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Belgorod Region, Russian Federation Russian Federation
Professor, PhD at Belgorod State National Research University
I graduated from Kursk State Medical University in 2000 with honours. Then I was a resident (2000-2001 year) and a full-time postgraduate student (2001-2003 year) at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology (Postgraduate Faculty) at the Kursk State Medical University. In 2003 I defended a thesis Influence of the hormone contraception on the factors of anti-infectious protection of vagina and obtained a degree. Since 2003 year till 2005 I was an assistant at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Belgorod State University. Then I became a lecture, and since 2009 - associate professor. I continue my scientific researches in field of local immunity and microflora of female re
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