*pals* bible* kids* puppies* dance* sweet corn* lolypops* physics* are my things....
___nt always da stunner,my head's in a cloud, hair doent stay in place, clumsy n spill things.....but m happy in my shoes( which are 'catwalk' stilletoes ;)
___cute flowy dress (brand-mango)+chunky bling(ebay or t-nagar stuff)+ neon balley flats( mochi) + WaRm SmIlE(bottom of ur heart)+ a x pixel camera to capture"
da mOMents"
'sweat n get ur sleeves dirty' ist*
*<week days only..wldnt bend even if u sprinkle diamonds on floor ona weekend tho:P:P>
DUDES- walt disney,albert einstein,Jesus Christ<3<3,dad<3,@tangatchy<3 ,david guetta
DAMSELS- mom(most gorgeous), mother teresa, joyce mayor
- wld