Satyam...confident,attitudinal,emmmotional,friendly,caring,straight-forward n interestin r some of d adjectives dat goes hand in hand wid me.Well,I live life in my own way.
I HATE people who lie n dat too widout any justified reason.False accusations and bad behaviour r sumthin wich makes me go mad!!I love animals but in a motto in life is-ALWAYS TREAT OTHERS D WAY U WUD LYK TO BE TREATED BY THEM!
If a person understands dis simple theory,I guess d world will be a much better place to live in.
I am an ardent believer of a famous maxim "WATEVER HAPPENS,IS 4 D BEST"..n dat is y I dun regret most of d things wich i've done in ma lyf or do xcept a few..lastly,all I wanna say is