*I think I'm JUST (a) man [with all the (un)necessary DRAWBACKS which make man a MAN]!
*StAuNcH BeLiEvEr In GOD!
*We live 99% of OTHERS' lives and just only 1% of OUR lives knowingly or unknowingly... how beautiful it would be if we live our lives all by ourselves to their fullest potential... driven by PURE CONSCIENCE...!
*YoU ArE ThE CrEaToR Of YoUr OwN DeStInY!
*I constantly pray to the LORD ALMIGHTY to put me always in PROPER PERSPECTIVE and give me that which 'I deserve' / 'deserve me', and take off from me that which 'I do not' / 'does not'!
*Love to love your MOTHER TONGUE because it's not only just a means of communication but also a 'Perfect Medium n Reflection of your Civiliza