We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.
about me?
. .i'm sum1 u cAn't undrStand n0t unLesS u've kn0wn me so far. .oNe thng m0re s dat u cAn apPr0aCh me anytym n my vAlidity. . .s0unds hmMmMm? . ,heheh, aCtUalLy i'm simpLe and dEmurE buT n0w starTing 2 c0pE d reAlm of d w0rLd. . .stArtng 2 stAnd oN my owN 'c0z i'm n0t geTtng y0ungEr. . .u'L n0tice mE as sum1 hu has a smiLing faCe ,eaSy 4 u 2 apPr0aCh buT sumtyms i dO chAnge in2 sum1 u'L sAy i'm kinDa supLada . . .'daw' . .8s juz sumtyms u kn0w. . .i cAn fLow with ur patience buT f my patience has cum 2 peak,nvr ever xpct dat i'l b dEr 4 u. . .kinda mixtUre of aTtitUdEs. .