I'm this coz i wz that
I'm gud coz i have been bAd
I'm boring coz i have been rash
I'm quiet coz i have talked a lot
I'm sober coz i have been an idiot
I think coz i have been a fool
and as my friends say
I don't live myself coz i like living for others....
wEll this is me and i don't have any regrets with my past....
Destiny is a funny word but it alwz takes u whr u belong
仆i犖 i犖 cifid f仄 f達巽b担探k息
則旅g竜 于粒:
溝[ /\/\@/\/!k ]側座 曰 f達巽棚b探探k v.i.. 留cc亳 曰