S > weet
H > appy person
A > dorable
R > eliable
M > athematically CUTE <3
heheheh aw lingaw bata.,,,
---- rrrrrrrroooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwhhhhhhhh---
aw bio 4eVer!!
: wel?
:first op all i wud! like to introdux
MAHAL selp with a nAmE
^^ ShArMaNe ^
:jUst caL mE
^^ klang2x or sham ^^
: iM 17 running 18 but BABY FACE lng
many people sai that im so young
: HALER???
NORMAL! kai baby face!!
i have fRnds like noRmal teeNager hAvE
:i lovE going out town
:or jAmmIng aRound tHe city <3
: i Do hAve coMmon attitudes aS waT u ar!
[[ TAR-LA-LA]]