I dunt say i m d best
But i m better than the rest !!
I m Stubborn & I dnt lyk ppl tellin me abt wat I shud do..
I liv my lyf on my own terms..
I du wat eva I feel lyk…be it be ryt or rong…I dun care until it fulfills my temptations.. .
Calm–headed n Self-Controlld guy…
But if…once in a blue moon…I get angry, d meter directly reaches d red zone leadin 2 aggression…den it takes tym 2 regain my cool. ..
I dunt need ur money
I wont play wid ur feelingz
I wont use u 4 ne reason
dunt giv a damn wheder u lyk it or nt
I jus xpect one thng frm u…
Nd if dats below ur standards or ur unsure abt it…
Jus 2 words 4 u…F**k Off !
Once I was vry