1. Contact...
a. Name: sanaullah mirbaher
b.Email: sunny.mirbaher@ymail.com
c.adress:bukhari muhallaH DADU
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2. Career object:
having MBBS at SMBBMU
WaNt tO be nEphrOlogist
3.sKills: CaN spEek sIndHi,uRdu aNd eNglIsh aS weLl
i knoW matHemAtic well, phSyiCs,biOloGy,chEmIstry...
Can opErAte cOmpUter
know ms wORd ,ms eXcell, ms pOwEr PoInt
//// ............. ////
4. Interests:
like tO plAy crIcKet, wAtCh moViEs,rEAd bOoKs,listen SOnGs,uSe sOciAl netWoRks lIKe fAceBooK twITtEr...
5. Referees: MY father sikandar azam mallah, sArfAraz miRabhEr,sAbIr huSsAin malLah,mohammad nAwAz mirBaHer,musHtAque ahMed mallAh,m