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Organization / Workplace
Ukraine Ukraine
Technology / Software / Internet
Functional testing of applications. Writing test-plans. Testing the security of applications and web sites. Debugging and analysis with Olly Debugger. Improving the crack resistance of software Automation testing framework development based on http://bugscatcher.net/buterbrod Software development for test automation based on C#: aimed to scan websites and antivirus detection (Used technologies: WPF, SILVERLIGTH, development of Internet-based services ASP.NET WebAPI, Gallio, Resharper, Telerik, Nuget). Skills development and working with databases (MS SQL, My SQL, SQLite), Entity Framework; Also experienced with the next software: - Content management systems: Joomla. - ...
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于 从亠于仆亳从舒 2020
于 从亠于仆亳从舒 2020于 从亠于仆亳从舒 2020
于 从亠于仆亳从舒 2020
于舒 亟仍 舒仍仂亞仂 仂亰于亳从: 仄亠舒 舒 仂仆仂于仆 亰舒于亟舒仆仆
于舒 亟仍 舒仍仂亞仂 仂亰于亳从: 仄亠舒 舒 仂仆仂于仆 亰舒于亟舒仆仆于舒 亟仍 舒仍仂亞仂 仂亰于亳从: 仄亠舒 舒 仂仆仂于仆 亰舒于亟舒仆仆
于舒 亟仍 舒仍仂亞仂 仂亰于亳从: 仄亠舒 舒 仂仆仂于仆 亰舒于亟舒仆仆
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亠仂亟亳仆舒 仂弍仂舒


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舒仆 仗仂亞仍礌从舒 仂仆仆仄 仍仂仄
舒仆 仗仂亞仍礌从舒 仂仆仆仄 仍仂仄舒仆 仗仂亞仍礌从舒 仂仆仆仄 仍仂仄
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