- Born on Jan 6, 1989 in QE Hospital, Kota Kinabalu
- Live in Kampung Marabahai, Tuaran
- The youngest from two siblings
- Got my early education in SK Pekan Tuaran & SUIS Pekan Tuaran (both attended from 1996-2001)
- Furthered my studies in SMK Badin, Tuaran (attended 2002-2006). ~nothing special during my school years though~
- Now? I’m doing TESL in UCP MARJON, UK for 3 years after spending two years doing my foundation in IP Gaya, KK.
- Listen to various kinds of music, from POP to Rock
- Like to sing (yet I really suck at it)
- Love reading ~Duhh..!! I’m forcing myself actually~ apart from surfing the internet ~social networking~
- I also have this one particular out-of-y