This document summarizes the efforts of an organization called Together4Good to promote health and well-being among older people in Slough, England. It lists past health talks on topics like hypertension, diabetes, and cancers. It identifies a lack of health awareness in the community as a key issue. The organization's plans for the next six months include more health talks, exercise activities, and creating awareness of common health issues and opportunities for education. It requests volunteers and input on future topics.
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T4 g launch (29th aug 2015)
1. Older people in Slough:
Living healthy, Living active, living together
Jamia Ghousia Mosque
Diamond Road, Slough
29th August, 2015
3. Past work with the community
Date Topic
19th April 2015 Hypertension; Healthy Lifestyle
16th May 2015 Diabetes; Healthy Eating
14 June 2015 Common Cancers; Exercises of Joints
5th July 2015 Cancer in women
1. Awareness about health issues/services, is a big gap in our
2. Wellbeing is about your own good health, besides education and
opportunities for children and family.
3. Collectively supporting and encouraging each other to take
responsibility for our own health.
4. Our plans for the next six months
health improvement: creating awareness, addressing
common issues collectively, facilitating collective
Education: creating awareness, facilitating learning
thereby creating opportunities
Expectations: building it together, supporting each
6. Date Topics
29th Aug. 2015 Diabetes
3rd Oct. 2015 Hypertension
31st Oct. 2015 Obesity
28th Nov. 2015 Depression
26th Dec. 2015 Urinary Incontinence
23rd Jan. 2016 Carers Act
Cancer; Osteoarthiritis; Dementia
Health talks
Question: any other issue you want ?
Best time, post zuhr?
7. Date Activity Remarks
12th Sept. 15 Taichi and joint
17th Oct. 15 Health walk Location:
14th Nov. 2015 Mild Cardio Vascular Location:
12th Dec. 2015 Location:
9th Jan. 2016 Location:
13th Feb. 2016
Health Activities
8. 1. Communication medium:
- Whatsapp group. (circulating a sheet pls pen in your contacts)
- Website/FB page
2. Volunteers from the community: young and old
Need for communication at events (health talks + activities)
Take contacts +
Hand them the set of health leaflets; become awareness points
3. Survey on health condition: (better understanding of the
problems, so we can design interventions accordingly)
- Small questionnaire, 10 min .
- We may do a phone chat with you, if OK, better
understand issues.
So, the plan?