"悋惶 悒 悖惆惘 悖愀惘 悖悋 惺悋惘 悒 悋惆惘 " =)
悒悵悋 悋惠 悋 惠惘惡愀 惡 惶悸 惘悋惡悸 悋 惠惠惺惡 忰悋 惠 ADD me !!!!!!
惘惡 悖惘慍 愕惠惡悋 悖悴 鏤L悛 惠莕 ~
悋悴惺 悵 悋惆鏤з悛 悖悋愕悋 惆惺 惡惺惆 悖 悖愃惡 \\
Being a dentist is awesome:
we decide who should wear a crown, we plan bridges like engineers ,we extract roots like mathematicians, we make people suffer like bankers , we are always late like brides ..
But the most fantastic of all is that we make people smile. :D Laugh to show those beautiful teeth that we've made.