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(¸.·´ (¸.·´ (¸.·¨¯`♥ joy..
Mary Joy Tabajonda Salazar is my real name.. My friends call me Joy.. I'm friendly, Understanding, Lovable, Approachable.. I am shy type person, I always smile even if im sad..
I am desperately in love with someone whom i dont know if he appreciate the things im expressing to him and im thinking if he can return back the love Ive been giving him all the time..
1. Computers
2. Cakes
3. Chocolates
4. Ice Creams
5. Doughnuts
6. Shrimps
7. Crabs
8. Leche Flan
9. Hello Kitty
10. cyempre hndi mawawala si XX and si **** ♥♥ .. :)))