I don't know wt d pplzz think 'bout me..So wt i can say is only tat " I DON'T CARE"..:P
I Hate pplzzz who act Oversmart...
I Take lot of time 2 adjust wid anybody...
I LOVE 2 live wid my frnds nd 4 frnd'ship i don't consider der any previous Acheivements..
I LOVE ol those who feel comfortable wid me...nd who make me feel comfortable wid them....:)
I Never Ever go Behind Any person ...who don't like my attitude nd don't want 2 be my frnds..
MY few words 2 proudys pplzz...."Plzz don't show me ur attitude coz m not gonna buy it"
I Believe in GOD ..I am Optimistic...
I Forgive pplzzz soon, as I feel dis life is too Short nd have no time to keep on proving other as wrong nd we d only p