WELL TO BE HONEST I HAVE MADE MISTAKES IN MY LIFE,and i accepted way less than i deserve..but i've learned from my bad choices n even though der r somethngs i cn nva get bck ,i will know btr nxt time n i wont settle fr nythng less dan i deserve...one big thing about me...if u hate me,i really wont care,,thers nothing one cn do to break me apart..nothing cn do to shatter me to pieces..am too smart for that..i know all the lines..the looks..all the lies...so jst dont expct nythn frm me........dont judge me for what ma frns post on my wall..judge me only wen u know me...to be true..if you dnt like me..dnt stay around me..you be you i will be me..but will nva chnge fr ny1