愆惠 悋悽 悋悴悋忰悸.. 悵 悖悋
悋惴惘 悴忰 悋悽 惠惺惘 惺慍惠..
悋 惠悴 悽 惴惘悋 悋 悋忰
悵 ..悋 愕 惺 悋惺慍 悋惓惡惠
I am pleasure to introduce myself to you.
I am Shamma Alkitbi,Junior majoring in Clinical Nutrition&clinical nutrition and dietetics. My hobbies are read, Writing Nabati (traditional Arabic poetry) and I am passionate about sports, particularly hourse racing &Equestrian (riding horse) I enjoy the outdoors, especially the Arabian Desert experience.
I aim to graduate as excellence with honors, to win respect and trust, to make change by leave the word