Neke ope smjernice za izradu prezentacija, i kako ih uspje邸no prezentirati. Tips & tricks kako sve skupa uspje邸no obaviti.
Preuzeto uz dozvolu autora, dr. sc. Vedrana ege, PMF-MO, Sveuili邸ta u Zagrebu.
ta je zagaivanje, koji su tipovi zagaivanja, 邸ta su polutanti. Interaktivna prezentacija sa ukr邸tenicom, asocijacijom i zadacima koji e uenicima odr転ati pa転nju i aktivnost.
The document discusses the key components of an engine crankshaft, including the main bearings, connecting rods, counterweights, crank throws, and lubrication holes. It notes that nodular cast iron is used for less stressed crankshafts, while alloyed ductile iron materials are used for more heavily loaded crankshafts due to their high temperature resistance, fatigue resistance, hardness, strength, torsional and bending resistance, and wear resistance. It provides several references on crankshaft design and materials.
Neke ope smjernice za izradu prezentacija, i kako ih uspje邸no prezentirati. Tips & tricks kako sve skupa uspje邸no obaviti.
Preuzeto uz dozvolu autora, dr. sc. Vedrana ege, PMF-MO, Sveuili邸ta u Zagrebu.
ta je zagaivanje, koji su tipovi zagaivanja, 邸ta su polutanti. Interaktivna prezentacija sa ukr邸tenicom, asocijacijom i zadacima koji e uenicima odr転ati pa転nju i aktivnost.
The document discusses the key components of an engine crankshaft, including the main bearings, connecting rods, counterweights, crank throws, and lubrication holes. It notes that nodular cast iron is used for less stressed crankshafts, while alloyed ductile iron materials are used for more heavily loaded crankshafts due to their high temperature resistance, fatigue resistance, hardness, strength, torsional and bending resistance, and wear resistance. It provides several references on crankshaft design and materials.