Resol Holdings CO.,Ltd.(Aug 2013 - Present)
Accounting assistant manager, Accounting department, Tokyo, Japan
FenixSoft Co., Ltd. , Tokyo, Japan (Jun 2012 - Oct 2012)
Accounting assistant manager, Accounting and Financing department, Tokyo, Japan
(Jun 2012 - Oct 2012)
¡õConceptualized business plans
¡õNegotiated with bank to reduce interest rate.
¡õHandled the processing of¡¡monthly general ledger by using Kanjobugyo
¡õAssigned in the flexible-hours system project.
¡õIntroduced payroll accounting sheet by using excel for introduction of flexible-hours system
¡õReduced interest rate from 2.0% to 1.55% through negotiation.
Penta Ocean Constrution Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan(Apr/2...