☮ Hi , welcome everyone, my name !s Saba Bani Sakher
but My Friends Call Me SoOoSoOo,,,
I'm Annoying Girl Who Simply Adores Life ♥ !!
And I'm Like who Llike me In This World .......Cuz Some people make the world SPECIAL just by being in it,,
My life is full of love and good friends
and I'm always looking for something new....
i love taking photos , videos , ...
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and um not Emo or PUNk , metal or.....eTc
and I Listen To All Good Music , No Matter What Music Genre It Is ,,,,,, ?
um just normal ^___^
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my dream is to be a DoctOr Ooneday.
I have goals in my life, i have Dreams To reach I work hard to get to where I want to be ☮
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thats my hope :
♥I may not be t