Hi,This is nikhil sharma, 18 yrs old, livin in one of the most b'ful places of INDIA i.e. DELHI,To start with i'm Proud to be an 'INDIAN', I’m a friendly natured guy with good sense of humour, m not a fighter but i dont accept defeat that easily,i love to accept the challange(i dont take challanges to win or lose),Earlier me nt a very paitence guy bt TIME tel me dat how Can i do this,I wanna say sumthyn to my Buddy/dear if dere is ever a Gud/Bad thing will happen with u so dnt lose ur faith,me sometimes very senstive, my frenz call me an emotional fool n my sisters too, if u wanna know why? Then ask them, they will better explain it to u. I luv my family vry much. My dad is my idol. He lov