Hold on to your words, cause talk is cheap :)
悋悋惡惆悋惺 惆 惘忰 悋惺悋悋惠
悋惠悋愕 惺 愃惆惘 悋慍悋 愀悋悋 .. 惘惶惠 惺 悴惓惓 悋悖愕惆 悋惡
Ce Qui se Fait de Grand se Fait Dans Le Silence....
facile de crtiquer d辿ficil de faire mieux ;)
-Avant de briser un coeur... regarde si tu n'es pas a l'int辿rieur !!!
Hopping for the best but expecting the worst
There are So Many People Out There Who Will Tell U That U Can`T . What U`Ve Got To Do is Turn Around Nd` Say " WATCH ME"
You are
what you see yourself to be and not what others think you
Be sure :Someday you'll be someone else cauz you won't feel the same , i