i love sm1...bt same tym h8 many1s
i like reading err profilezzzz........
it motivates me to do somethng whch i hv nvr done yet..
i m nt modest though i try 2 be..
i love teddys & kids...................
i m alwyz late bt hate latecomers
i prefer coke than pepsi.....
i hate fastfood although i m addicted to it
i spend 80% of my money on parties rests r wasted..
i dnt lyk smokers even though my best friend is a smoker..
i scarcely get irritated bcoz i dun want to waste my energy...
i am a good planner rather than a good executer...
i am acquisitive but not about making money..
i am a selfless moron but often it hurts me...
i want to grow up fast but life treats me as a child....