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very much taken
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i love my 2 girls kerry & lily-may millions they r my world id die with art them
from goldthorpe
It goes 1 by 1 and 2 by two everybody big up the gypsy crew...say it once say it loud im a gypsy and Im F*ckin Proud! xxx 皕亳 于 蔵留仄 仆仄 亳... 留 f旅亳 仆旅 僚 仆留 亳 留留 仆亳 仆 留从 仆 仆 留亳 仆 亳 仆旅 于 仆 留亳 仆 旅 " 蔵仆 留亳 仆亳 旅f, 旅 旅 于