage the robust capabilities of API Platform 3 to improve the performance and scalability of Sylius. In this talk, I will share the critical steps we took, the obstacles we encountered, and the strategies we used to overcome these challenges. We will address the following questions: What were the key technical hurdles in migrating Sylius to API Platform 3? How did we ensure compatibility and maintain data integrity throughout the migration? What were our key takeaways and best practices from this experience? Join us to gain insights from our experience, learn about common pitfalls in such migrations, and discover how to navigate them effectively. Whether you are planning a similar migration or looking to optimize your current setup, this session will provide valuable lessons and practical tips to help you succeed. This version does not contain not needed slides from the end <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/apip2024-allthechallengesofsyliusmigrationtoapiplatform3-241003152750-dea49407-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> Migrating Sylius to API Platform 3 is no small feat. In this presentation, we will discuss the many challenges we faced during this complex transition and the innovative solutions we used to overcome them. This journey began with a clear goal: to leverage the robust capabilities of API Platform 3 to improve the performance and scalability of Sylius. In this talk, I will share the critical steps we took, the obstacles we encountered, and the strategies we used to overcome these challenges. We will address the following questions: What were the key technical hurdles in migrating Sylius to API Platform 3? How did we ensure compatibility and maintain data integrity throughout the migration? What were our key takeaways and best practices from this experience? Join us to gain insights from our experience, learn about common pitfalls in such migrations, and discover how to navigate them effectively. Whether you are planning a similar migration or looking to optimize your current setup, this session will provide valuable lessons and practical tips to help you succeed. This version does not contain not needed slides from the end
APIP 2024 - All the Challenges of Sylius Migration to API Platform 3.pdf [REUPLOAD] from 銉娿宬asz Chru銉婂iel
7 0 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/apip2024-allthechallengesofsyliusmigrationtoapiplatform3-241003152750-dea49407-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
APIP 2024 - All the Challenges of Sylius Migration to API Platform 3.pdf /slideshow/apip-2024-all-the-challenges-of-sylius-migration-to-api-platform-3-pdf/271920854 apip2024-allthechallengesofsyliusmigrationtoapiplatform3-240920141801-2defba35
Migrating Sylius to API Platform 3 is no small feat. In this presentation, we will discuss the many challenges we faced during this complex transition and the innovative solutions we used to overcome them. This journey began with a clear goal: to leverage the robust capabilities of API Platform 3 to improve the performance and scalability of Sylius. In this talk, I will share the critical steps we took, the obstacles we encountered, and the strategies we used to overcome these challenges. We will address the following questions: What were the key technical hurdles in migrating Sylius to API Platform 3? How did we ensure compatibility and maintain data integrity throughout the migration? What were our key takeaways and best practices from this experience? Join us to gain insights from our experience, learn about common pitfalls in such migrations, and discover how to navigate them effectively. Whether you are planning a similar migration or looking to optimize your current setup, this session will provide valuable lessons and practical tips to help you succeed.]]>

Migrating Sylius to API Platform 3 is no small feat. In this presentation, we will discuss the many challenges we faced during this complex transition and the innovative solutions we used to overcome them. This journey began with a clear goal: to leverage the robust capabilities of API Platform 3 to improve the performance and scalability of Sylius. In this talk, I will share the critical steps we took, the obstacles we encountered, and the strategies we used to overcome these challenges. We will address the following questions: What were the key technical hurdles in migrating Sylius to API Platform 3? How did we ensure compatibility and maintain data integrity throughout the migration? What were our key takeaways and best practices from this experience? Join us to gain insights from our experience, learn about common pitfalls in such migrations, and discover how to navigate them effectively. Whether you are planning a similar migration or looking to optimize your current setup, this session will provide valuable lessons and practical tips to help you succeed.]]>
Fri, 20 Sep 2024 14:18:01 GMT /slideshow/apip-2024-all-the-challenges-of-sylius-migration-to-api-platform-3-pdf/271920854 ukaszChruciel1@slideshare.net(ukaszChruciel1) APIP 2024 - All the Challenges of Sylius Migration to API Platform 3.pdf ukaszChruciel1 Migrating Sylius to API Platform 3 is no small feat. In this presentation, we will discuss the many challenges we faced during this complex transition and the innovative solutions we used to overcome them. This journey began with a clear goal: to leverage the robust capabilities of API Platform 3 to improve the performance and scalability of Sylius. In this talk, I will share the critical steps we took, the obstacles we encountered, and the strategies we used to overcome these challenges. We will address the following questions: What were the key technical hurdles in migrating Sylius to API Platform 3? How did we ensure compatibility and maintain data integrity throughout the migration? What were our key takeaways and best practices from this experience? Join us to gain insights from our experience, learn about common pitfalls in such migrations, and discover how to navigate them effectively. Whether you are planning a similar migration or looking to optimize your current setup, this session will provide valuable lessons and practical tips to help you succeed. <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/apip2024-allthechallengesofsyliusmigrationtoapiplatform3-240920141801-2defba35-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> Migrating Sylius to API Platform 3 is no small feat. In this presentation, we will discuss the many challenges we faced during this complex transition and the innovative solutions we used to overcome them. This journey began with a clear goal: to leverage the robust capabilities of API Platform 3 to improve the performance and scalability of Sylius. In this talk, I will share the critical steps we took, the obstacles we encountered, and the strategies we used to overcome these challenges. We will address the following questions: What were the key technical hurdles in migrating Sylius to API Platform 3? How did we ensure compatibility and maintain data integrity throughout the migration? What were our key takeaways and best practices from this experience? Join us to gain insights from our experience, learn about common pitfalls in such migrations, and discover how to navigate them effectively. Whether you are planning a similar migration or looking to optimize your current setup, this session will provide valuable lessons and practical tips to help you succeed.
APIP 2024 - All the Challenges of Sylius Migration to API Platform 3.pdf from 銉娿宬asz Chru銉婂iel
107 0 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/apip2024-allthechallengesofsyliusmigrationtoapiplatform3-240920141801-2defba35-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
Need for Speed: Removing speed bumps from your Symfony projects 鈿★笍 /slideshow/need-for-speed-removing-speed-bumps-from-your-symfony-projects/269560310 symfonyonline-needforspeed-240607134001-0077b511
No one wants their application to drag like a car stuck in the slow lane! Yet it鈥檚 all too common to encounter bumpy, pothole-filled solutions that slow the speed of any application. Symfony apps are not an exception. In this talk, I will take you for a spin around the performance racetrack. We鈥檒l explore common pitfalls - those hidden potholes on your application that can cause unexpected slowdowns. Learn how to spot these performance bumps early, and more importantly, how to navigate around them to keep your application running at top speed. We will focus in particular on tuning your engine at the application level, making the right adjustments to ensure that your system responds like a well-oiled, high-performance race car.]]>

No one wants their application to drag like a car stuck in the slow lane! Yet it鈥檚 all too common to encounter bumpy, pothole-filled solutions that slow the speed of any application. Symfony apps are not an exception. In this talk, I will take you for a spin around the performance racetrack. We鈥檒l explore common pitfalls - those hidden potholes on your application that can cause unexpected slowdowns. Learn how to spot these performance bumps early, and more importantly, how to navigate around them to keep your application running at top speed. We will focus in particular on tuning your engine at the application level, making the right adjustments to ensure that your system responds like a well-oiled, high-performance race car.]]>
Fri, 07 Jun 2024 13:40:01 GMT /slideshow/need-for-speed-removing-speed-bumps-from-your-symfony-projects/269560310 ukaszChruciel1@slideshare.net(ukaszChruciel1) Need for Speed: Removing speed bumps from your Symfony projects 鈿★笍 ukaszChruciel1 No one wants their application to drag like a car stuck in the slow lane! Yet it鈥檚 all too common to encounter bumpy, pothole-filled solutions that slow the speed of any application. Symfony apps are not an exception. In this talk, I will take you for a spin around the performance racetrack. We鈥檒l explore common pitfalls - those hidden potholes on your application that can cause unexpected slowdowns. Learn how to spot these performance bumps early, and more importantly, how to navigate around them to keep your application running at top speed. We will focus in particular on tuning your engine at the application level, making the right adjustments to ensure that your system responds like a well-oiled, high-performance race car. <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/symfonyonline-needforspeed-240607134001-0077b511-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> No one wants their application to drag like a car stuck in the slow lane! Yet it鈥檚 all too common to encounter bumpy, pothole-filled solutions that slow the speed of any application. Symfony apps are not an exception. In this talk, I will take you for a spin around the performance racetrack. We鈥檒l explore common pitfalls - those hidden potholes on your application that can cause unexpected slowdowns. Learn how to spot these performance bumps early, and more importantly, how to navigate around them to keep your application running at top speed. We will focus in particular on tuning your engine at the application level, making the right adjustments to ensure that your system responds like a well-oiled, high-performance race car.
Need for Speed: Removing speed bumps from your Symfony projects 鈿★笍 from 艁ukasz Chru艣ciel
36 0 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/symfonyonline-needforspeed-240607134001-0077b511-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
2024 eCommerceDays Toulouse - Sylius 2.0.pdf /slideshow/2024-ecommercedays-toulouse-sylius-2-0-pdf/269558906 2024ecommercedaystoulouse-sylius2-240607120158-1e052e13
Sylius 2.0 New features Unvealing the future]]>

Sylius 2.0 New features Unvealing the future]]>
Fri, 07 Jun 2024 12:01:58 GMT /slideshow/2024-ecommercedays-toulouse-sylius-2-0-pdf/269558906 ukaszChruciel1@slideshare.net(ukaszChruciel1) 2024 eCommerceDays Toulouse - Sylius 2.0.pdf ukaszChruciel1 Sylius 2.0 New features Unvealing the future <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/2024ecommercedaystoulouse-sylius2-240607120158-1e052e13-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> Sylius 2.0 New features Unvealing the future
2024 eCommerceDays Toulouse - Sylius 2.0.pdf from 銉娿宬asz Chru銉婂iel
53 0 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/2024ecommercedaystoulouse-sylius2-240607120158-1e052e13-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
Unveiling the Future: Sylius 2.0 New Features /slideshow/unveiling-the-future-sylius-20-new-features/267351728 2024syliusday-sylius2-240419104259-24e5f024
"Unveiling the Future: Sylius 2.0 New Features" - the most anticipated update to Sylius since 2017. This is a unique chance to directly discover the new functionalities and opportunities that come with Sylius 2.0. Don't miss this exceptional opportunity to be part of the unveiling. ]]>

"Unveiling the Future: Sylius 2.0 New Features" - the most anticipated update to Sylius since 2017. This is a unique chance to directly discover the new functionalities and opportunities that come with Sylius 2.0. Don't miss this exceptional opportunity to be part of the unveiling. ]]>
Fri, 19 Apr 2024 10:42:59 GMT /slideshow/unveiling-the-future-sylius-20-new-features/267351728 ukaszChruciel1@slideshare.net(ukaszChruciel1) Unveiling the Future: Sylius 2.0 New Features ukaszChruciel1 "Unveiling the Future: Sylius 2.0 New Features" - the most anticipated update to Sylius since 2017. This is a unique chance to directly discover the new functionalities and opportunities that come with Sylius 2.0. Don't miss this exceptional opportunity to be part of the unveiling. <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/2024syliusday-sylius2-240419104259-24e5f024-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> &quot;Unveiling the Future: Sylius 2.0 New Features&quot; - the most anticipated update to Sylius since 2017. This is a unique chance to directly discover the new functionalities and opportunities that come with Sylius 2.0. Don&#39;t miss this exceptional opportunity to be part of the unveiling.
Unveiling the Future: Sylius 2.0 New Features from 銉娿宬asz Chru銉婂iel
405 0 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/2024syliusday-sylius2-240419104259-24e5f024-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
ConFoo 2024 - Need for Speed: Removing speed bumps in API Projects /slideshow/confoo-2024-need-for-speed-removing-speed-bumps-in-api-projects/266539758 2024confoo-needforspeed-240228140917-a8e19c44
No one wants their app to be slow! Yet, we all may end up with not optimal solutions that may slow down responses of API Platform-based applications. During this speech, together, we will discover typical pitfalls and how to spot them and address them. This presentation will focus on the application-level things we may change to improve our response times.]]>

No one wants their app to be slow! Yet, we all may end up with not optimal solutions that may slow down responses of API Platform-based applications. During this speech, together, we will discover typical pitfalls and how to spot them and address them. This presentation will focus on the application-level things we may change to improve our response times.]]>
Wed, 28 Feb 2024 14:09:17 GMT /slideshow/confoo-2024-need-for-speed-removing-speed-bumps-in-api-projects/266539758 ukaszChruciel1@slideshare.net(ukaszChruciel1) ConFoo 2024 - Need for Speed: Removing speed bumps in API Projects ukaszChruciel1 No one wants their app to be slow! Yet, we all may end up with not optimal solutions that may slow down responses of API Platform-based applications. During this speech, together, we will discover typical pitfalls and how to spot them and address them. This presentation will focus on the application-level things we may change to improve our response times. <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/2024confoo-needforspeed-240228140917-a8e19c44-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> No one wants their app to be slow! Yet, we all may end up with not optimal solutions that may slow down responses of API Platform-based applications. During this speech, together, we will discover typical pitfalls and how to spot them and address them. This presentation will focus on the application-level things we may change to improve our response times.
ConFoo 2024 - Need for Speed: Removing speed bumps in API Projects from 銉娿宬asz Chru銉婂iel
66 0 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/2024confoo-needforspeed-240228140917-a8e19c44-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
ConFoo 2024 - Sylius 2.0, top-notch eCommerce for customizable solution /slideshow/confoo-2024-sylius-20-topnotch-ecommerce-for-customizable-solution/266539619 2024confoo-sylius2-240228135917-6bdb58f0
Have you ever worked with eCommerce? Have you never heard about Sylius? If your answer to both questions is true, this presentation is for you! The first version of it was released in 2017 and many things have changed since then. I will present you a new version of Sylius, a prominent member of the Symfony ecosystem and top-notch eCommerce framework for your custom eCommerce needs. ]]>

Have you ever worked with eCommerce? Have you never heard about Sylius? If your answer to both questions is true, this presentation is for you! The first version of it was released in 2017 and many things have changed since then. I will present you a new version of Sylius, a prominent member of the Symfony ecosystem and top-notch eCommerce framework for your custom eCommerce needs. ]]>
Wed, 28 Feb 2024 13:59:17 GMT /slideshow/confoo-2024-sylius-20-topnotch-ecommerce-for-customizable-solution/266539619 ukaszChruciel1@slideshare.net(ukaszChruciel1) ConFoo 2024 - Sylius 2.0, top-notch eCommerce for customizable solution ukaszChruciel1 Have you ever worked with eCommerce? Have you never heard about Sylius? If your answer to both questions is true, this presentation is for you! The first version of it was released in 2017 and many things have changed since then. I will present you a new version of Sylius, a prominent member of the Symfony ecosystem and top-notch eCommerce framework for your custom eCommerce needs. <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/2024confoo-sylius2-240228135917-6bdb58f0-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> Have you ever worked with eCommerce? Have you never heard about Sylius? If your answer to both questions is true, this presentation is for you! The first version of it was released in 2017 and many things have changed since then. I will present you a new version of Sylius, a prominent member of the Symfony ecosystem and top-notch eCommerce framework for your custom eCommerce needs.
ConFoo 2024 - Sylius 2.0, top-notch eCommerce for customizable solution from 銉娿宬asz Chru銉婂iel
79 0 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/2024confoo-sylius2-240228135917-6bdb58f0-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
SyliusCon - Typical pitfalls of Sylius development.pdf /ukaszChruciel1/syliuscon-typical-pitfalls-of-sylius-developmentpdf syliuscon-typicalpitfallsofsyliusdevelopment-231106080942-fc0403ec
Together with Mateusz we've seen plenty of projects and help countless teams. Some of the problems, that we encountered could happen more often then others. And these are the problems we would like to talk with you during our session. ]]>

Together with Mateusz we've seen plenty of projects and help countless teams. Some of the problems, that we encountered could happen more often then others. And these are the problems we would like to talk with you during our session. ]]>
Mon, 06 Nov 2023 08:09:42 GMT /ukaszChruciel1/syliuscon-typical-pitfalls-of-sylius-developmentpdf ukaszChruciel1@slideshare.net(ukaszChruciel1) SyliusCon - Typical pitfalls of Sylius development.pdf ukaszChruciel1 Together with Mateusz we've seen plenty of projects and help countless teams. Some of the problems, that we encountered could happen more often then others. And these are the problems we would like to talk with you during our session. <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/syliuscon-typicalpitfallsofsyliusdevelopment-231106080942-fc0403ec-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> Together with Mateusz we&#39;ve seen plenty of projects and help countless teams. Some of the problems, that we encountered could happen more often then others. And these are the problems we would like to talk with you during our session.
SyliusCon - Typical pitfalls of Sylius development.pdf from 銉娿宬asz Chru銉婂iel
80 0 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/syliuscon-typicalpitfallsofsyliusdevelopment-231106080942-fc0403ec-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
Need for Speed: Removing speed bumps in API Projects /slideshow/need-for-speed-removing-speed-bumps-in-api-projects/261329163 needforspeed-230923112417-81214f04
No one wants their app to be slow! Yet, we all may end up with not optimal solutions that may slow down responses of API Platform-based applications. During this speech, together, we will discover typical pitfalls and how to spot them and address them. This presentation will focus on the application-level things we may change to improve our response times.]]>

No one wants their app to be slow! Yet, we all may end up with not optimal solutions that may slow down responses of API Platform-based applications. During this speech, together, we will discover typical pitfalls and how to spot them and address them. This presentation will focus on the application-level things we may change to improve our response times.]]>
Sat, 23 Sep 2023 11:24:16 GMT /slideshow/need-for-speed-removing-speed-bumps-in-api-projects/261329163 ukaszChruciel1@slideshare.net(ukaszChruciel1) Need for Speed: Removing speed bumps in API Projects ukaszChruciel1 No one wants their app to be slow! Yet, we all may end up with not optimal solutions that may slow down responses of API Platform-based applications. During this speech, together, we will discover typical pitfalls and how to spot them and address them. This presentation will focus on the application-level things we may change to improve our response times. <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/needforspeed-230923112417-81214f04-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> No one wants their app to be slow! Yet, we all may end up with not optimal solutions that may slow down responses of API Platform-based applications. During this speech, together, we will discover typical pitfalls and how to spot them and address them. This presentation will focus on the application-level things we may change to improve our response times.
Need for Speed: Removing speed bumps in API Projects from 銉娿宬asz Chru銉婂iel
569 0 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/needforspeed-230923112417-81214f04-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
SymfonyLive Online 2023 - Is SOLID dead? .pdf /slideshow/symfonylive-online-2023-is-solid-dead-pdf/258434672 symfonyliveonline2023-issoliddead-230615081153-48b0b646
In his publication describing CUPID principles, Dan North begins with the question, "If I do not think the SOLID principles are useful these days, then what would I replace them with?". This got me thinking about what I think of SOLID and how I look at it. In my presentation, I would like to break down this acronym into its components, test its usefulness with examples (based on a Symfony-based app), and consider what we can take from it. I will also try to answer the question posed in the title of the presentation. ]]>

In his publication describing CUPID principles, Dan North begins with the question, "If I do not think the SOLID principles are useful these days, then what would I replace them with?". This got me thinking about what I think of SOLID and how I look at it. In my presentation, I would like to break down this acronym into its components, test its usefulness with examples (based on a Symfony-based app), and consider what we can take from it. I will also try to answer the question posed in the title of the presentation. ]]>
Thu, 15 Jun 2023 08:11:53 GMT /slideshow/symfonylive-online-2023-is-solid-dead-pdf/258434672 ukaszChruciel1@slideshare.net(ukaszChruciel1) SymfonyLive Online 2023 - Is SOLID dead? .pdf ukaszChruciel1 In his publication describing CUPID principles, Dan North begins with the question, "If I do not think the SOLID principles are useful these days, then what would I replace them with?". This got me thinking about what I think of SOLID and how I look at it. In my presentation, I would like to break down this acronym into its components, test its usefulness with examples (based on a Symfony-based app), and consider what we can take from it. I will also try to answer the question posed in the title of the presentation. <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/symfonyliveonline2023-issoliddead-230615081153-48b0b646-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> In his publication describing CUPID principles, Dan North begins with the question, &quot;If I do not think the SOLID principles are useful these days, then what would I replace them with?&quot;. This got me thinking about what I think of SOLID and how I look at it. In my presentation, I would like to break down this acronym into its components, test its usefulness with examples (based on a Symfony-based app), and consider what we can take from it. I will also try to answer the question posed in the title of the presentation.
SymfonyLive Online 2023 - Is SOLID dead? .pdf from 銉娿宬asz Chru銉婂iel
205 0 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/symfonyliveonline2023-issoliddead-230615081153-48b0b646-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
Worldwide Software Architecture Summit'23 - BDD and why most of us do it wrong.pdf /slideshow/worldwide-software-architecture-summit23-bdd-and-why-most-of-us-do-it-wrongpdf/257998721 wsas23-bddandwhymostofusdoitwrong-230524134316-a4df4779
For the last 8 years, I'm using BDD approach in my day-to-day work. During that time, together with team we change our approach and restructurized our tests architecture serval times. After these years, I want to share with you, how you can take the best out of the BDD approach. We will see how you can deliver better, more suitable code, but also how to migrate your projects infrastructure. ]]>

For the last 8 years, I'm using BDD approach in my day-to-day work. During that time, together with team we change our approach and restructurized our tests architecture serval times. After these years, I want to share with you, how you can take the best out of the BDD approach. We will see how you can deliver better, more suitable code, but also how to migrate your projects infrastructure. ]]>
Wed, 24 May 2023 13:43:16 GMT /slideshow/worldwide-software-architecture-summit23-bdd-and-why-most-of-us-do-it-wrongpdf/257998721 ukaszChruciel1@slideshare.net(ukaszChruciel1) Worldwide Software Architecture Summit'23 - BDD and why most of us do it wrong.pdf ukaszChruciel1 For the last 8 years, I'm using BDD approach in my day-to-day work. During that time, together with team we change our approach and restructurized our tests architecture serval times. After these years, I want to share with you, how you can take the best out of the BDD approach. We will see how you can deliver better, more suitable code, but also how to migrate your projects infrastructure. <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/wsas23-bddandwhymostofusdoitwrong-230524134316-a4df4779-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> For the last 8 years, I&#39;m using BDD approach in my day-to-day work. During that time, together with team we change our approach and restructurized our tests architecture serval times. After these years, I want to share with you, how you can take the best out of the BDD approach. We will see how you can deliver better, more suitable code, but also how to migrate your projects infrastructure.
Worldwide Software Architecture Summit'23 - BDD and why most of us do it wrong.pdf from 銉娿宬asz Chru銉婂iel
36 0 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/wsas23-bddandwhymostofusdoitwrong-230524134316-a4df4779-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
4Developers - Rozterki i decyzje.pdf /ukaszChruciel1/4developers-rozterki-i-decyzjepdf 4developers-rozterkiidecyzje-230419101450-db4a2826
- Sylius rozpocz膮艂 integracj臋 z API Platform na pocz膮tku 2020. Od tego czasu pracowali艣my ci臋偶ko projektuj膮c oraz dostarczaj膮c nasze nowe API. Integracja ta zapewni艂a nam sporo do艣wiadcze艅, kt贸rymi chcia艂bym si臋 podzieli膰 w ramach mojej prezentacji. Z mojej prezentacji dowiesz si臋: - Dlaczego zaprojektowali艣my nasz system tak, a nie inaczej - Jakimi heurystykami kierowali艣my si臋 podejmuj膮c decyzje oraz jakie by艂y konsekwencje naszych wybor贸w - Jak projektowa膰 bardziej skomplikowane procesy przez API]]>

- Sylius rozpocz膮艂 integracj臋 z API Platform na pocz膮tku 2020. Od tego czasu pracowali艣my ci臋偶ko projektuj膮c oraz dostarczaj膮c nasze nowe API. Integracja ta zapewni艂a nam sporo do艣wiadcze艅, kt贸rymi chcia艂bym si臋 podzieli膰 w ramach mojej prezentacji. Z mojej prezentacji dowiesz si臋: - Dlaczego zaprojektowali艣my nasz system tak, a nie inaczej - Jakimi heurystykami kierowali艣my si臋 podejmuj膮c decyzje oraz jakie by艂y konsekwencje naszych wybor贸w - Jak projektowa膰 bardziej skomplikowane procesy przez API]]>
Wed, 19 Apr 2023 10:14:49 GMT /ukaszChruciel1/4developers-rozterki-i-decyzjepdf ukaszChruciel1@slideshare.net(ukaszChruciel1) 4Developers - Rozterki i decyzje.pdf ukaszChruciel1 - Sylius rozpocz膮艂 integracj臋 z API Platform na pocz膮tku 2020. Od tego czasu pracowali艣my ci臋偶ko projektuj膮c oraz dostarczaj膮c nasze nowe API. Integracja ta zapewni艂a nam sporo do艣wiadcze艅, kt贸rymi chcia艂bym si臋 podzieli膰 w ramach mojej prezentacji. Z mojej prezentacji dowiesz si臋: - Dlaczego zaprojektowali艣my nasz system tak, a nie inaczej - Jakimi heurystykami kierowali艣my si臋 podejmuj膮c decyzje oraz jakie by艂y konsekwencje naszych wybor贸w - Jak projektowa膰 bardziej skomplikowane procesy przez API <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/4developers-rozterkiidecyzje-230419101450-db4a2826-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> - Sylius rozpocz膮艂 integracj臋 z API Platform na pocz膮tku 2020. Od tego czasu pracowali艣my ci臋偶ko projektuj膮c oraz dostarczaj膮c nasze nowe API. Integracja ta zapewni艂a nam sporo do艣wiadcze艅, kt贸rymi chcia艂bym si臋 podzieli膰 w ramach mojej prezentacji. Z mojej prezentacji dowiesz si臋: - Dlaczego zaprojektowali艣my nasz system tak, a nie inaczej - Jakimi heurystykami kierowali艣my si臋 podejmuj膮c decyzje oraz jakie by艂y konsekwencje naszych wybor贸w - Jak projektowa膰 bardziej skomplikowane procesy przez API
4Developers - Rozterki i decyzje.pdf from 銉娿宬asz Chru銉婂iel
19 0 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/4developers-rozterkiidecyzje-230419101450-db4a2826-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
4Developers - Sylius CRUD generation revisited.pdf /slideshow/4developers-sylius-crud-generation-revisitedpdf/257469907 4developers-syliuscrudgenerationrevisited-230419101445-7439bbb0
Prawdopodobnie ka偶dy programista spotka艂 si臋 z CRUD鈥檃mi. Proste operacja na encjach mog膮 zaj膮膰 du偶o czasu i utworzy膰 sporo kodu do utrzymania bez u偶ycia odpowiednich narz臋dzi. W Syliusie rozwi膮zali艣my ten problem generycznymi implementacjami 偶yj膮cymi w komponentach Resource i Grid. Naszym ostatnim wysi艂kiem by艂o tak偶e od艣wie偶enie tych bibliotek, by przynie艣膰 wi臋cej rado艣ci programistom u偶ywaj膮cych ich. Dzi臋ki nim mo偶na znacznie skr贸ci膰 czas oraz ilo艣膰 kodu potrzebn膮 do dostarczenia warto艣ci biznesowej. Jak te komponenty u偶y膰 poza 艣rodowiskiem Syliusowym? Jakie s膮 wady i zalety tego rozwi膮zania? Jak je po艂膮czy膰 z bardziej zaawansowanymi architekturami? Prezentacja b臋dzie przedstawia膰 bezpo艣rednie przyk艂ady u偶ycia obu komponent贸w. Przeznaczona dla wszystkich programist贸w nie maj膮cych wcze艣niej styczno艣ci z kt贸rym艣 z tych komponent贸w. ]]>

Prawdopodobnie ka偶dy programista spotka艂 si臋 z CRUD鈥檃mi. Proste operacja na encjach mog膮 zaj膮膰 du偶o czasu i utworzy膰 sporo kodu do utrzymania bez u偶ycia odpowiednich narz臋dzi. W Syliusie rozwi膮zali艣my ten problem generycznymi implementacjami 偶yj膮cymi w komponentach Resource i Grid. Naszym ostatnim wysi艂kiem by艂o tak偶e od艣wie偶enie tych bibliotek, by przynie艣膰 wi臋cej rado艣ci programistom u偶ywaj膮cych ich. Dzi臋ki nim mo偶na znacznie skr贸ci膰 czas oraz ilo艣膰 kodu potrzebn膮 do dostarczenia warto艣ci biznesowej. Jak te komponenty u偶y膰 poza 艣rodowiskiem Syliusowym? Jakie s膮 wady i zalety tego rozwi膮zania? Jak je po艂膮czy膰 z bardziej zaawansowanymi architekturami? Prezentacja b臋dzie przedstawia膰 bezpo艣rednie przyk艂ady u偶ycia obu komponent贸w. Przeznaczona dla wszystkich programist贸w nie maj膮cych wcze艣niej styczno艣ci z kt贸rym艣 z tych komponent贸w. ]]>
Wed, 19 Apr 2023 10:14:45 GMT /slideshow/4developers-sylius-crud-generation-revisitedpdf/257469907 ukaszChruciel1@slideshare.net(ukaszChruciel1) 4Developers - Sylius CRUD generation revisited.pdf ukaszChruciel1 Prawdopodobnie ka偶dy programista spotka艂 si臋 z CRUD鈥檃mi. Proste operacja na encjach mog膮 zaj膮膰 du偶o czasu i utworzy膰 sporo kodu do utrzymania bez u偶ycia odpowiednich narz臋dzi. W Syliusie rozwi膮zali艣my ten problem generycznymi implementacjami 偶yj膮cymi w komponentach Resource i Grid. Naszym ostatnim wysi艂kiem by艂o tak偶e od艣wie偶enie tych bibliotek, by przynie艣膰 wi臋cej rado艣ci programistom u偶ywaj膮cych ich. Dzi臋ki nim mo偶na znacznie skr贸ci膰 czas oraz ilo艣膰 kodu potrzebn膮 do dostarczenia warto艣ci biznesowej. Jak te komponenty u偶y膰 poza 艣rodowiskiem Syliusowym? Jakie s膮 wady i zalety tego rozwi膮zania? Jak je po艂膮czy膰 z bardziej zaawansowanymi architekturami? Prezentacja b臋dzie przedstawia膰 bezpo艣rednie przyk艂ady u偶ycia obu komponent贸w. Przeznaczona dla wszystkich programist贸w nie maj膮cych wcze艣niej styczno艣ci z kt贸rym艣 z tych komponent贸w. <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/4developers-syliuscrudgenerationrevisited-230419101445-7439bbb0-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> Prawdopodobnie ka偶dy programista spotka艂 si臋 z CRUD鈥檃mi. Proste operacja na encjach mog膮 zaj膮膰 du偶o czasu i utworzy膰 sporo kodu do utrzymania bez u偶ycia odpowiednich narz臋dzi. W Syliusie rozwi膮zali艣my ten problem generycznymi implementacjami 偶yj膮cymi w komponentach Resource i Grid. Naszym ostatnim wysi艂kiem by艂o tak偶e od艣wie偶enie tych bibliotek, by przynie艣膰 wi臋cej rado艣ci programistom u偶ywaj膮cych ich. Dzi臋ki nim mo偶na znacznie skr贸ci膰 czas oraz ilo艣膰 kodu potrzebn膮 do dostarczenia warto艣ci biznesowej. Jak te komponenty u偶y膰 poza 艣rodowiskiem Syliusowym? Jakie s膮 wady i zalety tego rozwi膮zania? Jak je po艂膮czy膰 z bardziej zaawansowanymi architekturami? Prezentacja b臋dzie przedstawia膰 bezpo艣rednie przyk艂ady u偶ycia obu komponent贸w. Przeznaczona dla wszystkich programist贸w nie maj膮cych wcze艣niej styczno艣ci z kt贸rym艣 z tych komponent贸w.
4Developers - Sylius CRUD generation revisited.pdf from 銉娿宬asz Chru銉婂iel
50 0 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/4developers-syliuscrudgenerationrevisited-230419101445-7439bbb0-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
BoilingFrogs - Rozterki i decyzje. Czego si臋 nauczyli艣my projektuj膮c API Syliusa /slideshow/boilingfrogs-rozterki-i-decyzje-czego-si-nauczylimy-projektujc-api-syliusa/256705106 boilingfrogs-rozterkiidecyzje-230321101657-103fb21f
Sylius rozpocz膮艂 integracj臋 z API Platform na pocz膮tku 2020. Od tego czasu pracowali艣my ci臋偶ko projektuj膮c oraz dostarczaj膮c nasze nowe API. Integracja ta zapewni艂a nam sporo do艣wiadcze艅, kt贸rymi chcia艂bym si臋 podzieli膰 w ramach mojej prezentacji. Z mojej prezentacji dowiesz si臋: 鈥 Dlaczego zaprojektowali艣my nasz system tak, a nie inaczej 鈥 Jakimi heurystykami kierowali艣my si臋 podejmuj膮c decyzje oraz jakie by艂y konsekwencje naszych wybor贸w 鈥 Jak projektowa膰 bardziej skomplikowane procesy przez API]]>

Sylius rozpocz膮艂 integracj臋 z API Platform na pocz膮tku 2020. Od tego czasu pracowali艣my ci臋偶ko projektuj膮c oraz dostarczaj膮c nasze nowe API. Integracja ta zapewni艂a nam sporo do艣wiadcze艅, kt贸rymi chcia艂bym si臋 podzieli膰 w ramach mojej prezentacji. Z mojej prezentacji dowiesz si臋: 鈥 Dlaczego zaprojektowali艣my nasz system tak, a nie inaczej 鈥 Jakimi heurystykami kierowali艣my si臋 podejmuj膮c decyzje oraz jakie by艂y konsekwencje naszych wybor贸w 鈥 Jak projektowa膰 bardziej skomplikowane procesy przez API]]>
Tue, 21 Mar 2023 10:16:57 GMT /slideshow/boilingfrogs-rozterki-i-decyzje-czego-si-nauczylimy-projektujc-api-syliusa/256705106 ukaszChruciel1@slideshare.net(ukaszChruciel1) BoilingFrogs - Rozterki i decyzje. Czego si臋 nauczyli艣my projektuj膮c API Syliusa ukaszChruciel1 Sylius rozpocz膮艂 integracj臋 z API Platform na pocz膮tku 2020. Od tego czasu pracowali艣my ci臋偶ko projektuj膮c oraz dostarczaj膮c nasze nowe API. Integracja ta zapewni艂a nam sporo do艣wiadcze艅, kt贸rymi chcia艂bym si臋 podzieli膰 w ramach mojej prezentacji. Z mojej prezentacji dowiesz si臋: 鈥 Dlaczego zaprojektowali艣my nasz system tak, a nie inaczej 鈥 Jakimi heurystykami kierowali艣my si臋 podejmuj膮c decyzje oraz jakie by艂y konsekwencje naszych wybor贸w 鈥 Jak projektowa膰 bardziej skomplikowane procesy przez API <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/boilingfrogs-rozterkiidecyzje-230321101657-103fb21f-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> Sylius rozpocz膮艂 integracj臋 z API Platform na pocz膮tku 2020. Od tego czasu pracowali艣my ci臋偶ko projektuj膮c oraz dostarczaj膮c nasze nowe API. Integracja ta zapewni艂a nam sporo do艣wiadcze艅, kt贸rymi chcia艂bym si臋 podzieli膰 w ramach mojej prezentacji. Z mojej prezentacji dowiesz si臋: 鈥 Dlaczego zaprojektowali艣my nasz system tak, a nie inaczej 鈥 Jakimi heurystykami kierowali艣my si臋 podejmuj膮c decyzje oraz jakie by艂y konsekwencje naszych wybor贸w 鈥 Jak projektowa膰 bardziej skomplikowane procesy przez API
BoilingFrogs - Rozterki i decyzje. Czego si臋 nauczyli艣my projektuj膮c API Syliusa from 艁ukasz Chru艣ciel
158 0 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/boilingfrogs-rozterkiidecyzje-230321101657-103fb21f-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
What we've learned designing new Sylius API /slideshow/what-weve-learned-designing-new-sylius-api/256118667 confoo-dilemmasanddecisions-230226002107-c57ea652
Sylius and API Platform integration is the project that we started in early 2020. Since then, we were working hard designing, delivering and adjusting our new API. We've learned a lot and during my presentation, I would like to share our findings. During my talk, you may expect answers to following questions: How to design more complicated flows in API? Why did we design our API this way? What were our heuristics and what did we achieve? ]]>

Sylius and API Platform integration is the project that we started in early 2020. Since then, we were working hard designing, delivering and adjusting our new API. We've learned a lot and during my presentation, I would like to share our findings. During my talk, you may expect answers to following questions: How to design more complicated flows in API? Why did we design our API this way? What were our heuristics and what did we achieve? ]]>
Sun, 26 Feb 2023 00:21:06 GMT /slideshow/what-weve-learned-designing-new-sylius-api/256118667 ukaszChruciel1@slideshare.net(ukaszChruciel1) What we've learned designing new Sylius API ukaszChruciel1 Sylius and API Platform integration is the project that we started in early 2020. Since then, we were working hard designing, delivering and adjusting our new API. We've learned a lot and during my presentation, I would like to share our findings. During my talk, you may expect answers to following questions: How to design more complicated flows in API? Why did we design our API this way? What were our heuristics and what did we achieve? <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/confoo-dilemmasanddecisions-230226002107-c57ea652-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> Sylius and API Platform integration is the project that we started in early 2020. Since then, we were working hard designing, delivering and adjusting our new API. We&#39;ve learned a lot and during my presentation, I would like to share our findings. During my talk, you may expect answers to following questions: How to design more complicated flows in API? Why did we design our API this way? What were our heuristics and what did we achieve?
What we've learned designing new Sylius API from 銉娿宬asz Chru銉婂iel
129 0 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/confoo-dilemmasanddecisions-230226002107-c57ea652-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
How to optimize background processes.pdf /slideshow/how-to-optimize-background-processespdf/256118652 confoo-howtooptimizebackgroundprocesses-230226001936-74680e90
With the recent Sylius release v1.11, we've introduced a brand new feature - catalog promotions. As this feature may require processing a significant amount of data(the whole product catalog), we had to decide on async processing by default. But it does not mean that we can waste resources and not optimize the processing algorithm! We had to improve it and to do that we've been using Blackfire. ]]>

With the recent Sylius release v1.11, we've introduced a brand new feature - catalog promotions. As this feature may require processing a significant amount of data(the whole product catalog), we had to decide on async processing by default. But it does not mean that we can waste resources and not optimize the processing algorithm! We had to improve it and to do that we've been using Blackfire. ]]>
Sun, 26 Feb 2023 00:19:35 GMT /slideshow/how-to-optimize-background-processespdf/256118652 ukaszChruciel1@slideshare.net(ukaszChruciel1) How to optimize background processes.pdf ukaszChruciel1 With the recent Sylius release v1.11, we've introduced a brand new feature - catalog promotions. As this feature may require processing a significant amount of data(the whole product catalog), we had to decide on async processing by default. But it does not mean that we can waste resources and not optimize the processing algorithm! We had to improve it and to do that we've been using Blackfire. <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/confoo-howtooptimizebackgroundprocesses-230226001936-74680e90-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> With the recent Sylius release v1.11, we&#39;ve introduced a brand new feature - catalog promotions. As this feature may require processing a significant amount of data(the whole product catalog), we had to decide on async processing by default. But it does not mean that we can waste resources and not optimize the processing algorithm! We had to improve it and to do that we&#39;ve been using Blackfire.
How to optimize background processes.pdf from 銉娿宬asz Chru銉婂iel
69 0 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/confoo-howtooptimizebackgroundprocesses-230226001936-74680e90-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
SymfonyCon - Dilemmas and decisions..pdf /slideshow/symfonycon-dilemmas-and-decisionspdf/254467294 symfonycon-dilemmasanddecisions-221124164824-58b24c26
Sylius and API Platform integration is the project that we started in early 2020. Since then, we were working hard designing, delivering and adjusting our new API. We've learned a lot and during my presentation, I would like to share our findings. Why did we design our API this way? What were our heuristics and what did we achieve? How to design more complicated flows in API?]]>

Sylius and API Platform integration is the project that we started in early 2020. Since then, we were working hard designing, delivering and adjusting our new API. We've learned a lot and during my presentation, I would like to share our findings. Why did we design our API this way? What were our heuristics and what did we achieve? How to design more complicated flows in API?]]>
Thu, 24 Nov 2022 16:48:24 GMT /slideshow/symfonycon-dilemmas-and-decisionspdf/254467294 ukaszChruciel1@slideshare.net(ukaszChruciel1) SymfonyCon - Dilemmas and decisions..pdf ukaszChruciel1 Sylius and API Platform integration is the project that we started in early 2020. Since then, we were working hard designing, delivering and adjusting our new API. We've learned a lot and during my presentation, I would like to share our findings. Why did we design our API this way? What were our heuristics and what did we achieve? How to design more complicated flows in API? <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/symfonycon-dilemmasanddecisions-221124164824-58b24c26-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> Sylius and API Platform integration is the project that we started in early 2020. Since then, we were working hard designing, delivering and adjusting our new API. We&#39;ve learned a lot and during my presentation, I would like to share our findings. Why did we design our API this way? What were our heuristics and what did we achieve? How to design more complicated flows in API?
SymfonyCon - Dilemmas and decisions..pdf from 銉娿宬asz Chru銉婂iel
182 0 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/symfonycon-dilemmasanddecisions-221124164824-58b24c26-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
How to optimize background processes - when Sylius meets Blackfire /slideshow/how-to-optimize-background-processes-when-sylius-meets-blackfire/252047086 syliusmeetsblackfire-220623135610-ef626106
With the recent Sylius release v1.11, we've introduced a brand new feature - catalog promotions. As this feature may require processing a significant amount of data(the whole product catalog), we had to decide on async processing by default. But it does not mean that we can waste resources and not optimize the processing algorithm! We had to improve it and to do that we've been using Blackfire. During my presentation, I will bring you on the journey we've done to make catalog processing better from a performance point of view and beyond. The presentation will be based on real examples from Sylius. Nonetheless, its takeovers may be helpful in any Symfony app. Presentation available at: https://live.symfony.com/account/replay/video/646]]>

With the recent Sylius release v1.11, we've introduced a brand new feature - catalog promotions. As this feature may require processing a significant amount of data(the whole product catalog), we had to decide on async processing by default. But it does not mean that we can waste resources and not optimize the processing algorithm! We had to improve it and to do that we've been using Blackfire. During my presentation, I will bring you on the journey we've done to make catalog processing better from a performance point of view and beyond. The presentation will be based on real examples from Sylius. Nonetheless, its takeovers may be helpful in any Symfony app. Presentation available at: https://live.symfony.com/account/replay/video/646]]>
Thu, 23 Jun 2022 13:56:09 GMT /slideshow/how-to-optimize-background-processes-when-sylius-meets-blackfire/252047086 ukaszChruciel1@slideshare.net(ukaszChruciel1) How to optimize background processes - when Sylius meets Blackfire ukaszChruciel1 With the recent Sylius release v1.11, we've introduced a brand new feature - catalog promotions. As this feature may require processing a significant amount of data(the whole product catalog), we had to decide on async processing by default. But it does not mean that we can waste resources and not optimize the processing algorithm! We had to improve it and to do that we've been using Blackfire. During my presentation, I will bring you on the journey we've done to make catalog processing better from a performance point of view and beyond. The presentation will be based on real examples from Sylius. Nonetheless, its takeovers may be helpful in any Symfony app. Presentation available at: https://live.symfony.com/account/replay/video/646 <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/syliusmeetsblackfire-220623135610-ef626106-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> With the recent Sylius release v1.11, we&#39;ve introduced a brand new feature - catalog promotions. As this feature may require processing a significant amount of data(the whole product catalog), we had to decide on async processing by default. But it does not mean that we can waste resources and not optimize the processing algorithm! We had to improve it and to do that we&#39;ve been using Blackfire. During my presentation, I will bring you on the journey we&#39;ve done to make catalog processing better from a performance point of view and beyond. The presentation will be based on real examples from Sylius. Nonetheless, its takeovers may be helpful in any Symfony app. Presentation available at: https://live.symfony.com/account/replay/video/646
How to optimize background processes - when Sylius meets Blackfire from 銉娿宬asz Chru銉婂iel
159 0 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/syliusmeetsblackfire-220623135610-ef626106-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
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