░▒▓█ /// l.a.n.g.i.t \\\ █▓▒░
just call me Shuq. simple Shuq. plain Shuq. and that's it. nothin' else. or whatever in between. that is what Faqat means. transmissions end. zzz... ***♪♫
░▒▓█ \\\ b.u.m.i /// █▓▒░
Salams to all Muslims & hello, peace be upon you. The name given is Mohd Shukur but most of his friends call him Shuq. Comes from Kuala Lumpur and currently studying in Gombak. A student of IIUM focusing on Political Science and minoring in Ulum Wahyu. One who uphold Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah and fight against Wahhabi for the rest of his life. Just a reminder... don't ever judge him if you don't really know him well ok? Please stop discrimina