PythonPH 2023.09
I will present the target audience, and what I especially want to share with you all.
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Let's trace web system processes with opentelemetry djangocongress jp 2022
Migration strategies for parallel development of web applications
Easy contributable internationalization process with Sphinx @ PyCon APAC 2016Takayuki Shimizukawa
Sphinx can extract paragraphs from sphinx document and store them into gettext format translation catalog files.
Gettext format translation catalog is easy to translate from one language to other languages.
Also Sphinx support internationalization by using such catalog files.
You can use your favorite editors or services to translate your sphinx docs.
In this slide, I'll explain 3 things; (1) entire process to translate sphinx docs. (2) automation mechanism for the process. (3) tips for writing docs and translating.
Sphinx autodoc - automated api documentation - PyCon.KR 2015Takayuki Shimizukawa
Using the automated documentation feature of Sphinx, you can make with ease the extensive documentation of Python program.
You just write python function documents (docstrings), Sphinx organizes them into the document, can be converted to a variety of formats.
In this session, I'll explain a documentation procedure that uses with sphinx autodoc and autosummary extensions.
Easy contributable internationalization process with Sphinx @ pyconmy2015Takayuki Shimizukawa
Sphinx can extract paragraphs from sphinx document and store them into gettext format translation catalog files.
Gettext format translation catalog is easy to translate from one language to other languages.
Also Sphinx support internationalization by using such catalog files.
You can use your favorite editors or services to translate your sphinx docs.
In this session, I'll explain 3 things; (1) entire process to translate sphinx docs. (2) automation mechanism for the process. (3) tips, tricks and traps for writing docs and translating.