,about me?! >:) well... sabi nila CUTE daw ako hehe... ansabe??? hahaha
,just call me SHELLA or SHEH.. 16 years of age..
,favorite color? "BLUE" one & only haha ;)
,favorite anime? "INUYASHA" :")
,LOVE?? (special) my family, friends, and you.. >:D
,favorite hangouts after school?? haha syempre SM lapit lng ee.. ^__^ (pasaway na bata? haha) syempre after that uwi agad :3 hehe
good girl to ehh.. >.<
,I LOVE accessories, contact lenses, teddy bears, dvd`s, books, and eating ;) antakaw ee haha..
,yun lang po ;)
,thank you for reading.. :*