when u find love,treasure it,take care of it,be true 2 it,make good use of it,because love comes unseen......n u can only see it,when it's gone
most of people told me "septi" itu........
s = sweet,smart
E = enggak sombong
P = punya banyak teman
T = tidak prnh ngomel2 he...2x
I = Imoet ^_^
orangnya bawel
rada jutek
.....tapi baik hehehe :p
teman yang tepat untuk curhat pendengar yang setia
tyus narsis.....
hem....pinter (katanya loh).............
sayang ma teman
tapi itu kata tmn2 q loh
tapi.....aq rada sedikit manja maklum the only child in my home
my be thats all about me
masih kurang sich tapi itu dlu yach